Journalist U Back In December and everybody was kind of making their their predictions for what would happen in 2023 a lot of people were still focused at that time on the Russian Ukraine conflict and thinking that that would you know spill over into other conflicts and this one journalist kind of laid out
A timeline of events that um went all the way out to 2024 with um China invading Taiwan and the next significant event that they were talking about was exactly what we’re seeing right now in the Middle East and the scary thing about this is that you know play forplay
And we’ve kind of seen these things work themselves out and in my opinion when you when you look at what’s happening out there it’s very well orchestrated and it it feels like you know some of these things are are are are playing out of a Playbook you know
Some of the points that they made was that the war that breaks out in the Middle East would be much different than what we’d seen before not only will it be a larger regional conflict but um here home it would divide our country even more and we’ve seen that we saw
That with the Insurrection at the capital yesterday and that’s what it was it was an Insurrection 10,000 people paraded through the capital and took over capital buildings disrupting government from operating there were there were reports of uh conflicts with Capitol Police what they did was an Insurrection whether or not they’ll be
Charged that way I doubt it you know we only do that to certain groups of people other organizations that attempt to shut down our government they’re not bad the point is is that we’re already seeing it here at home and uh they talked about the impacts that
This event would have on Free Speech because of the unilateral support for one side or the other anything you say that doesn’t fit the dialogue will have more support blocking that and I think that at times like these got a little Smokey there for a second times like these uh it’s really
Important for us to remember to embrace fact and and and stay away from um unconfirmed accounts of things an example of that would be you know the when the Hamas invaded Israel there was a lot of discussion of beheadings of children and there there were um from
What I could tell there were some confirmed cases where that happened happened but it wasn’t you know this widespread thing where they did it to every single one what happened was horrendous I mean what these people did it’s hard to consider them human beings after what they did to the Israelis and
Um and by the way you know that is a prime example of why we have our Second Amendment um Israeli Israel had uh very strict gun control laws and their civilians were virtu sitting out there unprotected and and that is what happens you know we we have a second amendment
For for two reasons to protect the Constitution and to protect our civilians from from things like that um so I think you know what we saw there was horrific I question the intelligence around it you know there’s there’s a lot of in my opinion a lot of political
Willpower to let something like that happen in order to go to war and I’m not saying that’s what happened I’m just saying that I question the lack of intelligence leading up to the Hamas invasion of is of Israel the Hamas terrorist attack of Israel and terrorism you know the
Word terrorism what they’re doing is they’re terrorizing it’s a war tactic right you you terrorize people to the point where they’re no longer going to want to occupy that region and they make it as horrific as possible it’s something that we’ve seen throughout history you know and people are always
Quick to call them Savages um which again like I said it’s it’s hard to see them the way they want to be seen after they’ve committed such horrendous acts but anyway my point is is that as this thing erupts whether you support the pal Palestinians or or Israel
You know personally I don’t want my kids going over there and fighting in this war and it’s not because I don’t lean towards one side or the other it’s because you know it’s I don’t feel that our involvement is worth my children’s lives at the end of the day you know
This particular situation is going to intensify what we’ve already experienced here in the US of censorship political bias that that tears people apart and um it’s it’s happening at in an unusual time where you know we’ve already put billions of dollars into the war with uh Russia and Ukraine the
Conflict over there this particular situation could be a breaking point for us on numerous levels when you talk about you know inflation the price of oil and gas when you when you when you start thinking about these things and I don’t think you know from reading what I’ve read about the different positions
On this thing I don’t think you can count on Qatar I don’t think you can count on Saudi Arabia I don’t think you can count on Jordan to be on our side of it you know a lot of these groups um seem to be leaning more towards the political Viewpoint of groups like
Russia and China and China on this particular instance um you know they’re big supporters of Iran and and Iran is a big smor of of of Hamas I’m not sure that you can even count them out as possibly being you know in some sort of way an instigator of of what’s happening
Because if we get involved in this situation it could be the breaking point for the US dollar and if that happens we’re going to be in complete chaos here at home we’re going to be in complete chaos with with people disagreeing with each other with misinformation coming
Out on both sides and then over censorship of of the topics as that rolls out because we know that’s going to happen it already is happening right I mean people are already under attack for their viewpoints on it and I and I don’t want to get too much into my
Viewpoints on this particular subject because you know I do think that Gaza the Gaza Strip those people have been incarcerated on that strip for a long period of time and I feel like when you do that you create terrorists I mean that’s what happened with u Osama Bin
Laden I mean he was he was a terrorist that we created I I used to work in DC I went to a lot of hearings on the Middle East and and different threats that we faced and it was pretty well known that we created that terrorist group through
