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it lays the predi in the foundation for the development of a weather satellite that will permit man to determine the world’s Cloud layer and ultimately to control the weather and he who controls the weather will control the world question how many have any idea of how far past the breaking point we already are on countless fronts so Vally and ecologically and how desperate power structures are to maintain their control of populations till the final hour there are now over a dozen and a half US states pushing forward with legislation bills to ban geoengineering I’ll get to the list of states shortly first chemically engineered winter specifically patented processes of chemical ice nucleation cloud-seeding operations and the freakish fogs that increasingly come with these oper ations first this headline from the UK Daily Mail quote mystery as thick fog sweeps the US with chemical like smells and particles in the air let’s keep going dense fog warning issued for 12 States as drivers told to slow down that’s from Newsweek and this dense fog could snarl morning commute that’s NBC Chicago from Florida local 10 News South Florida ends 2024 on a hot and humid note after foggy start art in headline from forbes.com Southern storms thick fog affecting holiday travel from the report areas of the US are facing storms and thick fog that could affect travel particularly in the Northwest South and Midwest that’s a pretty big spread as millions of Americans travel for the holidays dense fog advisories are in place across the US three port states that could reduce drivers visibility including parts of Texas Wisconsin Iowa Maryland Virginia West Virginia Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma North Dakota Florida and Minnesota there’s more from NBC News dense fog advisory issued for parts of the Chicago area with big temperature drop coming the takeaway here is the big temperature drops that are coming with the fog the climate Engineers are ever more desperate to create sensationalized headlines of winter weather major cooldown operations are under way for some of the most populated regions of the US specifically the eastern half patented processes of chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding creates a cold dense layer of air that descends to the surface as global temperatures surface temperatures continue to rise overall chemical ice nucleation cloud seating will spawn more fog scenarios the Chinese have long since been conducting such operations are we to believe that the US Military isn’t doing exactly the same thing a military that’s much bigger and much more capable historical record proves this is true we have it on the record going back 3/4 of a century and more patents going back even further not opinion not speculation not hypothesis historical record from the National Weather Service a cold layer at the surface can cause fog because when the air near the ground cools sufficiently and reaches its due point the moisture in the air condenses into tiny water droplets forming fog for the record chemically nucleated precipitation is increasingly reaching the surface before freezing more from the National Weather Service a freezing fog advisory is issued by your local National Weather Service office when fog develops and surface temperatures are at or below freezing here’s another point for the record the chemical ice nucleated precipitation is the core component of the ever increasing surface flash freezing the coming eastern US engineered cooldown will be fed yet again with a moisture flow straight from the record War Gulf of Mexico a transition zone of ice storms will be the boundary between the warm moisture flow and the so-called winter weather regions where some form of Frozen precipitation will fall various shapes and compositions and populations are increasingly noticed there’s noticing there’s something very wrong with what’s falling from their Skies the longer the chemical I nucleation cloud seating operations continue the colder it will get on the surface though these operations do dry up much of the available atmospheric moisture in the process again in the transition zones between far above freezing flows of atmospheric moisture and the engineered winter weather zones there are ice storms where the chemically nucleated precipitation hits the ground before freezing solid on that note from Yahoo news winter weather advisory calls for freezing rain extreme also a core component of chemical ice nucleation operations and we’re seeing that everywhere search Lake Michigan ice balls for a look at that search the engineering winter section on the homepage of geoengineeringwatch.org and you will see shocking images and find shocking data of how widespread these engineered winter operations are question are extreme chemical ice nucleation cloud seating cooldown operations unique to January of this year short answer no and again there is the fog Factor rewind to this Washington Post headline from January of last year quote why thick fog is blanking a record stretch of the US record until this year dense fog advisories affected nearly a third of the US population in 27 States imagine that yes welcome to chemically engineered winter weather and a very rapid uniform drizzle by the way is a hard harbinger of heavy climate engineering aerosol seating operations being conducted in the skies above the storm moisture this is very easy to see on puddles if you see a very rapid uniform drizzle that’s indicative of the droplet size being dictated by the condensation nuclei a seated particle and we have tested that type of Fallout from the storms and found what we knew we would find climate engineering elements for context this rewind to a 2020 report from businessinsider.com China is massively expanding its weather modification program saying it will be able to cover half the country in artificial rain and snow by 2025 well there you have it it seems we’re there and not just China even further back this ABC report from 2009 artificial snowstorms bring chaos to Beijing Chinese scientists have artificially induced the second major snowstorm to re havoc on Beijing this season State media said reigniting the debate over the practice of tinkering with Mother Nature yes man’s war against nature is of course ultimately a war against himself anyone who thinks the Chinese government can do things on this scale and