Just last year, Swedish police admitted that warfare between “migrant” criminal gangs was becoming a major problem in the socialist, once-peaceful Nordic idyll.
Murders and bombings were out of control. Such was the violence that the government considered calling in the military.
But police now admit they’ve had a bigger problem since at least 2018. Some 30 lady cops were romantically, if not sexually, involved with gang leaders and fed them information that intensified the violence.
More Than 500 Leaks
The daily Dagens Nyheter, the European Conservative reported, revealed that some 30 cops “allowed themselves to be seduced and exploited by gangsters to whom they gave information that later led to several deadly altercations on the streets.”
The nearly three dozen cops leaked classified information to the criminals more than 500 times, and “gang members were briefed regarding ongoing investigations, upcoming raids, or competing gangs,” the website reported of the paywalled story:
DN’s report also found evidence that leaks concerning information on rival criminals assisted in several attacks on enemy gang members, including at least four murders.
The report — based on conversations with some 50 sources in the law enforcement community and the criminal underworld, backed by hundreds of public documents — also revealed that, in many cases, the gang members used quite unconventional methods to obtain the information, such as starting “sexual relationships with strategically selected [women] police officers.”
One example is “Elin,” who met her gangster boyfriend through a dating app when she was still a cadet. Regularly, she chose to feed him classified information she obtained through illegal searches over the course of four years until she was caught.
So deep was the penetration that one woman officer spilled the beans to “one of Sweden’s most notorious criminals.” Another cop who “fell in love with the very man she was tasked to investigate provided him with regular updates on her ‘progress.’”
Total suspected leaks: “at least 514.”
Frighteningly, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson isn’t sure whether the renegade cops threaten the nation’s security, the Local reported.
The report contains “very concerning information,” he said:
“There are many great risks and one is that trust in police declines, that one gets the idea that mafia-like methods are used to infiltrate law enforcement,” the head of government said.
“It is very serious and we need to address it,” he continued.
Kristersson said that purely based on the initial report he could not say whether it constituted a threat to national security or not.
Gang Violence
The information the dirty cops gave to the gangsters might help explain the “murders and explosions on an unprecedented scale” that Swedish police alerted the public about last year, as the Daily Mail reported: “Several boys aged between 13 and 15 have been killed, the mother of a criminal was executed at home, and a young man in Uppsala was shot dead on his way to work.”
In 2022, the website continued, police counted 90 bombings and 101 attempted bombings.
And as of the time of the report, cops counted more than 100.
Swedes were terrified and surely still are, police said.
No wonder Kristersson said the country would ask the military to control the problem.
“No other country in Europe is seeing anything like this,” he told Swedes in a televised speech. “Sweden has never before seen anything like this. Swedish laws aren’t designed for gang wars and child soldiers.”
Translation: Swedish laws were not devised for violent Third World “migrants.”
As The New American reported in 2019, a headline over a story about bombings in London’s Spectator explained it this way: “bomb attacks are now a normal part of Swedish life.”
And at the time, the website reported, Sweden’s gangs were almost exclusively migrant.
Dagens Nyheter reported that 90 percent of gang shooters were immigrants or their children.
Another major crime that increased dramatically with the arrival of the “migrant” horde is rape.
As of 2018, some 60 percent of convicted rapists were foreign-born.
In 2020, the nation changed its rape laws, which boosted convictions for the crime by 75 percent.