Our own actions and now we had to figure out a way to deal with it um that doesn’t excuse the terrorism not at all like that is um what happened is inexcusable my bigger concern is what’s going to happen here because if we get involved in this financial it’s going to
Break the US dollar if either way we look at it we’re not going to have people agreeing on this topic and so you’re going to have more disruption socially here in the United States at a time when we’ve already seen you know extreme odds with people and and on top
Of that we’re heading into an election year that’s only going to intensify even more so this is I you know I think we’re heading into times that are bigger than the summer of you know rage from from BLM and all that I think we’re heading into Times where we’re going to see some
Real terrorist activity on our own soil we’re going to see some real um social disruptions some real insurrections like we saw yesterday that’s going to leave us in an extremely vulnerable position for the third phase of what this particular analyst felt would be uh the lead into complete U complete World War
Because this conflict well in in it already has brought us into it we’ve already sent over aircraft carriers we’ve already primed 2,000 troops to go over there we’re already fighting in Iraq you know there were reports of fighting happening in Iraq targeting uh our troops out in Iraq so we’re already
We’re not going to be involved we are already involved in the war in the Middle East and we’ll be sending more and more over there until you know without even a declaration of war from our country we will be at War and then on top of that
With the the financial burdens of this the social burdens and the fact that our kids are going over there we still have the the the threat of China invading Taiwan and if that happens it’s going to happen when we’re already if we’ve already exhausted our resources see what
I’m saying so this is a you know play byplay if you were looking at this from somewhere else um I mean the most strategic thing we could do to stop this from unfolding into a global war would be to try and negotiate some sort of ceasefire in my
Opinion not because we agree with what happened and I think that you know Israel has definitely in my opinion murdered some people I’m not going to downplay that but at the same time they’re dealing with a group that does use human Shields there’s only one way
To take out that group and if that group is going to continue to terrorize you know what else I don’t I don’t know what else they could do I feel like Israel could handle this situation without pulling everybody else into it but from what I’m seeing everybody else is already getting pulled
Into it Iran is getting pulled into it Iran flew a u Black Flag on top of a mosque the other day and and the the the interpretation of it was that it was a morning flag but it was a morning flag that was thrown on a month that they
Don’t normally use for that particular morning that Black Flag in my opinion means something else and so I think that you’re about to see just a mass scale you know disruption of the Middle East that’s going to disrupt your your your prices here at home because if oil and
Gas go up everything goes up I mean everything’s either you know everything depends on petroleum Plastics food I don’t know this is why I haven’t talked a whole lot about this subject is because I I do think that there are some ATR ities going on but I think that war
In of itself is full of them um and there’s not necessarily a right way to go about handling some of these situations I mean if you if you don’t stop the group it’s going to get worse if you go after the group there’s going to be casualties you know the the fundamental
Um reasons why Palestine is the way it is is in particular our fault and that’s where a lot of this stuff you know gets a little tricky and a little complicated but you can’t look at it objectively here in the United States if you look at it objectively then then you’re but you
Know how people react to objective thinking right and so you have to pick a side and that’s the way that it’s going to be here in the US you’re going to have to pick a side you’re with Israel or you’re with the Palestinians and I think that as this
Unfolds the more the US is involved um we’ve already seen a terror attack in Europe but the more that this unfolds the more we’re going to start seeing some of these things here in the US and the more social unrest there is in the US the more likelihood that we’re going
To see attacks against our our people here because it will have a greater impact and that’s the point of it right is to have a a stronger impact so I do think that we need to start preparing ourselves for a very different future I don’t think this is going away
Anytime soon you know I was watching for a while thinking well we might actually get through the year without that analyst predictions uh coming to fruition but it’s already it’s it’s happened it’s it’s going on now and if he continues to be right with what he
Said um 2024 is going to be a bit more exciting because that’s going to be the year or the time frame when the third act happens and when that happens we will see a complete divide across this world um and there’s no telling where it’s going to end up I
Know everybody thinks well we’ll always win um but I don’t think in war there’s ever a winner there’s always things that are lost it’s it it will definitely in you know change the face of our Global Society for the rest of our lives what we know about it what we see about it
It’s going to change where things come from you know the economics it’s going to send countries into poverty before they can rebuild and restructure um and with the amount of social unrest on other issues that’s our weak spot that’s where we’re not going to be able to make
It through in one piece and it will completely change the face of of our society here at home whether a bomb goes off here or not of course where we live we hear them all day long I mean I’ve never seen so many drills I tell you
