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the world economic forum is fundamentally about the reduction of the global population I mean the world economic forum’s slogan is to bring about a betterment of the world notice they don’t say for Humanity or for people I don’t think they actually care about people it’s all about the planet I am moving secretly among them they don’t know who I am and they’re often quite open in talking about themselves they just assume I’m a weer like them I’m never stop I just walk right in like I’m meant to be there and no one stops me the world economic forum is a gathering of power Brokers from around the world all globalists it’s kind of the working out of a Godless agenda imagine how arrogant you got to be to think that it’s your job to save the planet to think that you’ve been appointed by no one other than yourself to determine how everyone else on the planet lives I hate what these people represent I hate the we I want to destroy welcome to another episode of ideas have consequences with me Larry Alex Taunton and as you can see today I’m not in the studio uh I am traveling around the world and at present I’m in Mexico City I’m here only briefly just here for a couple of meetings you’ll know that uh those of you who are members of the posi or regular viewers of this podcast listeners will know that I have been following tracking migrants uh making their way to the United States to become illegal aliens and um of course there are illegal aliens in every country that they pass through except for their country of origin and I’ve been fascinated to see the effect of trump being elected president on these groups and what I’ve noticed is that they are much much smaller but that’s not the topic for today’s ideas have consequences in fact today we’re talking about the we the world economic Forum now last week I laid out the ideological origins or the ideological origins of the world economic Forum because we called these people idiots because they bought into idiotic inhumane ideas anti-human ideas and I was laned out in the uh the previous episode and this episode I’m going to talk more practically about the world economic forum and about how I go about attacking the world economic Forum that is to say when I go there so tonight I will board a flight here in Mexico City for Switzerland I want to get there just a couple of days early the older I get I find that the jet lag affects me quite severely and uh we’re talking about a 7h hour you know time difference so uh by me getting there a couple days early it allows me to start adjusting just a bit to the schedule and then on on Monday uh January 20th the world economic Forum begins so by the time this airs I will already be at the world economic forum and by the way you can catch me doing a variety of interviews about the we I’ll be doing um let’s see Steve Bannon uh Steve de uh or da rather I should say it looks like de Steve but okay da whatever um uh Dr Drew uh gosh what else um I’ll be doing Washington watch with Tony Perkins um golly um anyway fact is I’ll just be doing a bunch of different podcasts a bunch of different shows Eric maxas uh a variety of them where I will be reporting live from there but those will be briefer you know uh for instance um I think Dr Drew is a long one that’ll be a like a 40 minute interview but the other ones will be um you’ll be pretty quick hits so if you want the real scoop the full scoop you’ll come here to my channel on YouTube on Rumble Elsewhere on Twitter on a where you will find me making um commentary on what’s going on now what I’ve done is compiled um a variety of questions that people are asking me on U um several platforms about my participation in the world economic forum and I’m going to try answering those and and in so doing hopefully giving you real insight into to not just the we and how it works but also how it is that I’m able to do what I do now again this isn’t my first time to go to the world economic Forum you need to be very clear on that this will be my third year in a row that I have attended and um so I’m you know I’m a veteran I know what’s going on I know to how to go about doing what it is that I do and I’m going to explain some of that to you to kind of give you a little bit of an a behind the scenes glimpse of how all this works works now the very first question that someone asked me is what is the we um well to understand that uh you need to go and look at previous episodes that I have done on ideas have consequences where I’m explaining exactly that and I’ve done several on it from a variety of perspectives um I have um done one or two on CLA Schwab I’ve done it on their population agenda uh the previous episode of ideas have consequences I laid out you using the chalkboard I laid out the various um you know documents books that have been very influential and not only founding the world economic Forum but in in um uh channeling their thinking and what that’s all about so I would I would encourage you to go and look at those episodes because those go into great depth and detail explaining it you’ll also find a series a four-part series that I wrote for daily wire called the Great jet Set uh it’s not the great reset it’s the great Jet Set that’s who these people are you also find that if you know if you don’t have a membership to daily wire it’s behind a pay wall you can even I I wrote it and I I can’t get into it because it’s behind a pay wall but it’s okay because you’ll find it on my website at Larry alex.com so you’ll you’ll find it there so if you really want to know what the world economic form is um you’ll find that there but in in short you know the the sound of the world economic form that name kind of gives perhaps intentionally this sense that it’s you know it’s a bunch of economists who get together and talk about boring things I recall a joke um where a man uh is told by his physician you know that he’s that he’s dying and he says is there anything that I can do and the doctor says yes Mar Economist and moved to Idaho and he says well will it make me live longer and he says no bit feel like forever um it sounds boring that’s what the world economic Forum the name would suggest and I I think it’s meant to it’s it’s meant to sort of L you into thinking that this is you know this is just a conference of a bunch of economists who are talking of data and statistics and a bunch of boring things that is not what the world economic forum is it is a gathering of power Brokers from around the world all globalists or let’s put it this way the world economic Forum itself has a globalist agenda not necessarily everyone who attends is a globalist musk has you know has attended uh Trump has attended he was invited to come and speak Javier Malai was was invited to speak those guys are not globalists they saw it as an opportunity for a platform to really Hammer home what it is that they think and what it is they believe and as I say this will be my third year in a row to attend and I promise you I am not not a globalist but we’ll talk a