Innocent Americans being illegally surveilled targeted but it would of course take me all night our next guest though is a former FBI special agent Kyle sarapin who worked in Counter Intelligence until he uncovered some some chicanery some corruption some Criminal ity and the behavior by the FBI
Then he blew the whistle told members of Congress what the FBI was doing and then what do you think happened well shortly after he blew the whistle he was indefinitely suspended for telling the truth now he’s on a mission to expose the corruption at the FBI and these
Government agencies and we’re honored to have a true American Patriot on our show Kyle welcome to redacted great to see you thanks so much for having me on I feel like being on a mission is a good thing it feels good to hear that I sometimes wonder what I’m doing right
Well when we wake up in the the morning what are we doing right trying to at least Expose and and and get to the heart of the matter and share this truth with the American public and of course with your Rumble show and with your audience you’re trying to do that every
Day and I imagine you know having been in the belly of the Beast so to speak it gives you an an enormous perspective on what we’re seeing right now and I wanted to have the you on the show for a while to talk about the corruption at the FBI
Your crusade to stop it and we’ll get to that in in a minute but over the past few days actually gotten some breaking news that I want to get your context on first before we get more into your story and your history from the TSA placing innocent Americans on a terror watch
List and the federal Air Marshals sitting quietly nearby on flights because these Americans who were in Washington DC or near Washington DC on January 6th are the gravest threat to America and therefore need to be placed on terror watch lists the inability to travel freely which is a constitutional right and
Federal Air Marshals sitting by watching and watching their every movement uh what do we know about this story um this sounds like an absolute outrage and I think most Americans have no idea that this is actually happening what do we know about this so basically we know all of this
Stuff because of a group of people that are a private organization that represent in sort of like a legal way the federal air marshall service this is known as the fan inside the the law enforcement community and one in particular a woman named Sonia labosco has come forward and kind of been their
Figurehead the group is called the air Marshalls National Council it’s like an advocacy group or like it’s not quite a uh a union but something to that effect and they have been trying to dig into what happened to their agency they they obviously have been around for a very
Long time they got a big juice kind of a steroidal boost that happened after 911 to follow potential hijackers and protect the American Airways and since the January 6th you know Riot that happened at the capital in Washington DC their mission has shifted dramatically to the point where they’re not doing the
Mission that they had done for the last 20 years they are no longer following International potential terrorist they’re following around American citizens who just happen to be on flight manifest flying into the national capital region like between January 4th and January 7th of 2021 now it doesn’t
Seem like a very good use of federal resources these are highly trained federal agents that work in a linear combat environment that’s what a plane is that’s what a bus or a train is and there’s not a lot of people that train specifically for that mission set to be
Able to take back a plane that’s why you have Federal Air Marshals and so now they’re just sitting around doing surveillance missions on Americans with no allegations that they’ve been involved in a crime and that’s really wild and so many people I think probably have that same Instinct like what in the
Hell happened to this country that we suddenly knew right after you know days after January 6th that everybody there was a domestic terrorist and a white supremacist where did that narrative come from who was crafting it who was pushing out those talking points a lot of the leftist media kind of was on
Board right away and what we found out is is that through foyer requests andot lot of sort of the investigation by this uh air air Marshalls National Council they got one of the original letters that was sent from uh Benny Thompson who was the chairman of the house committee
On homeland security and he wrote a letter to the administrator of the TSA so that administrator doesn’t sound like it’s a very prestigious title but that’s the top guy at TSA his name is David bicosi and bicosi got a letter that basically said the following what are you doing to address these white
Supremacists and domestic terrorists that tried to take over our government and may try to come after and attack the inauguration of Joe Biden and what are those steps that you’re taking to inhibit their ability to get on an aircraft and that’s what he asked them that to me when you’re the oversight
Committee that has the uh you know the pur strings for a federal agency you’re essentially saying you’ve got one week to come up with a briefing telling me what your solution is to this problem and we haven’t seen that until just this week which is pretty wild the second
Piece of it is it was written 5 days after it was written on January 11th so this happened very very quickly that with no trials with no completed investigations he had already decided that they were white supremacists and that they were domestic terrorists and many of these people were never charged
With anything at all some of them have not been convicted and they are still pending but uh it turns out that that’s a real problem for me as someone who swore allegiance to the Constitution and theoretically a congressman would have as well we do have a Fifth Amendment
Right to doe process and in theory we shouldn’t be taking away your your constitutional guaranteed right to travel I did a whole piece on this for DC uh Tracy beans does a a pretty good website over there and they carried my piece which basically said that since like 1870 the United States Supreme
Court has confirmed that the uh the right to travel is actually constitutional to be able to move between states so if you’re going to deprive somebody of that right without any due process that should be a problem one would think and especially if you have a constitutional oath to protect
The Bill of Rights what additional security screenings are these people going through are they being alerted that they’re now on some special list they’re being watched that over their shoulder there’s a federal air marshall as they get up to go to to the bathroom or ask for additional peanuts that
There’s a federal Air Marshal there making sure that they are not a threat to National Security yeah it’s a kind of a yes and a no if you’re in the no then you know what’s going on if you’ve experienced it the people that have experienced it definitely know that something is a Miss
Um when they print out their boarding pass when you and I go to go jump on a flight especially if you’re going domestically in the US you can usually check in 24-hour Advance you go to United you go to Southwest whatever and you say yeah click in and put me in the
Boarding group and I’m good to go these people will find that there’s an error in trying to check in they’re unable to do that and they’ll have to actually go to the flight desk they’ll have to go to the desk outside the secured area at any
Airport they want to travel in and when they do they’re going to see wide eyes from the uh the attendant who’s standing behind the desk because it’s going to alert them that this person is on a terror watch list called quiet Skies Now Quiet Skies people may be familiar with
Because it was a big expose that the Boston Globe did in 2018 and it was such a big blowback on the department on the TSA that they ended up putting out on their website you can actually go find it right now just type in quiet Sky TSA
And you’ll see they have an official statement about what it is and in theory it’s watching potential terrorists based on all these types of metrics they do and the Intel analyst crunch all the numbers and they decide who the potential threats are that are international terrorists but in reality
What it’s become since January of 2021 is it’s just a watch of American citizens that’s no allegations of any violence or any danger when they get flagged with this quiet Skies program they’re going to see four s’s prominently displayed in at least two places on their boarding pass and that
Quad s delineator is their first tip that they’re about to have a really rough experience some times lasting hours they’re going to get aggressive and enhanced screening procedures they’re going to be physically touched sometimes even strip searched every single item that they bring with them is going to be swabbed for potential bomb
Making activity they’re going to swab every zipper of every bag of every carry-on they’ll open every pouch and they go through every single compartment and they go through this incredibly aggressive theatrical display that has no benefit to the American people interestingly enough I think the uh the
