Did for example a racist white cop actually murder A Man Called George Floyd a civil rights leader in Minneapolis on Memorial Day of 20120 now we’ve been told that that happened told it relentlessly for more than 3 years so at this point we’ve been told it so much
That pretty much everybody seems to believe it and because everyone does kind of believe it a small group of people has been allowed to make massive changes to American society they include but are not limited to decriminalizing stealing defunding the police adding a new federal holiday to the calendar called
Juneth the ceasing of hiring all white men in Corporate America and of course significantly they also sent a cop called Derek chauan to prison from more than 40 years he would be the racist white devil who murdered George Floyd but the question is did he actually murder George Floyd and the answer is
Well no he didn’t murder George Floyd and we’re not guessing about that we know it conclusively thanks to a new court case now underway in henen County Minnesota the case was brought by a prosecutor there called Amy Sweezy she’s suing her boss so the case is not actually about George Floyd or Derek
Chauan but it tells you an awful lot about both of them in her deposition which you should read Amy Sweezy describes a conversation that she had with the County Medical Examiner Andrew Baker right after George Floyd died quote I called Dr Baker early that morning to tell him about the case and
To ask him if he would perform the autopsy on Mr Floyd s he recalls all this under oath in the deposition quote he called me later in the day on that Tuesday and he told me that there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr
Floyd’s neck there were no medical indications of asfixia or strangulation oh in other words George Floyd according to the official autopsy was not murdered he died instead of what we used to call natural causes which in his case would include Decades of drug use as well as the Fatal concentration of fenyl that
Was in his system on his final day so this was not a killing it was yet another narcotics OD in a country that cords more than a 100,000 of them every year the medical examiner clearly understood that and in fact articulated it and Sweezy explains he said to me she
Recalls in the deposition Amy what happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on and then he said quote this is the kind of case that ends careers in other words everyone lied about it from the very beginning the people who knew the truth
Hid the truth and AOW Ed the revolution to proceed now they’ve been exposed now we know the truth what happens next well they’re going to ignore it the B Administration just issued a long purple statement celebrating George Floyd’s birthday he’s a martyr despite the fact we know that he
Was not murdered and by the way derck chauvan is still languishing in jail for the rest of his life so how do we respond to this how do we respond to the truth once we have it well Vince ever Ellison seemed like a good man to ask
He’s the author of crime Inc he joins us now Vince thanks so much for coming on so as with so many other stories the or than for having me Tu of coid oh it’s it’s a blessing to have you um we now know what actually happened but the
Question then is what do you do with that knowledge we know that the US government Tony fouchy worked with the Chinese to create the virus that overturned the American economy but like what do we do with that knowledge what do we do with the knowledge that George Floyd was not actually strangled to
Death by a cop we have to acknowledge the people that gave it to us and why see George Floyd is the Democratic party’s prototypical black man these are the black men they are trying to create so George Floyd has to be elevated he has to be celebrated he’s perfect to
Them he was poor he was uneducated he was a drug addict he didn’t have a job he was he was uh uh down there begging and and and crying and asking the white people to not kill him two a Democrat to a white Democrat this is the perfect
Black man so he has to be elevated look not a few days ago uh Camala Harris and Joe Biden celebrated hip-hop music they had a celebration of Hip-Hop Hip-Hop culture is America’s culture it is a genre it is music and Melody and rhyme and Hip Hop is also an
Ethos a music genre that calls the black man the N n-word CS women the WW and the b word uh talks about misogyny shooting police um uh uh smoking dope selling dope fighting killing acting of fool they celebrated this genre why because this is how they see Black America they
See us the same way they see George Floyd and they have to make more of us because everywhere they rule you know John F Kenedy stood in front of the um uh Berlin wall in the 60s and said if you think that communism is great let them come to Berlin well if you
Think that the Democratic party is great let them come to Detroit let them come to Chicago let them come to St Louis let them come to La Portland Seattle Memphis anywhere where they rule you’ll see George Floyd’s all over the place and they’re proud of them in Baltimore
Maryland they spend $21,000 per child for for for every child up there in inside the school district not one school is proficient in math science or reading but they keep it going every year why because they’re producing George Floyd and George Floyd vot for the democra party but why would so when
Most of us you me I think all normal people look at George Floyd’s life you think this is a disaster this guy never added anything he took a lot in prison at least eight times I mean his life was a tragedy at best why would you want
More people like that because he votes for the Democrat Party and then he teaches his children to vote for the Democrat Party uh and then these white Democrats can feel Superior to him he can be controlled by them just like think about the old slave plantation
Tuer back in the day how they wanted their slaves to act subservient obedient ignorant you know uh uh doing what he was told not asking any questions uh having a slave mind being dependent on them this is how they want black men to be in America This Is
How They want whole black community to be this is why uh it started in the Civil Rights Movement when Martin Luther King Jr in his IA green speech said 100 years after the Emancipation Proclamation the Negro is still not free he said five times in that speech that