little bit more detail about what’s involved in that how is it that I get to the we well the logistics of the we are worth worth discussing because it tells you a little bit about them and who they are um Davos where they gather Davos Switzerland it’s a ski town and it’s a ski town of the sort that you find you know dotting the uh you know the Alps and to a lesser in in in the Pyrenees throughout Europe and these ski towns are um are generally fairly small um fairly moneyed and uh their business is quite seasonal so Davos is is not a big town at all and in fact it’s quite inadequate in size to sponsor something like the world economic Forum there’s inadequate um restaurants and coffee shops and uh not enough um hotels for the accommodations of attendees um parking is terrible there um but it seems that’s kind of their intention so rather than holding it say in a a city uh in Switzerland that could I mean because that’s where the world economic forum is the world economic forum is uh their headquarters is in Geneva rather than holding it in Geneva which would seem to be a sensible place to do it loads of hotels loads of parking loads of infrastructure and and of course in international airports so simple why not there why not um why not lern why not in Zurich why not in Burn well it seems that part of what they’re doing is to create a sense of exclusivity and making it difficult for the people they really don’t want to be there to be there and while it’s very difficult for me to get there to give you you know an example I mean this is January I mean they hold it in January in Switzerland do you know how cold it is in Switzerland do you know what the roads are like in Switzerland in January not good I mean this is like saying we’re going to we’re going to host this massive conference in January in in the Yukon Territory I mean it’s just not a just not a great place you know to host this sort of thing but that it seems to me is by Design so for me to get there I will fly for instance um this evening from Mexico City uh to Zurich and then from Zurich I will um Drive to my hotel and I’ll spend a couple of days chilling there and you know trying to acclimate to a new time zone and then I will go to Davos now to go from Zurich to Davos you got two choices I mean unless you own a private jet which of course I don’t if someone would like to donate one by the way I would be thrilled I would love if there was anything I would change about my life were I a mega mega wealthy person is I would never fly commercial anymore it is awful these people don’t fly commercial and frankly as I’ve said many times I don’t begrudge them that if you can fly on a on a private jet good for you I I’m thrilled for you that you don’t have to go through the drudgery you know of going you know dealing with TSA types and you know everybody searching everything that you have and then everybody being crowded aboard a tin can that’s miserable for hours on end with mediocre food and Tiny bathrooms and waiting and waiting and your flight cancellations and delays and all the things that go with that good for you but you got a lot of nerve if you do that and then you go on lecture the rest of us on our carbon footprint and that’s exactly what these people do so um what they do is they fly into Davos in their private shets and you know what but such a long drive from one part of Davos to another they can’t be bothered to do that and their big long Mercedes and BMWs which is almost exclusively what they drive and I don’t mean the little the little entry level BMWs and Mercedes not even the electric ones these are the Big Gas guzzling beautiful fast powerful BMWs and Mercedes no they don’t do that they take helicopters they take helicopters from the airport into the city where they then get into their nice big BMWs and their plush Mercedes where they then go to their hotels again don’t begrudge them that don’t begrudge you that if you can do that that’s that’s wonderful good for you but Don’t lecture us on our carbon footprint don’t tell us that the rest of us shouldn’t be um driving uh internal combustion engines don’t tell the rest of us that we need to live in smart cities and drive little tiny smart cars and that we need to be riding our bicycles and lecturing us because we’re eating beef and not bugs this is the way these people think so for them getting to Doos is quite simple for me just going from Zurich you’re talking about maybe an hour and a half on Snowy roads um so they could be quite quite um dangerous or you can take a train but it’s not direct because Davos is not a big town so you’re gonna have I think two changes on the train in order to get there um so the point being is you’re going to spend a lot of time in transit getting there now I want to show you here as a little little video just something I recorded on my phone when back in I don’t know maybe September or so I was looking at accommodation in or near Davos now look at this video here you know I’m just scrolling as slowly as I can so that you can see the prices here these are these are real prices this is on booking.com I think and you’re thinking to yourself these prices can’t be real no they are real and again it’s because every little town um around Davos Davos itself and then those that are around it they are either solidly booked or they Jack their prices way up and we’re not talking about you look at a hotel here you know that’s 20,000 25,000 for just a few nights $55,000 for just a few nights you’re thinking gosh this must be the kind of place where you know my I’m I’m I’m reclined and have my head in the lap of a beautiful woman who’s feeding me grapes and another guy is standing by and he’s Fanning me and um everyone is calling me sire and bowing to no we’re talking like these are these are like holiday in expresses less than that they are you know days in sleep in these are these are not particularly good places that just some of them are but no hotel is worth that kind of money I don’t care how nice it is it’s not worth that kind of money so how is it that they do that well again they’re either buying up these hotels to prevent people like me from coming or they’re jacking up the prices because they know that loads of people thousands of people from around the world are trying to come and some people will pay that and you’re going who would pay that well a billionaire might pay it because it’s not you know anything to them government officials bureaucrats will pay it and that’s because it’s not their money they’re spending your money they don’t care sure we’ll pay $10,000 a night we’ll pay $225,000 a night we’ll pay $50,000 in order to stay here for a few days because not my money it’s easy to spend other people’s money and to spend it recklessly in carelessly but this is what they do so just getting there the logistics of getting to Davos is itself very difficult now who does go well I’ve just mentioned that bureaucrats go many government officials go but last year for example at the world economic Forum in January of 2024 you had let’s see you have 50 