Number that Sonia lbos told me was something like half a billion dollars has been spent on this program um since they they created ated it and it’s got zero terrorists have been interdicted with so it’s completely theatrical classic TSA right right so the sad thing is these guys are going to
Go through that or these guys and gals they actually had a a big break over and and this is why I’m mentioning uncover again uncover DC did this this piece a woman named Wendy Mahoney wrote a story about the fact that an infant was placed on this Terror watch list because the
Infant is the child of two people that are on the watch list and so like an 8-month-old infant or 11-month old infant being placed on there it literally says infant on the board pass and then quad s’s people can see the the photos over on the website so this also
Should really outrage people because there’s an opportunity cost you’ve got a bunch of federal Air Marshals highly trained for a specific Mission set and now they’re babysitting a family with an infant anyone who’s ever traveled with an infant kind of knows how difficult and tough that is to do you’re not
Looking to do terrorism you’re looking to make sure your baby doesn’t make everybody on the plane miserable and uh now they’ve got like hours and hours of missing flights often times there’s a like sort of this process is the punishment type of thing and it all comes apparently out of the committee
For Homeland Security which is pretty awful to think well hopefully they if they’re going to spend all that time with the baby they’d at least you know change the diaper and take care of the baby for a while because that’s the biggest problem it’s unbelievable to me
And you know most Americans have no idea that this is happening and they are now the targets of this America you know patriotic Americans are now the target the biggest threat to democracy inter internally this is where we’re now seeing our intelligence Community we’ve heard it from secretary
My orcus of Department of Homeland Security emphatically state after on a 9/11 ceremony talking about the biggest threat to the United States is internal a demestic white supremacist terrorism uh where have we seen this though where where is the evidence that the biggest threat to the United States you worked
At the FBI is there a mountain of evidence showing that the greatest threat to the United States is from inside not in my personal experience and uh and let me let me step us back and kind of say how did we get here because I think that’s really the story is how
Did the FBI become an organization that is out there running after what we call statistical accomplishments and and running numbers that are specifically geared on the threat that this Biden Administration is interested in the uh the white supremacy threat and they’ve you know he said it multiple times he’s
Made political enemies his biggest priority based on what he said I’m just taking the guy’s own words I’m not a real political guy I never really was so this is kind of a weird story but let’s walk it back to see how did this happen and uh a friend of mine named George
Hill who’s part of my little group of FBI whistleblow we’ve kind of banded together like on this Lifeboat called the suspend bles so that we don’t end up uh you know getting squashed by this huge government agency that’s uh you know pretty dangerous and scary and what
We’ve done is we’ve done a bunch of interviews and I’ve kind of gleaned a lot he was a former Intel guy he was at the FBI for 12 years he was a supervisory Intel analyst before that he was at the NSA for 5 years and he spent
26 years also in the background working for Marine Corps um he was working for Marine Corp intelligence and then also for Naval intelligence so the guy’s got a very serious resume and I asked him a simple question and sometimes when you get that you don’t get a good answer his
Answer was was outstanding and it’s worth your audience understanding before 911 the United States had a very clear name and Mission set for what national security involved it involved protecting our constitutionally guaranteed way of life and it made sure that the constitution became you know maintained its you know Supremacy as the document
That governed the United States and nobody could take us over that was the whole point now people die in that mission and they have um I know some you may know some people give their lives in order to serve that mission set for National Security and that was part of
The goal it was like keep the fight away from the United States and protect this country on basically September 12th of 2001 that mission changed dramatically and we’ve seen that roll out over 20 years or so as it’s metastasized to a very different Mission and that mission
Was as follows no American will die at the hands of a terrorist on us soil that is the new definition of national security and once you accept a zero fail Mission no American dies from terrorist on us soil that’s going to be tyranny at some point we can look at the zero Co
Stuff they did in China when they’re welding people into their homes once you start saying that nobody can die from terrorism you have to go through and you’ve Justified all of the overreach that may happen on the federal government spectrum and so how did that creep happen I think is also worth
Discussing it starts off like this if no American can die from terrorism we need to keep an eye on the terrorists that seems pretty reasonable we don’t really have a problem with that so you’re going to look for where are the foreign terrorists where is Al-Qaeda eventually where is Isis where’s al-shabab where
Are these people where are these entities working and where the farc right in in in Latin America where are these groups working and how do we keep them out of the United States and how do we investigate them when they come here that seems okay we’re kind of okay with
That idea I think but you very quickly run out of international terrorists because one there’s not that many of them two once you found them they’re not going to come here in the same way and so they ran out of what we would call the international terrorism Mission the
FBI calls it itos the international terrorist operation section they they ran out of a mission in a big way it’s a very small chunk but they had this huge funding mandate from Congress because everybody wanted to be on the right team stopping terrorism and when they went on
To the next thing they said well where else can we find terrorism we can find them in first generation or recently naturalized American citizens who live in the United States but they ascribe to a foreign Ideology Now this is going to be really common to people it’s called homegrown violent extremist not
Everybody has a good definition of it but that’s what it is you’re born in the United States or you’re a naturalized citizen but you ascribe to those ideologies you’re an Al-Qaeda guy you’ve sworn allegiance to it even though you’re a first generation small born in um you know you’re born in Minneapolis
Let’s say so maybe you pick on that thing so now you’ve got this group of people called hves and we’re going to watch them and we do all the surveillance on them and we do the investigations on them we try to stop them from doing terrorism too okay fair
Game but once you start looking into your own house for terrorists and you run out of the international terrorists and you run out of the hves you’re going to keep trying to figure out how to use that funding because government agencies don’t exist to get smaller they’re not interested in efficiency they’re
Interested in growing their Empires and making sure they have more employees and getting a bigger budget that’s just how it works so they started looking for a thing they called dve we went from hve to dve a dve is a domestic violent extremist and that is anybody in the
First cases it was like uh people that were you know putting spikes into logging trees and they were going out and doing like radical you know fights against you know wailing or something like that they were also people that were white supremacists that were clansmen that were looking to you know
Firebomb a synagogue or something so some of those things you can kind of justify but as you try to spin up the threat and as you have more and more money that is tied up in terrorism that’s not going to the places that it ought to go you start looking for and
Making up this threat and I believe this is my personal experience and I had 20 plus what we would call like deployments they were two weeks at a time hitting high priority FBI terrorism cases that basically and I’ve said this multiple times now that the the demand for white
Supremacy is outstripping the supply of white supremacy so we have to manufacture it and the FBI has gone into this sort of game where they have a Playbook they started doing it on Muslims in the early 2000s they’ve done it on hves who are predominantly Muslim
As well and they’re now doing it on people that are fitting the conservative bill but they’re just doing the same thing over and over again and I always tell people this is a great like sort of free tip for your for your audience if you ever meet somebody generally online
