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there is a higher probability that we have another world war because that’s how the international cartel of private central banks stays in power stays rich and enslaves the world 111 years ago on December 23rd 1913 is when the United States third private Central Bank was created the Federal Reserve and the Federal Reserve is not a federal entity it is completely separate from the government altogether and the Federal Reserve has no reserves it doesn’t Reserve anything it is a private Central Bank that is part of an international cartel of private central banks that manufacture Wars and kill anyone who tries to dismantle or undermine them check it out private central banks like the Federal Reserve have been starting Wars to force their banking systems onto other nations for centuries and up until recently we had no way to escape their corrupt rigged fiat currency pyramid scheme now we do with Bitcoin and Bitcoin is ushering in a bloodless Revolution at a much faster Pace than many of us who have been in crypto have thought possible and just to illustrate how crucial the next decade will be in terms of replacing the traditional Global Financial system with an open decentralized transparent IM mutable one let’s learn about how we got here in the first place how we got to this point in modern times where we do not learn about money in school where we are told lies about history where we have almost no time to do anything besides work because we constantly have hardly any money or freedom and how it was all by design Hello I’m I’m crypto Casey and in this extremely important video we are going to explore a timeline of events from an article called all banks are Bankers Wars by Michael Rivero that have led to what is happening now the orchestrated systematic destruction of the world as we know it by globalists and private central banks starting with the American Revolution let’s hit it please be sure to check out our sponsors go baby trade uphold and crypto wallets tangum and Ledger profit from the volatility of the crypto markets without staring at screens all day with go baby trade an aid driven robotic crypto Trader that connects to our coinbase account and trades 247 for passive income watch a full video review here and joy the weekly webinar to learn more store your money and manage crypto with aold a web three platform that actually holds our money in crypto doesn’t lend it out like other Banks and exchanges making it a safer and better option to buy sell trade and manage our digital assets and make sure you own and use multiple Cold Storage Hardware wallets tangum is super affordable extremely easy to set up like takes 90 seconds the size of a credit card and great for crypto on the go and Ledger stacks and flex wallets have extra security layers and come with $10 of free Bitcoin for our community so scroll down and use links below to redeem all the special offers they have for us the American Revolution was primarily inspired by King George III’s Currency Act which forced colonists to conduct a business using only printed Bank notes borrowed from the bank of England a private Central Bank at a costly interest rate and what most people don’t know is is that the colonies had created their own money called the colonial script and it was interest free wealth-based money issued by the colonies themselves here’s a famous quote from Benjamin Franklin describing how it worked that is simple in our colonies we issue our own money it is called Colonial script we issue it in proper proportion to the demands of trade and Industry to make the products pass easily from The Producers to the consumers in this manner creating for ourselves our own paper money we control its purchasing power and we have no interest to pay simple enough right and it worked great from when it was created in 1750 until 1764 when the bank of England a private Central Bank and their bot and paid for King made it illegal here’s another quote from Benjamin Franklin following the Currency Act the colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on te and other matters had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money which created unemployment and dissatisfaction the inability of colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of King George thei and the international Bankers was the Prime reason for the Revolutionary War very interesting so after the Revolutionary War the founders and first government of the United States actually took steps to try to prevent another private Central Bank from interfering with their new country and its citizens and this is crazy check it out here’s an important telling quote from Thomas Jefferson basically predicting our current situation hundreds of years beforehand if the American people ever allowed private Banks to control the issue of their currency first by inflation then by deflation the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered the issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs and here we are lots of people not owning property a home or hardly anything here’s another quote by John Adams in a letter to Thomas Jefferson all the perplexities confusion and distresses in America arise not from defects in the Constitution or Confederation nor for the want of Honor or virtue as much from downright ignorance of the nature of coin credit and circulation and this this right here is why this channel exists to share educational videos to spread awareness about how the current traditional Financial system works and Alternatives like Bitcoin and other open decentralized immutable blockchainbased Financial systems to build a better world together I mean here’s a quote directly from the governor of the bank of England between 192 in 1944 monu Norman addressing the United States Bank with the same exact blueprint and game plan the current private Central Bankers use today check it out Capital must protect itself in every way possible both by a combination and legislation debts must be collected mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible when through process of law the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governed through the strong arm of the government applied by a central power of wealth under leading financiers these truths are well known among our principl men who are now engaged in forming an imperialism to govern the World by dividing the voter through the political party system we can get them to expend their energies in fighting for questions of no importance it is thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves that which has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished and here we are we have never been more divided through the political party system wasting our