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on a previous episode we went into some good depth exposing the 30×30 agenda also known as the America the Beautiful program it was essentially a plan to place 30% of America’s land under conservation by the year 2030 essentially locking up a good portion of America’s real estate for ostensibly environmental purposes and one Avenue through which they were attempting to do this was to have the SEC the Securities and Exchange Commission create an entirely new class of assets called natural asset companies this one move would have created a new class of company that would then allow investors to purchase the rights to millions of Acres of public Federal lands as well as private lands under easan contracts essentially it would have turned much of the natural resources in America things like the air sunlight and even photosynthesis and turn them into a tradable stock open to all investors including I should mention investors from other countries that happen to be our geopolitical adversaries like China and Russia furthermore the creation of these natural asset companies it would have effectively locked up these lands making it illegal for any entity to conduct any type of financially motivated activity on those lands things like mining drilling farming ranching grazing Hunting Fishing harvesting Timber and so on it would essentially take American land out of useful economic production and the cherry on top to all this was the fact that the SEC was really trying to sneak this rule change under the radar with very very little Fanfare and with a very short public comment period however it was this woman right here miss Margaret beld and her organization the American stewards of Liberty who spearheaded the effort to kill this rule before it was able to go into effect but despite this SEC rule getting camped the idea of locking up American land and turning things like photosynthesis into a tradable commodity has only just morphed with natural capital accounts now being created in order to quantify Nature’s value and list those values as new assets of the federal government on the balance sheet and we had a chance to sit down and speak with Margaret about what all this actually means for the average American citizen as well as her efforts to fight back against what she refers to as encroachments on our personal Liberty and so smash those like And subscribe buttons and take a listen Margaret thank you so much for joining us ah my pleasure so let’s start uh just at the very beginning let’s set the stage for the audience can you explain exactly what a natural asset company is so a natural asset company is something that uh the private sector created particularly the New York Stock Exchange and a group called intrinsic exchange group and they’re trying to create a way to basically take the assets that are protected um such as what we’ve talked about before the assets created through the 30×30 program where they permanently protect them and eliminate the human use of those lands they created a way for those assets to then be enrolled in a private investment account for the same people who are pushing the 30×30 agenda could profit off of those protected assets but the natural asset companies also did something very unique they sought to monetize things that should not be property that nobody has a right to own things like pollination photosynthesis the health benefits of people when they’re in open space face so these are all things that have never really been considered property because they really don’t meet the definition good way to understand properties it’s something that you can exclude others from and you can contain so land water even copyrights like on book material that you write Tomatoes exactly yes and so but these are things that everybody needs and you can’t exclude people from having it and so it’s a very um um deceptive agenda to try to monetize those assets on people’s land and then also uh in doing so they’re also claiming ownership of those assets and so it’s a way to control both the federal property and the private property and that’s why it was such a dangerous uh proposal okay so in what you described I I just want to sort of make it clear so let let’s say I own the company and my company purchases Farmland if I were to use that farmland for agriculture per purposes I would get paid by the UNC consumer or sometimes the government you know through through some uh you know different programs that they have let’s say I grow tomatoes I take those tomatoes to the market and I sell them or I sell them to a distributor by pound right let’s say now I’m a natural asset company I buy a plot of land who is paying me for photosynthesis and who is paying me for pollination like who’s actually my end uh consumer that’s what was so crazy about the idea is nobody could really figure out how anybody would make money on it um like you just described our Marketplace is a consumer-driven Marketplace so what somebody will buy what somebody will sell is what determines the price the price is determined in the natural asset company of these natural processes uh basically by bureaucrats sitting in a room deciding that the air you breathe is worth X and the air I breathe is worth y so it’s a madeup arbitrary figure and um that’s one of the reasons it also was so dangerous because you start putting those kind of values into our Marketplace it will distort the market disrup disrupt the market and depending on which political agendas in the White House could actually collapse our economy or you know um play with the economy because it’s not consumer-driven it’s simply a political agenda that people decide the value of so so that was one of the things when we first started looking at it I mean I was really scratching my head trying to make sense of it because I realized you know you really can’t make money at this even though they claim that you could but once I realized that the intent was not to make money off of these assets the intent was to gain control of the assets and so think about who who was behind this agenda The Rocker filler Foundation was the primary Fender that started the intrinsic exchange group and you know they have if you follow them they have a history of getting on board and pushing particular agendas even if it takes a hundred years to work those through they have the patience to do that the people who would be investing in these are not the people that would need an immediate return from the investment so they could hold the assets until the sustainability requirements and program which is what you had to do uh all the assets in a natural asset company had to be managed for their sustainability so sustainability lowers production over time it just lowers production so the working land owner eventually isn’t going to be able to profit from his working operation anymore and um and they’ll have