The new film Sound of Freedom, whose theme is child sex trafficking, has opened to plaudits and, from the Left, perturbation. Perhaps the latter reaction to a work exposing minors’ molestation is not surprising, though, given that far too accepted today is another kind of child molestation: of the mind.
A New York father recently brought an example of this to light, too, angrily relating a story about how his nine- and seven-year-old sons were just taken to their pediatrician — and her first question to the older lad was whether he “identifies as a boy, a girl, gender fluid, or non-binary.”
The livid father pointed out that his sons had never even heard of these (unscientific and made-up) notions before and wondered if the physician was trying to plant a “seed” in the boy’s head.
What’s more, the dad states that there’s no question the doctor would’ve asked the same question of his younger son as well — had his wife not been present and intervened.
In an expletive-filled rant posted to TikTok, the New York dad recorded himself in his car as he explained his frustration that a medical professional would ask a young boy what gender he identified as.
“I just pulled over to do this video because I’m literally on fire right now,” the man named Joe started. “I just got off the phone with my wife who took my 9 and 7-year-old boys to the doctor today to get physicals for tackle football and school next year and all that other s–t.”
“My 9-year-old son went in first and the first thing this woman asks him is if he identifies as a boy, a girl, genderfluid, or non-binary. My son. He’s never heard of any of that s–t before,” the man added.
The father then called out the doctor, who the boys have been seeing their whole life, for even having to ask the question.
“You’ve been dealing with him your whole life, [sic] he is clearly a boys [sic] boy. So what are you trying to plant a f–
BPR adds to the story, writing that in the video, “the ticked-off dad then turned his anger on those who are questioning young children about their gender.”
“‘This s
*t is ridiculous and to the people out there that think there’s nothing wrong with that and I’m just a transphobe or all that s
*t, you’re f***
d up. This is bull and there’s something wrong with you,’ he bluntly told them.” (Video below. As indicated: language warning.)
This is why I homeschool and why I make sacrifices to pay for a private family practitioner.
The world has lost its mind. I’m sharing his video here because I already know his video will be taken down on Tiktok.
Unfortunately, however, information (and misinformation) imbibed cannot be unseen or unheard. As BPR also writes:
The 9-year-old went on to later ask his father questions about the incident and his dad told him not to worry about it.
“My wife handled the whole situation she (was) there with him — when I got home from work he asked questions and I just told him to not worry about it any of those questions, you’re a boy and you’re my son,” Joe told Fox News during an interview on “The Faulkner Focus” Thursday.
He said his son was confused about why the doctor thought he was a girl. The boy’s mother reassured him that he was a boy and not to worry about it because kids “can only comprehend so much at that age.”
Then there are those who don’t want to comprehend — what their agenda has wrought — so they deny reality. Somebody tweeting under the account “The JL Podcast” questioned Joe’s story’s authenticity (below). But the poster of video above, activist Sarah Fields, was quick to burst his bubble (also below).
Likewise apropos, commentator Andrea Widburg points out that not “quite three years ago, Kaiser Permanente, the largest managed care provider in America, advocated for physicians to inquire about children’s ‘gender identity.’” (The link to the proof is here.)
In other words, none of this is anything new. Another example: A pediatrician, Michelle Cretella, warned in an article title back in 2017 already, “Transgender Ideology Has Infiltrated My Field and Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse.” And she explained why even doctors opposed to the MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status, aka “transgender”) agenda may nonetheless do its bidding. Professionals “who dare to question the unscientific party line of supporting gender transition therapy,” she wrote, “will find themselves maligned and out of a job.” The same threat was used to ensure doctors would push the Covid narrative, too, do note.
This said, the problem is systemic. BPR cites a tweeter who writes that she works in the medical field, sees many teenagers, and “would say 6 out of 10 are dressing and wearing their hair like the opposite sex.” BPR also cites a man who relates that he has an eight-year-old adopted granddaughter and that “half the girls in her class already claim to be Lesbian.”
The lesson: Philosopher G.K. Chesterton once expressed affection for the Middle Ages, pointing out that they were a time when everyone (in Europe) agreed on what “really matters.” Family psychologist John Rosemond said years ago that in the early 20th century, everybody’s “values” were “explicitly the same.”
Those days are long gone.
And now, the only way to not be seduced by today’s society, or have your children mind-snatched by it, is to be ever suspicious of it. It’s safest, of course, to deal with our corruptive civilization by homeschooling and becoming your own little family nation apart. But whether going this route or not, the entire culture and its components — from the internet to the TV to the teachers to the textbooks to the physicians to the friends and even, sometimes, to the extended family — must be considered guilty till proven innocent.
This prescription, to monitor your child’s every influence, may sound like much-maligned “helicopter parenting.” But you must actually be something more: an attack helicopter. For the consequence of not being ever on guard against the enemy, may be to lose your kids to him.