There are sins of commission, things you shouldn’t have done, but did; and sins of omission, things you should have done, but didn’t. When the two come together, you can have evildoers and enablers, such as when miscreants commit crimes and authorities ignore the crimes.
Enter the Biden administration.
At issue is something you probably won’t learn about from The New York Times or the nightly news: hundreds of attacks on Catholic churches by pro-prenatal-infanticide radicals since the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade. Oh, it’s not a man-bites-dog story, as virtually all political violence originates with the so-called Left (yes, really). But it’s still newsworthy.
So here’s the story, courtesy of Catholic Accountability Project director Tommy Valentine:
Bricks hurled through windows. Churches set on fire in the middle of the night and worshippers harangued at services. Bigoted graffiti spray-painted on walls. Death threats against students.
These heinous acts sound like dispatches from the Jim Crow-era South. But these have all occurred over the last two years, and the Biden administration has turned a blind eye to them.
… When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in a landmark decision two years ago this month, pro-abortion rights extremists promised a “summer of rage”. They targeted at least one justice for assassination, and they harassed pro-life pregnancy centers across the country.
They especially declared all-out war on the Catholic Church, which has stood explicitly against abortion from its inception.
“Stuff your rosaries and weaponized prayer,” read a tweet posted by the shadowy group Ruth Sent Us after the draft opinion was leaked. “We will remain outraged after this weekend, so keep praying. We’ll be burning the Eucharist to show our disgust for the abuse Catholic Churches have condoned for centuries.” Few had heard of Ruth Sent Us or similar domestic extremist groups like Jane’s Revenge, but Catholics across the country learned about them quickly.
Since the draft Dobbs opinion was maliciously leaked on May 2, 2022, there’ve been 259 acts of vandalism and violence against Catholic churches. Some of these are serious incidents, too, such as pews, a car, or a church itself being set alight; churches ransacked; and bullets fired at an abbey. Swastikas have also been painted on churches on more than one occasion, an act bringing great media attention when other religions’ are thus targeted.
The anti-Catholic attacks not only have caused millions in physical damages, but, according to the Left’s own standards, constitute a sustained wave of violence against an identity-based group. Normally, this “would merit federal law enforcement resources and a commitment to stopping the hatred,” writes Valentine. “Unfortunately, the Biden administration has done nothing about this problem.”
In fact, despite Valentine’s organization and certain congressmen imploring the Department of Justice (DOJ) to take action, it has refused to prosecute even one of these many crimes.
While it would be ideal to handle these issues on only the state level, this isn’t the standard that has been set (the feds regularly bring “civil rights” charges). In fact, though the DOJ has taken pains to enforce the federal Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act against pro-lifers peacefully praying/protesting at prenatal-infanticide mills, it hasn’t applied the law to the anti-Catholic crimes — even though the legislation also criminalizes attacks on worship houses.
It’s yet another example of today’s two-tiered (in)justice system, where law is applied selectively based on ideological considerations.
As to this, while the Biden administration ignores anti-Catholic violence, its FBI did find the time to target supposed “Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology,” Valentine reminds us. This is despite the Catholic Church being the most diverse religious group in America, he points out.
Moreover, where are these “violent” Rad-Trad Catholics? Such criminality is the kind the media love making front-page news, after all.
Just consider, for example, how the mainstream media widely covered stories about a man and woman who left bacon near mosque entrances. While causing no damage, the man got 15 years imprisonment and the woman faced up to six (state charges). One could wonder, too: Have any of the anti-Catholic attackers received such stiff sentences?
As for the media bias, it was apparent as well when churches burned in Canada based on the “blood-libel myth” that they’d murdered American Indian children. While the media enabled this hoax, they weren’t nearly as interested in covering the story when it was revealed to be just that. So we have a two-tiered media-“justice” system, too.
Returning to the matter of violence, the “Left” may not have a monopoly on it, but it’s close enough. I illustrated this, exhaustively, in 2020’s “Violence, Inc.: A Leftist Enterprise.” A relevant excerpt:
“Violence is the only way, of course,” as BLM sympathizer Michelle Taylor put it in an August 27 [2020] tweet. This fire-breathing radical is, mind you, a “frequent guest lecturer at prominent American universities,” related the College Fix September 25. But is this surprising? Nancy Pelosi, Mrs. “People will do what they do,” gave a 2014 speech at the University of California Berkeley and told graduates to “be disruptors.” Oh, San Fran Nan probably wasn’t thinking of rioting and looting, but do these oh-so-clever establishment types know what they sow? Because they’re coming for you, Nan.
In January [2020], Project Veritas unveiled undercover video from socialist senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign. One staffer, Kyle Jurek, talked about how he wanted the Clintons dead via a “reign of terror.” Of the “billionaire class,” “media,” and “pundits,” he said, “light them on fire in the streets.”
“Liberals,” he explained, “get the f*****g wall first.” I don’t think he meant Trump’s wall, either.
None of this is unfathomable, of course, coming from godless people who sometimes claim “Everything is relative.” For the ultimate result of this is to make everything, and everyone, relative to one’s own desires, dogmas, and prejudices.