An executive at an innovative election-integrity company says every swing state in America has between 500,000 and 1.4 million illegitimate ballots on their voter rolls — and that he can prove it. This will cost Trump the election if not fixed.
Perhaps even more alarming are links of those behind these schemes to hostile foreign powers, very much including the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
“We can log into our system right now and we can show you,” Fractal Computing’s Vice President of Operations Jay Valentine told Alex Newman on The Sentinel Report in an interview on Wednesday, referring to the illegitimate voter registrations across America.
“Those ballots will be collected and sent out by these NGOs. They will then be filled in by these [Left-wing] organizations and all 500,000 in every swing state will be voted against President Trump,” he added.
Fractal maintains the largest election database ever created that integrates voter rolls, with over 3 billion records, according to its website. The Austin-based company also boasts of building the eBay fraud detection engine and the foundational technology for the TSA No-Fly List, as well as the fraud systems for State Farm, GEICO, USAA and most large insurance firms.
Fractal’s voter integrity initiative Omega 4 America utilizes quantum technology to identify fraud in state voter rolls that would not otherwise be caught by traditional methods of record-keeping, Valentine says.
“Every voter integrity team and every secretary of state uses a 1970’s and 1980’s technology called ‘relational database,’” he said, adding that he considers it “obsolete.”
Valentine contends that many other companies use quantum technology, which “operates from one thousand to one million times faster than any current technology in the world.”
“We are one of a hundred,” he said. “[But] we’re the only ones that have applied it to voter rolls.”
Fractal cross-checked addresses listed with the names of registered voters on state voter rolls, Valentine asserted, and found that many of them were the addresses of supermarkets, gas stations and empty buildings.
The totals number of illegitimate ballots reportedly added up to more than half a million in each of the swing states, Valentine added.
“We have embarrassed virtually every national voter integrity organization because we’ve shown that they’re missing all of these illegal alien ballots that are accumulating,” he continued. “For 30 years voter integrity teams never saw that these 3,000 students who were voting from a college had been voting for 25 years.”
Valetine says Fractal conducts a “time series analysis” to reveal the alarming figures.
“Why can we see them and they can’t? Because we don’t just take one snapshot of a voter roll, we take 20,” he said.
Remarkably, the Republican National Committee has not shown an interest in the data, Valentine claims, but has actively opposed Fractal.
“RNC is doing everything they can to stop us,” he said. “We’re fighting the RNC.”
With the RNC’s help, the Trump Campaign reportedly plans to hire 100,000 people to ensure sure ballots are counted properly – a strategy Valentine calls a “laughable.”
“You have to stop the ballots from getting into the system, not count them afterward,” he said. “We could stop illegitimate ballots from being sent and from being counted.”
As to who is behind the egregious fraud, Valentine says Fractal has demonstrated that the efforts have been funded by the Chinese Progressive Association, as well as groups linked to George Soros.
“We can go to the voter registrar with our teams in every one of these states and let them know: ‘If you send a ballot to this address, we’re coming after you legally,’” he said. “That has already had a huge impact in one of the swing states. They’re starting to back off because they’ve never seen this kind of technology before.”
While he is disappointed with the lack of interest from the RNC and various secretaries of state up to this point, Valentine says there is still time left to prevent the fraud.
“We’re not done. We go right up until election day,” he said. “If a ballot comes in from a Walmart, we can challenge it before its counted. … For us, we just walked onto the field.”
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