New video shows Maricopa County Employees breaking the seals of voting machines after they were certified removing the pre-programmed memory cards and replacing them with reprogrammed ones that’s the Smoking Gun folks attorney general Ken Paxton is impeached in Texas Democrat mayor Eric Adams in New York City shocks as he denounces
Socialism and communism on Memorial Day and tells Young Americans to embrace patriotism and an obama-linked organization partners with Target to promote gender transitioning in schools while Kohl’s jumps on the kitty transgender bandwagon first to New York City where Democrat mayor Eric Adams spoke at the U.S success Intrepid museums annual Memorial Day ceremony
Stating quote you water the tree of Freedom with your blood and quote we sit under the shade of that tree of Freedom protected from the hot rays of socialism and communism and destruction that’s playing out across the globe Adams also said that more should be done to Foster patriotism in our country including
Encouraging daily recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance that’s the kind of stuff we need in this country folks is another Democrat seeing the light time will tell but for now Adams is exactly right next to Texas where Patriot attorney general Ken Paxton has been impeached by the rhino-controlled house
121-23 on 20 bogus articles of impeachment here are the traitors who voted to impeach him Paxton has been fighting the fraudulent by demonstration tooth and nail and this is the uniparty’s payback meanwhile Ken Paxton has been placed on administrative leave pending a trial in the Senate let’s see
If both Chambers have been infiltrated and controlled by these sleeper Democrats meanwhile Kohl’s is selling transgender themed clothing for babies as young as three months clearly not learning from the disastrous Fallout of Bud Light and Target so go ahead and add coals to your do not shop list speaking
Of Target it’s being revealed that the overpriced retail store has partnered with the gay lesbian and straight education Network which was founded by Barack Obama’s safe schools are Kevin Jennings who initiated the sexual perversion in America’s schools the organization quote Advocates policies that keep parents unaware of their child’s in-school gender transition
Providing sexually explicit books to schools and pushing gender ideology throughout Public School curricula according to the Gateway pundit funny how it all goes back to Obama and Michael I mean Michelle right folks next to two major stories first it’s being revealed that Kevin McCarthy’s debt ceiling deal with Joe Biden cuts only
1.9 billion dollars out of 80 billion dollars in funding for 87 000 IRS agents from this point on we’re not allowed to say or show you what we’re about to on this platform or will almost certainly be punished for it for those of you that have been with us from the beginning you
Know that YouTube had previously labeled our content as quote harmful to the public and nearly banned us permanently on at least two separate occasions so please join us for the rest of this segment at where we can say exactly what we want without fear of censorship suppression or the
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