I was doing my usual Thursday morning stint on Tennessee Star Report radio, when host Michael Patrick Leahy read aloud the latest news from the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) regarding the ongoing controversy concerning the dreadful slayings of six people, three of them 9-year-olds, at the Covenant School that has become something of a national scandal.
The Epoch Times’ Chase Smith has done an admirable job of reporting the content of the police statement, although suffice it to say that Leahy and I both were stunned at the extent of what appeared to us as an enduring and expanding coverup.
The most important parts of the claims by MNPD Assistant Chief Mike Hagar were that the investigation of the fatal shootings by Audrey Hale is still an “active, ongoing criminal investigation and an open matter” that wouldn’t be concluded for “12 months.”
This, although the sole perpetrator, Audrey Hale, is herself dead, shot in the midst of her heinous crimes on March 27, approaching two months ago. (I “misgender” her as “she,” although Hale identified and dressed as a male. Call me old fashioned, but unlike a certain new Supreme Court justice, I understand our sexes to have been determined for the 300,000 years of homo sapiens, and probably before, by the number of immutable X and Y chromosomes in the 30 trillion to 40 trillion cells in our bodies.)
As for the 12 months, in government speak that often expands to 24 or even 36 months and, most likely of all—in the grand tradition of the FBI, which may be calling the shots here anyway—to never.
Meanwhile, without public access to the “manifesto” and other documents, not to mention the most important of all, the toxicology report (I will explain), Gov. Bill Lee will convene a special session of the Tennessee General Assembly on Aug. 21 to, in the official word of TN.gov., “strengthen public safety and preserve constitutional rights.”
Covers its bases, no? Sounds good. But what’s really behind this is an attempt to push through Lee’s version of a so-called red flag law and probably some form of gun control, both of which most of those who voted for him would never subscribe to, and neither of which have ever been shown to be effective.
Indeed, with gun control, as in Chicago, it’s arguably the reverse. The more control, the more corpses.
At the same time, the two activist assemblymen that caused the original mishandled ruckus in the Assembly are apparently planning to raise the ante in August with yet-greater demonstrations that benefit no one but themselves.
But it’s worse. This is all being done, as I indicated, without the public knowing what really happened. In the case of the hidden toxicology report—which the police want us to believe hasn’t yet been finished after all this time—this could be lethal.
Many are justifiably upset over what may or may not be in the “manifesto.” More rumors are flying around this city than country music star Morgan Wallen has hits. And I am not against protecting some of the privacy concerns involved here.
But whatever happened or didn’t, none of it, past or present, justifies Audrey Hale’s rage killings.
We live in a time when transgenderism is metastasizing faster than any of us could have believed possible even a few years ago. It’s only a slight exaggeration to say every other family has a child suddenly thinking that the normal growing pains of adolescence mean they have gender dysphoria and that changing their sex is the solution to a happy life.
Briefly put—that’s insane.
It’s become a national, even international, insanity that leads almost always to an excruciatingly unhappy life. Witness Audrey Hale.
Before we can figure out what to do, we absolutely must know what the transgendered Hale, or her physicians, put in her body that generated so much rage that she could kill six people and evidently want to kill many more.
Is it testosterone? At what dosage? What about antidepressants, which many are now saying have significant negative side effects or create unintended outcomes?
Forget AK-47s. These or other medications that are being given almost willy-nilly may be the real murder weapons.
Does Gov. Lee know Ms. Hale’s medical history? If so, why doesn’t he tell us before urging his Assembly to enact legislation? Isn’t he concerned that others may act out in the manner of Ms. Hale, whether in Tennessee or the other 49 states? What happened in Nashville could have happened anywhere.
I don’t want to speculate further here, but I can tell you this: The left seems currently in love with the transgender movement. It’s their latest cause célèbre, no matter how many lives it destroys.
Lee should think about that as well. Why does the FBI seek to control the flow of this kind of information as they now are known to have done with Trump–Russia collusion?
The answer may be in a new kind of Durham Report. Who will do it?
Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.