Speaking at a White House barbecue honoring active duty military and their families, President Joe Biden invented another tall tale and babbled incoherently.
Biden’s latest false memory is that he served in the military.
White House aides were undoubtedly face-palming. And worried Democrats can’t help but wonder if and when Biden will drop out of the 2024 election.
The answer, Biden said again today, is never. But given his rapidly declining mental and physical abilities, that might not be the case. Or so Democrats hope.
For the Real Clear Politics Average of polls has delivered more bad news: Former President Trump has expanded his lead in the national polls and now leads in all the key battleground states.
“In Battles”
Biden was nearly incoherent, and spoke in disjointed sentences as so often does.
“Last month, Jill and I traveled to Normandy, France, to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day,” he said in closing. We met with American veterans, some of them — about 12 or 14 — over 102 years old. Veterans who toured the — and we toured the battlegrounds, went to the cemeteries, and looked at what was — happened.”
After he took the obligatory jab at former President Donald Trump, he falsely claimed “we’re the only nation in the history of the world that has gone through every crisis and come out stronger than we went into the crisis — every single time.”
Then he unbosomed this unfathomable remark: “And by the way, I’ve been all over the world with you. I’ve been in and out of battle- — anyway. You’re incredible.”
Biden has never been “in and out battle,” except, perhaps, for a battle to a cone of Graeter’s chocolate chip ice cream. And he has never worn the uniform of his country.
But worse than yet another false memory, a symptom of dementia, was what Biden said when he stepped away from the podium and meandered off to another planet.
“Hey, folks. I just found out that if I keep — go around and when I’m — maybe I can come back and do — shake hands with all of you, which I want to do,” he said:
There’s 7,000 people waiting at the gate to get in. So, if I don’t finish this, they can’t come in. So, maybe if you’re hanging around, I’m going to sneak back out if that’s okay. All right?
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Remember that famous expression: “They also serve only stand and wait.” I remember when our son was deployed, my wife would go to the — stand at the sink in the morning, drinking her coffee and saying that prayer, worried — worrying. Always concerned. And all of you.
After bungling the last line of John Milton’s Sonnet 19 and suggesting that Beau Biden fought in Iraq, which he didn’t as an Army lawyer, Biden went back and forth with the crowd, which encouraged him to stay in the race for the White House.
“I’ll come back out when they let — open the gate,” he continued before launching into this inexplicable story:
One last thing. You know, I used to think — when I was a senator, there was — there were always congestion on the highways. There’s no congestion anymore. None. We go out on the highway, there’s no congestion.
And so, what — the way they get me to stop talking, they’ll say, “We just shut down all the roads, Mr. President. You’re going [to] lose all the votes if you don’t get in.”
I’m Staying in
Understandably, Democrats want Biden to drop out of the race, as they made clear after his losing debate with Donald Trump, when his declining cognitive power became so apparent.
Such was the performance that The New York Times said Biden must step aside. After that, news surfaced that Biden shuts down after 4:00 p.m., likely because he is sundowning, the late-day confusion seen in dementia and Alzheimer’s sufferers. That explains his debate performance.
But Biden, of course, declared that he would drop out, a vow he repeated in Madison, Wisconsin, at a campaign rally.
“What’s Joe going to do?” he said. “Is he going to stay in the race? Is he going to drop out? What’s he going to do?”
Well, here’s my answer: I’m running and going to win again.
Continued Biden, “Let me say this as clearly as I can: I’m the sitting President of the United States. I’m the nominee of the Democratic party. I’m staying in the race.”
How long Biden can maintain that position is unclear.
The Real Clear Politics average of polls has Trump farther ahead now than he was two days ago. His lead in the national polls has expanded from 2.9 to 3.3 points, 47.5 to 44.2.

Trump has prevailed in 10 of the last 11 polls with one tie. The most recent New York Times polled gave Trump a six-point lead.
As well, he is now ahead of Biden in all seven battleground states, including Wisconsin, where he has gone from a tie to a two-point lead.
The rest of those margins are as follows:

Short of the 81-year-old president’s having a major medical emergency, how party underlings can force him out is unclear.
But as election forecaster Nate Silver said, looking at a possible second term for Biden, “an 86-year-old president is a ridiculous and untenable proposition.”
H/T: NBC News