ours can’t or won’t or wouldn’t time to wake up currently in the US the following headlines which are exactly the kind the clim engineers and the controllers want to sensationalize just in time to try an eclipse and overshadow the headlines of planetary meltdown that have just been published as of the first of the year I’ll get to that but first sensationalized winter weather headlines from the script reading climate engineering coverup actors at acuweather multiple Arctic outbreaks to affect more than 250 million in Central and Eastern us into mid January at weather continues the central Southern and Eastern United States are bracing for the coldest most persistent frigid Arctic air in years that will come they say in waves and last through mid January storms packing snow and ice will join in they then say there will be at least three major blasts of Arctic air the first outbreak will be from January 3rd to 4th the second on January 7th to 8th and then the 3D on January 11th to 12th additional rounds of Arctic air may follow let’s stop there isn’t it interesting that though the so-called weather forecasters AKA The Script readers and I mean that literally by the way for those who are not familiar with this issue private defense contractors Ron and locked Martin do all the weather modeling and by the way those two private defense contractors are neck deep in climate engineering patents and operations and they do all the weather modeling for the National Weather Service and Noah and that modeling or the script is passed down all the way to to the local meteorologist who willingly reads that script to protect his paycheck and pension whole system ultimately controlled by those who control the funds same with the conflict and Carnage zones around the world same core of control keep that in mind so the script readers now commonly can’t get the weather forecast right an hour ahead of time but the Acy weather climate engineering coverup crew gives us specific details of what’s coming on specific dates stretching out for nearly 2 weeks also from ACU weather colossal winter storm to unleash snow and ice severe weather from the plains to the Mid-Atlantic again exactly the kind of headline the climate engineers and the controllers want there’s more from the New York Post polar vortex headed for us will bring exceptionally cold temperatures in the New Year weather models are quote screaming sensationalization that’s what this is here’s another from Mau weather dramatically colder snowier days ahead for first half of January January 2025 will bring a broad cold winter weather pattern to the United States and Canada after a dynamic end of 2024 first part of this moisture flow or the moisture flows that are being used to cool certain regions down this is has just come over the Pacific North West with very warm temperatures in fact snow levels far into the mountains I think 8 or 9,000 ft up and they’re not chemically nucleating this particular batch of moisture because they don’t want to dry it up too fast they need it to migrate further to the east where they have bigger plans for it it is so incredibly obvious on the water vapor loops and when you watch the clowns and climate engineering coverup actors at AI weather Weather Nation Weather Channel they look increasingly uncomfortable and so they should be because they should ask themselves how the public is going to respond to them once public wakes up to the fact that they’ve participated in the crimes of covering climate engineering up what will the public do at that point will they hold such individuals legally and morally accountable for their part in the crimes of climate engineering coverup we’ll see soon enough and again what was the dynamic end to 2024 which is already Ben officially declared the hottest year ever recorded globally by far and this is on top of the previous 9 years all being record hot years globally and all of this in spite of the data skewing chemical cooldowns that are used in part to mask the totality of climate collapse that’s unfolding by the day global weather Warfare is further fueling the fire on top of countless other sources of human activity which has caused immense and irreparable damage to this planet and if you don’t think things are this bad you will soon wait and see this is Dane w you’re listening to the weekly installment of the commercial free nonpolitical Global Alert news report the end of the world as we know it broadcast brought to you by geoengineering watch.org the largest and most visited website in the world on the subject of global climate engineering operations AKA weather Warfare as I state every single week and we’ll continue to reaching a critical mass of awareness is the only way forward in this fight only when those that are actively or passively participating realize that they are going down on the same ship and they are helping to sync that ship do we have any chance of changing course we can and must reach a critical mass of awareness start a conversation on climate engineering that leads people to a credible source of data credibility is key geoengineeringwatch.org will continue all of our efforts to be the go-to source on Covert climate engineering operations a conversation on climate engineering can easily be started with geoengineering watch awareness raising materials available on our homepage printed materials and shirts and hoodies all exceptionally effective conversation starters and that’s the first foot in the door in regard to waking people up to what’s happening in our skies I’ll get back to the climate engineering assault in a moment but first some random but important to hear headlines first from MSN warning as volcano off the west coast is quote primed to Europe upt in 2025 this report said it’s going to happen in the next two weeks we’ll see but exactly how would they know that tectonic Weaponry is real seafloor nuclear detonations are real who knows what they are prepared to do at this late hour as they know they can’t maintain the current Paradigm much longer from sciencealert.com volcanic activity beneath Yellowstone’s massive Caldera could be on the move again tectonic Weaponry frequency Transmissions the capabilities of these environmental modification weapons is staggering please research please don’t assume that this is all impossible if you went back 100 years and told people you could talk and little back box with no wires to anybody anywhere