50 heads of state who attended 115 billionaires who attended you had more than 600 CEOs of major corporations who attended we’re talking I’m a CEO I’m a I’m a CEO of fixed Point Foundation but we’re not talking you know heavy small organizations like mine we’re talking Black Rock we’re talking Google we’re talking cocacola we’re talking these kinds of Major Brands who are represented there I I don’t know if Coca-Cola is going to be there or not but my point is that these are the kinds of organizations the kind of CEOs who are there and then you have roughly last year about 2700 other people who attend now for a moment I just want to talk about those 2700 other people you see at the top you have the um the real decision makers at the top where you have the decision makers and the policy walks and the so-called agenda we World economic Forum agenda contributors those are the people who are who are they’re they’re the ideologues they’re the ones who are who are driving the agenda those are the True Believers the 2700 other people who attend may or may not be true believers they may or may not be people who actually really even understand what the world economic forum is um they often are are people who are very young a lot of that that the we targets a lot of young people they’re kind of their Hitler Youth they’re kind of their you know the Soviets had what they called the Pioneers you know this is this is kind of the West version of the Boy Scouts but they’re they’re training them they’re they’re um inculcating them with their own propaganda a globalist environmental propaganda which I find very sad and also extremely dangerous but the point that I want to drive home is those people down at the bottom I find when I meet them in Davos so they tend to be very idealistic they’re people who see this as providing them with some kind of purpose they see themselves as as saving the planet I mean the world economic forum’s slogan is is to bring about a betterment of the world notice they don’t say for Humanity or for people I don’t think they actually care about people it’s all about the plan you see and there there’s a real difference in that I mean imagine this is maybe worth a podcast all on its own but I have thought that it might be interesting to do a podcast about how much difference it would make if world leaders if politicians were to adjust their thinking and make their uh Mission their their personal mission as representatives of the people to bring about a betterment of life for those people that they represent it used to be what it meant to be a public servant that’s what it used to mean to be a um you know a congressman that’s used to be what it meant to be a president um at least in the United States and to some extent um you know in in some other countries not all of them by any stretch of the imagination but if you were elected president of the United States I mean it was your job um to care for the American people it was your job um to make life easier and better for them that’s not the way globalist politicians not the way globalist agenda uh excuse me in general think they think um they they really don’t they’re they’re fundamentally antihuman and they think more in terms of doing what they can do um quote unquote for the planet and to fulfill their own Godless agenda but I sometimes wonder I mean what a difference it would make if someone had the attitude um that and to some extent Trump does have this attitude but has an attitude that says you know what uh I want to rean was like this I want to get government out of your way I want to reduce taxes I want to reduce regulations and things that that make life burdensome for you um I want to to give you the opportunity to flourish by getting government out of your way it’s not my job to give you stuff but it is my job to get government out of your way and to find ways to improve life for you through a better roads through better infrastructure um by um uh reducing corruption reducing taxes reducing government spending uh reducing bureaucracy this is just simply not the attitude that most politicians have these days and certainly not the kind of people that go to the world economic Forum but the people who are down at the bottom they tend to be the kind of people that you I almost laugh I feel sorry for them they’re the kind of people that I’m walking around Davos during the we and they do refer to it by the way it’s the we and they refer to themselves as weers which I actually think is kind of funny I mean it’s like it’s like calling yourself a Swifty you know you’re you’re you’re a fan of Taylor Swift and you’re a Swifty this is the way they the way they talk they’re weers but they’re the kind of people that that when I’m walking around Davos during the world economic Forum they might be wearing you know they’re wearing all the swag they’ll be wearing a hat that says we on it or a you know a hoodie that says we on it or or a hat or a shirt that says Global citizen you know this kind of thing which just sheer nonsense and it’s naive but there are also people who don’t really understand that the world economic forum is fundamentally about the reduction of the global population now I said in the previous episode of ideas have consequences I explain that in a lot more detail so if you’re interested in that go and look at the previous episode where I’m using the chalk board and I explain that in great detail this is not this is not me making something up ladies and gentlemen it’s not me trying to be the posy knows I’m anything but clickbait I tried to provide you with um evidence for the claim that I’m making here and the evidence that I’m providing is theirs it’s it’s the things they’re saying a guy like Bill Gates who’s a member of the world economic Forum you know he’s got videos on YouTube talking about reducing the global population now he tries to couch it in very benign terms um in the previous episode We we played a clip for you of Dr Dennis Meadow one of the four authors of limits to growth talking about and he’s a world economic for agenda contributor and I would argue one of the the most influential members of the world economic Forum saying we need to reduce a global population from 8 billion to less than two billion that’s not the stuff that I think the world economic Forum really wants you to hear in fact I suspect there was a phone call made to Meadows after he gave that interview and said that and said Dennis shut the hell up don’t say that publicly the public can’t handle the truth but they can’t resist telling you what they really think and it’s because they’re absolutely full of themselves but we’ll come back to that so these are the kinds of people that attend so you could in theory if you could afford it and attending the we is extremely expensive it’s anywhere from say about $25,000 to uh $55,000 last I looked I haven’t looked this year but somewhere in that range in order to tend to get the lanyard and give you access to the BR break out sessions and to the plenary sessions the big full sessions you know where say