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thank you uh and as to no comment by an FBI that’s usually what they say when there’s an ongoing investigation particularly when it’s a couple of days before an election but why are we here why you know that’s been the question that quite a number of people have been asking me why are you having this hearing what does this have to do with inflation what does this have to do with the cost of living what does this have to to do with the everyday lives of Americans the thing that the Republican Party said that they would focus on if they had control of the house why would the Republican leadership in the committee majority give a hearing and a platform to the witnesses today specifically to Mr Kennedy a man who has recently claimed that covid-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people the people who are most immune are ashkanazi Jews and Chinese and before that in his film medical racism the new apartheid that film stated that covid-19 vaccines do not work for black children because of their quote kick Kick-Ass kind of immune system that hyper superhuman subhuman kind of language also said he also said even in Hitler’s Germany you could cross the Alps to Switzerland you could hide in an attic like Anne Frank did to imply Jews in Nazi Germany had more freedoms than unvaccinated Americans during the covid-19 pandemic now many of my Republican colleagues across the Das will rush to cover that they have Mr Kennedy here because they want to protect his free speech that they do not believe in American censorship this is not the kind of free speech that I know of the free speech that is protected by the Constitution’s First Amendment but free speech is not an absolute the Supreme Court has stated that uh and others free speech that is allowed hateful abusive rhetoric does not need to be promoted in the halls of the people’s house this Republican charge of free spee is being used by Republican members to promote quasi science things such as the replacement theory that says that brown people are replacing good white Americans here in this country let’s not remember that this country first belonged to Brown Native American people it’s a rallying cry for bigotry and hate there are members of the Republican conference who also frequently suggest that Americans have to deal with covid rules as the same as oppression of Nazi Germany indeed some have even questioned whether the Holocaust took place we have staffers who openly follow white supremacy without any cond condemnation of the Republican concerence some give it Chuckles slaps on the back shrugs all under the Mantra of free speech it’s a free country you absolutely have a right to say what you believe but you don’t have the right to a platform public or private we don’t have to give one of the largest platforms of our democracy Congress this hearing our right does not mean that we as Americans are not free from accountability Mr Kenny you’re now recognized for your opening statement and then we’ll go right down the line he’s GNA go a little longer excuse me point of order I know that Witnesses usually have five minutes I see 10 minutes on the board is it going to be 10 minutes give him five minutes but we’re we’re pretty laxed with this we’ll let him go for yeah I’ve seen you hamam H gavel down on quite a number of witnesses given senators and former Democrat members of Congress and all kinds of he’s neither I’m just saying in past history in’ll watch the time for all the witnesses and if you want to cut him off and censor him some more you’re welcome to do it oh that’s not my job that’s that’s your job why don’t you threaten a witness so that they can not want to be wi Kenedy is recognized for his opening statement we’ll give him five minutes more or less and then we’ll move to the next one Mr Kennedy go right ahead thank you Mr chairman Mr chairman maybe we could put five minutes on the clock then not 10 could we could we put five on the clock and we’ll start it running thank you Mr chairman and I I want to I want to start I want to put aside my written statement for a moment and address one of the uh points was brought up I think an important Point by the ranking member that this body ought to be concerning itself with the U with issues that impact directly the American people the rising price of groceries 76% over the past two years were basic food stuff uh the war in Ukraine the inflation issues the Border issues many many other issues that concern us all as a nation we can’t do that without the First Amendment without debate uh when I gave my speech my announcement speech in Boston two months ago YouTube I I talked about all those issues I focused on grocery I focused on the fact that workingclass people can no longer afford to live in this country I talked about inflation all the issues that deeply concern you and that you’ve devoted your career to alleviating those issues five minutes into my speech when I was talking about Paul rier YouTube deplatformed me I didn’t talk about vaccines in that speech I didn’t talk about anything that be could be was aent subject I just was talking about my campaign and things the conversation we ought to be Happ with each other as Americans but I was shut down and that is why the first amendments important debate congenial respectful debate is the is the fertilizer it’s the water it’s the sunlight for our democracy we need to be talking to each other now there this is it letter and many of you signed many of my fellow Democrats I’ve spent my life in this party I’ve devoted my life to the values of this party there 102 people sign this this itself is evidence of the problem that this hearing was convened to address this is an attempt to censor a censorship hearing the the the charges and as and and by the way censorship is antithetical to our party it was an it was appalling to my father to my uncle to FDR to Harry Truman to Thomas Jefferson as a chairman referred to it is the basis for democracy it sets us apart from all of the previous forms of government we need to be able to talk and and the