in the world anytime you want they would lock you up please examine the lens through which you see the world base your opinions on data not ideology programming or preconceptions also from sciencealert.com NASA is watching a vast growing anomaly in the Earth’s magnetic field we don’t know what’s affecting what at this point 2400 nuclear detonations many of them in the atmosphere some in the magnetosphere and the reverberations of that are still ongoing again none of this can truly be considered natural at this point can it given the totality of damage the human race has inflicted on the planet with the single largest factor so far single most destructive climate intervention operations climate disruption operations is what they should be called in short of nuclear cataclysm which is now likely also coming soon it’s the single greatest and most immediate threat we face at this moment the toxicity from these operations the destruction to the ozone layer the destrution of the hydrological cycle I could go on and on bottom line This is the single greatest derailment of the planet’s life support systems yet by the human race but we still have again 442 nuclear power plants likely coming for meltdown nuclear warfare exchanges circles in Washington openly discussing what they see as a benefit of a limited nuclear exchange to enough particulate matter in the air to slow down the warming of the planet that’s the end of the road if that happens any nuclear exchange End of the Road ionizing radiation will strip away what’s left of the ozone layer game over one more from science alert Northern Lights could ring in New Year following massive solar eruptions again this reminder before the last large Aurora Borealis event may have last year about 10 days beforehand the harp facility in Alaska ionosphere heater which is a weapon of mass destruction warned the FAA to keep air traffic out of its airspace during that event why would they do that unless this ionis for heater weapon of mass destruction had a part in that massive Aurora Borealis are using atmosphere for a Battleground and a physics lab and that’s not going to continue much longer without all of us paying the price about grid power yes it’s all going down soon and in spite of what the weather channel clowns tell you that a Generac home generator will save you from a dying planet that is not the case latest example of coming grid failures from AP News nearly all of Puerto Rico is without power was without power on New Year’s Eve 90% of almost a million and a half across Puerto Rico no power same thing’s happening in Africa South America it’s coming here wait and see here’s an important update on insects or should I say the lack of them and for the record ging watch.org was the first major source to publish in 2012 that insect populations around the world were collapsing the so-called climate science community and science Community as a whole tried to marginalize us and deny that data which we gained by working with former government scientists by the way and now they’re having to admit it because they can no longer hide it the gravity of this cannot be overstated from medium.com why the insect apocalypse spells the end of Everyday Life as We Know It report says beyond the missing butterflies insects are key to all life on Earth for decades researchers have documented a quote terrifying de l in insect populations worldwide and recent findings suggest the problem is even worse than we thought how many times on how many dire issues have we had the science Community now say oh it’s way worse than we thought which is exactly what I’ve stated at GE inuring watch.org for a decade and a half as bad as headlines sound reality is worse and now they’re admitting to it how much of insect populations declined 80 to 90% globally terrestrial and Aquatic insects die we die period think about that from sciencealert.com plastic found inside more than 50% of plaqu from clogged arteries Plastics are now everywhere the report says with tiny fragments found in SE in major organs it’s all major organs of the human body including the pacenta and brain been over this week after week again this reminder polymer nanop particles part of climate engineering operations that’s why they’re found everywhere in the globe this is in addition to decomposing Plastics which of course we know where they as well but when the particles found look manufactured and are uniform think climate engineering from severe weather Europe January 2025 weather The Polar Express arrived with unusual cold for the whole month over the United States again another sensationalized headline they say the temperature patterns directly correspond to the movement of the pressure systems the jet stream for what’s coming in the US was completely bizarre diving straight North to south over a western part of the us making a massive loop Clear down over the southern tip of Florida before hooking right back up heading to the Northwest which is wrong and back up to the north they are shockingly effective at manipulating the upper level wind currents with ionosphere heater installations that can manipulate atmospheric pressure zones as I move on again there’s more random headlines but they’re important to hear for an understanding of The Wider Horizon and so in regard to pressure let’s think of financial pressure in this case for a moment as things implode again without a functional environment there is no economy the environment has historically provided 75% of all Global GDP for free no more all of this is inseparable credit card debt hits a record 1.17 trillion that’s from CNBC can’t afford it no problem just charge it it’s the American way and for the record I’m not pointing a finger on those that are having to use credit simply to survive I’m referring to those that are acquiring much more than they can afford and don’t need and that endless consumption through the holidays we just came through that’s what that whole scenario was built around that’s part of what’s sinking the ship the notion that we can endlessly consume on a finite planet with finite resources not going to happen and it will in poorly if we remain in the current course so putting puzzle pieces together imploding environment too many miles to feed populations neck deep in manufactured debt will the controllers do all they can to co populations at this point have they been at it for a very long time already are they now