We were not free it turned the Declaration of Independence on his head because in our Declaration of Independence it says that our freedom was an unalienable right given us by God John Lock in his second treaties of government said that an unable right is a right given from God it is irrevocable
Not untransferable and unell and and and and and unsellable the government cannot touch it it supersedes law it supersedes the Constitution however King said we was coming into government and to the white man for our right to be free even at the end of the speech he said on some
Certain day we’ll be free at last free at last thank God Almighty we’re free at last he said in that speech when will we be satisfied he said we will never be satisfied until Justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream that’s a fancy way of saying never
And so black people heard that speech and said that we were not free here in America and we make our children recite that speech every single year on King’s birthday and they say in that speech the Negro is still not free George Floyd was a slave in his mind and the Civil Rights
Movement caused him to be a slave in his mind and today they’re still marching 60 years later telling black people you’re not free beg for reparations beg for affirmative action kill your children in the womb cut off your your your child you castrate your children let drag
Queens come into school and shake their behinds in your children’s faces run God out of the Public Square and then they end up like George Floyd but the one thing they do consistently is they vote for the Democrat Party and the places where George Floyd’s live they stay in
Absolute power that’s a pretty that’s a pretty dark explanation so you’re saying that the Democratic party as an organization intentionally degrades black black people to keep them compliant and obedient oh yes in my book crime Inc I talk about one of the main things they do like the like the mafia
And organized crime they humiliate black people they demoralize them it’s a Marxist construct they demoralize their people they beat them down they tell them that they’re victims well it was Mar King Junior just said they tell you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps well how can you pull yourself up by
Your bootstraps when you’re bootless you know he told us we were bootless you know you have black uh uh preachers and and you’ve heard you know about my iron Triangle black preachers the black politician the black civil rights worker they go into the black community consistently you’re a victim you’re
Oppressed the country hates you well see I look at them and I say I’m a black man but I cannot be oppressed you know why because I’m a Child of God I’m a of Jesus Christ I cannot be a victim why because I’m an a of Jesus Christ I’m a
Child of God I cannot be a victim see they tell these people to go against their religion and their basic ideology because most black men say they’re Christians right but then they walk around say saying I’m oppressed I’m a victim I’m afraid 365 times in our Bible
They tell us to fear not yet they walk around saying they’re afraid in in in in the United States of America LeBron James say he’s afraid Kareem Abdul Jabar says he’s afraid kaic said he’s afraid well I’m a black man in America and I’m not afraid of a damn thing I don’t ask
For permission in my own house America is my home so as they walk around here crying talking about I’m frightened I’m afraid I can’t make it please help me I tell them they stink in my nostrils they’re in the front of God the flip side of white male intimidation during
The Civil Rights was also black male cowardice they laid down and let them beat them slap them around rape their wives and their children well no not me never me I’m a free man I live in the United States of America they say it’s an honor to be that that there white
Supremacy and that uh uh uh white people have some type of privilege well as I said before it is a privilege to be white but it’s also a privilege to be black and it’s privilege to be an American and it’s really a a privilege to be a Christian in the United States
Of America the greatest country on the face of this Earth and they’re not going to make a George Floyd out of me I stand up strong I look him in the eye and I say I’m a free man my freedom comes from God it’s an unable right given to me by
Him you cannot touch it and if you try it I got two things that’ll get you off of me Jesus and my 38 come try me out so so the Democratic party used BLM as a as a domestic militia in the last presidential cycle 2020 to defeat Donald
Trump do you expect something like that to happen again well you see how they use the same tactics as Iran Iran has Hezbollah and Hamas as their militias and the Democratic party uses BLM and antifa as theirs throwing the Rock and hiding the hand of course they’re going
To do it they’ve always done it even at the beginning they used the kukus clan for for for the for for the military now they’re using BLM they’re using antifa they’re using NAACP and they’re their suicide bombers they’re their shock troops they’re their Brown Shirts they’re their street soldiers and
They’re going to go out there and I guarantee you tuer they’re going to they’re going to look over all the black-on-black violence they’re going to look over all the black men killing black men they’re going to look over all the snatching grabs and all the burning
And all the fighting and looting and AC of fool and they’re going to find one crazy white cop that’s going to do something to some crazy black man and then they’re going to try to burn this country down for it that’s their plan that’s their template I hope America’s
Ready for it because it’s coming and it always works for them it always works because the the press and everybody’s just waiting oh they’re on the they’re on the they’re on the starting line just waiting for it and as soon as they find that golden kill that golden kill watch
Them go crazy with it BLM is going to start getting their money from the Democrat Party because that’s who they get it from the same way that Hamas gets their money from Iran the the uh BLM gets their money from the Democrat Party and BLM does not stand for black lives
Matter it stands for burn Loot and murder and that’s what we should call him from now on Vince Everett Ellison Bible on the 38 it’s great to see you today thank you very much