energy fighting with each other about things they deliberately put in mainstream media to distract us letting them Rob Us blind enslave us and commit the most egregious crimes against humanity history is not only rhyming it’s nearly repeating itself how is it that the United States was founded with the intention of keeping private Central Bankers of the government yet here we are back to where we started well it’s very simple Bankers are dedicated to schemes of acquiring our wealth and they know how easy it is to corrupt a nation’s leaders mayor amsh Rothchild the founder of the Rothchild banking Dynasty who is referred to as the founding father of international finance said this famous quote let me issue and control a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws one of Rothschild’s Chief supporters was Alexander Hamilton who had actually married into the Rothchild family and through his relationship with Hamilton they were successful in setting up a private Central Bank called The First Bank of the United States as a way to assist the post-revolutionary war economy which effectively gave the Rothschild’s control over the United States money supply the private Central Bank was founded in 1791 and by the end of its 20-year Charter the United States was in Ruins all while the bankers flourished so when Congress refused to renew the charter because of its utter failure and instead intended to go back to the state-issued value based currency where people paid no interest at all to Bankers the head of the private Central Bank Nathan mayor Rothchild threatened the US government with a war Congress held their position to not Ren knew the charter and then Rothchild tried to force British prime minister at the time Spencer pille to start a war with the us and take the colonies back and when he refused to go to war he was assassinated in fact he was the only British prime minister to be assassinated in office wild so naturally his replacement Robert Banks Jenkins was fully supportive of a war and Rothschild financed it at virtually no interest this was the War of 1812 and the goal was to recolonize the US or put the us into such debt that they would be forced to accept a new private Central Bank which is unfortunately what ended up happening so even though the United States won the war Congress was forced to Grant a new Charter for another private Central Bank that issued public currency and loans with interest and it was called The Second Bank of the United States and like clockwork this private central bank brought the United States back into ruins yet again with tons of debt unemployment and poverty that is until Andrew Jackson came along campaigning for president with the slogan Jackson and no B Bank Jackson became president and blocked the renewal of the charter for the Second Bank of the United States with this famous quote gentlemen I too have been a close Observer of the doings of the bank of the United States I’ve had men watching you for a long time and I’m convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the bread stuffs of the country when you won you divided the profits amongst you and when you lost you charged it to the bank you tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and a know its Charter I shall ruin 10,000 families that may be true gentlemen but that is your sin should I let you go on you will ruin 50,000 families and that would be my sin you are a den of vipers and thieves I have determined to route you out and by the Eternal I will route you out and he did and not only that he also routed out all of the national debt Andrew Jackson was the only president of the United States to actually pay off all of the national debt then surprise surprise an assassination attempt was made on Jackson where fortunately for him both pistols the attacker was wielding failed to fire crazy so when the second bag of the United States lost its Charter it continued to operate as a regular bank and failed after about 5 years now after Andrew Jackson president Zachary Taylor came into office and he also opposed the creation of a new private Central Bank stating the idea of a National Bank is dead it will not be revived in my time then oddly enough after eating a bowl of cherries and milk he died rumored to have been poisoned next up President James bucanan was in office he also opposed the private Central Bank Charter set limits on banks issuing more loans than they had actual funds and then he was also poisoned but he actually survived while the other 38 people at the dinner died wow which brings us to the next War started by the bankers the Civil War that’s right when the Confederacy seeded from the United States private central banks offered to fund President Abraham Lincoln’s efforts to bring the South back into the Union at 30% interest Lincoln responded by saying he would not free slaves by enslaving people to the bankers and he used his presidential authority to issue a new government interest free currency called the green back and so the bankers retaliated by sending a letter to every Bank in the US urging them to fund the mainstream media at the time newspapers to oppose Lincoln’s greenbacks a quote from Lincoln says I have two great enemies the southern Army in front of me and the bankers in the rear of the two the one at my rear is my Griz and check this out the bankers were urging Europe to support the Confederacy to defeat Lincoln’s Union where France and Britain were actually considering attacking the United States to help the Confederacy however Russia prevented them from doing so Zar Alexander II had just ended serfdom and had a State Bank similar to the one the US was originally founded on and he authorized Russian Aid to Lincoln then surprise surprise like the reoccurring pattern goes multiple assassination attempts were made on him in 1866 1879 and 1880 until a successful one was made in 1881 and after the union won the war Lincoln announced that he would continue issuing greenbacks and then he was assassinated and after he was killed greenbacks were pulled from circulation and the US was forced to go back to private Central Bank notes with interest insane next up we have President James Garfield who was elected in 1880 who was in support of government controlled money and he was shot in 1881 and died a few days later then in 1896 President William mckenley was elected and favored goldb currencies and he was shot in 1901 and died a few days later which brings us to 1910 when six of America’s richest men had a secret meeting organized by JP Morgan on his property on Jackal Island where the idea for the United States third private Central Bank was born and side note there’s a conspiracy that there were three men that stood in JP Morgan’s way of creating it John Aster isor Strauss and