Jeff Walz, the big brother of veep candidate Tim Walz, says don’t vote for the far-left Minnesota governor.
Jeff has spilled his political views on Facebook before. But on Friday, he zinged little brother Tim. The elder Walz is “100%” opposed to Tim Walz’s radical policies, one of which is his firm support of homosexual child groomers.
The latest from Jeff is yet another major blow to the Harris campaign, which suffered a bone-jarring hit last week when vice president and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris blew a friendly interview with hate-Trump CNN’s hate-Trump talker Dana Bash.
Crackpot Ideology
Jeff didn’t spare little brother Tim. The two haven’t spoken in eight years, the New York Post reported.
“I’m 100% opposed to all his ideology,” Jeff said, and he just might endorse former president and GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump.
“He told a Facebook poster who urged him to ‘Get on stage with President Trump and endorse him,’” the newspaper continued:
“I’ve thought long and hard about doing something like that! I’m torn between that and just keeping my family out of it,” the 67-year-old Floridian wrote in a response that notched 449 likes.
“The stories I could tell. Not the type of character you want making decisions about your future,” he added.
The brothers are so estranged that Tim didn’t call Jeff to tell him that Harris plucked him out of relative obscurity to be the vice-presidential nominee.
“My family wasn’t given any notice that he was selected,” Jeff wrote, the Post reported.
And, again, this isn’t the first time the elder Walz put his beliefs on Facebook.
On March 30, when a grand jury indicted Trump for hush-money payments to porn queen Stormy Daniels, he wrote that “we’ve just become a third world banana republic.” A jury convicted Trump in May after a show-trial stage-managed by an unethical, hate-Trump judge, who just happened to be a Biden campaign donor whose daughter is a Biden campaign veteran.
The registered Republican donated $20 to Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, Federal Election Commission records show. There were no recorded donations to his brother during Tim Walz’s years in the House of Representatives.
Still, the two do share one unfortunate line on their life resumés. Like Tim Walz, bagged in 1995 for reckless and drunk driving, Jeff Walz has a criminal record. He “pleaded guilty in 2001 to misdemeanor retail theft and was sentenced to six months of probation, according to public records from Citrus Country, Florida,” the Post reported.
Strangely, he walked out of a Walmart with a “a bicycle tube, handlebar grips and a three-way outlet adapter totaling $13 from an Inverness Walmart, according to the Tampa Bay Times and a letter of reprimand from Florida’s Education Practices Commission.” At the time, he was a middle school assistant principal.
Military Troubles
But Jeff Walz’s opinion of his little brother likely isn’t the biggest worry for Team Harris.
The veep selection of Tim Walz has been troublesome for the campaign since Day 1.
Almost immediately, his questionable military career and other problems surfaced.
First, the revelation of Walz’s real rank on retirement went viral on social media. Included in that story was a little-known fact, at least outside Minnesota politics: Walz retired from the Minnesota National Guard to avoid deployment to Iraq.
It turned out that he did not, as he had claimed, retire from the Guard as a command sergeant major. Instead, he left the service as a master sergeant because he did not complete qualifications for the rank, to which he was conditionally promoted. But worse was the retirement itself.
“On May 16th, 2005 he quit, leaving the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion and its Soldiers hanging; without its senior Non-Commissioned Officer, as the battalion prepared for war,” two command sergeant majors wrote in a paid letter to a newspaper in 2018.
“When Tim Walz was asked by his country to go to Iraq, you know what he did?” asked GOP Senator vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance of Ohio. “He dropped out of the Army and allowed his unit to go without him.”
Beyond that, during a push for gun confiscation, Walz uttered this false claim:
I spent 25 years in the Army and I hunt. I’ve been voting for common sense legislation that protects the Second Amendment, but we can do background checks. We can research the impacts of gun violence. We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war.
Walz never went to war.
Radical Family
As well, daughter Hope leaked National Guard plans on Twitter during the Floyd Hoax Riots in 2020. They raged nationwide after drug addict and career criminal George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose while resisting arrest. Governor Walz let the rioters burn down 1,000 businesses and a police station. His wife, Gwen, left the windows open, she said, to breathe in the fumes of rage and savor the moment. Racial justice was in the wind.
Shortly thereafter, even more interesting material surfaced. The news that Walz is a boon companion with radical Islamic terror apologists and antisemites went viral. So did his endorsement of a “pride” parade at which a nearly naked sex pervert twerked in front of kids.
The media then exposed the lie that Walz and wife used in vitro fertilization to conceive their kids.
There followed the calamity on CNN. The interview was so damaging that CNN cut the pre-recorded chit-chat by more than 50 percent — from 41 minutes to 18.
And adding to the campaign’s troubles last week was the revelation that the man sent to defend Walz’s military record, Democratic Maryland Governor Wes Moore, did not receive a major military award, as he had claimed.