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have you ever wondered if we are truly at the top of the food chain if not to whom or what do we serve as food and what is even more intriguing what kind of food is it humankind tends to believe that we are at the Pinnacle of evolution on Earth at the end of the food chain and as the most advanced species in this world but what if that perception were Just an Illusion what if hidden forces higher entities were influencing our Destiny without us even realizing it in this video we dive into an ancient mystery the hidden forces that throughout history may have been guiding our Destinies mentioned in mythologies religions and philosophies furthermore we will discover that this phenomenon is not exclusive to the Past in more recent Times Robert Monroe a Pioneer in outof body experiences discovered a similar concept Louch it is an energy that emanates from the human being and is collected by unknown entities join us as we explore the revelations Monroe received in other dimensions and unveil how this valuable Elixir Louch could be the key to understanding the creation of our reality the unknown link throughout history many cultures have sensed the existence of invisible beings or entities that from the Shadows seem to control or guide the events of the world the ancient Greeks for example believed in the gods of Mount Olympus who from above manipulated the fate of Mortals playing with their lives to fulfill their own purposes in ancient Sumeria stories of the anunaki emerged Divine beings who According to some interpretations descended to Earth and actively participated in the creation and manipulation of humanity likewise biblical narratives and Christian beliefs also mention the intervention of celestial and Powerful beings in human Affairs in the Old Testament Yahweh the god of Israel appears several times as a veng ful God punishing and guiding his people through great catastrophes Wars and tests of Faith the stories of the flood the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the plagues of Egypt are just some examples in which yahwe directly intervenes showing his power and control over human life in nostic Traditions the material world was created by a being known as The demiurge Who populated it with archons entities tasked with keeping Souls trapped in the Physical Realm and away from Divine knowledge these archons manipulate human perception to create an illusory reality that prevents Spiritual Awakening Liberation from this cycle is only possible through nosis which means knowledge allowing souls to transcend the material world and reunite with divinity these ancient narratives suggest that Humanity has never been completely in control of its Destiny but that external and invisible forces whether benevolent or negative have played a crucial role in its Evolution Robert Monroe and the revelation of lch Robert Monroe a Pioneer in the study of outof body experiences and the exploration of altered state of Consciousness was one of the first to investigate alternate Dimensions throughout his life he documented extraordinary experiences in which his Consciousness transcended the limits of the physical body accessing realities that defied the scientific explanation of his time during these Journeys Monroe encountered beings of superior intelligence who guided him to a deeper understanding of the universe and Humanity’s role within it it was through these encounters that Monroe discovered that Earth was not simply an isolated planet in its Evolution but a stage on which a broader and more mysterious plan was unfolding in one of these encounters he received what he described as a package of information a revelation that left him shocked human emotions the conflict suffering and Joy are not just personal experiences but a source of energy this energy known as Louch is collected and used by invisible forces for purposes beyond our comprehension the encounter with the entity and the information download during one of his outof body experiences Robert Monroe had an encounter that would radically change his view of the universe and Humanity in a plane of existence Beyond physical reality Monroe encountered an entity he called BB this entity was part of an expedition to what they called the illusion of time space that is the physical PLS of existence in this journey entities from other non-physical energetic planes participated in a kind of cruise in which they explored and experienced various forms of existence according to Robert Monroe in that other reality communication doesn’t occur through words as we are used to in the physical plane but in a nonverbal direct and much deeper way the messages are not transmitted through sounds or symbols but are shared instantaneously like an information download that penetrates directly into Consciousness it is through this method of transfer that Monroe receives what he later describes as a package of information an instant Revelation containing vast and complex knowledge much broader and deeper than any method known on Earth the origins of our creation the downloaded package of information relayed by Monroe begins like this someone somewhere or both Millions in countless Parts requires needs likes values collects drinks eats or uses a substance identified as Louch it is a rare substance in somewhere and those who possess Louch find it vital for whatever they use it for in its natural state it was found that Louch originated from a series of vibratory actions in the carbon oxygen cycle the residue of which was Louch in various degrees of pure it explorers from somewhere wandered everywhere in search of sources of Louch each new discovery welcomed with enthusiasm and Jubilation this is the story of how someone and their Garden changed all of this it continues as follows explaining how this someone or this group created the Earth as an experiment to produce and harvest the precious Elixir Louch in a remote area some beings began their experiment they first created a suitable environment for the carbon oxygen cycle and set up an initial cultivation in a liquid area but the production of Louch was scarce and of low quality the units lived short lives and were very small limiting the amount of Louch harvested which was only obtained at the end of each unit’s life the second attempt involved creating vegetation but Lo was still insufficient although damaging plants and trees generated small amounts the process was slow then the third crop was tested by modifying organisms to feed on the plants creating the first Walkers herbivorous dinosaurs however these ate excessively threatening to