conditioning populations for yet another round of the same from the UK independent More than 70% of California’s dairy cow herds are now infected with bird flu question what are the hundreds of biolabs all over the world up to that blank’s not hard to fill in this this report continues again from the UK independent they also say nearly 70 people have been infected with the bird flu as infections continue to emerge around the country they continue last week the Centers for Disease Control and prevention said that the virus had likely mutated in a Louisiana patient experts worry that the bird flu will eventually mutate into a lethal strain capable of human-to-human transition sounds like a leadup to the woohan market scenario again doesn’t it the longer this virus circulates they say unchecked the higher the likelihood it will acquire the mutations needed to cause a pandemic we need to act urgently urgently to prevent the scenario and to avert potential pandemic a potential pandemic and of course what do you think they’re referring to time to roll up your sleeve again from MSN multiple States bring back mask rules as doct war of a quad demic it just keeps going doesn’t it bottom line food and the lack of it which is coming fueling all of the other factors and the controller motivations to do what they do from ABC News soil degradation threatens food supply and scientists are calling for Action they say soil degradation occurs when human activity affects physical chemical and biological health of the soils they say if we don’t try to fix it the planet will cease to function and Humanity will be in trouble in trouble no we’ll be gone no food no people simple from Bloomberg the world is quietly losing the land it needs to feed itself land degradation they say same thing is a growing problem for not just climate change but food and water security why isn’t it getting more attention question mark here’s a question why can’t the vast majority of the population admit to what they can see happening in the skies with their own eyes that is truly perplexing at this point isn’t it when the last time you saw a truly Blue Sky from the atlantic.com get ready for higher food prices and then they say Trump vowed to lower food prices his policies will almost certainly do the exact opposite just a big theater going on right now and political everything is all a part of that theater I don’t care what stripe they wear the last elected official to draw a line in the sand was John F Kennedy and he lived about a week think about that from The New York Times the 100y years Extinction Panic is back they say right on schedule this is truly moronic as if comparing what someone said a 100 years ago about potential human extinction is relevant to what is actually happening today we are neck deep in the sixth grade mass extinction we’re losing species at the statistical rate of about 15,000 times the background rate that is truly apocalyptic and on the current trajectory we are not going to be here much long and that’s not Theory conjecture or hypothesis it’s a mathematical certainty and not long doesn’t mean centuries it doesn’t mean decades much less it’s a nonlinear equation that must be understood nonlinear and few understand that equation that needs to change as we enter 2025 how many have any clue that we’re again neck deep in the sixth gr mass extinction which is unfolding far faster than any previous mass extinction which makes it exponentially worse and even now how many continue to push the total delusion that we just need even more technology to save us from ourselves how’s that going so far use climate engineering and nuclear everything as the most stunning examples of the tech Insanity the following is a quote from Kurt vonet that is very appropo he said will’ll go down in history as the first society that wouldn’t save itself because it wasn’t coste effective think about that industrialized militarized so-called Society was only temporarily possible by the absurdly unsustainable over exploitation of finite resources on a finite Planet which has in turn contaminated virtually everything and now triggered the cascading collapse of the planet’s primary life support systems no functional environment no people one more sensationalized report on the coming engineered cooldowns then we’ll get to the bigger picture from axios.com polar vortex poised to spin into US leading to frigid January areas of the us including the South and Southeast likely to see frigid air that could break records by mid-mon along with potentially Blockbuster winter storms Threat Level they say pieces of the polar vortex are projected to swirl Southward that’s that manipulated jet stream I talked about out of Northern Canada into parts of the US during early and mid January accompanying the cold will be the threat of multiple significant winter storms they go on and on risk to power outages Etc but what is The Wider Horizon reveal when we look past climate engineering chemical ice nucleation cloud seeding surface flash freeze chemical cooldowns not good here’s reality as of the first of this year from numerous sources the UK Guardian is won World endures decade of deadly heat as 2024 caps hottest years on record 10 of them in a row by the way the report says the world has endured a decade of deadly heat with 2024 capping 10 years of unprecedented temperatures and for those who think that governments around the world wouldn’t and aren’t neck deep in climate engineering and chemical ice nucleation so they can try to keep business as usual until the moment of impact think again look up please look up put down the electrical device and clear the lens through which you see the world of course they are climate engineering of course they are chemically nucleating Cloud moisture that’s what these winter weather Whiplash flash freezes are from it doesn’t go from 85° to single digit in a day less than 24 hours without a whole lot of chemical help and that’s what’s happened in Denver for about three of The Last 5 Years they use Denver because it’s because it sits in a basin that cold in air settles to the surface fog again in places and they’re using specific locations the lake effect snow they’re using again and again and again showing pictures of very localized areas where they pile up four or five feet of snow and try to paint the picture that we’re all living in a winter wonderland which couldn’t be further from the truth