somebody like um you know John Cary is speaking or a Bill Gates is speaking or a Javier Malai who’s not a globalist and I don’t think he’s going to be there this year individuals like that might be speaking but then you have the breakout sessions that’re all around Davos in smaller venues and those are the ones that I tend to Target but we’ll we’ll come back to that some someone asked me you know Larry why do you go it’s a good question it’s a fair question those who are very familiar with my work know that I take very seriously going to the things that I’m talking about so rather than just sitting and as as most people in my profession do conservative or or liberal it it it doesn’t matter conservative I really want to call them liberals anymore they not really liberals and conservative leftist um most people in my line of work who are wri ERS or perhaps they reporters or their political pundits [Music] commentators they just stay in New York or DC Chicago La Atlanta Paris London and they are armchair pundits they just pontificate from the studio or you know get up in the morning and you know watch a a morning Joe or CNN or BBC or listen to NPR and read the New York Times and they sit down and they offer their opinions on what they’ve read or what they’ve heard that’s lazy that’s really really lazy and I feel that it’s very very important in my work that I’m I’m speaking to you not not just simply because I’ve researched the topic thoroughly but because I’ve done the hard work of actually going there of experiencing it you know way back in the day when I was um was in the academic world and I was teaching history philosophy some literature I always felt and this I was very young I always felt it it’s something of a um a disadvantage when I was when I was um discussing the history of Egypt so I might be te might be teaching Western Civilization for instance and almost everything that I would talk about in a course like that I I had seen or experienced in some way I you know i’ i’ I’d been to um you know Greece and climbed all over the uh you know the the the various um ancient ruins that one finds there or you know uh in Britain or in France or maybe I’m discussing um Nazi Germany or those are all things that I could I could associate real personal experiences with not because I was there in history but because rather I had seen the places that I was I was talking about and I could bring a personal knowledge to them at that time I can now because I’ve been in Egypt many times and I’ll be there again in a couple of weeks but at that time when I was discussing say the building of the pyramids or I’m talking about the the Egyptian Museum or I’m talking about Luxor whatever the N civilization growing along the I was the the N Nile Delta all that it was all just from books it was all just from things that other people had said and I had read didn’t mean they weren’t true it just meant that that the way I was discussing them lacked the seasoning that is given with personal experience your personal experiences Infuse the things that you’re you’re discussing and it it lends it a a certain matter of measure of power and credibility um when it comes to the World economic Forum I just feel fraudulent if I’m just sitting and you know I’m talking about that and I’m waxing eloquent on it but I actually never been there haven’t encountered I haven’t seen it so I try to go so there’s no there’s no um substitute for personal experience so I try to go every year uh that I can report to you that I can tell you from personal experience what’s going on there so that’s why I do that and um some people expressed concern for my personal safety I appreciate that I don’t feel any concern for my personal safety at the world economic Forum there are countries that I go to and there are countries on this particular trip I’m going to go to about what six or seven countries on on this particular two-month Journey where I do feel some measure of concern for my own safety I I feel a strong calling to what I do and calling by the way is important it’s one thing to go do something you know because you want to do it or you’re you know it it amuses you I do what I do because I feel it’s my calling it’s my own personal mission I’m very clear on what my mission is and and I pursue it doggedly um a travel tip for you it’s kind of off top but a travel tip for you there’s nothing you can do but more more simply in in readily to see to your own personal safety when you’re traveling particularly when you’re Trav traveling in the third world and Switzerland is most definitely not the third world to see to your own personal safety and that is to be careful about where you stay and how you get from place to pay place your transportation so another words protect the spaces that you are in and so if you choose to go let’s say to um turkey or you choose to go to Morocco or you choose to go to um India you should pay the extra money and stay at excellent reputable Global reputation type of hotels and the reason for that is because beyond the fact that the service will be you know incredible um they are used to hosting um Americans they’re used to hosting westerners and they understand a lot of things about you that maybe you wouldn’t readily think about so for instance uh in India they would know that they can’t just feed you a salad that’s washed um with water from you know from from the local sources because they know that while Indians can um drink that water can consume it that Americans generally cannot and that is because we are used to everything being much much cleaner and so they will they will feed you those things that they know um are not going to get you sick and they also will take your personal physical safety very very seriously and that is because their reputation their very business relies upon your personal safety so they will give you good advice a hotel with a good consur they will offer you a good counsel good advice about what you do and don’t do and they will also provide you with Transportation people who have been vetted that before they’ve hired them rather than you just you know hiring a random Uber for instance here in Mexico City I’ve used your Uber but generally speaking if you’re a young woman never use Uber outside of the country just as a rule that’s just not something you want to do I could tell you one horror story after another you’re going to end up somewhere or for that matter even just a taxi black cabs in the the UK and some other places are the local taxis are fine mostly and in what I’ll call First World countries but generally speaking um getting from one place to the next you want to make sure that you and and and I recognize you’re paying extra you might pay an extra $200 or $300 a night to stay in a place you might pay extra um for you will pay extra for your transportation but you need to see it as an insurance policy that’s part of your insurance policy to see to your personal safety you want to be able to come back to your hotel know that you can get a clean shower that you can get a meal