Us the latest updates is the founder of rebel news ezra levant ezra thanks so much for joining us tonight your reporting has been incredible really appreciate you taking time my pleasure today was a terrible day it was the day that justin trudeau decided to shut down parliament shut down journalists and send riot
Horses charging into unarmed peaceful civilians each one of those things on their own would be a scandal but together this really is a dark day for canada the darkest one in my life well ezra i know that so far according to reports the police there have arrested at least 100 people in ottawa
Uh you know these peaceful protesters they’ve been treated far worse than what we saw during the violent 2020 riots here in america give us a feel for the mood on the ground right now how are these folks holding up sure i’m in toronto but we have three
Reporters on the ground in ottawa and they’ve been live streaming all day they’ve often been just inches away from a wall of riot police advancing advancing advancing they’re they’re they’re kettling people they’re trapping people together um and but i want to start with the first point i mentioned which is that parliament was
Debating this emergency legislation because this is the first time it’s ever been used in canadian history it wasn’t even used during 9 11. the police told parliament to leave for their safety so the police told the parliament to stop debating the emergency law that the police were using
The next thing the police did was to say to the media get out to say to the peaceful protesters any peaceful protest is now deemed illegal and then the most shocking thing and i can see there’s some paramilitary equipment on the screen as you can see they almost
Look like tanks and there’s uh other unusual weapons that they brought but the worst part of the day was when i don’t know who gave the order but someone ordered the riot police to charge unarmed civilians and they stomped these massive war horses stomped an elderly lady with a mobility scooter
The police put out a lie they put out a tweet saying someone threw a bicycle and a horse no we all saw the tape no it wasn’t a bicycle it was this old lady’s mobility scooter trudeau or someone under him ordered riot horses to charge unarmed peaceful protesters moms dads
Elderly people kids this is the kind of thing you see in fidel castro’s cuba which just happens to be one of trudeau’s favorite countries if this were happening in putin’s russia or in maduro’s venezuela the united states and the u.n would be issuing condemnations it’s happening just north of you my
Friends and this is a dark day for canada it’s it’s unbelievable to me i mean i i think we all remember that video of the elderly man uh getting dragged out of his car by a police officer for just honking his horn in support of these of
These protesters giving them a thumbs up he did nothing wrong and he was treated uh like a criminal that had committed some violent act and here you mentioned these this elderly lady with the the horses and i saw clips of that on twitter as well i mean was there any
Situation from what we’ve seen not having been there in ottawa from the reports that we’ve seen these people have been peaceful i haven’t seen anything break out anything like especially like what we saw in america just a couple years ago it’s incredible three weeks of protests
As many as a hundred thousand people at the height and not a single act of violence or even a threat of violence i think justin trudeau wants violence to retroactively justify what he’s doing why would you run horses into a group of civilians other than you want blood
Because you have to justify putting canada under martial law i say again this has never happened before even when terrorists attacked our parliament in 2014 we did not go into this emergency status i think one of the reasons they’re doing it is to build an enemies
List as you know they have ordered all the banks to give private information about trudeau’s opponents by the way that applies to american banks doing business in canada so if i was an american go ahead it’s clearly they they see it almost like a january 6 2.0 right
They’re being treated in a very similar fashion what we saw here in the u.s and i also want to get to this because we’re running out of time but this is just outrageous so i know that your news outlet you’re reporting that local officials they are ready to take pets
From arrested truckers and relinquish them i mean unbelievable here when you’re you’re crossing a line when you take people’s pets and talking about obviously uh euthanizing them if they’re in jail for a certain number of days pets are terrible but they went one step worse and you’re not even going to
Believe what i’m about to say they said that if there are any children there they will bring child welfare services and remove the children from their families i love pets too but when you’re telling these protesters we will take your kids away on trumped-up charges you know you’re dealing with an
Evil evil regime i’m calling it a regime now because it is not democratic it has suspended parliament it has suspended journalistic rights suspended the rule of law and property rights we are no longer a free country we’re partly free but we are not free
Well ezra you are spot on and we are so grateful that you could join us tonight uh we wish the best to everybody there in ottawa safely have a safe evening to all of you ezra thank you so much thank you You