Who agrees with all of your worst ideas especially the ones that might be violent even if they’re just sort of uh said in Hyperbole and then they’re not only willing to agree with you but they also want to help you enact them and they want to do it for the exact amount
Of money you happen to have that’s a fed that’s not your friend they’re going to try to help you get into a terrorism plot and that’s a good way to find yourself in federal prison probably for 20 to life and this is exactly the Playbook what’s sad is it’s been written
Uh long form by a guy named Trevor arenson who’s an author and he’s no right- Winger I mean he he works for the intercept uh but he’s a good reporter and he’s written an excellent book that was considered mandatory reading for my surveillance team when I was working
Counterterrorism the the book is called the terror factory and it’s essentially he’s got a 15-minute Ted talk so people can save themselves the book If they don’t want to buy it but it’s worth a read they can also just listen to it and he essentially lays out that plan they
Find people that are low IQ or down on their luck financially in bad situations that have some rough ideas they encourage the worst ideas they in introduce Undercovers they introduce uh Feds that are um you know conscripted whether they’re like CHS the the confidential human informant side or the
Actual credentialed federal agent and then they talk him into doing something terroristic it’s it’s literally the meme of the FBI agent wearing the Hat poking the Pepe the frog saying do a terrorism that’s what we do they’re Crea they go them into that’re creating it correct
Because that has to meet that supply and so when you create terrorism you’re basically ensuring that your budget’s going to be good so where’s the white supremacy coming from there’s a great Meme and I’m a big fan of memes because I think they say so much with so little
But there’s a guy wearing an FBI raid jacket he’s got his firearm drawn and he’s pointing down at a building and it says when the FBI finally realizes where all the terrorism is coming from and he’s pointing up and the building is the Jed gar Hoover building in Washington DC
And that’s what it is it’s coming out of the ter counterterrorism division uh out to the field and then people are doing these investigations B basically it’s the self-licking ice cream cone if you’re familiar with that sort of metaphor why does the ice cream cone exist because there needs to be ice
Cream and there’s a tongue and they both sort of feed off each other I mean it’s it’s like what happened in Michigan right I mean this is literally what happened in Michigan when you have a number of was it 12 individuals and 10 of them were feds uh going after the
Governor are I mean this is literally this is literally right out of that Playbook we love to manufacture this in order to to to to keep it going and light this fire it’s a it’s amazing when did you when you were at the FBI and you were running
Counterterrorism and you were in these surveillance Ops and you were doing these things when did you realize whoa whoa whoa whoa this is a moment when I need to step back from this and the moment that you decided to blow the whistle and you saw what the FBI was
Doing what was that moment where you you crossed the Rubicon so for for most people I think this kind of thing is always a gradual step I didn’t start doing one thing I I got into the FBI in 2016 16 and my first week at the FBI Academy they call it the
One week where they introduced you to being a federal employee I immediately found out that the FBI was not what I thought it was going to be it’s not Criminal Minds and it’s not super Elite and it’s not like the show quano where it’s the hardest grad school and the
Toughest boot camp and all this stuff it’s actually really a gentle gentleman’s course and maybe that wasn’t always the case but it was certainly easy when I was there and I had a background coming out of the military and I thought it was going to be tough I
Expected to get punch in the face on the first day that didn’t happen I was sort of let down as we went through it and so I kind of went into the FBI uh doing the five months of training at quanico thinking when is this going to get
Serious when are we going to be doing serious things with serious people and and and it didn’t happen at the Academy that’s just not the nature of the way it works when I got assigned to the Washington field office this was in late 2016 and going into 2017 I immediately
Found that I had a terrible supervisor who did an awful job she was breaking federal employment law and some other things that just made no sense so I started by reporting the small infractions that I saw I also saw there’s a a big concept that people are
Talking about now as it faces renewal called fisa 702 it’s a specific subset of the foreign intelligence surveillance act and I was assigned to basically read fisa particularly 702 fisa for like 10 hours a day here’s the catch it was in Chinese and I don’t read or speak or
Write Chinese I have no familiarity with that language whatsoever they took me out of the military where I had a background as a Airborne qualified you know dive capable uh air traffic controller with a with a a licensed paramedic skill set and so I come from this sort of interesting weird like
Morphis you know hybrid uh uh special operation background where I’m training to go and do rescues it’s a very direct action type Mission and they go you know what be good for you you’re kind of an outdoor dog you’ve slept on the ground like you’ve been to sear school and and
Done like interrogation stuff what if we put you in an office where you sat for eight hours a day 10 hours a day and just looked at Chinese F that you couldn’t understand and I thought well that’s a really good way to get me to talk like you’ll definitely break me
That way right so so here I am sitting looking at this and you now you’d assume like okay well you’re assigned to that you don’t speak the language whatever at least there’s a linguist there right and we didn’t have a linguist we had no linguist assigned to my squad and and
The fun thing was is they gave us a linguist eventually she was an Intel analyst who was a native speaker which was great and then I found out that she didn’t read Chinese she could only speak it and everything I had was in writing it was like looking at people’s email
Addresses so utterly useful and the only thing that we did with that fisa which was really scary to me and this is one of the first kind of disclosures that I started making as I was calling out the problems I saw was that we were doing what’s called reverse targeting reverse
Targeting is specifically illegal under the fisa you’re not allowed to get a fisa on one person and use it to find somebody else let’s say you had a foreign contact who happened to work for an intelligence agency but you didn’t know that the FBI might get that fza the
702 coverage they’re a non- us-based person working for a foreign Intel service we could get a 702 fisa I could write it up in the morning and we would have that we would start collecting using the NSA databases and we’d find out what that person was doing but if I
Was finding that person specifically looking for Americans that that foreign Intel person was contacting then I would be targeting the Americans it’s called reverse targeting and that’s IL legal but it’s one of the only ways that 702 fisa is most useful because if you’re a criminal investigator and you’re looking
For criminal acts and you’re trying to find people that are you know damaging United States security you don’t really care what foreign spies are doing to foreign people you care what they’re doing with us people and how those people might be compromising the United States national security Mission so
You’re only going to use that tool illegally I use it as kind of an example imagine if you’re a TSA officer since we brought them up earlier and you’re sending people through a metal detector and your job is keeping guns off aircraft and then you’re told
Your job depends on you keeping the gun off the aircraft but you’re not allowed to use the metal detector by the way everyone has to go through the metal detector but don’t use that to find guns you have to find it another way you’re gonna find guns with the metal detector
Because that’s what the tool does and that’s the way 702 fisa basically works so I started having a problem with that right away I also didn’t understand the mission set because we weren’t looking for criminal acts most you were using it to Target Americans by going around to use national security tools essentially
Tools that are I mean illegal in a way right I mean these are illegal tools then to build a criminal case against Americans because you’re targeting under the rule right it’s International so then you’re building a criminal case against an American using illegal tools am I right about that am I
Seeing this the way that they were put there’s two pieces to it part number one is it’s not necessarily a criminal case which was the biggest problem I had it’s like what are we doing why are we looking into these people and I went to
