And i got so many car got so many calls and so many text messages from people like are you okay right is everything okay you guys are being held hostage one person wrote to my wife and said i hear i hear glenn has been taken by the taliban and she responded
One could only help she does not like you oh yeah he’s over that she’s yeah yeah uh but so there was a big story that came out newsweek and it’s something that you know tons of people in this audience are involved in because these are the people who have funded
All of these rescue missions in afghanistan to try to get americans and christians and other groups out of the country so they don’t get murdered by the taliban this minor mission yeah that that the show seems to be involved in i have something really important to share after he stops
Babbling i have something really important to share about about this about your role in this not you stu you had nothing to do you know i’m definitely not hoping the taliban comes and captures you right i happen to be on the same team as tanya team tanya on you
Being captured by the taliban right um just just in case anyone was wondering yeah okay good thank you uh so the taliban holds up uh glenn beck’s group’s planes at least 100 americans among passengers okay so let’s you want me to take this line by let’s go line by line on this
Okay taliban holds up glenn beck’s group’s planes yes they’re holding the planes they’re not holding anyone hostage they are holding the planes they won’t and they’re not our planes we we leased them from a company called cam air which is you know their delta over in afghanistan we re we lease them the
Largest private airline yeah uh and so uh these aren’t private planes these were chartered by us but these are just regular passenger planes can i just go back a couple i know you don’t like doing this but can i go back a little bit here to when all of this was going
On initially when the funds were being raised and reporters from places like cbs news were saying this was not happening just full out saying that you were not actually rescued have you seen snopes on this no i saw snopes somebody sent me snopes last night and i’m like
And they said we can’t confirm or deny if any of this is happening okay says it’s happening you know he’s he says he’s renting these planes he says he’s he’s uh uh you know raised 22 million no i say 35 million now uh and it wasn’t me it was the audience
So give credit where credit is due yes and they also though were saying this this wasn’t happening because you would and how could you possibly rescue thousands of people when you’re flying them in and out six at a time in a private jet that was my favorite yeah
That was my favorite okay that’s what back taking private jets who are ridiculous i wasn’t gonna save thousands of people they’re only six six seats on those private planes right so the cam air is a full what seven and seven 30 boeing 737s and airbus 340s big they’re big they’re big they’re big
The big planes you see in the sky near airports these are they uh at least 100 americans are among the passengers yes and i would just say at least um i know how many people are on i’ve been asked not to give any numbers of any shape or form
Uh because the people who are actually doing all of the work uh have just said shut your fat mouth on numbers and i’m like okay so can i ask for a little point of clarification here yeah when this started your pitch on this was always to help
Whoever was in need that was vetted and safe to remove from the country that was in danger of dying i mean that’s my first my first pitch was to save the christians because i assumed the united states government would be taking care of everyone else that was my question because i don’t remember
As a priority necessary we always would obviously help any americans that would be involved in this but like how did we how did that fly they stopped flying what are called gray tails they’re the you know the c-141s right okay um and we put some christians and others on grey tails
Okay when those things were flying if we didn’t have a plane and the state department would allow us we’d say go there they’re going to take off soon just get on that plane and so they would take gray tails and then we would they would land and we
Would sort them out we go okay guys you’re with us you’re over here okay but once they stopped flying there was no one getting on and we didn’t get a lot of people on grey tails we we did we did most of the heavy lifting here but once they stop they have nothing
They have nothing they have no assets you want to get out you have to come through people like us now there’s lots of organizations i don’t i want to make sure that everyone gets their credit because the united we are just i have a big mouth and so we are
We’re getting news everybody we’re getting too much credit others are doing astounding things as well although i you know i don’t know that you want credit right now no maybe you don’t know that that’s why it would be nice that the audience was acknowledged for what they’ve done here that’s why we that’s
Why they keep calling me and say shut your fat mouth but this is okay to go through because yes i’ve i’ve i went through all of this line by line with the nazarene fund i know exactly what i can say or not okay so there are four six private charter planes seeking to
Evacuate these people are all of these planes nazarene fund related planes or are there other groups so i i don’t know what newsweek means by this i just know that we have four that were on the tarmac that this was last tuesday that were ready to go and the state department
