In this episode of Alex Newman’s The Sentinel Report, Newman is back in the saddle, breaking down huge news, including an update on the health front with the World Health Organization passing amendments to the International Health Regulations just in time for the bird flu “pandemic” to take place before the 2024 election.
Also, Newman speaks with three interesting guests. First, Steve Friend, an ex-FBI employee turned whistleblower, joins the show to share how the agency is celebrating pride month, plus Andrew McCabe reveals that some FBI personnel might flee the U.S. if Trump wins. Next up, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, an author and journalist, comes on to discuss her recent trip to the Organization for Security and Co-operation Conference in Vienna. And finally, Bruce Brill, the author of Deceit of an Ally, hops on the show to break down his knowledge of the Yom Kippur War.