The only major metal even if you look at some Specialty Metals and right across the board that is below its 1980 High you know gold base Metals Platinum root Metals some of the rare earth metals they’re all way above their 1980 High silver is the only one that’s in fact
Less than half of its 1980 High that’s one measure if you look at inflation-adjusted prices still silver is something like 90 percent below its 1980 high it’s just a very very bullish setup and then you know we can get into things like industrial and investment demand but still who really is very much
Unlike any other metal if you look at the fact that it’s both monetary and Industrial it’s about 50 50. and I think both of these sides of silver demand are going to explode in the next few years so there are just so many huge drivers for silver going forward it’s a about 55
Percent of the silver demand is industrial and so the balance 45 is what I consider some sort of investment so it’s things like actual investment people buying physical silver to hold things like jewelry silverware and so if you add those together in my view as I say they’re kind of some form of
Investment so it’s about 50 50 roughly overall industrial and investment demand and so half of the silver Supply every year is consumed if you consider that half of it goes to Industrial so there’s about a billion ounces of Supply every year just roughly of silver Supply and
About 15 to 20 percent of that comes from recycling so naturally some of the industrial demand or use does come back into the supply but a really interesting note about silver is that only about 28 of silver Supply comes from what we call primary Silver Mines the risk comes from
Mining other metals comes from mining gold copper lead and zinc and so silver is highly dependent on the production of those other metals and if you get perhaps some kind of a Slowdown slow down or not more than two-thirds of silver Supply depends on those other
Metals so if the price of silver goes up demand for silver goes up unless the production of those other metals goes up at the same time you’re not going to get more Supply or at least limited since as I say about 28 comes from primary Silver Mines and besides that I mean Silver’s
Also uh the most conductive metal that means that uh it conducts electricity better than any other metal that’s measured on a scale up to 100 and silver is the standard silver is the the 100 copper is I think a little bit below at 95 or 97. gold is I think a little bit
Below that and it’s also the most reflective it reflects 95 percent of of light it’s the single most reflective substance and if you look at what’s happening on the demand side you can’t deny that solar over the next years and decades is going to be a huge driver for silver uh
You know the fact that it’s highly reflective and conductive has a lot to do with silver being used in solar panels but right now of overall demand silver is 12 and if you look at overall industrial demand it’s more than 20 of all industrial demand goes only to to
Solar and so this big green energy shift I think is going to probably at the very least double silver demand over the next eight to ten years and you’ve got all sorts of other projections uh the International Energy agency saying that output from solar is going to be
Something like nearly nine times what it is today just in the next eight years and then you’ve got the inflation reduction act in the US that is very very bullish for silver something like 320 billion dollars over the next 10 years is going to go towards solar and
Then you have Technologies in solar panels where the next technology is supposed to require about 50 percent more silver and the technology to follow on that something like a hundred and fifty percent more silver per panel before we continue help us clicking that YouTube like button and subscribe now to our Channel
This shows the algorithm that you valued this information and it helps us spread that message sharing is caring and now let’s continue so uh it’s it’s really a very very bullish Outlook central banks and Central planners intentionally keep interest rates relatively low while inflation runs higher than interest rates you know when
We had rates near zero and this only goes back past decade or so and for an extended period multi multiple years of race near zero those were the the lowest rates in 5 000 years of history and so we are in uncharted waters it’s true that rates are rising right now but if
You look at for example in the U.S rates it’s easy to see that rates are very very much below the inflation rate and that’s not by accident by having Central planners keep the interest rates well below inflation rates there’s a huge loss to purchasing power but at the same
Time it helps governments with huge debts to be able to repay those debts over time with depreciated dollars so it makes the debt manageable in that sense so that’s what I call Financial repression and and um you know Silver’s been a great hedge against Financial repression and against inflation over
Over Millennia it was the first truly International currency it’s always been an inflation hedge since then if you look back I did the math I went back and looked at 1922 silver uh sold for 60 cents an ounce and if you use the official rate of inflation just over
Three percent let’s say average annually per year since then silver should be at about 11 an ounce so silver has more than doubled the official inflation rates and probably is a lot closer to a fair return on what is real inflation so over time it certainly really does
Retain its value central banks you know they’re going to be unable and or unwilling to to fight inflation to really truly fight inflation because if you were gonna fight inflation right now effectively you’d have to have rates up near eight percent or above eight percent uh so we’re a long way from that
There’s a huge gap and you know Powell has mentioned their big concern it’s no different in in Europe for example legard has recently said they both said their their main concern is that consumers will start to Anchor their expectations around High inflation rates and what that would do is that would
Have people have businesses start to factor in higher inflation rates and act accordingly so that businesses May slow down we’ll do less hiring people will either do less consuming and or in some ways more consuming of certain things that are not things that will not perish for example and you may try to
Get a jump on inflation and stock up on certain things or maybe you know buy a car or appliances or things like that in advance of expecting even higher prices so that’s really one of the things that the FED is concerned about because that could really spiral out of control for
Them and that’s that wage price uh spiral that they’re that they’re concerned about people will start to ask for higher wages as a consequence as well so if you look at what is happening with commodity prices well the reason that I think we’re going to see silver really
Play out with much much higher price levels over time is that commodity prices will continue to rise there’s no question that we’re going to remain in what we call a negative real rate environment so inflation despite you know potential Banks talking about and raising rates net rates are going to
Stay below zero and that’s going to help keep commodity prices void and eventually Rising I think we’re in a new secular commodity bull market and that’s going to eventually get people to lose faith in currencies when they see that for an extended period their money just
Simply buys them less and less and less in a more obvious way every year it’s one thing to deal with two percent three percent you’re dealing with seven or eight percent it takes something like eight years or so before you lose half of your buying power and so you know
Precious metals have always been a hedge against inflation people are going to return to it in a big way when they see that this is the one sector that has been outperforming and uh Commodities and precious metals in particular are going to hold up well I have bad news
For you if you’re not rich by now you’re screwed and if you’re in debt you’re even double screwed how so you might wonder well the sad truth is that you’re working your whole life to make someone else Rich the mega corporations the banks the politicians everyone is getting richer they get your
Money and what is inverse they get your time they get your life you are not even in a rat race you’re in a financial prison but what could a solution for you look like honestly I don’t know but I know what the solution for me would look like it’s very simple
I use whatever money I have and I multiplied with one thousand this could make my life much easier and probably yours as well if you have one thousand dollar available and multiply this with one thousand I believe that this could solve some Financial issue for the one
Or the other of course if you’re ugly you would have to multiply it with much more than one thousand my name is Marco Stan and this is what I decided to do I decided to thousand X my money this is not a joke I know what you’re maybe
Thinking you know what what is this guy talking about how should this work this is not possible well I made a detailed video where I laid out my plan and some clever folks might even want to look at this plan and copy it and do exactly what I do
This is just a little hint on the side you have two options you leave you forget what you have seen you do whatever you’re doing and you hope that somehow you get some other results good luck with that or you click the link below the video you enter your email
Address because I’m not showing this to everybody you at least watch my video on how I plan to thousand X my money the choice is yours make the right thoughts join me see what the different future you could have see at least how I intend
How I plan to do the Thousand X so click on the link below enter your email address and I see you on the other side your macustan thank you