it’s a chemical ice nucleated nightmare from MSN 2024 hottest year in history and its devastating impact ecosystems are imploding around the globe 2024 has officially become the hottest year in recorded history surpassing critical climate thresholds we have blown past the barriers we’re through the guard rail and for those still clinging to the notion that the planet’s somehow cooling or entering an ice age I have no idea what reality people that cling to that are in no idea it’s not this reality it’s not real of course none of us like Al Gore the environmental groups are the epitome of hypocrisy but that does not change reality because those groups won’t face climate engineering we can’t ignore other parts in this equation it’s a this and that equation not a this or that all forms of human activity that have affected the energy balance of the planet are part of the problem all forms including climate engineering at the top of the list and that’s what the so-called enir environmental Community won’t look at which is unimaginably hypocritical from axios.com 2024 was alarmingly hot all over the world 2024 the second straight hottest year in record but they say it wasn’t supposed to be as hot as it was coming in far ahead of 2023 is alarming Global temperature Spike everything every new report way worse than we thought G we didn’t know we knew at geing watch.org I knew how could they not have known Threat Level they say for reasons climate scientists don’t yet fully understand 2024 is even likely to temporarily eclipse the Paris agreement’s 1.5 temperature Target what a joke that is unfiltered Frontline temperature data indicates we’re past 3.5c not 1.5 the unsettling possibility the report says in play is that climate change is accelerating which implies that tipping points such as the shutdown of major ocean currents are closer than we once thought everything worse than we thought closer than we thought and about the ocean currents they’re referring to the amok current here and for those who think that implies some kind of day after tomorrow Hollywood scenario that’s not the case you don’t lose the heat if some areas in the northern latitude like Western Europe temporarily cool slightly other areas get to keep that warmth and they superheat the heat continues to build it’s not going away and an ocean current shutdown doesn’t stop that buildup it simply shuts down the distribution of that heat that’s that’s all heat’s not going anywhere it continues to build up under a canopy of toxic climate engineering particles and gases that are building up in the atmosphere including not just CO2 but methane nitrous oxide and water vapor as well and about the water vapor that would help cool the planet if the climate Engineers weren’t diminishing natural cloud cover the planet’s trying to cool itself it can’t it’s trying to respond to the damage already done from other terms of human activity it can’t because climate engineering is a straight jacket that is preventing the planet from responding and if we don’t remove that straight jacket soon game over moving on from the Columbia climate School how climate change impacts renewable energy let’s talk about how climate engineering impacts renewable energy it completely derails all three primary forms of alternative energy and it’s not renewable so I’m not going to call it renewable better than outright burning of carbon fuel fuel but not renewable so climate block stke sunlight that is radically diminishing solar PV output it is affecting convection which in turn affects wind power making All or Nothing wind scenarios which completely diminishes wind power anything not that wind power is viable to begin with but if the wind speed doubles the turbine makes from an optimal speed the turbine makes nothing because you have to shut it down so it won’t blow apart cut the wind speed in half from optimal and the turbine makes 1/8 of its design output and that’s exactly what’s happening and about Hydro power when you diminish the hydrological cycle in key areas and they’re so droughted out that their Hydro production is completely shut down that takes care of that doesn’t it all most affected by climate engineering over anything else and no one will admit that none of the power structure funded institutions will admit the truth more in the ongoing Tech fixed delusions and deceptions as weather Warfare rages on in our skies from the Harvard political review exiting the hene can geoengineering give Humanity a Lifeline to fix the climate crisis question mark how incredibly moronic is this after over 75 years of these operations we’re circling the drain and Harvard is asking could this save us it’s mind-numbing absolutely mind-numbing they say that the these operations have the potential for serious harm solar Geo engineering they say could interfere with our weather patterns could could May might it’s completely decimated them they say it could cause contaminated rain deplete the ozone layer which is now only 30% remaining and cause more unknown side effects like every breath we take full of toxic particles for example here’s the last two exerts from this Harvard political review report they say the controversy with stratospheric aerosol injection lies in the fact the potential for good it brings is only matched by its potential for destru ruction stop reality check we are already dealing with its potential for Destruction this is all out weather Warfare and about its potential good exactly what is that it doesn’t exist there is nothing benevolent about climate engineering anything it is weather Warfare period and biological warfare because the toxic elements being used and again two of these elements polymer fibers and graphine are used militarily as biological carrier platforms that means to carry a pathogen from the clouds to the ground to infect the populations below and the world’s second most recognized climate engineer Dr kin Caldera stating that’s what he did for the US dood design methods of spraying pathogens into clouds to infect the populations below why would we think this isn’t ongoing already we have a historical record of an ongoing 239 acknowledged open air biological tests by the US military against innocent annoying us populations as of 1977 how many have been conducted since the last two sentences from this Harvard political review report geoengineering consequences could be incredibly devastating but they say geoengineering