destroy the ecosystem the solution came when it was discovered that conflicts between the Walkers generated more Louch thus a smaller version of these was designed which fed on other walkers and increased luch production during confrontations this rule called the primordial Catalyst demonstrated that conflict between beings generated Louch in Greater quantity and quality finally a fourth crop was created eliminating the previous Walkers and designing faster more mobile life forms among them emerged a weak but special species humans they were endowed with two key advantages they could obtain energy from both the stationary and other walkers and they contained a Divine spark a small part of their creator this spark would generate a constant Drive in humans an incessant search for reintegration into the infinite totality they would not only be motivated by the need to feed but also by a deep dissatisfaction that could not be satisfied by anything in the garden this need for versatility and energy always present would create a constant inner conflict making them emit a higher level of Louch with the fourth crop Louch production stabilized someone upon reviewing the samples discovered that apart from the Abundant loou generated by conflict and struggles between species there was also a much Superior and refined Louch they observed that this came from the human being when isolated in solitude this discovery revealed a new type of Louch purer marking an advance in the evolution of the experiment this led to the plld formula which states that distilled Louch is generated from dissatisfaction and the more intense it is the greater the production to improve harvesting someone introduced changes in the garden such as separating creatures into harves to generate loneliness and promote emotions like love and pain which are key to producing Louch the rest is history shock State Monroe was in a State of shock upon receiving the information about Louch at first he couldn’t believe it thinking there must have been some error or confusion as the story he was being told about Earth and Humanity seemed too absurd to be real but upon further investigation everything began to fit unsettlingly well especially with what he knew about the food chain on Earth he felt betrayed and deeply outraged the idea that humans unknowingly were producers of Louch a special energy harvested from their emotions and experiences filled him with frustration the Revelation that this process was part of a larger scheme with external beings benefiting from it was devastating Monroe felt manipulated deceived as if every human action and thought was designed solely to generate more Louch without their consent this knowledge overwhelmed him leaving him emotionally drained and filled with unanswered questions the feeling of being used used and the inability to change the situation plunged him into a state of deep helplessness after several weeks immersed in deep sadness lacking the motivation to explore the astral world he finally felt a surge of energy One Day determined to make the most of this impulse he ventured to investigate who or what was feeding off of them what he discovered would completely change his initial perception and everything he thought he knew revealing a much deeper truth the true purpose of existence Monroe seeking to understand the enigmatic concept of lch he had discovered decided to turn to the entities he called Espin which stands for intelligent species he knew that these entities with a perception far beyond human limits could help him unre unravel the true meaning of all this upon receiving the information packet about lch Monroe was puzzled Louch seemed to be an energy generated by all organic life and its purest form came from human emotions especially the most intense ones like love however upon delving deeper he noticed a contradiction lch was also produced in moments of pain hatred or fear which did not fit with his notion of love the Espin clarified that the confusion wasn’t in the information itself but in the human interpretation of those Concepts to truly understand lch it was necessary to transcend the limitations of time and space that govern The Human Experience Monroe entered into deep reflection Guided by the presence of the Espen Who provided him with a clearer vision it was in that moment that he understood that just as all colors come from a single Source White Light all emotions emerge from a common Essence what we commonly call love though its true nature still eludes us the difference between emotions lies in their frequency and amplitude just as colors are distinguished by variations in frequency and amplitude in light emotions manifest on a similar scale where Pure Love Is is the primary frequency then he finally began to understand the purpose of lch humans were immersed in a kind of school of learning whose ultimate goal was to generate high quality Louch an energy that in its purest form manifested as love Monroe understood what they were showing him and his gratitude came from the deepest part of him his Focus which up until that point had been trapped in what seemed unpleasant began to transform guiding him toward a clearer and more grounded Vision he started to understand that all of it what he had considered negative was part of a much broader process the interactive experience it was precisely through these experiences those that evoked emotions like anger pain or fear that true learning could occur in this way little by little he began to understand that the key was learning to purify and transmute these lower emotions to emit a special wave of energy one that was labeled as love ultimately he understood that without someone humans would not exist Monroe in his search for answers questioned the true origin of creation was the sky and the loose Reservoir the end point the place where the beings who created us resided however in his interaction with these entities a truth even deeper and more perplexing was revealed to him they explained that what he called creators were not the ultimate origin but Creations themselves it is a creator that was created they told him and not only that but each human being including himself was also a creator another creation within an infinite chain of creation they revealed to him that within each of us exists an intelligent information packet a Divine spark from someone who created us but that spark doesn’t stop there in its Essence it also contains a perception of the Creator who in turn created that someone with this Revelation Monroe understood that cre was not a singular or linear event rather it was a continuous cycle an