My boss and I went to my boss’s boss and I said why are we looking at these people are we looking to find a crime and they said no and I said what are we looking for and they said we’re looking for information and I said got it okay
And what is that information in Aid of and they said well then we’ll know more things and I said no no no that’s not what the information is for that’s just what happens when you have more information what do we do with the information and they said we’ll use it
To get more information and so that’s when I first started realizing the way the FBI actually works it’s got two different halves most people are familiar with the criminal investigation sort of um modality if you will the FBI as a criminal Enterprise as a criminal um law enforcement entity does
Linear investigations you can imagine this pretty easily someone commits a crime right we got to find out who did it why did they do it how did they do it all the evidence we go we bring it in front of the United States Attorney they decide to either prosecute or not if we
Prosecute we bring them in for a plea deal they plea or not and then we may take it to court and then a jury or a judge is going to decide what happens and then that’s pretty much it there may be some appeals but essentially that’s
The job it’s linear at the end of it someone either ends up in prison or doesn’t and that’s criminal investigations pretty straightforward but if you start looking at what intelligence investigations are this is going to be counterterrorism and Counter Intelligence what their job is is to find information on a Target who does
That Target talk to what do they do what do they know who do they interact with all these kind of things what are their bank accounts look like okay now you found out who some of their friends are now we can spin off a new circle on that
Person we can spin off a new circle on that person they’re all circular and they are not going towards a specific goal because like any other Circle it starts and then it never has to end and they literally do this for years years the first so 10 or so cases that I was
Signed when I got to the Washington field office were absolute garbage there’s no other way to say it and I can’t even say it nicely but it’s it’s they were trash they were obviously BS right up front to me and I said let me just go interview this guy I can tell
You exactly what’s going on I’ve read every serial in the case File there are hundreds of of updates to this case and at the end of it after reading all of them I know exactly what’s happening this guy was lazy when he filled out his background check form and they said no
If you go talk to him then then he’ll know and I go yeah well then we can close the case though and they’re like well you’re not trying to close the case you need to have eight cases open for your file review and so this is that you’re doing
Things in order simply to exist it’s like why uh there there’s a a concept I think in Oregon they do it they definitely do it in New Jersey that uh there’s somebody that pumps gas for you you can’t it’s all it’s all served by an attendant right right and I remember
Asking a guy one time when I was driving up on the East Coast I said why do you pump the gas when I can pump the gas and he said people need jobs right and this is essentially why the intelligence apparatus functions the way it does is
It leading towards a mission set or a goal that’s going to do something kinetic no it’s not it’s simply we need to have a job to be able to look at things and then the scary thing is should they uncover some criminality then they know that forever they’re
Always going to know it’s an an FBI file and then they can build a criminal case in what’s called parallel construction and your audience may be familiar with that the idea is is that I’ve gleaned some information about you using national security tools that I cannot use for a criminal investigation they’re
Not admissible in court but know that stuff is there so now I can go write a search warrant and get them in a lawful way for criminal prosecution because I found them in a different way I found them using the kind of things that Snowden was kind of warning about I
Found them using things called like national security letters which is a subpoena that is secret that the FBI field office signs off on I found out all your bank records I saw some weird let’s say I was looking at you for Chinese counterintelligence I thought maybe you were working with the Chinese
But I find out that you got a bunch of money coming in and you’re actually doing mortgage fraud I now have that information and I Know It And should it be a big enough deal I could go investigate it and I could parallel construct that criminal case to be able
To prosecute you for something that had nothing to do with what I was looking at I just know it now and I’m not going to unkn it help me understand this though not being a lawyer if the if the big piece of this is inadmissible and you discover this and it’s inadmissible how
Then are you able to make that leap to get a warrant to investigate mortgage fraud how how will how would a judge sign off on on a warrant to go or whoever you know would sign off on a warrant to allow them to go do that investigation two pieces number one is
That judges are very lenient about FBI writing uh affidavits if anybody’s been following the January 6 stuff like many of them are totally illogical and they’ll sign off on it anyway because it’s the FBI what the FBI wouldn’t lie to us so they don’t even often read the
Affidavit if you go and put your name to it it’ll oftentimes be signed off on that’s part one they’re given a lot of credibility just by being the agency but the second piece of it which may be more uh sort of difficult for people to to
Handle when you have tools that can go in let’s say I can I can use x-ray vision and I can look inside what’s in your safe and I see that you have an unlicensed machine gun in your safe I’m not allowed to do that that’s a violation of your Fourth Amendment right
Right I need to have a search warrant to go looking through there but I’m using this technology and I find out that you’ve got a machine gun in that safe so now I’ve identified you as a machine gun owner that needs to be prosecuted I can
Go and find people that know you and I can find a source that can cooperate oh yeah you know what I’ve heard him talk about he’s got a secret gun and his safe I found this you can build that probable cause in parallel construction you already know what you’re trying to find
Because you know it’s there it’s much easier to find something once you know it already exists so I can go find other ways to source that information whether it be a human Source whether it be other Financial records I could write a subpoena in a different case I could
Open an allegation I can find someone that makes an allegation against you I can allege that you did it and we open up that criminal case and it moves in parallel to the National Security I already know it’s there I know I’m going
To find it and so even if I have like a kind of a a shadier written search warrant if I have weaker probable cause and the judge gives me the benefit of Doubt because I’m in the FBI they’re going to be validated because I’m going
To find the thing that I think I’m going to find because I already know it’s there and that’s where it gets really dangerous the judge is not looking bad they have no egg on their face they’re like yeah you wrote a search warrant it might have been a little bit thin but
Sure enough there it is there’s that machine gun it was in the safe just like you said and that to me is the biggest danger of a weaponized Federal agency that has Law Enforcement abilities right right but it also but it also has Intelligence capabilities in all of
Human history that would be referred to as a secret police if you have you know extrajudicial abilities to do searches but you have the ability to lock somebody up with a badge and a gun and the and the sort of nominal legitimacy of the state you are a secret police and
It’s happened in every single tyranny that’s ever existed they always had them right exactly just look at Portugal in a revolution in 1974 and the secret police you know I mean this was it’s at the heart of all of them it’s you know it’s it’s using these using these tools to go
And search and it is tyranny to search your own citizenry in this way when you brought this to the FBI when you brought brought this to your superiors and you blew the whistle on you brought this to members of Congress what did they say what did they do is this still in place
Today oh yeah it’s definitely still in place that’s number one but my my that was kind of my first inkling that there was something going wrong and basically the answer is am I going to be able to fix this as one guy as a gs1 which is
The lowest rank I’m you know I’m just getting out of probation nobody cares what you have to say do they just move you somewhere else so I said is there a way I can not be part of this like I have an ethical problem with this I’m
Going to be complaining about it but like you know when you’re a guy who’s lived in the military when you when you understand sort of a hierarchical view of things you go through the chain of command if the chain of command doesn’t do something it’s not like it’s obvious
