In a shocking story shared on X, a young French woman said she can no longer go out at night and is terrified of living in what was once the nicest area of Lyon.
The reason: African immigrants.
In fear for her life 24-7, the unidentified woman is enduring what can only be described as a nightmare.
And that nightmare is one reason the National Rally Party of Marine Le Pen won the first round of national legislative elections on Sunday. If the party wins another round in two days, it could form a majority government and take over the country.
The Message
The cri du coeur landed on X thanks to user Damien Rieu, who calls himself a “whistleblower.”
“I am 26 years old, French, blonde with light eyes, and I have always lived in the 6th arrondissement of Lyon, which is thought of as the poshest area in Lyon, and my daily life has become unbearable,” the distraught woman wrote:
I write this because, ten years ago, I could go out with my friends in the evening, at any hour, without being bothered, insulted, followed, or stabbed.
I mention stabbing because, three years ago, my boyfriend, along with two of his friends, on their way home, were approached by a group of men. They surrounded them, stole one of their cell phones. They tried to fight back, and my boyfriend, in spite of being a strong rugbyman, got stabbed in the arm — while protecting his neck, which was the target. Someone tried to cut his throat.
The woman said men follow her regularly and insult her because she refuses to speak with them or tells them she has a boyfriend. “One day, one spit on me,” she wrote. The men whistle at her “like a dog” or “ksksk” her “like I am a cat.”
Three men tried to steal her puppy when her boyfriend took it for a walk at 9:00 p.m. So now the two only go out at night together. Drug dealers operate “day and night” in three fixed locations in the neighborhood. Their “watchmen” loiter around her apartment building and bother passersby, notably women.
And, of course, the men who have made life miserable for the woman aren’t French.
“Every single one of the actions I mentioned (and they are only a part of what we have gone through) is the fact of men of sub-Saharan African or North African origin,” she wrote:
A white man has never behaved towards me the way they have.
Is it racist to call out what my daily life has become as a woman, because of immigration? Is my reality, my daily life, racist? Am I not as legitimate as any other person to call out traumatising acts of violence, just because they are done by foreigners or immigrants?
To be clear, I am not talking about men in general, but specifically men, sometimes underage, who are of immigrant background.
She keeps a taser, fake pistol, and pepper spray near the front door because of an attempted break-in. The door now has an extra lock.
“In my purse, I carry a second pepper spray, as well as brass knuckles on my keychain,” she continued:
I never walk into a building without checking both sides of the street, in case a man is following me. I never make eye contact with you-know-who. I constantly cross the street. I no longer leave my home on my own after 9pm. I no longer use public transport for obvious reasons. I am afraid when I am alone at home. I am afraid when outside. Now, I am always afraid.
I do not want this future for my children who, fortunately, are not yet here. I do not understand people who do not see that France is turning into a cradle of insecurity because of immigrant men. Insecurity to women, but to men as well.
Therefore, for your future, and those of your children or your children-to-be: cast the right vote.
Now wonder Le Pen’s party, which the leftist mainstream media calls “far right,” won the first round of national legislative elections a few days ago.
“Le Pen’s party goes into the second round in a position of unprecedented strength, buoyed by its first-round success and its triumph in European elections earlier this month,” France 24 reported:
RN candidates and their allies topped the race in 296 out of France’s 577 constituencies on Sunday, winning 39 of them outright with over 50% of the vote — a feat no far-right candidate had managed before.
Those results put the far right on track to win anything between 240 and 300 seats in the 577-seat National Assembly, according to polling institutes, giving it by far the largest number of seats in the lower house of parliament and placing it within reach of an absolute majority.
“Migrant” crime has been out of control in France for some time, as The New American has reported.
Last year, after French police shot a 17-year-old Muslim criminal when he tried to flee, the nation went up in riots and flames. Some 40,000 police were deployed nationwide.
Two years ago, a drunk or stoned “migrant” was harassing two young girls on a tram. When a pregnant woman stepped in to stop him, he kicked her three times in the stomach.
When a French dad settled matters with a “migrant” who sexually assaulted his six-year-old daughter, he was charged with a crime.
Also in 2022, an illegal alien murdered a 12-year-old girl and stuffed her remains in a plastic box.
In 2020, a Tunisian “migrant” slashed a woman’s throat in the Catholic basilica in Nice.
In 2019, an illegal alien detonated a bomb in Lyon.
In 2016, a Tunisian “migrant” drove a truck into a crowd of Bastille Day revelers in Nice.
Also in 2016, two Muslims murdered a Catholic priest Jaques Hamel during Mass. They forced him to kneel at the foot of the altar and slit his throat.