The kids are back in school — just in time to be rallied in support of the United Nations’ latest effort to shackle the planet with freedom-destroying schemes that are aimed, ostensibly, at saving us all from the dread effects of “climate change.” Let the greenwashing/brainwashing begin!
Greta “How dare you!” Thunberg, the screechy, preachy, snotty, sneering, sanctimonious version of Pippi Longstocking, is back once again to lead a global mob of young climate zealots in the push to “#EndFossilFuels.”
If that crusade were to succeed, it would amount to nothing less than civilizational suicide – not to mention an energy-starvation genocide that would take the lives of billions of our fellow human beings. But Greta and her fanatical legions are oblivious to these concerns, as they race to combat a nonexistent “existential crisis.” The Swedish sensation became an immediate darling of the establishment media in 2018, when, as a 15-year-old moppet, she was pictured leading a school strike demanding that Sweden’s parliament take action against global warming. She is now 20 years old and an idol to juvenile activists the world over.
But Pippi Thunberg’s path to eco-stardom was not boosted solely by the slavish attention of Big Media. She has also benefited immensely from Big Labor. Our nation’s largest union, the National Education Association (NEA), has promoted her to millions of teachers and students as a model of heroic activism. In 2020, the union announced that the “NEA’s Highest Honor Goes to Climate Teen Activist, Greta Thunberg.” “This one voice grew to four million in just one year,” the NEA purred in tribute to Thunberg. “Today, people the world over have joined her to help save the planet.” An article titled “The ‘Greta Effect’ On Student Activism and Climate Change” in NEA Today, the union’s magazine, spins an iconic image of Thunberg as a modern Joan of Arc: “Once upon a time a courageous 16-year-old girl set out to save her planet from imminent doom from powers seemingly beyond her control. With the support of millions of other young people determined to help their planet survive, the girl sailed across an ocean on a vessel powered by the sun to take on her greatest foe.…”
It’s not difficult to see that there is plenty of appeal there for adolescent idealism — and ambition: “Cool, you mean I can rail against the rich elites while also being feted and promoted by the same rich elites, and become a global celebrity at the same time? Way cool! Sign me up!”
Can’t Read, Can Protest, Will Travel
The NEA has never shown genuine concern about the decades-long precipitous decline of academic achievement in our schools, but it is all on board with global-warming saturation studies. The militant union promotes “Climate Change Education in Every Subject,” and lauds New Jersey for being “the first state in the nation to integrate climate change standards across grade levels and content areas.” The NEA thinks it is wonderful that “the standards require climate change to be taught in health and physical education, career readiness and life literacies, computer science and design thinking, science, social studies, visual and performing arts, and world languages.”
Under the heading of “How to incorporate climate change education into your classroom,” the NEA singles out an organization called Subject to Climate as “a good resource for teachers from all over the country.” This is where the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) comes in. The Subject to Climate website prominently features 21 videos and digital articles provided by the CFR for teachers and students on climate-related subjects such as “The Paris Agreement,” “Who Is Responsible for Climate Change?” “Who Releases the Most Green House Gases?” and “Why Scientists Are Watching Greenland.”
For more than a century, the CFR has served as the premier front group promoting the New World Order schemes of the Deep State globalists. CFR leaders and members have been the key movers and shakers in establishing the United Nations, the European Union, the World Economic Forum, the Trilateral Commission, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and virtually every organization and movement pushing for world government. The CFR’s alignment with the NEA, which boasts a union membership of more than two million teachers, represents a truly alarming grab by the globalists for control of the minds of not only American children, but children worldwide. The NEA is a major player in Education International, a global confederation of teacher trade unions with 30 million members in 172 countries. Also joining the NEA in this effort is its sometime rival/sometime ally the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), which is as radical as the NEA and equally committed to the climate-cult agenda.
Need mobs of kiddies to protest fossil fuels for the television cameras? No problem: We can close the classrooms and have throngs of youngsters provide the desired drama.
UN to Kids: “Ratchet Up the Pressure”
A United Nations press release on March 16, 2023 announced that UN Secretary-General António Guterres had “called on young people everywhere to ratchet up the pressure, acknowledging their vital role keeping the world’s climate goals alive.”
“Climate change is the fight of our lives – and young people have been on the frontlines leading the charge for climate justice. The unrelenting conviction of young people is central to keeping climate goals within reach, kicking the world’s addiction to fossil fuels, and delivering climate justice,” Guterres said.
Of course, mobs need trained cadres for guidance and direction. That’s where the UN’s Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change (YAG) comes in. The UN’s website describes the YAG outfit thusly: “Convened under the auspices of the United Nations first-ever system-wide youth strategy, Youth2030, and the Our Common Agenda, the Youth Advisory Group serves as a mechanism for the Secretary-General to hear directly from young people, as the organization works to accelerate global climate action, and drive forward all 17 Sustainable Development Goals.”
In May of this year, the World Bank Group held its Youth Summit 2023, bringing young leaders from around the globe for training at the World Bank Group headquarters in Washington, D.C. Much of the focus of the summit was on climate change. Then there are the billionaire playboys of the World Economic Forum, whose Young Global Leaders are the premier virtue-signaling hypocrites of global-warming alarmism.
The children and young people of the world are being horribly misled and betrayed. The anti-fossil fuel “green” agenda so many of them are unwittingly supporting would, if implemented, doom all but the globalist elites to poverty and shortened, miserable lives.

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