Authoring the DACA amnesty, promoting “sanctuary” cities, enabling the false claim that border agents whipped migrants, and allegedly ignoring asylum fraud apparently aren’t enough for Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas. In fact, Joe Biden’s border chief is trying to outdo himself, again, with his latest woke absurdity:
He has ordered border guards to not “misgender” illegal aliens.
Whew! It certainly will be a relief to border states to learn that the millions of migrants illegally streaming into our country won’t be addressed with the “wrong” pronouns.
State of the Union reports on the story, writing that Mayorkas “has issued instructions to border guards to use ‘woke language’ and avoid presuming the correct sex and corresponding pronouns for illegal migrants.”
“This directive disregards biological sex distinctions and prioritizes individuals’ chosen gender identities,” the site continues.
“Guards are told to ask for preferred pronouns and to avoid asking about sex unless operationally necessary.”
The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project presented (below) government documents it obtained that outline the policy.
Note what the CPB documents instruct agents to avoid:
Use “he, him, she, her” pronouns until you have more information about, or provided by, the individual.
Use “Mr., Mrs., Ms., Sir, Ma’am” salutations until you have more information about the individual.
Refer to being LGBTQI+ as being a “choice” or “lifestyle.”
… Offer personal opinions.
The irony is that the directive itself is the stuff of mere “opinion,” as its prescriptions have no basis in objective reality. And respondents on X had much fun with them, too.
“Perfect!” wrote one user. “The correct terms are ‘invader’ or ‘illegal alien’… those are gender neutral!”
Another suggested using the unvarnished truth to deter future border crossers. To wit:
Maybe we need to airdrop flyers in Mexico:
“¡Bienvenido a los Estados Unidos! ¡Enseñaremos a sus hijos a ser homosexuales y transgénero! ❤️ & [kisses], Tu tío Joe!” 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
“Welcome to the U.S.! We will be teaching your kids to be homosexuals & transgenders! ❤️ & [kisses], your Uncle Joe.”
Other respondents struck a more serious note. “This is nothing more than blatant demoralization of the people who put their lives on the line to protect this nation,” stated a different tweeter. “They laugh at us and spit in our faces with this garbage.”
Then, yet another respondent issued a warning. “These people aren’t just silly children,” he wrote — “they’re dangerous to our country’s survival.”
One man who certainly would agree is Breitbart’s Neil Munro. On Monday he explained, in part, why they’re dangerous:
This war against words [e.g., pronoun manipulation] is a power grab by elites and governments because clear language allows ordinary people to impose their power on the clever elites. The elites can hide their actions amid the complexity and confusion created once words lose their clear meaning.
“All of our rights and freedoms depend on having clear meanings for terms, they depend on having clear understandings of common ideas,” lesbian activist Natasha Chart told Breitbart News. “And queer theory is the idea that having clear understandings of anything is categorically oppressive,” she added.
The demand for clarity is denied by Mayorkas’ instructions, which tell the border guards: “Some LGBTQI+ individuals may define these terms differently and the meanings of the terms may change over time.”
Munro then presented the following relevant tweet:
This manipulation of language brings to mind a warning from ancient Chinese sage Confucius (c. 551 B.C. – c. 479 B.C.). Saying that if he had the power, he’d undertake the “rectification of names” (accuracy in terminology), Confucius explained essentially that matters wouldn’t go well in society if you were lying about what you were doing; language must describe accurately the nature of things. This is why false advertising is illegal today: When people are deceived, they make poor decisions and may harm themselves and perhaps others — and part of deceiving people is using deceptive language.
Given this, should we take lightly false advertising about sex and sexuality? Is it not harmful to, for example, seduce children with the false label “transgender”? Note here that multitudes of kids now thus identify due to social contagion — and many have been irreparably mutilated via the sexual distortion treatments that go by another false label: “gender reassignment surgery.”
These labels are false, too, because people don’t have “gender” (words do), but the quality known as “sex” — and “you fundamentally can’t change sex,” as former “transsexual” Alan Finch pointed out in 2004. “Transsexualism was invented by psychiatrists.”
Realize, too, that a common language spoken in a common way is unitive; it’s a prerequisite for truly being one people. So important is this that India, with its 250-plus languages and dialects, adopted English as a co-national language (along with Hindi), despite it being the tongue of a former colonizer. And in accordance with this imperative, note a plain truth:
People don’t have pronouns.
Languages do.
And part of speaking a common language in a common way is having common pronouns. Unfortunately, this isn’t grasped by Mayorkas and his Democrats, the party of the uncommon man.
For those interested, the Fox News video below deals with the Mayorkas pronoun directive.