Benjamin ganim that all happened to be on JP Morgan’s boat the Titanic when it sank the big private Central Banker SN the boat on purpose and get an insurance payout after it sank well yes JP Morgan got paid by the insurance company when his boat sank let me know what you think happened with the Titanic in the comments below all right now we are getting into the part of the timeline that is most relevant to us today first real quick now is a great time to get familiar with the next generation of banking and finance to exit the corrupt rigged traditional Financial system by getting a free uphold account it only takes like 90 seconds to set up and as crazy as it sounds uphold provides us with a way safer and better option for storing our US Dollars our viat currency than Banks and trading crypto then exchanges check it out when we put our hard-earned US dollars or crypto in uphold it’s actually there it stays there and it’s 100% backed when we put our money in a bank or crypto exchange they don’t keep it there they lend it out uphold publicly lists and updates in real time every 30 seconds their balance sheets for any anyone to see at any time on their website without an account definitely not the case with banks or exchanges uphold is one of the first major crypto platforms to offer Us doll interest accounts to us users that are FDIC insured up to $2.5 million many banks don’t offer interest and only insure up to 250k and instead of having separate liquidity and token prices like most exchanges uphold is actually connected to over 30 underlying exchanges which gives us the best prices possible and more liquidity when trading crypto all seamlessly without having to transfer funds between Banks and crypto exchanges it’s free to sign up so scroll down and use link below to access upholds correct and official site and redeem any special offers they have for us okay after the Titanic sank with potentially the only guys standing in the way of the creation of the United States third private Central Bank in 1912 one year later the third private Central Bank of the United States was created over the Christmas holiday in 1913 while Congress members who opposed it were at home this was 111 years ago now on December 23rd and and in order to push it through the bankers promised President woodro Wilson generous campaign contributions if he signed the ACT which he did and they decided to name the bank the Federal Reserve to make it seem like a quas governmental entity when it’s actually not a government entity at all it’s not federal it has no reserves it’s a pyramid scheme private Central Bank and another fun fact is that it’s exempt from all taxation except property tax brilliant and if you don’t believe me here’s a video of former chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan explaining how it’s a private entity that doesn’t answer to any government Authority when is the um proper relationship what should be the proper relationship between a chairman of the fed and a president of the United States well first of all the Federal Reserve is an independent agency and that means basically that uh there is no a other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take so long as that is in place and there is no evidence that the administration or the Congress or anybody else is requesting that that we do things other than what we think is the appropriate thing then what the relationships are uh don’t frankly matter and uh I’ve had a very good relation there you have it and not even seven months after the Federal Reserve was created guess what happened World War I in 1914 mind you there was no such thing as a World War before that and a few years after that in 1919 President woodro Wilson said this I am a most unhappy man I have unwittingly ruined my country a great industrial nation is now controlled by its system of credit we are no longer a government by free opinion no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority but a government by the opinion end duress of a small group of dominant men sad so World War I started between Austria Hungary and Serbia with the ass assassination of arch Duke Ferdinand however media Focus quickly shifted to Germany a big economic threat to Great Britain so even though Germany didn’t even start the war following the Treaty of Vera they were forced to pay the War cost to their own private Central Bank Germany had gone into massive debt to pay for the war massive inflation followed and the Germans were trapped in Endless debt to the private Central Bank so when Hitler came into Power his First Financial move was what we’ve seen already throughout history Shifting the country to their own state-issued value-based currency where they did not have to borrow money from private central banks at interest and guess what happened Germany’s economy quickly turned around and started flourishing a media called it the German Miracle so once again Germany became a threat to Great Britain and their state-issued monetary system was also a threat to private central banks and I think we’re all starting to realize what happens when private central banks are threatened Wars are waged and people are killed all right so so towards the end of World War II in 1944 the world’s major economic Powers met at a luxury resort in New Hampshire called Breton Woods where they created the Brett and woods agreement for international finance and ultimately this caused the British pound to lose its status as the world’s Reserve currency to the US dollar and forced other nations to tie their currencies to US dollar under two conditions one the Federal Reserve would not overprint US dollars as a means to steal goods and services from other countries in exchange for devaluing currency like an imperial tax and two US Dollars would always be convertible to gold at $35 per ounce and obviously both of those conditions were never kept because the Federal Reserve is a private Central Bank that doesn’t have to answer to the US government or any other governing body amazing moving right along our timeline here next we’ve got President John F Kennedy he understood the private Central bank’s agenda and wrote and signed executive order 1111 zero that ordered the US Treasury to issue a new government back currency called the United States not they were created by the US government backed by the silver stock piles held by the US government about $4.5 billion doar went into public circulation 5 months later Kennedy was assassinated and all of the United States notes were pulled from circulation and destroyed great listen up here’s something important to know about Kennedy’s executive order 11110 it’s actually still in effect however no president has been brave enough to touch it since will president Trump is that one of the reasons an