that you can tolerate that your laptop won’t have been stolen that your room room will be clean and you can recover and then head back out anyway I just throw that in for you because I make a point of staying in nice places and I’m very careful about the drivers I use and I now have a number of drivers that I trust all over the world in a variety of countries I got their cell phones and I say I’m coming um I need you to come and pick me up at the airport so I’ve I’ve I’ve accumulated a lot of people that I trust translators other people that I use so some people are interested in knowing you know that just just the basics of how I go about doing things not just in Switzerland but anywhere and and and that’s part of it I’m very careful about the people that I associate with I’m careful about where I stay and I’m careful about my transportation that as it pertains to Switzerland it’s not as big a deal I mean you know Switzerland is a very very safe country safer than the United States it’s um it’s a very wealthy country and taking a taxi or something is is not going to be a problem for you and you can stay at low end you know of places and almost certainly um be very safe problem is during the world economic Forum there are no lowend places so in my case I’m going to be Comm commuting two hours a day one way so I will have four hours of commuting every day that I go to the world economic forum and that’s because everything nearby is insanely expensive insanely expensive I don’t mean I don’t mean $1,000 a night I don’t mean $2,000 A9 I mean $6,000 A9 I mean crazy expensive kind of places so bear that in mind there’s also just little things that I do uh to try to blend in now you may say well Larry gosh you shouldn’t be putting out a video like this until after you’ve been there these people are so arrogant they only move in their own circles you see these Global us they only they they’re in an echo chamber they don’t watch ideas have consequences if you do if they do great I would love them to watch this and know what scumbags I think they all are um with their globalist agenda and their depopulation agenda and their antihuman agenda so it’s easy for me to blend in and because people are wearing coats uh no one really notices that I don’t have a lanyard because the assumption is it is under your big heavy coat because again this is in Davos this is you know high and an Alpine retreat in Switzerland in January so it’s incredibly cold people are wearing big coats me a big leather coat or somebody a big over coat so your landyards are usually hidden and what’s funny is that the world economic forum for its love affair with technology and specifically with artificial intelligence they’re remarkably analog when it comes to the world economic Forum now we’ll see if that changes this year but usually just a young woman standing at the door with a clipboard and you know ask for your name you know as you come in and marks you off the list and lets you you know lets you come straight in you would think that it would have some kind of let’s say like wristband you know that um that they scan or something something much more technologically savvy to make sure that people like me don’t get in now Rebel news the way they go about doing it it’s just a different strategy is they’re not endeavoring um to be a spy at the world economic Forum the way I do it it’s not one it’s not that one strategy is is better than the other they’re they’re both very different and they both provide something unique I am I am moving secretly among them Rebel news just by way of example they’re there with their film Crews and um someone you know with their mic and they’re harassing these people as they’re going into the buildings and following them you know when they go out into the parking lot that’s what they’re doing I’m I’m not there for that kind of scoop rather I’m there to get kind of an Insider perspective on the world economic Forum because a they don’t know who I am and again we’ll see if that’s the case this year they don’t know who I am and they’re often quite open in talking about themselves they just assume I’m a weer like them no one’s looking for my lanyard and usually when I walk into these places and it’s hard for me to explain this unless unless you see me do it I just walk into these places like I own them and the people who are standing there at the door I won’t say I’ve never been stopped but I’ve maybe been stopped once maybe once and I just walk straight in like I own it and these young people at the door again usually it’s a young woman if you’re doing it with self-confidence and acting like you do belong there they’re usually a little intimidated to question whether you belong there so I’m almost never stopped I just walk right in like I’m meant to be there and no one stops me and I just keep going now I don’t I don’t Target the plenary sessions I don’t Target the the major sessions because those would be much much harder you know to get into which is okay I Target the breakout sessions so that last year some of you will know I’m now next thing I know I’m sitting and I’m chatting with former prime minister British prime minister Teresa may and I’m talking with the former prime minister president of Portugal and I’m talking with um princess Eugene the um the uh daughter of um of prince Andrew people like this because they’re talking to me very openly because they assume I’m a weer I’m not there to offer my opinions so I’m not I’m I’m I’m not seeking to get into um in an argument with these people I just asked them so tell me a little bit about yourself tell me why you’re here and the interesting thing this a little party trick for you it’s one my wife is uh Lori she’s Lorie’s not shy she’s reserved and she’s not a small talker neither am I but I’m much more outgoing and I’m not intimidated by a um you know party um atmosphere Lori doesn’t like that kind of atmosphere very much and I told her years ago if you’re running out of things to say ask people about themselves and you’ll never have to answer ask another another question you’ll never have to talk again and it’s because people love to talk about themselves we all do and if you ask them what they do for a living or about their family or whatever away they’ll go you don’t have to worry about it it’s it’s that to the 10th power at the world economic forum and the reason is because the people you don’t immediately recognize because they’re you know they’re internationally known because they’re a prime minister or they’re a uh a president or you know um you know somebody like a Bill Gates or something those people can’t resist that is the the ones who aren’t internationally known they can’t resist telling you why they’re important so for instance last year I’m sitting in a coffee shop and a woman comes over and asks if she can sit in a chair uh at my table and I’ll tell you about that again in just a moment and um she immediately wants me to know that she is a translator for the presidents of South Korea she’s very full of her own self-importance and I just