What the um the amount of helicopters that we have flying overhead and the amount of uh drills and explosions we hear from some of the Special Forces bases there’s a lot of um preparation going on right now and so that tells me that you know we as a country at the highest levels
Feel that this is the direction it’s going in fact we just one of the directors of the department of State just resigned this morning um because he disagreed with with the direction things were going like I said I don’t know enough about Israel and Palestine necessarily to to want to involve myself
In it I do think that there have been injustices done um to the Palestinians but I also think that Israel if you look at our country as a whole Israel does represent an A A A major the sovereignty of Israel in the state of Israel is is a
Major security concern to us as US citizens and what happened in that terrorist attack against Israel was absolutely unexcusable it was disgusting I mean it was I I can’t even imagine you know if if my kids were over there when that happened and something happened to
Them I’d probably be jumping on a plane so I guess in some ways it’s easy for me to say I don’t want my kids fighting in this but that’s my concern too I realize not everybody has kids that are in their lower teens and isn’t looking out four
Or five years going I hope there is no global conflict that’s going to cause a draft they’ve already talked about bringing the draft back so these are all concerns that I have and I don’t know that there’s a whole lot that I can do or you can do independently about it the
Only thing that we can do is try and maintain ourselves and our communities as these things unfold and as these decouplings happen because they are going to happen um we cannot I mean if you’ve looked at the US debt I don’t think anybody realizes how fragile this
Situation is we can’t afford to continue to help Ukraine and we definitely can’t afford to be assisting Israel we’re going to do it anyway I mean because that’s just the way it is there isn’t there’s hardly anybody in congress who’s not going to step in to help is Israel
So the problem that we now face is the inevitable collapse of the US dollar the inevitable inflation that’s going to come from Energy prices and and we’ve already milked our Reserve I mean we we have put ourselves into a mouse trap it it almost feels like we’ve been played a
Little bit and a lot of us have been warning about that for a while but now it’s gotten to that point where you know what else could happen now we’ve we’ve just got to go through this direction and hope we come out the other side in
One piece but like I said that’s going to also depend on us how we treat our families how we treat our kids and how we treat our community during these times you know it’s time to start thinking of the world and what was required of us as we did back in World
War I and two because this particular conflict like I said if you look at the geopolitical issues surrounding this particular conflict the the the way in which people are leaning uh over this particular conflict uh there are a lot of countries turkey Syria they all want our bases out of
There this is their opportunity so this is going to be a much larger scale thing then um then I think a lot of people realize this isn’t just going to be a Middle East war and those terrorism tactics of fighting that war are going
To end up on our soil at some point in time um we’ve let way too many people across the border we know that individuals from these organizations have crossed our border and I think that this was a timed event I think that all of this
Is is timed and planned and I feel like we just you know have the wrong people at the helm to walk us right into a mousetrap unless they wanted to walk into it so that’s my thoughts on that subject and and why I haven’t talked too
Much about it is just because it’s uh it’s a tough pill to swallow when you see things that you disagree with on both sides but you also but it’s something we’re going to have to get used to you know because um the fact of the matter is this is the
Direction we’ve gone War has atrocities it has collateral damage now you know what are the next steps uh I don’t think that we’re going to see a ceasefire I think we’re going to see very quick escalation anyway stay tuned I’ll have more as a man think is coming
Out in the future and um thank you to those who have helped us get Our Youth Development Fund started um we’re we’re getting close to being able to submit our first grant to our first group so that’s exciting and we’re hoping that we can continue to develop uh that that side of our
Nonprofit uh meet my neighbor Productions has been kind of our philanthropy for our channel for uh since 2020 and it’s done a lot of great things uh as far as helping to educate people on you know agriculture society and and a lot of a lot of the
Things that I care about and you guys watch as man thinketh and listen to this podcast so um you know if you if you haven’t supported it I suggest supporting it some people have complained about PayPal part of that is you know I’ve thought about setting up a
VMO because we have several different projects going on it’s an accounting thing we’re able to uh under the PayPal system keep track of you know the funds as we move them where they need to go so they go to the right places but uh and it just just levels of accountability
There but I also agree with most people on their uh stance on PayPal um but sometimes you have to utilize you know the resources to accomplish something and like I said in my last video introducing that if if our stance is constantly just to walk away and and not involve ourselves we’re
Never going to um to make a change uh and you know there are plenty of companies that I have boycotted for similar reasons I just haven’t quite figured out the best payment platform solution that could give me the same um the same direction and I don’t like some of the other organizations
That collect donations because in their policies they have the right at any time to say you know what we don’t like your organization so we’re going to give that money to another organization even though you fundraised for it so I need to um do a little more research on that
If any of you guys have suggestions I’m all yours so uh anyway till next time enjoy watching the news right