may become inevitable to prevent future climate induced calamities geoengineering is a Calamity and has been for over 75 years from newscientist.com fights over geoengineering experiments will heat up in 2025 that’s the end of the headline yes it’s about time for the record fights over everything from food to water to breathable air and a way to survive all already unfolding in countless regions around the world there is no place to hide in the words of former US president Lynden Johnson 62 years ago he who controls the weather controls the world you’re listening to the weekly installment of global Alert news the bad news broadcast installment number 491 January 4th 2025 this is Dane wigington your host Global Alert news brought to you by geoengineer in watch.org the largest and most visited website in the world on the subject of climate intervention operations known as geoengineering recordings of this broadcast non-political no commercials can be found on the homepage of geoengineeringwatch.org under the recent colum and on the danne wiggington YouTube channel my deepest gratitude to those that are courageously marching forward in this fight only our Collective efforts can still make a difference at this late hour please help us to share the the groundbreaking documentary the dimming which fully exposes the climate engineering atrocities the best way to share is by circulating the direct link of the dimming by email directly from the homepage of geoengineeringwatch.org sharing directly helps us to overcome social media censorship which is getting worse by the day and likely to get much worse soon when viewing our YouTube of the dimming or Global Alert news or any other geing watch video on YouTube please subscribe share and comment all of which helps us to circulate critically important data to a much wider audience about reaching those that still aren’t looking up they’re still looking down here’s one way by starting a conversation with geoengineering watch awareness raising materials they can be found on our homepage our only goal provide activists what they need to move this fight forward very high quality printed materials shocking images pictures worth a thousand words we pass these printed materials on for less than our cost of producing and shipping please help us to sound the alarm we have Geo engineering watch hoodies shirts photos of both on on our homepage we have scannable business cards and bumper stickers all effective tools to help strike of a conversation on the climate engineering issue again reaching a critical mass this is a must and we are rapidly running out of time if you’re willing to share a picture of yourself with a geo inuring watch shirt or hoodie ideally in a crowded location please send your photo to us and we’ll put it up in our activist compilation page which is part of our materials page the images encourage others to make their voices heard in this all important battle to sound the alarm again to all those each and every individual that’s committed to exposing and halting the climate engineering Insanity my deepest gratitude to you now and forever moving on missed this one earlier from Japan ski experience.com yes Japan is also neck deep in climate engineering operations chemical ice nucleation specifically in this case here’s the headline 68-year-old snowfall record broken exclamation point they say the early December 2024 snowfall Japan hasn’t seen a better start since 1956 another exclamation point Resorts have reported almost 6 MERS of snow 6 M Christmas is upon us and winter has a long way to go yet exclamation point let’s set the record straight for the overall picture along with the world overall China and Japan hottest years on record and the way they are masking this is with headlines exactly like this and don’t don’t eat that snow and I don’t say that in justest it is packed with chemicals we know because we have tested again and again and again that’s climate engineering from Colorado The Coloradoan excuse me.com crazy Colorado Storm system expected to bring extreme avalanche danger and high fire danger wait does that make any sense storms that bring extreme danger of avalanches and Fire storms again welcome to climate engineering about the Southwest drying and dying and no it didn’t go away from the New York Post shrinking Colorado River puts 100 million at risk as crucial water source could drastically impact nation’s food supply that water’s toxic as well keep that in mind every drop of rain on planet Earth not my opinion it’s not a theory or conjecture perood science study proven and not just any chemicals not just climate engineering Fallout elements highly Toxic by themselves even more toxic when you mix them together but pfas forever chemicals every single drop of rain everywhere keep that in mind this report from the New York Post says the Imperial Valley in Southern California relies 100% on the Colorado River for its water Valley received Less Than 3 Ines of rain a year yet produces about 2/3 of the country’s winter produce 2/3 not for much longer farmers in the valley say the shrinking water levels and competing interest over River usage will badly impact the nation’s food supply empty food shelves are coming you can quote me on that drought Deluge scenarios the Hallmark of climate engineering more on drought and the ultimate control of populations this headline drought Cuts Morocco’s wheat production by half as Water Crisis deepens that’s from morocc worldnews.com they say drought stricken Morocco’s wheat production plunges to its lowest level forcing the country to nearly double its Russian wheat Imports within a year good luck with that because Russia’s wheat crop has also just crashed these are called Falling dominoes it’s a cascading collapse scenario and it’s accelerating by the day it’s not just going to go away for those that think if they just vote some political actor into office everything is going to magically get better good luck with that from ABC Australia South Australian Farmers count their losses after Worst season in decades it’s Worst season ever if you look at the overall picture but they always try to make it sound like well it’s happened before so people think well it can’t be that bad this report says Frost drought and late rain have been the Hallmarks of one of the most challenging seasons for South Australian farmers in recent memory we see that all over the globe late season chemically