To you that you’re going to go go to a member of Congress that never occurred to me at that time to be honest with you and so I was like just get me out of here I don’t want to do this I don’t want to participate I don’t to be part
Of this operation and I got myself assigned to this counterterrorism um in they’re a surveillance team and they’re not prestigious in any way I don’t want to let let people think that it is they call them themselves the Special Operations group in more op you know it should be called the special
Observations group we basically watched criminal subjects cuz we were armed and they were potentially armed and we would do MS-13 surveillance we would do white collar fraud but we had a specific amount of money and mandate that said if there was a priority counterterrorism case then we would go to those and we
Shipped all over the country like I said I saw white supremacists or alleged white supremacists uh people who are racists are actually allowed to be like that in the US it turns out but we would go and investigate them and we would go and watch them and see who they met with
And took pictures of them and got license plates and patterned out their movements and so on and help build the case so I did that for three years and some of the stuff even though you kind of go these are BS cases we were doing them in an ethical way
Which I felt okay about and the second thing is is that you don’t have any sort of um you don’t have any expectation of privacy about where you drive anybody could follow you if they can follow you and we did we didn’t use any secret methods it was like me with my eyeballs
A set of binoculars and a car uh and a radio with a team and so we would follow people around that were potentially a threat we would try to sus out whether they were or not often times that would be actually exculpatory which is not a
Bad thing for Americans in general so I did that for a little while but that gets old sitting in a car for eight hours a day and peeing in a bottle is like you know there’s a shelf life of that and I sort of went to the edge of
It my it’s my college road trips coming back from University of Pittsburgh I know all about it I know all about it that’s exactly right I told people I said I used to sneak my uh my pea bottle actually onto the list of like all the expensive gear that the uh the
Executives would buy for us they’d have me do these dog and pony shows so I’d go into this hanger and we’d have a big table and I’d lay out like night vision and here’s these specialized cameras and here’s all this stuff and I’d put it all
Out there you know uh weapons and and body armor and i’ would always leave like an empty bottle of lemonade from Simply lemonade because it’s got a really good cap on it that’s really important it’s big yeah it’s big you got to have you got to have a certain siiz
Mouth you got to have a good cap and you got to be able to grab it with gloves on that’s really you know if it falls over you don’t want it to spill in the car these are like the critical things you I love that the FBI would pay that you
Would expense report that that the FBI was paying for that I’m actually totally fine with that but the the the money spending on surveilling Americans and doing all of these nefarious things I’m not but but your pea bottle I’m okay with yeah well I paid for the PE bottle
Out of my pocket that’s the other that’s the sick irony of all of it right that’s my own money I would just sneak it onto there because I would always tell them I said you know you can do surveillance with basically you need a couple of
Items you need a human being you need a cup of coffee and you need a pea bottle everything else is negotiable radio binoculars cameras all that stuff can be done but as long as you get the pee bottle and the cup of coffee you can
Stay awake and you can pee in a bottle you can be there all day so I used to do that uh like I said shelf life that’s that’s you know if you do that sometimes 16 days in a row and I did I would fly to somewhere and literally work 14 to 16
Days in a row I did it in Portland uh in an undercover or what they call low visibility surveillance role for the antifa stuff we did it all over DC I’ve done it in Pensacola I’ve done it in Alaska I’ve been out to New Mexico I’ve been all over the United States doing
This kind of mission and some of them are good and some of them are complete BS it just turns out that’s what they are um after the shelf life kind of expired I was like I need to get out of DC I need to get away from all this
Nonsense and I took a voluntary transfer to Los crusis New Mexico which many people don’t know is in the United States it actually is uh New Mexico is an American state I found people going like oh is that extra territorial it’s like right do you not have a map no it’s
Not when I lived in West Virginia people were flying into New York they they were surprised that West Virginia is actually a state they thought it was Western Virginia so yeah there it is New Mexico is a state yeah that’s right it turns out and Los cruus even though it sounds
Like it might be in Mexico is not it’s actually in the United States so I lived there and I worked in this little thing and I got an opportunity to do something that nobody wants to do in the bureau or most people don’t which was work on Indian reservations and do major crime
Investigations and to sexual assaults and murders and um death investigations and so on and that’s not a very prestigious role you could see I’m like I’m the guy that was like seeking the bottom I want to find whatever the like the least interesting thing is to the
Headquarters units so I could just be left alone and do something that I thought was morally righteous which it was but while I’m there I end up getting an email which is what set me on this path of not having an FBI job anymore
And the email was uh sent to me by one of the supervisors in the office who clearly had a problem with it but didn’t say anything to anybody publicly and it said that the FBI was going to be looking into parents that were at Schoolboard meetings and protesting now
The fun thing about this particular whistleblower disclosure which went public in uh November of 2021 Jim Jordan famously made it public to people that the FBI was doing this thing it was called the edu officials threat tag um the idea was a lot of people think that the whistleblowing activity was saying
That the FBI was abusing its powers and going after parents at school boards that’s actually not the case there actually is a purview for the FBI although stupid and we would probably disagree with the the the resources you actually can investigate a parent Who’s involved at a school board making what are called
Interstate threats that’s a violation of federal law it’s a dumb one it doesn’t rise to the level of FBI interactions but you could justify it and we often did if they were considered a quote unquote threat to life what I said was the Attorney General of the United
States had had told Congress under sworn testimony that he would not be using counterterrorism resources in order to investigate parents at Schoolboard meetings and the email was directly from the assistant director of the counter terrorism Division and that to me was the major problem the problem was it
Looked like the Attorney General had perjured himself about the use of resources we talk about you know criminal versus National Security using National Security resources to go after basically a low-level felony Interstate threat case is not a good thing to do and so that made it political in my mind
But more importantly it made it look like he had committed perjury so I went to my member of Congress in the second district of New Mexico and I said this is a problem and by the way this is a thing about fisa that I’ve reported up
My chain of command that’s never been so here’s 702 problems and by the way here’s a couple of other weird things that are going on and I made like a host of whistleblower disclosures that lasted for over 2 hours and they took four pages of notes front and back they just
Sat there and wrote down notes after you know you can tell I can talk so I did and I just gave them everything that looked like a problem I said look these are problems and we need to deal with it and interestingly enough not four weeks earlier we had also gotten word that
There was going to be a federal mandate in order to require all federal employees to take the covid vaccines and I didn’t want to do that I had a a very specific religious problem with it I’m a pro-life Catholic I’ve been raised in the Catholic church and my wife and I
Got more and more religious as this went on and so as that came up I was like look I have I have a a legitimate objection under title 7 a sincerely held belief that these were developed in a way using fetal cell lines that is that is uh antithetical to my belief system
And so I sore out in affidavit like you’re allowed to do and I gave it to the human resources department and I said I’m requesting a religious exemption they don’t have to accommodate your religion but they have to at least entertain it and then they can decide
