Establishment also with ironically some of the moves they have against the Second Amendment and also when it comes to surveilling you and possibly blackmailing you and there’s some real examples of this they try to attack Carlson and other people which I’ll explain in a bit that works through a collaboration
Between private companies and the government and what they’ve found is that private companies are not held to the Constitution a private company can censor you a private company can collect private data on you a private company can do all kinds of things against you and it’s not the government infringing
On your rights if they partner with a private company that violates your rights and I’ll go deeper into this because this is one of the in my opinion one of the more concerning things we see developing in the West ironically of the fascist nature a public-private partnership designed to
Create a tyranny through government collaborating with ironically the capitalistic system um you could call it a type of socialism but let’s dig into it a bit further Wired Magazine had this story I should point out the the couple’s couple sources here I want to go over first off
Is why the other one is The Intercept neither of which are you know quote unquote right-wing right wing websites which are normally the ones you’d expect to be on these stories but they had some interesting breaking stories I’ll give my take on them Wired Magazine reported the U.S is openly stockpiling dirt on
All its citizens they’re getting a big old black male database on every American citizen it says the United States government has been secretly amassing a large amount of sensitive and intimate information on its own citizens a group of senior advisors informed of real Haynes the Director of National Intelligence more
Than a year ago the size and scope of the government effort to accumulate data revealing the minute details of Americans lives are described soberly and at length by the director’s own panel of experts in a newly Declassified report Haynes at first tasked her advisors in late 2021 with untangling a
Web of secretive data of secretive business arrangements to get that business Arrangements between commercial data Brokers and U.S intelligence community members what that report ended up saying constitutes a nightmare scenario for privacy Defenders quote the report reveals what we feared most says Sean vitka a policy attorney at the non-profit demand progress
Quote intelligence agencies are flouting the law and buying information about Americans that Congress and the Supreme Court have made clear the government should not have and another quote from Ron Wyden a U.S senator from Oregon says quote I’ve been warning for years that if using a credit card to buy an American’s personal
Information voids their fourth amendment rights then traditional checks and balances for government surveillance will crumble I’ll give my brief take on this and I’ll go into the second part because the second part ties into this what it’s saying in other words is that the federal government so under the
Constitution under the Fourth Amendment you are protected from illegal searches and seizures I’ve done it before where you know if an officer pulls you over I like I respect police I have family in the police I respect them but I’m not going to let them enact things against me they don’t have the
Legal right to do and so if uh if for example you were asked to be searched you can say well are you asking me or are you telling me which you know should clarify whether they’re asking to search you which if you grant them the right to
Do so then they can do it if if you say yeah go ahead and search me they can search you and your rights go out the window because you’ve consented to it but if they say I’m telling you you don’t have the right to consent and if
They’re telling you it’s fair to ask well what is your probable cause because you cannot search without probable cause or without a warrant for that matter those are the rights you have as a citizen those are constitutionally protected rights the government cannot just go in and randomly search you they
Can’t put their hands in your pockets you know they can’t do a lot of things like this unless you’re under arrest unless you’ve committed a crime or unless they have a warrant essentially they have to have a reason to do it a probable cause that will allow them to
Carry out that act otherwise it is a constitutional violation now the issue you have is that in our pockets now Tech has created a whole new slew of problems on your computer at your work everything is surveilling you everything your smartphone is surveilling you it records both audio and video you’re
Smart or can at least all your contacts every text message you write every website you visit your websites for this way if you access an app like Facebook or Twitter and you granted access to your video and to your audio or if you have for example Skype installed or you have
Any other applications installed that you have given the right to access both video and audio those apps can then collect that data and sell it and they do they sell it to advertisers if you for example are on a text messaging app like just about any of them they can collect that
Data those that store it at least and some of them have to store it for legal reasons because the government needs to in the case of a crime being committed you know such and such they need to be able to surveil those conversations terrorist suspect and that you know
Terror again going back to the Patriot Act in George Bush they they were given the ability to violate certain constitutional rights if you are a suspected terrorist and lo and behold where we are today where the definition of terrorist has been so broadly defined or Terror suspect or Terror threat that
If you are a Christian conservative or just someone who believes in basic constitutional values you might be labeled a terrorist which means your constitution of whites go right flying out that big old window uh you also for example every website you visit if not by your
If not by a third party company that can track that stuff is being surveilled by your internet provider your IP and you’re the company you get your internet from we’ll have a record of every single website you have ever visited now those are also picked up by websites themselves certain websites
Have what are called cookies you might notice some websites say this website uses certain cookies will you allow them do you click yes or no those cookies are able to surveil you as well and they will track your internet activity across multiple web pages now a lot of companies sell this data they
Sell it to advertisers and those advertisers then build portfolios portraits of you based on your IP address which is your unique web signature tied to you as an individual or to your internet bill every month or to your cell phone bill every month and those providers are able to serve you
Ads they sell it to people the problem you have now is that database every website you visit every conversation you have everything you do on the Internet or your phone can be purchased as well by the government and not even just the U.S government even by Foreign governments
Um it it brings about a problem then that the government can violate that constitutional barrier of getting this private information on you now some people would say well it’s for counter-terrorism stuff it’s not about blackmail they tried doing it to Tucker Carlson if you remember when it was alleged that Tucker Carlson was
Communicating with Putin remember he was the reality was he had been reaching out to Putin for an interview he was trying to interview Putin and there were threats that someone was going to leak his conversations with Putin it was going to be framed as a giant threat someone in the government provided to
The media damaging information against him again taking that public-private partnership not just between big Tech and the government but between the government and big media we saw the same things happen in other regards where people uh you know media received leaked information from within the government we saw Trump be a huge
Target of that for example and it’s fair to argue it’s not the government doing it it’s a rogue employee it’s it’s a rogue politician it’s a rogue individual but that’s the problem what is the punishment for those people who who went to jail for leaking information about
Trump who got punished for it they were not punished many of them were actually rewarded for it and so you have this problem that this information damning information being collected on you can and will be used against you not not in the court of law but in the court of public opinion they
Can assassinate your character by selectively leaking information tied to you I find that deeply concerning especially when you get into the ideas of you know where this is heading just culturally and also if you understand the same thing as being used in other regards the censorship establishment we know from
The Twitter files was functioning in the same way the censorship establishment in the Twitter files was showing that the FBI and other agencies were colluding with Facebook with Twitter with other social networks and they were advising them on individuals direct individuals and on certain narratives to
Censor and we found out later that many of those narratives were actually true and the narratives they were pushing in their place were false they were pushing what would what would constitute government lies propaganda false information while suppressing real information a violation again of our First Amendment right and so here we
Have violations to both the first and fourth amendments being carried out through a public-private partnership and I I find that very concerning personally and it’s not just that let me show you a bit more