first amendment was not written for easy speech it was written for the speech that nobody likes you for and I was I was censored not just by the Democratic Administration I was censored by the Trump Administration I was the first person censored by the as the chairman pointed out by the Biden Administration two days after it came into office it ordered a truthful and by the way they had to invent a new word called Mal information to to to censor people like me there was no misinformation on my Instagram account everything I put on that account was cited in Source the peer-reviewed Publications or government databases nobody has ever pointed to a single piece of misinformation that I publish I was removed for something they called Mal information Mal information is information that is true but is inconvenient to the government that they don’t want people to hear and it and that’s antithetical to the values of our country after I announced my presidency it became more difficult for people to censor me outright so now I’m subject to this new form of censorship which is called targeted propaganda where people apply pejoratives like anac I’ve never been any vaccine but everybody in this room probably believes that I have been because that’s the prevailing narrative anti-Semitism racism these are are the most appalling disgusting pejoratives and they’re applied to me to silence me because people don’t want me to have that conversation about the war about groceries about inflation about war on the middle class in this country that we need to be having and and by the way I want to say this while I’m on the record that in my entire life and why I’m under oath in my entire life I have never uttered a phrase that was either racist or anti-semitic I have spent my life fighting my professional career fighting for is Israel for the protection of Israel I have a better record on Israel than anybody in this chamber today I’m the only person was publicly objected to the $2 billion payout that the Biden Administration is now making to Iran which is is a a genocidal program I’m the only one who subjected to that I fought more ferociously for Israel than anybody but I am being censored here through this target through through through smears through misinterpretations of what I’ve said through lies through Association which is a tactic that we all thought we had been discredited and dispensed with after the Army McCarthy hearings in the 1950s but those same weapons are now being deployed against me to silence me I know many of the people who wrote this letter I don’t believe there’s a single person who sign this letter who believes I’m anti-semetic I do not believe that there is no evidence of that I want to say something I think that’s that’s more important and it goes directly to what you talked about ranking member which is the the the need the this toxic polarization that is destroying our country today and how do we deal with that we are more this kind of division is more dangerous for our country than any time since the American Civil War and how do we deal with that how are we going every Democrat on this committee believes that we need to end that polarization do you think you can do that by censoring people I’m telling you you cannot you that only aggravates and amplifies the problem we need to start being kind to each other we need to start being respectful to each other we need to start start restoring the comedy to this chamber and and to the rest of Americas but it has to start here my Uncle Edward Kennedy has more legislation with his name on it than any senator in United States history why is that because he was able to reach across the aisle because he didn’t deal in insults because he didn’t try to censor people he brought home people who were antithetical to what he believed in he came home almost every weekend with people like Orin hatch to our house at the compound in iisport at that time Orin hatch to me was like Darth Vader because I was an environmentalist and I was saying why why is Teddy bringing this guy home but he knew he was effective because he understood that comedy and respect and kindness and compassion and empathy for other people is the way that we the only way to restore the function in this in this chamber but more importantly today we need to give an example in the leadership of our country of being respectful to each other if you think I said something that’s anti-semitic let’s talk about the details I’m telling you all the things that I’m accused of right now by you and in this letter are distortions they misrepresentations of I didn’t say those things there’s fragments that I said but I denounce anybody who is who uses the words that I have said to imply something that is negative about people who are Jewish I never said those things and I want to point out also that the chairman pointed to Dennis kenich is fighting behind me there is no two people in in the country who feel differently about more differently about American politics than these two people and yet they were friends Dennis attended his children’s basketball games attended his daughter’s wedding this is what we need how we need to start treating each other in this country we have to stop trying to destroy each other to marginalize to vilify to Gaslight each other we have to find that place inside of ourselves of light of empathy of compassion and above all we need to elevate the Constitution of the United States which was written for hard times and that has to be the premier compass for all of our activities thank you very much thank you Mr chairman now recognize the ranking member for five minutes and I think we’ll do ranking member and one more and then we’ll have to take a break thank you Mr chairman um I know that we talked earlier about a post that Mr Kennedy had at the beginning of the Biden Administration just want the record to reflect that that post has not been taken down um so I’m wondering about the extent of censorship when the post is still there but more importantly again I go back to just the fact that we are creating a platform for these for this