Whether or not it burdens the government the government never evaluated my religious accommodation request four weeks later I’m in my congressman’s office congresswoman’s office actually and giving this disclosure and then a couple days after that I was told that I could no longer come back into the
Office unless I took a covid test every 72 hours and now at this point I’ve been a paramedic for over a decade I have a top secret clearance and I have 280 hours of sick leave I’m very very capable of staying at home with a box of
Kleenex in the middle of the so-called pandemic that was going on like just let me stay home right I I should be able to figure that out or take my security clearance and that’s what they actually opted to do they kicked me out of the office for about uh from from November
23rd of 21 until March 4th of 22 they brought me back for six weeks they took me from the lowest priority Indian Reservation case they assigned me considered me a national security threat and put me on the National Security Squad and then they put me in a corner
And assigned me no work for six weeks and then took my badge and my gun and in the interim I found out that the chief legal division guy in the Albuquerque office called Headquarters and no way that he would have known this but I found out about this call and he
Said I got a guy who’s refusing the covid vaccine and he’s a whistleblower what should we do with him they reached out to a friend of mine who they had no way of knowing was a friend of mine there was no connection to us whatsoever it just was a a happen stance connection
That we were connected and he called me up and he said they just asked about you and I said well what did you say he said I said they should promote you which we both laughed about and then and then they came down and took my badge in my
Gun and that happened in April of 2022 um in September of 22 I decided that since my badge my gun my authorities my paycheck were gone I was going to sell my house which we did and I left the closing table and I drove to
The airport my wife drove off we had no home they drove she drove off to go stay with my parents which we did for six months and I flew to Miami I took a car up and I sat down with Dan Bonino who many people will know and I did an
Interview with Dan Bonino that basically launched me into a public Spectrum where I was going to be talking about FBI malfeasance and because of that and because of those decisions we also ended up exposing a whole bunch of other stuff like the fact that were targeting Catholics they were targeting uh
Veterans and people who have you know Betsy Ross Flags or gadon flags that they were targeting uh people for Miss and disinformation under claiming it was an election violation election law violation so I started exposing a whole bunch of stuff and I’ve started working the journalistic space because of that
Basically like an unpaid government transparency sort of activist if you will which is kind of a funny thing to find yourself doing but uh knowing that the FBI would never take me back after that happened so now that you’re on the other side of this what kind of a
Response have you gotten from other FBI agents we’ve seen a number of whistleblowers coming forward to uh you know you you’ve banded together with this these uh these suspend bles right um to to to come together and blow the whistle and to make us aware of what’s
Going on inside the FBI but have you heard now from a lot of other FBI agents saying this place is corrupt and and trying to get information out about it or have you gotten a lot of blowback um have they really tried to come after you
That’s kind of a mixed bag I think uh interestingly enough we had them come after us the Inspection Division came after us which is the internal affairs unit that investigates internally they called it the office of professional responsibility and the IIA the internal affairs intake unit and the two of them
Investigated me and my friend Steve friend my buddy Garrett oo and they threw them all out on their face as well but we found out they were actually trying to pursue these sort of BS charges they have additional authorities if you’re actually an FBI employee so in
April of this year I actually had to resign from a job that I hadn’t been paid for for a year because they considered me an employee and were using that as a special privilege to investigate me under these madeup things they claimed it was a misdemeanor
Violation of federal law for me to have a picture of the FBI’s symbol on a wrecking ball that was hitting a brick wall of the American flag that was on my podcast and they said that I was using their symbol in a in a way that violated
Federal law I mean if you can just imagine how absurd that is come there yeah because they love to drum up any they like guys we got to find something can you his podcast art let’s go after that that’s that’s I mean imagine FBI agents spending their time that’s what
They probably all signed out to do they really wanted to go out but the number one rule in the FBI is you got to protect the FBI and the number one sin is that you’ve you know sort of defamed the FBI so I committed that sin no doubt
About it and as I said like the first week I was at the FBI Academy I kind of thought like how am I going to do 20 years in this job my buddy and I have still have this conversation he’s still an agent but the blowback has been a lot
Of people tuck and run they do the turtle routine where they say my paycheck and my pension are on the line I’ve got to hide and I’ve got to keep my head down and maybe I can make it to retirement so a lot of people did that
Including my boss in New Mexico who I thought was a good guy he literally told me I agree with the stance you’re taking I don’t think you should have to test for Co every 72 hours but I retire in 2 and a half years and I’ve got a mortgage
And I’ve got an alimony that I got to pay to an ex-wife so I can’t take a stand with you so you’re out of luck so when people tell you to your face I appreciate the honesty to be honest with you I don’t I don’t disrespect that that
Was his position I sort of feel pity for someone that says my honor or my Integrity is worth 150 $160,000 a year that’s sad uh especially if you’re in your late 40s and you’ve lived most of your life and you kind of have already gotten to this point and that’s what
You’re that’s what you’re worth but the other option was that people started coming to us and we developed a group of people that are kind of in that suspendable category and we’re doing something that nobody I think has ever done before which is that on accident I
Created a network of people that were like-minded that wanted to expose malfant because none of us wanted to take that covid vaccine we all had the same exact things involved we were all pro-life Christians that was the unifying thing and everybody that got together we had hundred of them come
Together in an encrypted app where we spoke back and forth we shared what the policies were that were completely illogical in one office they were doing it one way and another office they were doing another way in one place I would have to wear a mask and another I could
Come in and I never had a test and it was based on office to office peace meal enforcement so we share that and we started doing that they were also able to find all these violations of policy and so what we’ve been exposing has not been classified information a real insid
Or threat issue nobody there is a traitor or or you know a terrorist to the US government what they’re doing is they’re showing that they are not keeping their own word that they’re violating Their Own federal policies in unclassified ways even though they violate policy to expose it and they’re
Using me and my buddy Steve friend and my friend Garrett oo and George Hill as I referenced earlier as sort of conduits to be able to get these to members of Congress because we’ve got a pipeline directly to people like Jim Jordan and Chuck Grassley and so on and they don’t
Have to expose themselves by coming through us we put them in touch it’s like here’s an encrypted email you guys go through you send it off to Congress you know if they need to talk to somebody or get a statement we’re happy to do it and uh and it keeps their heads
Down so we’re kind of working an intelligent operation if you will against the FBI in some ways but for the good of the people which is to say like we just want to expose Mal it’s not partisan it has nothing to do with who’s in power right because this stuff was
Going on under Donald Trump it’s obviously going on under Biden it definitely happened under Obama and it’s slowly been getting that way because the FBI serves the FBI not any particular political Master it just turns out that the political left kind of has the Reigns right now so there is a deep
State right there is a an unelected permanent government that’s controlling things and whether it’s at the CM or the FBI there is a deep state is there not there is uh I think deep state is one of those sexy terms that people got to get the wrong idea about if you imagine just
The words when people think about it capital D capital S deep state they’re imagining um they’re imagining more like the cancer man from The X Files you remember smoking man yeah like just you don’t know who he is the mar we don’t know his name he’s just there smoking
