Or not and why he should be prosecuted or not prosecuted okay first I you know let me start with Jim Jordan the cut we just played from Jim Jordan Mr her why did he do it why did Joe Biden your words willfully retain and disclose classified
Materials I mean he knew the law I think you told us Mr her page 231 you said this President Biden had strong motivations that’s a key word we’re getting to motive now President Biden had strong motivations to ignore the proper procedures for safeguarding the classified information in his
Notebooks why did he have strong motivations because use next word because he decided months before leaving office to write a book to write a book that was his motive Mr her how much did President Biden get paid for his book it may be8 million if 8 million Joe Biden had 8 million reasons
To break the rules took classified information and shared it with the guy who was writing the book and the next thing you say in your report is quote such a record would butress his legacy as a world leader you know what this is it wasn’t just the money it wasn’t just $8 million
It was also his ego pride and money is why he knowingly violated the rules okay now what was Trump in trouble for what was the big argument that Trump was releasing this classified information that he had on files do you remember what it was he said something to
Somebody he would he was talking to a reporter yeah it was a a biographer right right yeah right and what happened uh gosh he was talking about plans of of Iran he said he said and if if people only knew I mean uh look it’s right here yeah and he
Yeah someone was it Millie wanted to invade Iran or something to that effect and so he’s he’s holding up a document this is what’s alleged we don’t know um but what’s alleged is that he held up a document and said look here it is here’s proof of
It didn’t hand it to the reporter didn’t read it to the reporter didn’t send it to the reporter he just said it’s right here okay that’s why Donald Trump has got to go to prison now what did Joe Biden do with all of these documents well you just heard he was
Paid $8 million he was he was holding on to them so he could show that he you know what he did as vice president and make sure that he looked good that would be pretty much the same charge except without the $8 million right except Donald Trump allegedly only held the document
Up listen to what is it cut uh 12 cut 12en this is a quote Joe Biden risked serious damage to America’s national security when he shared information with his Ghost Rider shared it with his Ghost Rider the guy who was helping Joe Biden get $8 million and oh
By the way Mr her what did that ghost riter do with the information Joe Biden shared with him on his laptop what did he do after you were named special counsel chairman if you’re referring to the audio recordings that Mr zanzer created of his conversations with
Exactly what I’m referring to he he U he slid if I remember correctly he slid those files into his uh recycle bin on his computer tried to tried to destroy the evidence didn’t he correct the very guy who was helping Joe Biden get get the $8 million $8 million Joe Biden had
Used the motive for Joe Biden to to disclose classified information to retain classified information which he definitely knew was against the law Okay so we’ve established already because of Joe because of Hunter Biden’s records that Joe Biden will sell America out it’s just a matter of price and
Negotiation here we have $8 million now if you’re not offended by that if you don’t think that that’s bad what he did then you cannot go after Donald Trump Donald Trump didn’t uh share the information Joe Biden talked openly about it apparently either sent or showed the uh documents okay so one way
Or another it’s pretty much the same thing thing except the guy who had the information the the reporter unlike the reporter with uh with Donald Trump he didn’t try to hide anything he didn’t try to destroy his records as soon as the the special investigation started on
Joe Biden and this guy was appointed what happened the reporter tried to get rid of all of the evidence that’s obstruction of Justice now they say Donald Trump tried to obstruct Justice great so what do we have here what do we have here we have the same exact charges one
Motivated by money and I think the other one motivated by I’ve been screwed and I’ve got all of this evidence here that shows that it’s them not me both of them are wrong one has some righteous indignation to it the other is just money but both of them are against the law
Right here’s why our country cannot function anymore there there is no principle or value to truth none the truth only matters when it’s convenient and you could say that about both sides I mean here’s the that’s the case both of them did the same thing different motivations but both of them
Did the same thing how many on the right would be absolutely fine with a conviction on Trump doing it if Joe Biden received the exact same conviction and punishment I would be if it’s a crime everybody should be treated exactly the same now the reason why this special prosecutor
Didn’t uh say that it was a crime or no he didn’t say that uh decided not to prosecute is because it is his job do I waste all this money or not is it likely to end in a conviction and he said no it wouldn’t because the jury would
Most likely hear him and see him as a really nice old man who’s just kind of befuddled at times do you think that the jury in DC would see it any other way because I don’t I’d like to see the prosecution but you know that it wouldn’t end in
Anything but should he go through it yeah I do think he should I you know I don’t we don’t give any special benefits for people because of their age usually if they’re incompetent then he should be declared incompetent to serve as president if he’s not capable of testifying then he shouldn’t be capable
Of doing his job of course then again maybe that’s why the Democrats selected Joe Biden because ah it’s just Joe we all know Joe he’s been around for a long time and so people will just give him the benefit of the doubt well I think that’s absolutely why he was
Selected he’s going to return us to normal you know him he’s a he’s just a Union Democrat but he’s an oldtime Democrat they knew that he was a daughtering old fool that they would be running the White House so it was good for them he’d do what he was
Told and America would give him a lot of rope and here’s America giving him a lot of rope again I want to show you how corrupt things are uh I want you to play Let’s see cut hang on sorry this is such an amazing piece um cut five so this lengthy expensive
And independent investigation resulted in a complete exoneration of President Joe Biden for every document you discussed in your report you found insufficient evidence that the president violated any laws about possession or retention of classified materials I need to um go back and and make sure that I
Take take note of the word that you used exoneration that is not a word part of my task as I’m continue with my questions ter I ultimately reached whether sufficient evidence existed such that the likely you exonerated I know that willful rtion has Mr her it’s my time thank you when is it
The witnesses time when is it the witnesses time everybody does this every time every time they just filibuster she and this is the worst I’ve seen the filibuster that she’s doing she’s not asking him a question then not allowing him to answer she is um making a
Statement formed as a question that is inaccurate you exonerated him no I didn’t exonerate him so everything after that should be dismissed he did not exonerate but we don’t care about principles values or truth and when the government when the body that is elected to protect the Constitution which is why are
Governments established among men to protect the rights of the people when the government doesn’t recognize those rights when it no longer recognizes the truth that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights it doesn’t matter will’ll never agree let me play one more cut
Six you you are you are a member of the Federalist Society are you not andir are you a member of the Federalist Society I am not a member of the federal Society but you are a republican though aren’t you I am a registered Republican yes sir okay
Stop for a second stop for a second what’s the Federalist societies do people who actually look at the Constitution and occasionally are are you a member of the Federalist Society do you mean the societ that is built to protect and defend the Constitution of the United
States no I mean the Federalist soci No but that’s what they do it’s an accusation it’s a smear to say he’s part of a society which he claims he’s not I’m sure he’s not why would you deny that you were a member of the Federalist Society a very highly
Respected intution he’s saying to him do you believe in the Constitution as written that’s the charge then he goes on and says but you’ll admit that you’re a republican since when is that a crime now I just to lighten things up I just want to remind you who Hank Johnson
Really is very small island and about 24 miles if I recall long Guam so 24 mil long about 7 m wide at the least widest uh place on the island and about 20 about 12 miles wide my fear is that uh the whole island will uh become so
Overly populated that it will tip over and uh and capsized uh we don’t anticipate that putting too many marines on Guam it could capsize the island and he thought it through that’s who is the defender of Truth yesterday