kind of discussion not about the censorship not about Free Speech but the content of some of that speech that we are amplifying in this room I’m appalled and and just so troubled by colleagues that I have to work with that these are individuals who would bring a witness who’s promoted a video that compared the covid vaccine to the Tuskegee trials the Tuskegee trials were a very difficult time in Black America where individuals who were already sick with a disease were then reviewed experimented on who already had a disease to see how far that disease went and making the comparison to manip that manipulates and praise on black people’s feelings about the atrocities of the past in order to prevent them from seeking life-saving vacines in the present and knowing that this is danger dangerous I I cannot also be uh unaware that this comes from an individual who by Mr Roy’s introduction is very smart and understands the implications of this you know Mr Kennedy’s own family decries his stance on vaccines and families disagree on a lot of things uh I got family members that you know we all disagree so that doesn’t mean any anything but the fact that he uh has famously sent a request to a party guest that they had to be vaccinated to come to his party and I’d like to introduce into the record a letter from Lis silin a law firm representing Mr Kennedy which states as he has stated repeatedly he vaccinated all his children and I’d like that to be introduced into the record um but tells the black community and myself a mother of five black children that I should really be careful and not necessarily have the same safeguards to protect my family my children from a virus that has killed millions of people because I’m black there’s no secret that this is an amplification of his own platform you know I’m not going to talk about the money that’s received from the Children’s Health defense from his antiac organization that’s responsible for a majority of the false information about there out there about Co and the notoriety that’s gained from it by manipulating black and other vulnerable communities to propagate these pseudo Sciences the gentleman from North Dakota is recognized thank you Mr chairman and I’d like to yield my time to representative Massie I than the gentleman from North Dakota wow the irony and cognitive dissonance from the other side of the aisle it’s deafening you could cut it with a knife they are at the same time denying that censorship is occurring but suggesting that there’s more material that needs to be censored this is a hearing on censorship that began with an effort with a formal motion from the other side of the aisle to censor Mr Kennedy they do not want him to speak yet that is the topic of this hearing they have kept him from speaking a collusion between the government and private organizations Mr Kennedy in your opening statement you um introduced us to this word Mal information can you tell us more about this madeup word what it means and some of the uh things that you’ve said or tried to say that you’ve been censored for that’s been characterized as Mal information yes Congressman as and if if it if by your leave I’d like to just respond please briefly uh to some of the uh what I would call defamations that have been uh just applied to me by the ranking member uh I’m happy to talk to you about my opinions on these issues what the what you have stated and tried to associate me with uh through guil by association is simply inaccurate virtually everything every statement that you just made about me is inaccurate I have never advised black Americans not to receive vaccines at one point you say I’m antia and that’s a bad thing the other thing the other moment you point out that all my children are v i v I’m fully compliant with the vaccine schedule myself except for Co I I I took flu vaccines for 20 years straight I have never been an antia I have never told any I have never told the public avoid vaccination the only thing I’ve ask for and My Views are constantly misrepresented so that the truth of what I believe is not we’re not allowed to have a conversation with about that with the American people which I believe vaccine should be tested with the same rigor as other medicines and medications you tried to associate me a moment ago with a replacement Theory which is racist no I did not say you time belongs to the gentleman from I denounce that theory it is racist and I have never endorsed it or had any association with it our film on a medicalal b Bill buxon who is the black CDC official who ultimately exposed the tusi experiment tried for years and years to appeal to to CDC to stop it for 40 years finally he got relieved by walking into my uncle’s office in the building next door Ted he held hearings and ended the experiment I remember that very well and to say that that I I wrote a I created a film that encourages blacks not to get adequate Medical Care is just completely hor if theuse my words the witness’s time do not censor the witness I’m not censoring the witness I’m not censoring the witness he’s still talking it is the it’s my time and given it to the witness do not censor him I’m not censoring him if the views that you and others have applied to me have attributed to me if they were actually true I can see why I shouldn’t be able to testify here today those are not true these are defamations and malignancies that are used to censor me to prevent people from listening to the actual things that I’m saying and I think ranking member that we should have a real conversation rather than an exchange at hominum attacks Mr Kennedy’s and others here are claiming that they’ve been censored but they actually have a huge megaphone the rules that my colleague tried to bring up were rules that the Republicans made at the beginning of this Congress they did not allow the Democrats to be part of that and one of those rules was that if information or testimony might potentially defame an individual that we would go and executive session no one was trying to stop him from testifying but not to give him the megaphone that this group has allowed