ask her a few questions and boom away she goes she she wants me to know that she’s important they none of these people ever ask me questions so I’m not at putting into a position to have the lies and uh I’d have no qualms about it by the way if I did because um I I I’m there with a mission and with a purpose but I don’t ever have to do that and people do ask me I just tell them I’m a wrer which is 100% true or I have another answer which is a really boring answer and no one ever follows up with me on this I just say I’m the head of a nonprofit there you see their eyes glaze over like yeah you know I don’t want to ask this guy about that that that SS nightm Marly boring I don’t want to sit through that so often if they do ask you a question they’re asking it because they feel obligated to not because they’re actually interested they want to talk about themselves so again to sort of sum up where we are here I fly to Switzerland I then make my way to the world economic form by train or by taxi depending on the weather I prefer to get a taxi and a drive there’s a driver there that I use every year because I trust him and he understands the circumstance but the roads aren’t always um great for this and also because a taxi driver if I were to rent a car and go there myself I wouldn’t be able to park there’d be nowhere for me to park and I’d be forced to walk from one end of the city you know to the other not that it’s a big city but it’s a long walk when you’re talking about snow being piled up and it’s windy and it’s snowing and it’s you know it’s freezing cold so usually what I do is I have my driver and uh my taxi driver in his his electric Prius um I’ll have him drop me somewhere and then he’s allowed to go to the taxi stand see so he can go and park in places I can’t park and then I’ll ring him up and I’ll say okay come get me swing by pick me up take me to the next place then he goes to the taxi stand again and then I call him up and I say come get me let’s go over to this part let’s go down here let’s go look at this and so he’s always waiting for me and then afterwards he takes me to the hotel but what I do because I’m not paying that 25,000 or that 55,000 in order to attend and by the way it’s kind of annoying there’s some people going into the YouTube comments and say he can’t get into the we I go to the we people i’ I’ve been there I don’t tell me I I can’t get in because I do get in I I have been um so I know what I’m talking about but let’s suppose that this year that they’re finally on to me and they are going to make it hard hard for me to get into any of the sessions that’s okay I don’t care that’s not going to prevent me from doing what I do and that’s because as any of you who have ever attended a conference will know the real conversations aren’t taking place in those big plenary sessions where one person is speaking or maybe there’s a panel of people who are speaking and everyone in the audience is listening often what happen happens at conferences and again let’s just think of one that’s associated with your work let’s say you’re a you’re a real estate agent and you go to the National Association of real estate agents in Vegas you maybe go into a couple of sessions and listen to a little bit but for the most part you’re probably in a hotel coffee shop or you’re in the lobby or you’re in a restaurant with other agents and other people where you’re having meaningful conversation that’s where that stuff is is is taking place so even if they could keep me out of all the sessions and they could they they could make it more technological this year where the only way you get in as if you’re a lanyard or you know something that that that you’re carrying is scanned or that are really going to be rigid and no one gets in that the girls you know don’t don’t check your name off of I it’s okay I’ll just go sit in a hotel lobby I’ll go sit in a coffee shop I’ll go sit in a restaurant and those places are going to be full of weers they’re going to be full of some of the people who are doing the presentations and I’m going to strike up a conversation with some of them and off you go and you find yourself hearing people saying things they wouldn’t say publicly because they think I’m a weer and they don’t know that I’m actually right there who’s just listening to what they have to say and so you know I told you that Davos is small and because it’s small it lacks sufficient infrastructure for you know the roughly 3,000 people who will be there there’s not enough coffee shops there’s not enough restaurants there’s not enough hotels so the result is that for instance one of the coffee shops have been for the last couple years there’s three maybe four tables that’s it three maybe four tables and when these major sessions end people spill out looking for something to eat or where they can get a cup of coffee so the result is I’m sitting there just imagine the way I’m sitting here right now and I’m sitting at one of these tables again three or four tables Max so let’s say a total of 12 chairs and 5075 people pour into this coffee shop and they’re all looking for a place place to sit and you know what I do I don’t move I’m not doing the polite thing of saying yeah come on over here you can have my table 100% no I’m sitting there waiting and there are two or three chairs around the table and inevitably just as I was describing with this woman who’s a translator for the president of South Korea someone will come along and say excuse me is this SE taken I’ll say why no it’s not taken have a seat join me and then what follows are interesting conversations with movers and shakers now I mentioned that the 2700 people who are attending or maybe I think this year it’s about 2500 who are attending those people tend to be idealistic the group of people among them that I fail to mention are vendors who are there to sell things to government they’re there to sell let’s say artificial intelligence the government or they’re there to sell them um consultation or something to that affects why meet a lot of consultants and these might be Consultants on population control on Artificial Intelligence on immigration on all the kinds of things that we’re seeing globalist pushed throughout the world throughout through especially the Western World and those those conversations are startling ladies and gentlemen a piece of advice I would really want to give you that’s that’s a piece of advice for for life is try to engage with people who don’t agree with you go and join a a lefty book club go and join the Sierra Club go and join some other organization that is notoriously left leaning and don’t go in there with the plan of being you know this Molotov cocktail tossing tight go in there quietly listen to them ask questions don’t reveal immediately where you stand on the issues and if you don’t you’re going to get more interesting conversations so for instance I don’t immediately come out and and in fact I never I don’t come out at all I I don’t indicate where I stand on anything I just ask questions and because they assume I’m