eternal process where each being is simultaneously the Creator and the creation this discovery not only expanded his understanding of the purpose of Louch and the role of love but also of the infinite web of existence finally the entities LED Monroe close to the center of lch processing where he understood the true magnitude of what he had been seeking protected from the intense radiation he observed a radiant figure that transformed into a series of luminous orbs extending infinitely from which beams of light emanated upon touching one of these Rays Monroe experienced a download of knowledge so deep that although he could not remember it fully he knew he would never be the same again the entities explained to to him that luch generated by humans was transmuted in that Center and then redistributed through the Rays to the places in the universe where it was most needed this process revealed to Monroe that love is the essence of Louch and that The Human Experience not only has the purpose of living and evolving but also of contributing to this flow of cosmic energy connecting all beings in a greater cycle of creation and spiritual ual Evolution the Louch and energy in the universe upon analyzing the information package that Monroe received we discovered that Earth and humans seem to be part of a sort of farm where our emotions are cultivated and harvested if we look at the history and the current situation of life on the planet it’s not hard to understand why from a fatalistic and negative perspective we could perceive ourselves as completely manipulated and oppressed beings however this could simply be a limited interpretation based on our Consciousness a somewhat simplistic view while certain negative aspects and facts are undeniable it’s also true that they represent only a part of the spectrum seeing it only from that perspective Keeps Us in a position of total disempowerment at the mercy of external forces es placing Us in the role of victims the key lies in expanding our understanding opening our minds and empowering ourselves consciously as we go through Spiritual Awakening we start to realize how crucial our attention and focus are Louch is our emotional energy the energy we use to create our reality while many know luch in its darkest form it is actually a creative Force an energy that attracts and manifests experiences according to our emotions Louch acts as food for the physical Universe the driving force that propels and nourishes all beings keeping atoms in Motion in the universe everything moves through Louch either emitting or absorbing it in its positive or negative form our purpose is to learn to consciously nourish ourselves from this energy and use its power to elevate our Consciousness and create our reality as we wish Louch is the visceral manifestation of love in its purest form essentially energy which can be used for both good and evil just like money or Brute Force everything follows the same fractal principle which governs the reproduction of nature from the micro to the macro from the structure of a sunflower to the vastness of a galaxy this energy can be used to create Beauty and Harmony but also to generate realities based on fear if we are not aware of its power our Creative Energy can become distorted and manifest negative aspects Monroe observed in his Expeditions how certain beings used people’s negative emotions as a source of energy or food extracting feelings such as fear or sadness and somehow becoming hooked to that Source however many times we ourselves get trapped in those low emotions similar to how someone opens the Netflix catalog and chooses what to watch whether it’s an action movie a documentary a horror film or something spiritual we can also though sometimes with effort choose which emotion to experience to avoid becoming energy food for these entities or for our own py P it’s crucial to heal and not get Swept Away by the flow of negative emotions the healing process changes our energetic preferences reducing our inclination towards painful and negative experiences there are also manipulations by certain established powers that seek to keep us in low vibrational States inducing us to vibrate in negative emotions by doing so they divert our creative power and use it for their own benefit when a collective concentrates its loou on fear-based scenarios that energy is channeled to materialize negative realities however when we manage to consciously connect with our emotional energy in its purest form which is love we can create positive realities and Elevate our Consciousness more than creating Louch we could say that we distill it into different frequencies these frequencies can be classified as low or high emotions like shame hatred anger or fear belong to the negative Spectrum while Joy gratitude hope or love reside in the positive Spectrum the lower and more negative these frequencies are the denser they become keeping us trapped in the illusion of Sam Sara however by raising them to the higher frequencies we reach what Monroe described described as escape velocity a state that allows us to transcend the dense energies of the third dimension and the cycle of reincarnation accessing higher planes of existence Louch is the most valuable energy we have the engine that fuels creation that’s why it is so coveted if we don’t control our attention and emotions our life force can be used and manipulated by others to manifest negative realities but if we learn to master it we can manifest realities that are aligned with our well-being and spiritual Evolution to achieve this control over our emotions and the energy we generate it’s essential to cultivate mindfulness in every moment practicing meditation self analysis and connecting with our inner being allows us to observe our thoughts and feelings without identifying with them this way we can consciously choose how to respond to situations and stay aligned with our highest Essence over time by learning to channel our energy positively we not only prevent it from being manipulated but we also use it to create a reality that reflects our highest aspirations and guides us toward our spiritual expansion that’s all for today’s video I’ve tried to synthesize as best as possible the knowledge Monroe shared about lch in his second book Far Journeys a deep and complex topic did you know about the concept of Louch what did you think of this Vision if you haven’t seen my previous video about Robert Monroe and want to learn more about his life and work here’s the link thank you so much for watching Until the End see you soon
Experience Freedom
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