Pulling the pulling the pulling the strings right that’s right the cancer man and the overcoat and he’s in a room full of other guys in Overcoat and they’re all old white guys that have nefarious ideas they’re like what people think CL Schwab probably does from the world economic Forum they’re just you
Know they’re Bond villains hanging out in a dark office making you know dark proclamations to to lead the federal government and I don’t think that’s really what goes on although there probably are some of those figures we just are not going to know what they are um the Deep state is really the
Administrative State and that is the state of administration it’s deep in so much as the bench is deep in the way that you might have three starting pitchers that’s a deep roster of people that are willing to do the same thing it’s the reason why a guy like James
Baker who people found out was in the Twitter files and was shielding the doj from the inquiries that were going on during you know um taibe and shellenberger sort of inquest into the Twitter files well James Baker is a deep State guy he started with the doj in the
Early 90s and he spent 30 years of his life working for that organization he doesn’t need to be given orders to protect the doj it’s his entire reputation it’s all he knows all of his friends work there he spent his whole life there 30 you know straight years
Working for for a group of people and they all have the same kind of ideas the Deep state is unelected bureaucrats and a bureaucrat is somebody that has advanced through the levels of federal employment many of them Reach What’s called the senior executive service that’s off the the government scale
People are familiar with sort of the GSP scale it’s called the like the general scale where you are a gs1 through a gs15 I was a gs13 when I left so I was at the top of the government pay scale but I was a Frontline FBI agent the first line
Supervisors are gs14 the second line the assistant special agents in charge are gs15 then you get to the guys who run the field offices and run the headquarters units and they’re called sces senior executive service that is your deep State because those people have already got 20 years of government
Service and what they know is whatever they do they can’t be removed not in an easy way and number two they’re going to outlast any president or any executive or any administrator that runs that’s politically appointed they’re the ones that run things and the doj people like
Lee Loftus and and uh Lisa Monaco are kind of the deep State operators they’re the um they’re the AG’s assistants they’re the assistant AG I think I think it’s what they’re called whatever or the deputy AG but they’re the number two behind americ Garland they’re the ones
Making the real decisions at the FBI it’s Paula bate right now those people have outlasted everybody around them they are the longest running and they think they know what the right answer is because they’ve been doing it a long time and of course they know more than
Some newly elected guy or some political appointy who just came in I mean that’s just how it works is yeah it’s the permanent government it’s you’re here for four years on your you run for a campaign four three of those years are spent raising money and then you’re gone
And we’re here we’re going to be in Washington for the long hul where Dr fouchy we’re going to be here and we’re going to be here for another decade two decades while you’re gone running the show uh you know it’s incredibly disheartening to hear this and we you
Know we we’re talking to you on a time when we’re hearing about the CIA secret Pro you know program on UFO reconnaissance and crash retrieval um they’ve been running that secret program we know that members of Congress are trying to torpedo different disclosure acts trying to keep things quiet trying
To hide all of this stuff uh are there any members of Congress you mentioned Jim Jordan you mentioned Chuck Grassley who are trying to bring greater transparency to the FBI where we can get rid of this corruption where we can have sort of a I don’t know an expulsion of
This get rid of these fisa these needless F fisa warrants that are being tar being used to Target Americans what what can be done what are you hearing from members of Congress you bring this to them it’s kind of interesting how little I’ve heard from Congress now I’ve
Got a conduit they’re mostly staffers the only person that I can speak pretty strongly about uh Dan Bishop was in the hearings that my buddies went and did they did sworn affidavits and uh they did sort of deposition style testimony in uh in a you know Congressional
Building and Matt Gates was there as well and beyond that I mean even the Jim Jordan office has been pretty weak uh I’ve got a a staffer who’s medium level she’s sometimes in the hearings I see her face but she’s you know she responds with thanks for for letting us know we
You don’t get a lot of it’s not a two-way dialogue it’s like it’s a lot like probably the fed’s uh deal with a lot of local law enforcement where you know information only goes One Direction we’re giving them information we’re giving them a lot of information we’re
Sending them kill shots on these things in ways that you should be able to to uh to do an impeachment of a Chris Ray you should have been able to do an impeachment of americ Garland if you were so interested and and the evidence is pretty overwhelming but they’re not
Using it well and then of course you’ve also got this sort of deep State mentality where they are not responding to requests for information to as to foas they’re hiding this kind of stuff and so as they do that they’re obfuscating the sort of the oversight
That they’re supposed to have and I just found out and we kind of put this out a little bit on my on my Twitter page but there is a uh there was a meeting held at the FBI headquarters by the office of general counsel an all hands meeting
Which we have you know we’ve got penetration of every office when I say penetration I mean that like an intelligence way like we have people that are reporting malfeasant non-classified information about what’s going wrong this was an unclassified briefing that basically had all of the senior heads of the office of General
Council for the FBI gathered to do a to a a breakdown on every single investigation into the FBI by Congress they were doing Oppo research on Congress investigations and they were incredibly disparaging of it to the point where even the leftists that were sitting in there and I’ve seen the I’ve
Seen the handbill I’ve seen the uh the agenda of who was going to be giving each speech there’s like six different people or five different people from ogc that are giving these talks on each one of the individual investigations into the FBI by Congress and the FBI was
Disparaging them these members were and they were were saying uh such ridiculous things that the members who are even politically left leaning inside the headquarters building which is the majority of them they said obviously no adults reviewed this presentation before it went out now that thing is unclassified and I’ve suggested to
Members of Congress that they get access to it because they should be able to subpoena that it should have been it was videotaped it was transcribed and it was made available to everybody as a training material there’s no reason why they should be able to keep it but I
Guarantee you the FBI will not be forthcoming because it’ll be totally damning and this is the kind of mindset where you think this is what a deep state is they think they are above uh any oversight they think they are above reproach by this by these entities and
So far I can’t really say they’re wrong because we’re not seeing any sort of action being taken that’s tangible you’re not seeing people hauled out in front and thrown out in cuffs for not answering questions you’re just seeing disdain and disgust on the uh you know on these sort of Administrators faces
Right I mean we played the tears and and we were I think we were in tears here on our show seeing the story of Garett ooy and having his family you know kicked out of their house and you know basically not being able to get any children’s clothing when the FBI
Basically said sorry you’re we’re moving you across the country and uh you have you have no clothing no place to live and the same thing of course basically happening to you as well and we thought we’d see a lot of movement on that and
We did you know we you think and I can only hope the me you know these members of Congress are paying attention uh I know we have members of Congress who watch this show and hopefully they watch your show hopefully they’ll be brave um and take action on on this here through
The holidays and maybe into this next calendar year to really do something about it I would love to this I would love to see subpoena of the FBI can you please show us the meeting minutes from when you spent your afternoon holding a meeting about Congress and the
Investigations into you so how do you respond how do you respond to these investigations like that’s a good use of the American taxpayer time to have a meeting about the investigations into the FBI it’s unbelievable to me um well and and kind of interestingly enough that some of the stuff is starting to