I’m a weer they talk very openly if I were to come out as the conservative that I am the Evangelical Christian that I am that I think their agenda is satanic I wouldn’t have any kind of meaningful conversation with these people I might even be removed you see so what I do is I just move quietly among them for the most part fairly unnoticed and there’re little subtle things that you could do this this might seem silly to you but it’s the little things that matter just little bitty things that matter so here’s my backpack um for instance a military grade backpack by Nema for those of you who are interested Switzerland you don’t really need it Africa you do South America Darian Gap you want something that is virtually indestructible and this is but you know this is a way you know I carry it normally I’ve got here this American flag on it but these are interchangeable these pop off and when I go to the world economic Forum that’s the passion I put on there people do notice these things there’s no we patches there’s no world economic Forum patches but that’s a United Nations patch the United Nations is the executive arm of the globalist agenda I mean the United Nations is driving a major part at an executive level of the globalist agenda so I pop into a coffee shop and I’m I’m fitting that with I’m I’m a little OCD about things like this this needs to be symmetrical there we go so I pop into a coffee shop I’m sitting there with my bag somebody sees that they take on one of them they think I’m one of them and just by way of avator damn it I also have this I have a variety of these you may say why in the world would you have the Canadian flag well again this is just by way of a little indic Ator of the nature I’m alive when I’m going through let’s say the Grand bizaar and Cairo as I will be soon I don’t immediately want people thinking I’m an American and being an American in some parts of the world is a great advantage to you because Americans are generally speaking very popular around the world it’s true even in a place like let’s say um Vietnam or Russia I don’t know about right now in Russia but I’ve been in Russia several times and Russia is generally like Americans uh Vietnam I was in Vietnam not a long ago they like Americans do you think they’d hate us they don’t in the Middle East you become a target for terrorists and I can’t pretend that I am you know uh I can’t pretend that I’m South African I wouldn’t get away with that if questioned I can’t I can’t pretend that I’m I am a French I wouldn’t get away with that but I could pretend easily um that I’m a Canadian my mother is a Canadian been in Canada many times my grandparents you know I grew up there but the point being is the Canadians aren’t as a rule really a Target they’re just kind of your basic booger head Wester nobody cares about the Canadians I don’t want to go I don’t I don’t want to be walking around Cairo I be walking around Abuja I don’t want to be walking around some godforsaken part of Africa with my American flag stuff on don’t want that and so anyone who might assume americ they see that Canadian F who cares doesn’t mean I can’t become a Target it means I’m less I’m a less desirable Target so the little things do matter I don’t mean this is going to get you into anything all I’m simply trying to say is you need the accoutrements to go with whatever it is that you’re doing that makes it a little bit more convincing I show up a Davos and I’m trying to pretend to be a weer and I got an American flag I mean it’s just better to go with nothing um than to go with you know with something like that so again these are just little subtle things and there’s many more little tricks that I could tell you that are very real that do help but the most important if you want to call it a trick I don’t know maybe it’s not a trick maybe it’s just a product of personality but the most important thing you can do is to is to communicate that that you belong there that you belong there you need to you need to carry yourself with self confidence you need to project self-confidence you need to project that you belong there that you are one of them and the result is that people assume that you are and because they’re all mostly interested in themselves they as a rule just don’t simply ask very many questions now some people have asked me someone asked you think they’ll recognize you this year maybe but I doubt it and it’s again is because they’re so arrogant they do not listen or watch any other opinions they don’t care they’re they’re not listening to Tucker Carlson they’re not listening to Joe Rogan they’re not listening to Megan Kelly they don’t care they are people who I mean I could go on the most popular conservative podcast before the we saying everything that I’m saying to you right now and still go to the we for they probably still wouldn’t recognize me it’s because they don’t watch that stop they aren’t interested they don’t care they’re interested chiefly in themselves now what is it like there I’ve been asked that many times and my I was doing an interview with Maxis um the other day Eric matx say who asked me that he said you know what’s what’s what’s it like there I don’t know if this was on camera or off and my usual answer to that question is that it feels spiritually dead but I’ve realized that that actually isn’t quite accurate it doesn’t feel spiritually dead it it feels like you’re in the presence of evil so feel like it’s actually quite spiritually alive but alive with the wrong spirits and sometimes that feels sometimes that feels in congruous with the circumstances meaning you’re in a beautiful place the Swiss Alps if you haven’t seen the Swiss Alps I don’t care what time of year you’re there it’s they’re breathtakingly beautiful um you’re in a moneyed little ski Town nice quaint restaurants and hotels and coffee shops and all like um it’s rich people who are there who are going snow skiing and some of that stuff is still all going on during the we a lot of people who were there they’re not there for the we they’re there to go snow scheming so you got that all that going on and so it’s not like you’re seeing homeless people it’s not like you’re seeing um degradation it’s not like you’re seeing um you know a lot of crime or human trafficking or things like this that are going on what you’re seeing is all at a a very very high economic level very expensive and you’re also dealing with people who I dare say haven’t actually killed anyone rather you’re dealing with people whose ideas are Sinister and again I’m talking about not really the people at the at the bottom level but at the top you’re dealing with people whose ideas Downstream are killing people they are causing human degradation they are causing crime they are causing cusing grief and these people Upstream they don’t care either because they don’t know or just because they don’t want to know they’re not rubbing elbows with ordinary people and see what we’re doing on a show like ideas have consequences and I’m moving at both ends I’m showing you what’s happening Upstream