One Idaho saloon, apparently fed up with the notion that the entire month of June has become a de facto holiday for the homosexual community, has declared this June to be “Heterosexual Awesomeness Month.” The Old State Saloon (OSS) in Eagle, Idaho, is set to celebrate straight culture with drink discounts and exhibits of how a heterosexual male might dress.
Reactions to the mock celebration range from outrage to support, with the tavern promising not to give in to intimidation tactics designed to shut down the event.
“June will be OSS’s inaugural Heterosexual Awesomeness Month! Come join us all month to celebrate heterosexuals, for without them, none of us would be here!” read a post on the tavern’s Facebook page. “Each Monday will be Hetero Male Monday and any heterosexual male dressed like a heterosexual male will receive a free draft beer. Each Wednesday is Heterosexual couples day and each heterosexual couple will receive 15% off their bill.”
In an editorial in the Idaho Statesman, Michael Deeds opined that the tavern had put “the ‘trans’ in transparent bigotry,” and claimed it was a “marketing gimmick” and “an insecure reaction to LGBTQ+ Pride Month.”
The Old State’s owner, Mark Fitzpatrick, shot back, “Idaho Statesman writes a hit piece on me and Old State Saloon and doesn’t even have the courage to call me for a quote.”
The saloon claims that they love members of the LGBT community.
“We hear lots of people are upset about Heterosexual Awesomeness Month!,” the bar noted in a subsequent Facebook post. “Please know: 1) We love our LGBTQ+ patrons! 2) We will not be changing our mind and give into the group of those who are responding with vitriol. 3) ALL are welcome to come celebrate heterosexuality with us in June!”
When challenged by a commenter to have a night celebrating LGBT patrons, the tavern answered, “We love our Black patrons too. We love our White patrons. We love our patrons who work for USPS. But we aren’t doing special nights for those people. Nor are we doing special nights for LGBTQ+.”
“We are choosing to celebrate heterosexuals. We should be able to do that without so many people being so nasty to us, lying about us, canceling us, attacking our business, and/or trying to get us to make something about themselves,” the bar noted. “If you want us to change who we are celebrating, get over it. It’s not happening. Hooray for heterosexuals!”
An Instagram post by Lindsey Graham, who calls herself “the patriot Barbie,” said, “Pride month is a worship of who someone has sex with. That is it. It is a month to behave as though one person’s sexual lifestyle holds more warrant for praise and credit than others.”
She continued: “I’m not ok with it. Yes, this is also a public display of sexuality, I get it. But more than REAL, it is a hilarious mockery of what has become a cult like idolatry of someone’s sexual preference.”
The tongue-in-cheek celebration of heterosexuality hoists the LGBT community on its own petard. That’s what they are so upset about. They want their sexual behavior treated as if it were a civil right akin to the plight of blacks, instead of the perversion that it is.
Perhaps the reason that “Heterosexual Awesomeness Month” has caused such a reaction is that members of the public are tired of being assaulted with “Pride Month” propaganda. Each year in June we are inundated with “Pride Month” sales, community events, and even LGBT propaganda at baseball games. It’s enough already.