assassination attempt was made on him during his campaign let me know what you guys think in the comments below back to the FED not upholding Bret and Wood’s agreement eventually other countries started noticing the large piles of US dollars they were accumulating in exchange for real goods and services like in the case of France wine and cheese countries around the world started exercising their option under the brettonwoods agreement to exchange the paper notes for gold however since the Federal Reserve was overprinting money the US government didn’t have enough gold to redeem all their quests so by 1966 an estim at $4 billion was held by Foreign Banks while the US government only had about $3.2 billion worth of gold so president Richard Nixon had to temporarily suspend the convertibility of US dollars to gold which obviously became permanent and ultimately ended the brettonwoods agreement in 1971 and side note interestingly enough this was the same year the same year that the world economic Forum was founded it was initially called the European management Forum with the goal of introducing European business to American management practice IES sheer coincidence or orchestrated by private Central Bankers looking to consolidate power let me know what you think in the comments below so once it became obvious that the US didn’t have enough gold reserves to back its currency faith in the United States ability to pay off its debts decreased and to combat this Richard Nixon started the environmental movement with the EPA which effectively allowed the government to use public lands as collateral on national debt under the guise it was being protected and kept pristine So eventually about 25% % of the United States land had been seized by the government and pledged to foreign countries as collateral and with land in short supply the US government made deals with the world’s largest oil producing countries where in exchange for only selling their oil for US Dollars the US would guarantee military protection for them this is when the Petro dollar system was born so the US started effectively backing the US dollar with oil other foreign countries oil remarkable isn’t it it’s no wonder after the Desert Storm Conflict when Iraq wanted their rights to sell oil and Euros instead of US dollars in the early 2000s that the US reinvaded Iraq under the guise that Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons he was going to use when in reality they did it just to get Iraq’s oil transactions back to US Dollars and when Libya announced they were only going to sell their oil for their state-owned value-based Trade Currency the golden R the US invaded Libya killed our leader imposed a private Central Bank and put Libya’s oil back on the market for US Dollars only and some of the Hillary Clinton emails released confirm that the real reason the US invaded Libya was to counteract the threat of the golden are becoming a rival to the US dollar and Petro dollar system so what can we glean from history to piece together what may actually be going on and who stands to benefit from both the process and the outcome well as the cycle goes private Banks issue currencies with interest which forces countries and their people into more and more debt once the people and the government stop borrowing Wars are waged that Force everyone into more debt to pay for the wars after that countries and people need to borrow more to rebuild and when it’s all said and done everything is about the same except for more dead people and the process repeats so in the current situation World War III will be an attempt to force the world onto a private Central Bank US dollar digital currency that is controlled by private central powers like the world economic Forum where they can dictate what we can and cannot buy the amount of goods we can buy and if we can buy anything at all so is there hope for us do we stand a chance at rebuilding a better world together From the Ashes of a more than likely extremely destructive World War it’s possible things are much different now with the internet access to information independent journalism people becoming curious looking for answers and spreading awareness so what can we do we can be aware talk about it with friends family and other people to spread awareness share content like this online educate as many people as possible and we need to be prepared to weather a potential storm of capital controls where countries start to restrict money flowing from their countries so they can continue using their private Central Bank currencies to enslave and control people it will probably become harder to convert our Fiat into hard assets like gold Bitcoin and simar so it’s more important than ever to understand how and why Bitcoin and blockchain Technology offers a better alternative solution to private central banks that is not controlled by a single person business government Authority or entity rather by the very essence of our universe with mathematics physics and Science and when we do choose to invest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies it’s important to understand that we do not actually own or control it until we have transferred it from exchanges to our very own Cold Storage Hardware wallets so listen up any Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies you’re accumulating over the long term make sure you’re transferring it off of exchanges to hold securely on multiple Hardware wallets don’t keep all of your eggs in one basket when dealing with this new Cutting Edge High R technology tangent wallet is a set of three cards that work just like a set of three house keys that function as backups it’s by far the easiest crypto Hardware wallet to set up and use now they are offering the first ever wearable crypto wallet the Sleek stylish Tanger rine and Ledger offers premium crypto Hardware wallet options like The Ledger stacks and flex devices with extra security layers they are the first of their kind as a new crypto wallet category which is a secure touchcreen featuring a full keypad and keyboard making it super user friendly Ledger offers our community the best discounts on the market with free Bitcoin so be sure to scroll down and use links below to redeem all the special offers they have for us awesome if you would like to learn how to use tangum wallet and transfer your crypto off of exchanges step by step check out this video if you would like to learn more about uphold and how it is a way better and safer option than Banks and exchanges to store our US Dollars and manage our crypto check out this video and to start securing your money in managing crypto with uphold click on the link on the screen like And subscribe for more be safe out there
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