I’m I’m with the the champagne glass clinking Elites in naos but I let to go from there and show you what’s happening because of their ideas or ideas that they tolerate to Christians in a place like Egypt I’m showing you both ends and by way of example of this last year um when I was sitting and listening to in a very you know small room there maybe 30 people in there and I’m sitting and listening to former British prime minister Teresa may talking about what they’re doing to address human trafficking in uh in Ukraine and she’s talking about these refugees War refugees that are pouring out of Ukraine into um Poland where she goes on to suggest that there are people waiting from them in Poland in order to traffic them and I went up and I talked to her and I said you know I may be the only person in this room I I was just in Poland I was just there talking to these War refugees I was there talking to these ukrainians and I’ve been in Ukraine probably 10 times I’ve written a book about human trafficking in Ukraine have you been there Miss May and what comes out of that is that she’s up there pontificating about things that she doesn’t have any firsthand knowledge or experience of and the people who are in the audience are listening and drinking it all in they’re all wearing their little you know um Ukrainian flags and shirts and all this kind of stuff and none of them know what the hell they’re talking about that’s what we’re doing for you on a show like ideas have consequences we’re listening to what people like Teresa may and CLA Schwab and Bill Gates and all of these people who are puffed up with their own self-importance are saying and the policies that they’re advocating and then I’m taking you Downstream and showing you how those play out in the lives of real people that’s what we’re doing and that’s what I what I’ll Endeavor to do again this year so really doesn’t matter to me if I go and they say oh you can’t get in we’re not going to let you in okay fine I’ll go sit in a hotel lobby I’ll go in the coffee shop these people got to eat they’re going to have something to drink and they’re going to talk to me because they do think that I am one of them so that should be very interesting I say that I’m looking forward to it that actually isn’t true my wife will tell you that I actually dread going to the world economic forum and it’s precisely because it feels spiritually dead and if you’ve ever been in a real wrong correct myself not spiritually dead spiritually alive with the wrong Spirits if you’ve ever been in those sort of environments and my work takes me into a lot of them it it it engenders loneliness you feel very very lonely in those environments and so I find myself in those circumstances often feeling almost kind of a crushing you know kind of loneliness because it feels spiritually dark so I’m always kind of glad when the world economic forum is over and I’m like can’t wait to get out of here and then I go to someplace in southern Europe where it’s um the climate is better and it’s warmer and the people are friendlier and we actually have friends um that feels kind of like you’re going kind of um taking a deep breath you’re exhaling you’re just like I’m so glad that’s over so no I’m not looking forward to the world economic Forum but I am looking forward to being able to inform you and a final thought the world economic Forum it’s the Practical working out is I have said in previous podcast and in just the previous podcast it’s kind of the working out of a Godless agenda these are people just sort of assumed that the biblical God is irrelevant and doesn’t exist and the result is that because man will worship something what you find at the we among the weers is a neop paganism it’s it’s like they’re creating have created a new religion that has at this point only a few tenants and it has no formal structure yet but it’s neopagan it’s a a Revival of ancient paganism and Earth worship they don’t like human beings it’s about saving the planet it’s about Earth worship and for some of them it’s just simply about power but imagine how arrogant you got to be to think that it’s your job to save the planet to think that you’ve been appointed by no one other than yourself to determine how everyone else on the planet lives I hate what these people represent I hate the we I want it destroyed and until then I’ll continue to expose it to the best of my ability and we need you to join the posi we hope you will uh you can go to join. l Taunton that’s t n t n join. lon.com we need you to join the posy to support this podcast to support my efforts to support what we’re doing here and then I need you to share the podcast we’re being absolutely on um this particular platform you know the platform that I’m talking about but I don’t want to say it this particular platform is choking us you will notice that previous episodes of the early uh months of this podcast we’re getting 3 four five 6 700,000 views per episode and then they absolutely started chunking us because they don’t want people watching it and um and they’re not sending up notifications to subscribers and they make it difficult to load and they choke it with ads and they do all those kinds of things in order to prevent people from watching the way that we get around that ladies and gentlemen is by you sharing it we need you to share this show with other people we need the posi to grow the posi we need to grow the messaging here and again it’s not about me it’s it’s about this calling it’s about this work it’s about what we do I feel like what I do here matters um hopefully I’m not flattering myself and saying that but I really believe that what we do it here matters because we’re trying to break down for you what’s actually happening in the world so you can navigate it and navigate it through something of a Biblical lens so that you have a fixed point which a capital f and a capital p and understanding that it’s our God who defines what truth is and therefore defines what right and wrong is and real right and wrong real truth is universal it is for all men uh for all time uh Jesus said in John 14:6 I am the way the truth and the life I love that it’s the most Politically Incorrect statement in all of scripture because in that one statement he discounted all other means of Life all other ways and all other claims of Truth he Saidi am that and if you try to create your own religion or interpret me in your way Jordan Peterson and Russell Brand you see Russell Brand just this past week you he said we knew new ways of interpreting scripture because the world is changing Russell no you’re wrong God’s word is eternal it does not change he does not change he is immutable we are the ones who have to adjust to him not into us he simply said I am it’s been another episode of ideas have consequences with me Larry Alexon and by the way when you get this by the time you see this I will still be at the W so say prayer for me help push us forward put some wind in our sales we appreciate that take care
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