Six normal women at the University of Wyoming who fought a legal battle to keep a behemoth “trans woman” out of their sorority have lost their case.
The U.S. District Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit in Utah rejected the women’s appeal from a lower court, which turned down the women’s claim that the “trans woman” joined the University of Wyoming’s Kappa Kappa Gamma despite not meeting its qualifications, one of which is that members must be women.
The decision is yet another victory for trans ideology that clearly endangers the women in the sorority given what the case revealed about the “trans women.”
Add sororities to the long list of women-only endeavors that “trans women” and their leftist backers are determined to destroy.
The Case
“The six women were appealing an August 2023 ruling from Judge Alan Johnson that declined their initial litigation on the basis that re-defining ‘woman’ to include males was “Kappa Kappa Gamma’s bedrock right as a private, voluntary organization — and one this Court may not invade,” Reduxx reported. “Judge Johnson dismissed the case without prejudice, but suggested the lawsuit could be refiled.”
Johnson, 85, was appointed by President Ronald Reagan.
Amazingly, the sorority national office sided with “trans woman” Artemis Langford, a 6-foot-2-inch “260-pound-plus” gargantua. The sorority claimed that the six normal women were hurling “dehumanizing mud” to “bully Ms. Langford on the national stage,” Reduxx noted, citing the sorority’s filing.
The court of appeals claimed it didn’t have jurisdiction and turned down the women’s appeal.
The three judges who turned down the appeal — Richard Frederico, Carolyn McHugh, and Michael Murphy — were appointed by President Joe Biden, Barack Hussein Obama, and Bill I-Didn’t Have Sex With That Women, Miss Lewinsky Clinton.
The women also claimed that the national sorority’s president, Mary Pat Rooney, violated the sorority’s bylaws, which say that “a new member shall be a woman.”
Langford is not a woman.
As well, Langford isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, the women argued, Reduxx noted:
The initial complaint filed in March 2023 pointed out that Langford was accepted in KKG with a Grade Point Average (GPA) far below the admission requirement. The sorority’s policy was to only admit students whose GPA was 2.7 or higher, while Langford’s GPA was just 1.9. This indicated that Langford was “evaluated using a different standard” than female members were.
A 1.9 average is a D at the Cowboy State university. And it’s less than a point above an F, meaning Failure. Langford, though, didn’t fail at bamboozling the ladies who run KKG.
Anyway, the sorority fell back on the “trans” movement’s evil manipulation of language to justify admitting a man the same height and 20 pounds heavier than the average NFL linebacker.
It argued that KGG’s bylaws doesn’t define “women,” and said the word is “unquestionably open to many interpretations,” Reduxx reported. As well, sorority headmistresses say “‘woman’ has evolved since the founding of the female-only organization 150 years ago.”
Maybe that’s true for the “trans” propagandists and their shills in politics, the leftist media, and now, college sororities. For normal people everywhere, it’s nonsense.
Of course, the sorority booted two 50-year sorority members who complained about Langford.
Normal Women in Danger?
But Langford’s merely being a man isn’t the only reason six women want him gone.
“Court records revealed that the young women alleged Langford, who is 6’2″, had been voyeuristically peeping on them while they were in intimate situations, and, on at least one occasion, had a visible erection while doing so,” Reduxx continued:
“One sorority member walked down the hall to take a shower, wearing only a towel.… She felt an unsettling presence, turned, and saw [Langford] watching her silently,” one court document, which had anonymized Langford, reads.
“[Langford] has, while watching members enter the sorority house, had an erection visible through his leggings,” the suit says. “Other times, he has had a pillow in his lap.”
The initial complaint adds that Langford is “sexually interested in women” as evidenced by his Tinder profile “through which he seeks to meet women.” It is further alleged that Langford took photographs of the women while at a sorority slumber party, where he also is said to have made inappropriate comments.
“[Langford] repeatedly questioned the women about what vaginas look like, breast cup size, whether women were considering breast reductions and birth control,” the complaint alleges.
Amusingly, Langford claims he is a “lesbian.”
The pro-”trans” Washington Post, Reduxx observed, sympathetically profiled the big fella.
“A trans woman joined a sorority,” the headline began. “Then her new sisters turned on her.”
A 21-year-old University of Wyoming student was looking for community. Instead, she faced death threats, a federal lawsuit and an attempt to kick her out.
In December, as Reduxx’s Genevieve Gluck wrote on X, the New York Assembly gave Langford a standing ovation, apparently for successfully masquerading as a woman.
Invading Women’s Activities
“Trans women” are systematically wrecking myriad activities for real women.
“Trans women” are dominating Australian women’s soccer and other sports, much to the detriment of real women. Men have invaded and dominated women’s cycling, arm-wrestling, weightlifting, and track and field. They even play women’s darts.
They’re also winning women’s beauty pageants. The new “Miss Maryland” is a man married to a man.
In a small victory for sanity, a court of arbitration recently decided one for the women. It turned down “trans woman” swimmer “Lia” Thomas’ appeal of swimming officialdom’s decision not to permit him to compete in the Olympics.
Be that as it may, a federal court handed a victory to the enemies of women. Now, it appears, men will join sororities.