But one of the areas in china that sees the greatest human rights atrocities anywhere in the world right now he is now building a wind farm so the question is we have sold a big chunk of texas to china for a chinese general to run a wind farm wait a minute
The wind farm has a very very long runway every wind farm has a runway right i mean you never know you might have to land a um you know big cargo plane or something has a very long runway uh everybody’s ignored this oh oh wait a minute something else
Uh the wind towers that they’re building are higher than any other wind tower in the world oh wait there is one other thing the wind doesn’t blow much in this area of texas not an ideal place for a wind farm but a very strategic air force base is only 65 miles away
Oh there’s one other thing that homeland security would tell you that iran russia and china are the biggest threat to cyber attacks electric grid attacks and others in the world to america so i’ve got an idea let’s let them own and buy this is communist china let’s let communist china own
By an incredible spying maybe cyber warfare plant maybe i’m being a conspiracy theory i’m just saying i laid all that out to you in texas centrally located to america 65 miles away from a very strategic air force base with an airstrip capable of landing any plane
Yeah let’s let china own that piece of texas how does that happen uh i suspect it’s a little thing called money money is how it happens now listen up texas this is in your backyard but thankfully you have a senator state senator senator Campbell i think is her name dr campbell she is a she is a surgeon uh works full-time as most of the legislators there in texas do is put forth a piece of legislation to keep this from happening and to investigate all of this i said put forth a piece of legislation
Will it happen most people in texas even legislators don’t even know what’s happening we better pray that we can get this thing resolved we need legislation this uh listen i’m not gonna i’m just saying this wouldn’t have happened this wouldn’t be going very far under a different administration
So we can we can’t blame texas for allow it allowing it to happen because i suspect it happened in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere when nobody really understood what was going on they chalked it up for just another wind tower wind farm
Just one that’s super high just one that’s in an area where there’s not a lot of wind so i don’t know how we can continue to do this why do we want to give communist china the biggest threat to america an upper hand they’re going to win a war against
America they’ll never have to fire a shot it’s going to be a cyber war and it’s going to start in texas and the federal government is not doing anything to make it any more difficult so state senator campbell in texas you need to all of you in texas
Need to thank her for posing the legislation ask her what she needs rally your state senator to come alongside senator campbell and i would rally your state senator by simply saying i will make sure and do everything we can to make sure you don’t get re-elected if you don’t support senator campbell
China takes the general that is responsible for some of the greatest atrocities in modern history going on in china and sends him to texas with a pot full of money to buy a 200 mile by 200 mile by 200 mile piece of property does anybody care hey remember
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