New evidence released by the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee this week shows that Hunter Biden lied at least three times to congressional committee investigators.
Two lies concern Biden’s business deals with Chinese Reds and Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company at the nexus of the Biden-Burisma influence peddling scheme. The third concerns his claim that he never tried to procure a visa for his foreign business cronies.
The committee also released an affidavit from IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley about CIA interference in the Biden income-tax probe.
The Three Lies
The first lie is about the famous WhatsApp message of July 30, 2017, that Biden sent to Raymond Zhao of CEFC, the Communist Party-controlled Chinese energy conglomerate. Biden told Zhao that his father was sitting with him as he wrote. He wanted to know why promised money wasn’t delivered.
“During his deposition, Committee investigators questioned Hunter Biden about the now infamous WhatsApp message he sent to a business associate at the Chinese energy company, CEFC, stating, “I’m sitting here with my father, and we would like to understand why the commitment has not been fulfilled,” the committee news release explained:
In the months that followed, $5 million flowed from CEFC affiliates to companies connected to Hunter and James Biden, the President’s brother.
Hunter Biden’s Sworn Testimony: “The Zhao that this is sent to is not the Zhao that was connected to CEFC” and he “had no understanding or even remotely knew what the hell I was even Goddamn talking about.”
In fact, the committee revealed, Biden’s WhatsApp messages show that he messaged “only one ‘Zhao’ — Raymond Zhao — in that exchange. Not only did the same Zhao respond, but his message indicates he knew exactly what Hunter Biden was talking about, and that Hunter Biden continued to communicate with the same ‘Zhao’ phone number for an additional three months regarding matters related to CEFC.”
Lie No. 2 concerned Biden’s financial connection to a company set up to receive foreign loot, Rosemont Seneca Bohai. Former business associate Devon Archer told the House Oversight Committee that he and Biden were equal owners of the company.
“According to evidence provided by the IRS whistleblowers,” the Ways and Means release continues, “Hunter Biden was the beneficial owner of the entity’s associated bank account, which was used to receive Hunter’s salary from Burisma and to receive foreign wires, such as funds allegedly transferred from a Kazakhstani individual through an entity that were then used to purchase a Porsche for Hunter Biden.”
On February 28, in a sworn deposition to investigators from the House Judiciary and Oversight committees, Biden said “neither Rosemont Seneca Bohai, nor its associated bank accounts, were ‘under my control nor affiliated with me’ and Hunter, ‘didn’t even know that there was such a thing’ in reference to a corporate secretary of the entity,” the release explains:
The Truth: Evidence obtained by the Committee and released today from IRS investigator Joseph Ziegler shows otherwise. Not only is there documentation that Hunter Biden was the beneficial owner of a bank account in the name of Rosemont Seneca Bohai, but the Committee has obtained a signed document where Hunter Biden affirms, “I, Robert Hunter Biden, hereby certify that I am the duly elected, qualified and acting Secretary of Rosemont Seneca Bohai, LLC” in order to enter into a contract on behalf of the entity with Porsche Financial Services.
That account also received millions from a Russian billionaireness. She invested in Biden’s real-estate ventures.
Committee investigators also asked Biden what he did for Burisma Holdings when he was on its board. His sworn testimony “reveals a potential attempt to conceal he was actively using his name and father’s influence to aid foreign nationals in obtaining visas from the U.S. government,” Ways and Means avers.
Biden said he would not provide “any work as it related to visas that they needed.” And he’d “never pick up the phone and call anybody for a visa.”
That, too, was a lie:
The Truth: The Committee has obtained and made public today an email communication between Devon Archer, Hunter Biden, and Ukrainian associates in which, in response to concerns about the revocation of Nikolay Zlochevsky’s, the CEO of Burisma, U.S. visa and the resulting limitations on his foreign travel, Archer stated, “Hunter is checking with Miguel Aleman to see if he can provide cover to Kola on the visa.” “Kola” being Nikolay Zlochevsky. Archer also tells Vadim Pozharskyi to “please send Hunter an email with all Kola’s passport and visa documents and evidence and copy me. We’ll take it from there.” These documents show that Hunter Biden did in fact do work on visa issues.
Pozharskyi was the Burisma adviser who wrote the famous email that thanked Hunter for introducing him to his father. That email proved that Joe Biden met with Hunter’s biz pals.
Shapley Statement
The Shapley affidavit provides more evidence that the Biden administration meddled in the IRS probe into Hunter Biden’s income tax and other financial shenanigans.
As The New American explained in its Biden Crime Family report of September 2023, Shapley revealed that a U.S. attorney undermined a search warrant for a storage unit in which Biden kept documents. DOJ also blocked IRS questions about Joe Biden and his connection to Hunter’s deal with CEFC, notably the “big guy” email.
Now, a new affidavit involves the CIA in machinations to protect Boy Biden.
“In and around August 2021, discussions were ongoing within the prosecution team on the Hunter Biden investigation concerning witnesses who needed to be interviewed in furtherance of the investigation,” Shapley said:
During a recurring prosecution team conference call in or around late August 2021, Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) Lesley Wolf told the team that she and DOJ Tax Attorney Jack Morgan had recently returned from the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where they had been summoned to discuss Kevin Morris.
A Hollywood big-shot lawyer, Morris has paid Hunter’s taxes, loaned him millions, and bought $1.5 million of his “art.”
“AUSA Wolf stated that they were provided a classified briefing in relation to Mr. Morris and as a result we could no longer pursue him as a witness,” Shapley said:
Investigators probed AUSA Wolf, but since her briefing was classified and she was apparently sanitizing it to an unclassified form to share over an open phone line, she did not elaborate with more information. She reiterated more than once that they were summoned to the CIA in Langley concerning Mr. Morris, and that because of the information provided there, he could not be a witness for the investigation.”
How the CIA knew about Morris’ being a witness, Shapely didn’t know. He also said investigators should have been included in the CIA meetings.
Shapely said Wolf ignored his attempts to set up a briefing to find out what information the CIA had about Morris.
Shapley was removed from the investigation last year when he revealed the Justice Department’s interference:
I was removed from the investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice in May 2023, after providing protected disclosures concerning prosecutors’ mishandling of the investigation of Hunter Biden, to include conflicts of interest, preferential treatment, deviations from normal investigative procedures and conflicting information provided by Attorney General Merrick Garland to Congress related to the independence of the U.S. Attorney for the District of Delaware.