Shut it down they wouldn’t give us clearance and then the taliban they they gave the manifest to the taliban here are these people do you know who they are because we’re not sure who they are maybe you should look at their passports and all their paperwork could
It be though that they see they saw something that alarmed them maybe there was somebody no everything everything goes through ofac which is the government agency to make sure that nothing like that happens so we vet everyone and then we send it to olfact and they look at it is there anyone on
The list that shouldn’t be flying that shouldn’t be coming over they send it back they say nope green light then it’s got to go back to the state department and the state department has the manifest and all they have to do is just say yep you have our permission to take
Off and land that’s it that’s it that’s all they have to do no so we had those four planes and uh they were held by the state department for about a day and that alerted the taliban and then they were all unloaded and handed over to the taliban uh
Many of them i don’t know how many i don’t know how many are still around i hope every single one i don’t know how many are around many are in safe houses and i like the way people are like oh they’re in safe houses oh yeah like safe houses are just like a
Dime a dozen you know it’s like oh you’re in the safe house neighborhood over here uh seventh floor holiday inn those are safe rooms uh that’s not the way it happens it’s a gated community that’s fine it’s it’s not golf course it’s gonna be great not like that at all
Uh and some of them are in those others we don’t know where they went and so we will only know once we can call for those who have their phones on because china and russia are helping them track people so now they have their paperwork so they
Know who they are they know the name all they have to do is just track the phones so walk me through the timeline here these people are told okay you’re going to come here you’re going to get on these planes they get to the airport they get all their all their paperwork
Is all set up they get on the planes initially they get on the planes they’re sitting on the planes ready to take off then the state department department basically delays it long enough that the taliban notices yeah and you had uh four senators two congressmen that i’m aware of i think
There were many more than that but that i’m aware of were on the phone all tuesday night let this plane take off let it let these planes go let them go we know who’s on the planes you know who’s on the planes let them take off and they wouldn’t so
They say in the newsweek article that one person uh has said that the taliban could be attempting to shake down the airline or the state department for money in exchange for takeoff clearance yeah yeah i’m sure they are i’m sure they are and i’m sure you’re going to see us aid
Go to afghanistan that will be shakedown money i’m sure it will happen mm-hmm and it was even harder to shake down the planes if they were already off the ground yes that would have been a lot harder to do yeah but now that they’re there yes yes in theory there could be some
Back and forth we were working on this while everyone was in kabul we were working on this to find other ways to get people out and we had other ways to get them out until the uh state department set up a big huge flare i was like hey taliban you
Should look over here all right there might be some americans over here uh so anyway uh that’s what’s happening uh so if you look at this six private charter planes seeking to evacuate at least a thousand people that number is higher than that and it is uh it’s on four
Planes although if i may look quickly at my notes on things i can and cannot say uh this is so hard to do i know uh we have um we are taking every precaution we can to make sure we’re transporting people the safest and most responsible way boy
That’s a story in and of itself in that sentence uh there are other planes uh we are ready to fill the planes that are sitting in mazar with uh american citizens green card holders siv holders p1 p2 holders and other endangered afghans we currently have four planes
Paid for and ready to go working with cam air we have the ability to quickly fill and fly out another eight to ten planes we’ve had this ability for a week a week we’ve had this ability and we are sitting waiting for the state department hmm is there more yeah no there’s
There’s definitely more um they talk about the cost of the flights i mean they go into a lot of detail in the area and we thank them for that yeah i was gonna say that it doesn’t seem helpful the the nazarene fund um i believe talk to newsweek and ask them
Please don’t print that please don’t print that please don’t print that but newsweek went ahead and did it and we are boy those people in afghanistan they’re grateful they’re grateful they’re grateful i’m torn on it because i obviously don’t want anything that’s going to affect the mission any attention brought
To it however you get to these points when the state department is doing these things and i don’t know how you stop them from doing them without attention on their actions i know it’s a uh argument that we have internally all the time my argument is get them that’s not
That’s not the prevailing argument that’s not the prevailing argument um but uh you know i may have started the nazarene fund thank god i don’t run the nazarene fund otherwise get em would be our slogan and it could mean get the people in afghanistan get the people who are holding them back in
Afghanistan and also get the people who are holding them back from washington dc the nazarene fund get em i don’t think that’s what jesus would have us do