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hey guys welcome to the liberal hive mind the channel solely focused on exposing the Abundant hypocrisy of the left ah the beauty of experience when Donald Trump started his first term back in January of 2017 the unfortunate reality at the time was that he wasn’t a Washington Insider he wasn’t a politician and so he didn’t exactly have good experience understanding let’s call it the Personnel well now of course we know Trump has had 4 years in office then four years years to reflect about his time in office and so let’s call it 8 years of exposure and experience and now it really seems like he’s starting to get it he seems to have truly found his stride in identifying exceptional Talent it’s got to be one of the most remarkable lessons that he’s learned from his first term in office he simply needs to surround himself with individuals who are not only loyal but also unwavering in their commitment to American values and most importantly his America First agenda without loyal team members who buy into your vision you simply can’t be productive you can’t do anything good and of course we saw that during Trump’s first term in office now didn’t we unfortunately back then his cabinet was filled with so-called Washington insiders disloyal opportunists who are quick to betray him when the political winds had shifted but this time around he’s not taking any chances and that’s what terrifies the establishment the most they’re seeing that he’s learned adapted and become more strategic in vetting who he brings into his inner circle and that’s why these cabinet picks are causing utter shock across the hallowed Hall of Washington and speaking of utter shock it seems Donald Trump has given the Washington Elites another jump scare with his latest White House Press Secretary pick As Trump has now picked absolute fire brand Caroline levit folks this might be Kaylee mcanany version 2.0 let me show you guys what has the elites panicking we got some stuff to get into so let’s roll the tape all right folks I’m just going to say one thing before we get into the Caroline levit highlights the American people deserve someone who will speak boldly without fear someone that will tell the truth and that is exactly what Caroline levit as a let’s call it political brand promises to deliver you’ll get it in about 5 Seconds here what you just heard from is a desperate and failing and pathetic campaign who knows that they are losing Joe Biden’s sending his campaign outside of this criminal Courthouse it is a full-blown concession that this trial is a Witch Hunt that comes from the top comes from Joe Biden and he is using a far-left district attorney in this city Alvin Bragg this case would have been laughed out of any other courtroom in America legal Scholars on both sides of the aisle even liberal legal Scholars agree there is no crime there is no case but Joe Biden knew he could use Alvin Bragg who is sitting in that courthouse today wasting away the tax dollars of the hardworking people of this city to go after Joe Biden’s political opposition and the man overseeing this case as a corrupt and highly partisan and crooked judge it it’s to a someone 5 minutes to Google Jake Tapper Donald Trump to see that Jake Tapper has consist interview ad Hilter I’m going to stop this interview if you continue to attack my colleagues I would like to talk about Joe Biden and Donald Trump who you work for if you are here to speak on his behalf I willing to have this conversation I am stating facts that your colleagues have stated in the past now ask Sor guys we’re going to come back out to the panel Caroline thank you very much for your time you are welcome to come back at any point she is wel to come back and speak about Donald Trump and Donald Trump will have equal time to Joe Biden when they both join us now at next early later this week in Atlanta for this debate his speech last week was arguably the most divisive and disgusting speech that any president certainly in my lifetime has ever given he essentially waged war on half of the country by saying that we are all a threat to democracy because we believe in putting America first it’s not radical to to put your country and your own people first it’s not radical to want to have a strong border a strong military and to unleash the might of your own economy not economies around the world want to talk about violence against political opponents let’s talk about the fact that Democrats have been labeling president Trump a threat to democracy for the better half of 10 years let’s talk about how they have compared him to Hitler one of the worst mass murderers in the history of the world and that KLA Harris and Joe Biden weaponized the courts system and the justice system in this country against Donald Trump in an attempt to imprison him he sat through a courthous for 7 weeks this past year and the Democrats were hoping he would go to jail for it that is real political violence that has led to two heinous assassination attempts on President Trump’s life that by the grace of God he was able to escape and he is here with us today so yes president Trump knows a little bit about political violence because he’s experienced it himself and talking about the the the tragic realities of war that that Liz Cheney and her father Dick Cheney have got this country into is not political violence it’s talking about the reality of the foreign conflict that the Washington DC establishment have sold out Young Americans to for decades freaking boom there’s one obvious comparison that everyone’s talking about she reminds me so much of Kaylee mcanany who is of course one of the brightest stars during Trump’s first Administration Kaylee set the bars so high for what it meant to be a press