nucleated cool down kills everything right after it blooms or hail this is weather wor War Fair again control the weather control the Food Supplies control the populations control the world more and grid shutdowns talked about this a little bit earlier and the drought causing effects on Hydro power from the New York Times rivers run dry and the lights go out a warming nation’s Doom loop from that report an extraordinary drought has drained Ecuador’s rivers and reservoirs leading to power outages of up to 14 hours a day how would people in LA or New York or San Francisco do with that think they would make it very long like that they say some fear this is the beginning of a larger Global crisis you think they continue just a decade ago the small resourcer nation of Ecuador was embarking on a bold transition to hydroelectric power it was one of the many South American countries betting that their abundant Rivers harnessed by dams could satisfy growing energy needs you can’t continually grow anywhere I don’t care what the scenario is this is a finite planet with finite Resources with the clinically insane in control how’s that going to work out today this report says those grand designs are colliding with the warming climate they’re also colliding with climate engineering that no one any official Source has the courage to admit to yet Ecuador has been pummeled by an extraordinary drought exacerbated by global warming let’s stop there again the single biggest drought causing Factor period I’m not denying other sources of global warming I just had someone send a very scathing comment to me that how could possibly deny global warming from other sources I never have ever ever I’m simply saying we can’t have any legitimate discussion about climate anything from any perspective without addressing this first and foremost and that’s something that so many in the so-called environmentally concerned communities won’t admit to they won’t engage in this they won’t admit to climate engineering because they’ve been trained and programmed to put their fingers in their ears and say I can’t hear you when you mention the word climate engineering and that’s truly unfortunate from people who claim to be educated isn’t it lost my place here but bottom line is from the report South America drying rivers and reservoirs putting the country’s power grid on the brink of total collapse total collapse Ecuador isn’t alone and recent years abnormally dry weather in places around the globe has sent rivers to extreme lows draining hydropower resources in places like Norway Canada turkey even Lush Costa Rica Zambia highly dependent on hydrop power faces daily power cuts of up to 21 hours this year 21 hours a day no power parts of China also relying on water for energy suffered lengthy outages and that started in 2022 as the climate warms and extreme weather events like drought become more common and more severe many scientists expect hydrop power to become a less reliable energy source again the laws of physics State warming planet has to rain more overall has to 7% more moisture for every degree of warming if it’s not raining more there’s a factor we’re not being told about that factor is climate engineering operations in regard to the drought causing effects of climate engineering and the impacts they’re having all over the globe let me cover for a moment a comment sent to GW watch.org from Chris this is relating to the pending catastrophe of drought in the US Southwest which I just covered he stated this highly unusual winter here in the White Mountains Pinetop Arizona temperatures 5 to 10° fenhe above normal consistently with no moisture to speak of geoengineering spraying apparent Daily Now complete obscuration of the sky yesterday trapping in the heat has happened often this winter summer not so much locals can’t remember anything like this before dryness in the air noted by others think barium is a known desicant and oxygen scavenger you’re correct Chris thank you for submitting that so many around the globe experienced ing exactly the same others like in North Carolina exact opposite Deluge drought Deluge scenarios Hallmark of climate engineering operations as I stated at the beginning of this broadcast how many representatives from States how many states are stepping up to push forward legislation that although symbolic although it won’t stop these winter weather Warfare or weather Warfare operations in our skies because the Department of Defense considers them National Security because they can legislation will still put this most dire issue into the full light of day and once we do that the fur will fly here’s the states Alabama Arkansas Florida Idaho Iowa Kentucky Kansas Louisiana Michigan Mississippi Missouri Montana New Hampshire Nevada North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma South Carolina South Dakota Texas West Virginia Wisconsin and Wyoming that’s where wheels are turning and let’s hope they continue to turn until each of those States pushes their own legislation into law geoengineeringwatch.org is already communicating with the number of these Representatives we will do our best to assist as many of them as we possibly can my deepest thanks to all of them in regard to effectively and efficiently making progress in the fight to expose and Hal climate engineering the following letter to Canadian authorities serves as an example of exactly what needs to be done it was pinned by Carl Butler Quebec Canada hello Deputy minister of climate change and environment Miss Baker Global Climate modification programs known as solar geoengineering are completely disrupting the global rain cycle leading to unprecedented and catastrophic drought Deluge with Manitoba and Canada why is this not being discussed and disclosed by your department question mark Carl asks due to the toxicity of the aerosols aluminum barium strontium nanoparticles being dispersed in our skies from the ongoing climate engineering programs the environment is being ubiquitously contaminated leading to unprecedented wildlife and Forest die off completely correct Carl thank you he continues why is exposing and halting climate engineering Fallout not a primary goal of your department question mark are you not aware of these operations taking place question mark if not please investigate make honest and unbiased research on this subject a priority time is not on our side if these operations are allowed to