In yet another sign that science deniers control Western medicine, the Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) has apologized for using terms that offend “transgenders” and “non-binaries.”
The usual words that describe a woman’s reproductive organs and/or nether anatomy apparently trigger the trannies. Indeed, in devoting an entire webpage to the ridiculous question of whether a “trans man” can get cervical cancer, the society included a “Words Matter” section to appease the Lavender Mob.
As well, the bright lights at the CCS claim that “anyone with a cervix can get cervical cancer.” That, of course, suggests that women aren’t the only people with a cervix.
And indeed, that’s exactly what CCS says. Men can have a cervix. Except that the “men” to whom CCS refers aren’t really men. They are “trans men” — women who pretend to be men.
Can a Man Get Cervical Cancer?
The CCS web page opens with this preposterous question: “As a trans man or non-binary person assigned female at birth, do I need to get screened for cervical cancer?”
Forgetting that CCS accepts at face value the false claim that sex or gender is “assigned at birth,” the society answers the question with the usual eyewash about “discrimination.”
“Trans, non-binary and gender-diverse people face significant barriers to accessing healthcare and are less likely than cisgender people to be screened for cancer,” CCS avers. The barriers include “transphobia and discrimination,” of course, as well as “limited healthcare provider knowledge about issues affecting trans people (such as gender dysphoria).”
Still, “getting screened for cancer is an important part of regular medical care for everyone because the earlier cancer is found, the better the outcome and treatment options will be.”
Then comes the science denial:
Anyone with a cervix can get cervical cancer. Almost all cervical cancer cases are due to HPV infection. HPV is spread through sexual contact including sexual intercourse, genital skin-to-skin contact and oral sex, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.
If your medical records indicate that you are a man, you may not get reminders to get screened for cervical cancer. Talk to your healthcare provider about screening.
Apparently, doctors who submit to “transgender” science denial create medical records that misidentify the sex of “trans men.” That might mean those patients — really women, again —aren’t watching out for a cancer that only a woman can get.
Words Matter
But the CCS wasn’t finished conscripting science to serve the anti-science ideology of “transgenderism,” an increasing threat to sound medical practice and basic biology and anatomy instruction.
In the “Words Matter” apology — or tranny apologia — CCS claims that “trans men” and “non-binaries” must never hear the correct terms for a woman’s anatomy.
“We recognize that many trans men and non-binary people may have mixed feelings about or feel distanced from words like ‘cervix,’” the CCS says:
You may prefer other words, such as “front hole.” We recognize the limitations of the words we’ve used while also acknowledging the need for simplicity. Another reason we use words like “cervix” is to normalize the reality that men can have these body parts too.
Actually, “front hole” is TransSpeak for vagina, but anyway, the “men” who “have these body parts too” aren’t men. They are women who pretend to be men. Some of them get a vaginectomy, which involves cutting away the vagina and closing the vaginal canal. Typically, the website observes, those victims of surgical mutilation have also undergone a full hysterectomy, which includes removing the cervix, the lower end of the uterus that connects it to the vaginal canal.
And words do indeed matter for the “trans” mob, which has concocted an entire glossary of terms to propagandize the public.
Women who submit to mastectomies or men who “get breasts” have really had “top surgery.” Men and women who undergo penectomies (removal of the penis), orchiectomies (removal of the testes), or vaginectomies really had “bottom surgery.”
The White House calls mothers “birthing people” in official documents because men “can get pregnant.”
And no longer is a nursing infant “breastfeeding.” He’s “chestfeeding.”
Because science is science, and a human being with XX chromosomes is a woman, and a human being with XY chromosomes is a man, the “transgender” movement invented the claim that “sex” differs from “gender.”
Sex, they argue, describes an indidivduals’ biological characteristics. “Gender” describes the “identity” they were “assigned at birth,” which they believe might not correlate with their sex.
Those who believe they are the “wrong gender,” then, seek to “transition” by hormones and surgical mutilation.
Problem is, those superficial changes do not and cannot alter their chromosomes. “Transgenders” forever remain what they were when they were born — a man or woman.
H/T: Reduxx, True North