secretary under the Trump Administration and obviously that was a bar that Biden’s picks struggled mightily to get even close to but Caroline levit here seems poised to follow in those footsteps and possibly even take it up a notch like Kaye maenan she’s a force to be reckoned with a woman who doesn’t just recite the talking points or continuously promise to Circle back no but instead she’s a woman who dismantles the dishonest narratives that the media tries to spin she is a fire brand and you know it seems like we found a little bit of a consistent Trend here a trend that flies in the face of what critics like little Mark Cuban tried to have you believe during the election cycle little Marky Cuban once ignorantly claimed that Trump doesn’t surround himself with strong and intelligent women but when you look at Trump’s track record it’s clear that he actually elevates women of Merit women who have actual skill intellect and the fortitude to Excel and that right there is the key difference Trump doesn’t just throw women into high-profile roles for the sake of virtue signaling or to appease the identity politics crowd he chooses individuals who can get the job done and do it well and that’s exactly what he’s doing in contrast that now with the left’s approach when we look at figures like Kar John Pierre or Jen saki it becomes painfully obvious how the Biden Administration or really the Democrats as a whole have prioritized Optics over competence little Karine John Pierre Who currently holds the role of press secretary often struggles to answer basic questions and comes across as unprepared incompetent relying on the script handed to her by her handlers and of course then there was Jens whose condescending tone and blatant deflection tactics we have to Circle back with you on that one turn the White House Press briefings more about avoiding accountability than actually informing the American public so I don’t I don’t have an update on that I will have to check in with our team to see if we have something to share I just don’t have an update but I I understand the question no it’s a it’s a very good question I don’t have an update on that I’m I’m I’m happy to to go back and and get that I don’t have anything specific on that I don’t have it’s not it’s not my place from here here this Podium so I don’t have any update for you on that can you say that again what what came back I don’t have a timeline on that let me let me um talk to our team I can I’ll Circle back if there’s more I can share I’ll have to I think the president’s view on on our relationship with China I I uh tried to do my best to convey to all of you I’ll have to check on that specific piece and we’ll we’ll Circle back with you directly but I’ll have to Circle back with you on it I will have to Circle back on that one but I don’t think I have anything more for you on it but I don’t know that I have more for you on it than that uh we will Circle back with you if there’s more to to update you on on but I don’t have anything to preview on it you know these were not women who were chose for their Merit but rather for the identity boxes that they checked they were installed to give the appearance of progress while failing spectacularly at actually handling the responsibilities of their role and now in clear stark contrast we have Caroline levit this appointment friends it’s a testament to Trump’s commitment to putting the best person in the position for the job regardless of what I did identity markers they may or may not possess this is a woman who has already proven herself who knows how to communicate the message clearly and who isn’t afraid to challenge the bogus narrative that these mainstream media spiders are trying to spin it’s another brilliant pick that shows that Trump knows exactly what he’s doing when it comes to assembling a team he’s forming a team of superstars he’s been paying attention over the last couple of years watching the media paying attention to social media almost like it’s been an 8-year running talent show and he’s now picking all the allstars one by one people who have proven themselves people who have garnered great followings not because they sat in a chair and happened to check a couple boxes but because they’ve truly impressed the viewer impressed the voter and created these massive followings around them despite the establishment bump in other words they’ve actually earned their positions and in Caroline lit’s case that’s exactly what’s happened she’s gained a massive following on social media because of her incredible appearances dealing with the dishonest media she’s young smart and a fighter and that’s exactly what’s needed and that of course seems to be a little bit of a trend here that’s forming the choice of picking Caroline levit as the White House Press Secretary is another clear signal that Trump isn’t backing down he’s selecting people who are proven Warriors people who will go into The Fray and won’t Flinch and that’s why this decision is a game changer Trump is showing the American people very clearly that he has learned from his mistakes in the past he’s assembling a team of strong competent and loyal individuals who will fight for the America First agenda without apology I think Caroline levit is a fantastic pick and it’s only a matter of time before we see her dismantle these dishonest narratives coming with the mainstream media with probably the same ferocity and precision that Kaye mackenan did before her another fire brand pick and I’m simply here for it anyways that’s pretty much what I got for you guys hopefully you enjoyed the video if you did make sure to leave a like and possibly subscribe to the channel thanks for watching and I’ll see you on the next one
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