Steve descano is the rogue prosecutor elected in large part because of george soros money he george soros contributed 75 percent more or less of the total amount of money steve descano got to his campaign without soros money steve discano and these other rogue prosecutors simply would not have been elected
The prosecutor in the american criminal justice system occupies a unique role her job is to enforce the criminal law of the state legislature as passed and signed by the governor or the federal law passed by congress and signed by the president their job is to do justice it’s not to get convictions
We have an adversarial system in our country you have strong ethical prosecutors representing the people and you have strong zealous criminal defense attorneys representing those charged with crimes rogue prosecutors upend that they erase the wall between prosecution and defense by taking a pro-defense anti-victim stance refused to enforce large swaths of
Crimes across the book under the guise of prosecutorial discretion it has nothing to do with prosecutorial discretion as a result crime explodes in the cities where they’ve been elected for example in boston rachel rollins the rogue prosecutor of suffolk county lists on her website 15 crimes you can commit in boston
That includes possession with intent to distribute any drug resisting arrest of a police officer breaking and entering a house the irony is that the people who are getting murdered and raped and robbed the most are black and brown poor people in the inner city the very policies they promote are the
Policies that are causing death and destruction and rapes in the very cities they pretend to care about thanks so much for watching this video be sure to hit the subscribe button so you never miss new content from the daily signal