continue he then sites geoengineeringwatch.org thank you Carl he says most comprehensive website on the subject he puts a link to the dimming documentary into this letter and signs sincerely Carl and here is the answer Carl got because he went about this in exactly the right way dear Carl Butler thank you for your email of December 9th 2024 to the deputy minister of environment and climate change expressing your concerns regarding geoengineering and climate modifications Carl used the science terms that’s why he got a professional response as assistant Deputy Deputy Minister I am pleased to respond on the deputy Minister’s behalf we greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your views on this important issue the information you have provided including the resource available at geing watch.org will be reviewed with consideration for the potential impacts of these Technologies on our environment and Society please be assured that your letter will be shared with the relevant officials in the department for further review the Manitoba government takes public input seriously and works to ensure that the voices of citizens are accounted for when making decisions on climate policy and the environment once again thank you for bringing this issue to our attention they finish with this should you wish to provide additional information please contact the climate action and energy Innovation division thank you Carl thank you from the bottom of my heart and thanks to the Canadian assistant Minister for the courage to actually investigate further my deepest thanks to each and every individual that is doing their best to do the same it’s our Collective efforts that can yet make a difference this kind of reaching out of rattling cages of sounding the Alarm by sharing credible data from a credible source can and does yield results sooner or later it’s a team effort it always has been and it always will be taking a step back a view of the wider Horizon and so many in the ranks of the human race past and present are blinded by greed driven by the Lust For more for power for control or for a sense of belonging to the dominant Clan all harbingers of moral bankruptcy the Native American Americans had a term for this which I covered in a previous broadcast it’s called weedo weedo defined as a psychosis in the true sense of the word a sickness of the spirit of the Soul Native American mythologies portray the mythical figure of a weedo as a cannibalistic Spirit who embodies greed and excess and can possess human beings question what man is truly a man who doesn’t make the world better in regard to the Allure of ignorance it is said yes we want to know but we want also not to know sometimes fiercely so how many have actually done any objective investigation of historical conflicts in the conquest of Empires that fueled them history is written by the Victor never forget that and thus the actual truth is lost in time like tears in rain genociding indigenous inhabitants of the land this has always been the way of the controllers this holds true to this day though few have or want a clue as corporate media pumps out a constant stream of mass distraction deception bread and circus to the masses almost none yet seem to have any comprehension of what’s unfolding the total ality of the tidal wave of total collapse environmental and societal that’s looming large over our Collective heads as we begin 2025 Earth’s primary life support systems are unraveling by the day with over 8 billion miles to feed this doesn’t bode well for our Collective futures or soon to be lack of them if we remain on the current course best case scenario on this trajectory a scattered Remnant population somehow surviving with very limited resources on a completely broken and contaminated planet again that’s the best case scenario on the current course but no matter how dark the Horizon what were we born to be why are we here what do we have within ourselves to become even at this late hour our god-given will can’t be taken from us it’s been entrusted to each of us as our own this is our only true possession make your voice a messenger of Truth echoing from the rooftops always no matter the consequences regardless of the resistance and rejection you will most certainly face from family and friends and from the legions of those who still don’t want to know this is the narrow road that far too few have so far summoned the courage to choose but perhaps by some miracle Beyond understanding many more will soon stand and be heard as denial will very soon no longer be an option for them the already awake are desperately needed to sew the seeds of awareness while we still can and I for one believe in miracles and throughout my life have marveled at them in every single aspect of the miraculous Web of Life trekking in solitude through forests and countless hours over so many years under the surface of the sea the Channel Islands and the kelp forest the Sea of Cortez the Gulf of California New Zealand Australia Fiji all of it now Dying by the day and I have seen this I’ve been so fortunate to have seen the thriving life in these places that was once there the forest surrounding my Northern California offgrid home is filled with dead and dying fur trees it was thriving only 20 years ago the occasional rounds of climate engineering element seated rain only accelerates their demise the silence in the forest is now deafening each of us all of us are desperately needed in this last hour battle for all that matters for all that we hold dear and even if it leads to our physical demise we’re much more than flesh and blood what life could be better lived what story could end better than knowing at your very core that you stood unyielding against the fading of the light that you man your appointed post until the end and if enough of us summon this degree of fortitude to stand against the insanity that surrounds us who can say and who can know how much good we may yet accomplish even at this late hour please check the activist suggestions link on the homepage of geoengineering watch.org for specific instructions on how you can help to effectively and efficiently move this fight forward every single day and every single day counts at this point please make your voice heard while you can you will never ever regret that until next week this is Dane wigington with GE inuring watch .org
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