Come out we’re getting validated in real time we’re getting um we’re getting Vindicated a lot of people do a whistleblower activity they find out way after the fact things get Declassified and so on we’re not dealing in the classified space here the things we’re alleging are all policy violations and
Their mismanagement of federal resources that are pretty they’re pretty easy to actually uncover so interestingly enough one of the things that put my name on people’s radar is that I exposed a document about how the FBI was investigating Catholics uh within the Richmond field office and I had a
Whistleblower come to me and say this is a real problem this is a violation of the first amendment that the FBI needs to remain agnostic about religion altogether and they are now investigating Latin Mass Catholics and saying they might have you know fertile breeding rounds for white supremacy
Which is absurd so this is a big deal I wrote a piece on it uh exposed it it went big time it put me on Tucker Carlson and a bunch of other places and I ended up talking to a lot of people about it that’s why a lot of people know
What my name is and they think that was the original thing I did that was probably seven in line of the allegations that I brought forward against the FBI but it was obviously the biggest one because it affects 70 million Catholics in the US and when
That went kind of out what we did is I started working with a group called Catholic vote which is a a nonprofit advocacy group that basically Advocates Faith Family Freedom these kind of deals and what Catholic vote did is they paired up with Judicial Watch and they
Said can we foyer this stuff can we find out what they did because the question was always this the FBI director said this was appalling this was you know this was totally out of you know out of uh uh character for the FBI this was not
The way that we do things we do things the right way for the right reasons and so okay fine so they foed all the conversation that went on in the back end this was through the um the Intelligence Division it was through the office of general counsel it was through
The office of the director which is Chris Ray’s office and the people below him and all these people in fact the chief counsel and their uh their chief of staff was all involved in all these emails very very high level including the person who was in charge of the
National Security Branch which was a woman named Lissa knp who’s trash but uh that’s another story altoe she’s the one that gave hugs to all the people that knelt down for BLM if it just kind of helps your you know your viewers kind of
Get a sense of who she is so she’s the one see executive director level these are seventh floor Hoover level people and what’s interesting is nowhere in any of the Foya documents we got hundreds of pages of emails back did it say someone is losing their job over this how are we
Going to correct this what kind of training are we going to push out to make sure this doesn’t happen again none of that ever happened what we saw was is a rush to cover the buttocks of the FBI how do we stop the exposure how are we going to address this what talking
Points are we going to push out to spin this who’s aware of it what what journalists are coming at us do we have any friendlies that we can get this story to how do we put our messaging out there to turn this thing because it looks really bad and one of the great
Lines was uh it’s pretty terrible and it’s even worse when it’s self-inflicted that was by a deputy assistant director uh so when these things happen they don’t look and say man are we the bad guys you know that classic are we the baddies there’s none of that self-reflection that goes on in this
Agency it’s 100% we’re the right people we’re you know the FBI God forbid you ever disagree with anything we do and if you think that we’re the problem then you’re the problem and that’s why whistleblowers get crushed that’s why Garrett ooy got crushed he simply fulfilled his oath I mean and Garrett is
One of my favorite people in the world I talked to him every single day uh sometimes we have you know tears sometimes we have laughs sometimes we have like you know violent thoughts about how aggressive all this stuff has been the reason he was so brave is because Garrett had already seen me
Removed he already knew what happened to me and he continued to dig into the story that I started with which was that the parents were being investigated at school boards then the FBI came out and said no no we don’t do that we would never investigate parents at Schoolboard
Meetings so he pulled all the investigations from that threat tag and gave them to Jim Jordan’s office and said here’s the 24 different investigations and here’s the names of the people being investigated this is what they are lying about that is an abject false statement and they have the
They have the facts on it they were being investigated simply because somebody alleged on a tip line that this was happening that some guy owned guns and he was being rowdy at a Schoolboard meeting that’s not a federal crime and they were going after them for political targeting and Garrett exposed that
Knowing full well that I’d already lost my paycheck knowing full well that i’ had lost my job and he walked into that voluntarily did the right thing and then was left as you said Homeless in between two Duty posts we actually had a whistleblower come forward very recently
That shared this and this is pretty wild not only did they remove him it’s actually against FBI policy to transfer somebody who’s under an administrative inquiry you can’t take another job at another field office if you are under investigation they leave you there because they might get rid of you that’s
The reason and what they did is they bypassed that they broke FBI policy they allowed him to sell his home to transfer by the way he’s unreimbursed for like $440,000 with a hard cost for putting his family up in temporary lodging for storage for moving over we paid $122,000
To rent trucks and go get his stuff in Virginia and move his things back to Wisconsin where he ended up Landing with family so we paid out of pocket and the FBI didn’t pay him for any of the things that they were on the hook for simply
Because they lured him out of his home knowing that he had a two-e old baby and they were going to leave him homeless and there’s some really colorful language involved in this but the people that were doing it that were doing that investigation actually said yeah we’re F
Him on purpose knowing that he didn’t do the thing that they alleged he did they alleged that he went to the media and they knew that he didn’t do it and interestingly enough Jennifer Moore who was one of my favorite you know former bosses The Woman Who removed all of our
Security clearances the entire sus sus spendables lot lost their security clearances because of Jennifer Moore’s pen stroke she also testified under oath in front of Congress that they did know that D gett Boyle had done the thing they said whereas her underlings have now come out and we have whistleblower
Testimon saying that they actually knew that they didn’t so she probably perjured herself in front of Congress she got a cushy job you want to talk about the Deep State and the way that it works she got a cushy job working as a CSO a chief security officer at uh
General Electric Aviation uh defense contractor even though she’s probably one of the least capable human beings you ever met oh we got to throw these people out you know got they need be thrown to jail they’re not some people aren’t hanging yeah we’re going to be
Sad about it but oh well Kyle it’s been amazing getting to know you I’d love to have you back here on the show um like I said at the beginning you’re you know a true patriot and uh and very very Brave um for what you’ve done and continuing
To shine a light on this seedy underbelly of both the FBI and uh and the rest of the the Deep State the permanent government uh I really appreciate it and uh where can people find your show and if they want to connect with you and let them let people
Know that hey you saw Kyle and reacted would love to to follow you well I appreciate the opportunity to talk to your audience and and shareing this message far and wide I just feel like uh it’s one of those things I’m doing like a mission from God at this point which
Is kind of like The Blues Brothers kind of fun um they can find me at if they want to go find an audio copy of the podcast but it’s on Apple and Spotify and all the places you’d find that the video is on Kyle sarapin and then pretty much everywhere
I just use Kyle sarapin I have a handle on Instagram that I never answer if you want to send me either um useful things uh anger vital bile mental illness whatever else I get a lot of that on Twitter with open DMS and they can find
Me Kyle serin on there and true social so I’m pretty easy I’m always just my name I didn’t get creative with it but it makes it easy to find you got the right Kyle sarapin there’s no additional hyphens or show or anything added just Kyle serin on all those platforms
Awesome Kyle it’s been a real pleasure having you here on the show thank you so much I really enjoyed it