him to have I also note in terms of censorship that the far right media has already issued articles about me playing the race card the race card is something that’s often used against black people for bringing up when they see race hatred being propagated against them and it’s a means to try and keep us quiet and keep us in our place oh you’re playing the race card by bringing up what is obvious in our lives what is obviously happening race and so you can keep saying I’m race baiting and try and censor me but I’m going to continue to tell the truth I want to be abundantly clear about what else is happening in this room the Maga Republicans are trying to scare social media companies into not taking down blatantly false false information in the leadup to our 2024 presidential election chair Jordan knows as we do that when conspiracy theory succeed so does Donald Trump Russia interfered in our 2016 election they attempted in our 2020 and they’re going to try to interfere in the 2024 presidential election we note that Russian trolls sought to suppress the black vote by unleashing a tent of social media posts designed to stoke racial tensions and spread incorrect voting information in 2021 our National Intelligence agencies found that proactive information sharing between the government and social media companies facilitated the expeditious review and in many cases removal of social media accounts covertly operated by Russia and Iran Miss Wy if the government is not able to proactively share information with social media companies in 2024 what is the likely what is likely to have uh be the ramifications and I’d ask that you make your answer as succinct as possible because there’s a lot of information I need I will just quote one thing Mr progan who’s been in the news of late actually said explicitly and openly that they would continue to try to spread Miss and disinformation into the United States and interfere with our elections thank you uh they know that that Russian interference that is the Maga Republicans know that Trump benefits When Russia interferes the supera that supports uh the same super PCT that supports Mr Kennedy and has raised significant funds on his behalf is run by a na man named Jason BS here’s Jason B’s Twitter profile as you can see up on the screen Jason BS isn’t just a Maga supporter he also ran the super pack for Maga Republicans Marjorie Taylor green Lauren bobbert George Santos and in 2022 he supported Hershel walko Walker so the person behind Mr Kennedy Super PAC is an individual who personally and professionally wants the Republican party to succeed yet Mr Kennedy is running as a Democrat Miss Wy will it benefit Mr Kennedy as well as the other individuals that are supported by the super pack if social media companies are less able to detect and if needed if they determine that it’s needed to remove Russian covert information designed to suppress votes in this country it is possible thank you iel back can I Yi remain of the lady yields back um I now recognize Mr Stuy from uh Florida for his five minutes Mr kenned you want to respond to that can you do that quickly yeah I’ve never heard of Mr balls and I’ve never heard of that super pack this is typical of the accusations against me at this hearing they are Basel every single one I’ve been subjected to a string a parade of defamations if I believe those things about myself I wouldn’t want to hear me either and want to gag me and lock me in a room somewhere none of those are true and they were all all of this parade of accusations and defamations were made against me in a way that was calculated to make sure that I could not respond to any of them every one of them I’d like to respond to but I was is not allowed to I did want to ask Miss Wy regarding we had a discussion and it was brought up by one of the witnesses um related to the website gab um and if you could tell us it seems to me that while Mr Kennedy is here he claims to have been censored but in reality his group Children’s Health defense has been allowed to say whatever they want on gab can you share what gab is uh gab is a online community um that explicitly states that it wants to create a a Christian political economy and it is a space where researchers have identified a a massive influx of um extremist uh and also explicitly anti-semitic engagement and behavior not saying that’s about everyone who participates but that has been documented Ed and as I stated earlier um the murderer convicted murderer in the Tree of Life Massacre uh actually spent a lot of time on that and it was deplatformed because it was not was not inhering to um some of the so the social media policies about identifying um that kind of speech thank you are you back I want to thank our Witnesses uh for for being here today um we appreciate the work here you’re doing to um to defend the First Amendment um and uh thank you for just very compelling answers and compelling testimony and the work you’ve done and um how important this is for the country I mean if we don’t have a First Amendment it’s just I’m frightened by where we go may may I Mr chairman you may not you may not I just want to respond Mr chair I don’t time is out we’re done I don’t I haven’t adjourned the hearing and I don’t think you’re the chair Mr chair I this discre Chairman’s discretion it’s your discretion let Mr Kennedy he has had so much additional time well I think everyone’s had a time why why are you doing that specifically for him because we to other people I’m sure that I’m sure the Dem will be as short as he possibly can no are you going to allow our witness to just give another piece let him address the defamatory comment that was made about him that’s untrue there was not defamatory that is is a legal definition that was not met I want to acknowledge information about the super pack that you mentioned go ahead I’ve just been told that that super pack is connected to somebody that we have a connection to it’s not a super pack that I’ve endorsed and it’s not one as I said that I’ve ever heard of thank the gentlemen
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