to sell and of course the same people holding the natural asset companies are then available to purchase the actual land uh in that scenario so when you when you really think about how this could have played out I don’t think it was about making money from the people who were going to invest in this I think it was absolutely about getting control of the assets mhm all right just to pause here for a super quick moment listen it’s obvious that the financial system is not looking too great after being pumped up with trillions of virtually free government dollars for many many years now well the stock bubble might actually burst in the near future and in that process unfortunately it could take away the nest egg of anyone who happens to be exposed to it and so consider taking this opportunity to diversify into something which is beyond the grasp of Washington DC and Wall Street physical gold and silver and the best company to use in my opinion is the sponsor of today’s episode American Hartford gold who I should mention is also my own personal gold and silver bullion dealer and besides myself they have thousands of five-star reviews from other Americans and they also have an A+ rating with a Better Business Bureau and working with them is rather simple they have a huge selection of coins bars and rounds to choose from they have super friendly staff who you can call and they can set up either gold delivery directly to your doorstep or they can even set you up in a gold IRA and then lastly best of all if you tell them the Roman sent you they will throw in a free gold coin with your first qualifying purchase so give them a call the number is 866 24223 52 that’s 866 242 2352 or you can simply text Roman to 65532 I’ll also throw a link to their uh web page it’ll be down there in the description box below basically it was just an asset class that was proposed and I guess all the details would have been needed to be filled in right because I guess I still don’t understand it sounds like maybe you don’t understand either where it was like would people would these companies purchase the land and hope that whatever the valuation is over time would increase and just you know hold on to it hoping to sell it for a later time for more money or was it like a subsidy type of program where the government would actually give them cash flow do you know no what it would be so land could be enrolled in it so for instance uh the security Exchange Commission rule when that rule came out U that would authorized these natural asset companies it revealed a lot it told us exactly what the these were going to look like so things like exhibit three of the rules said that our national parks could be enrolled in these natural asset companies so now we have the federal government enrolling the land and the ecosystem Services which is what they call these natural processes pollination photosynthesis um could be enrolled in the natural asset company so yes land could be enrolled but also things like um the conservation easements on private property that conservation easement is a separate right the development right that could be enrolled in a natural asset company with or without the land owner’s consent so it didn’t have to be the land somebody could actually just enroll the Environmental Services ecosystem Services these natural processes into the natural asset company without actually enrolling the land so it was kind of a combination of all these things um but ultimately the the intent was to get control of those assets right so it sounds like to me it would have just open up a like a whole new Marketplace sort of like a mortgage back Securities where it’s like you don’t own the house you don’t even own the mortgage you own like you know the debt on that on that mortgage so it would be like several steps removed so you natural asset company wouldn’t even own the land they might just own the easement on on that land while it’s still being farmed by some someone else yeah and and the real dangerous part is that they were claiming ownership of these natural processes which have never been monetized before so that’s like you know just creating a new property right out of thin air and saying uh and we own it now on your private property right so I mean that’s what was pretty dangerous but the there are a couple other things about the rule that I think were were really um kind of startling number one so so we know that they could that they could enroll our federal lands or national parks Yellowstone Yus Big Bend you know all of our national parks could be enrolled in these natural asset companies but then the rule gave Management Authority to the investors over all the assets that were enrolled in the natural asset company so now you had to ask who is managing our national parks once they’re enrolled was there any exclusion for foreign actors to purchase into it no so so China could in theory just splurge and and lock up a lot of us land for let’s say like against mineral production or something yes and and that’s really that was another key key point of this exhibit 5 explicitly invited foreign investors to invest in these and so you’re exactly right I mean our enemies China Sovereign wealth F funds could have invested in these knacks and basically got control of our natural resources and one of the people that we worked with on this to get this stopped he said this is the equivalent of China being able to take over our country without a fight and he was he was spot on it’s also one of the reasons why chairman green of Homeland Security and representative Hegman of Wyoming they filed a bill immediately after this was killed to stop any knacks in the future anything that looked like a knack walked like a knack talked like a knack and that bill is pending in Congress that that’s something that is really really important that uh that the members really work to get pasted so that kind of leads to the next point which is the push back that this SEC rule received because you raised a lot of alarm and uh and I I I think you actually led the charge I mean even the New York Times in that article in February sort of recognized the American stewards of Liberty as being like on the Forefront of pushing back but let me ask you this so there was um a very interesting uh sort of a timeline that happened which is that uh on the same day that State financial officers so there was many letters that that were coming into the SEC you had uh letters from Senators uh from from congressmen like like you mentioned from AGS attorne Attorneys General but you also had the State financial officers of many Republican states issue letters against SEC and on the same day that the State financial officers wrote their letter and sent it out the department of the Interior announced the lset 2030 International partnership initiative can you explain to the audience what that is yes so there’s there’s the landet there’s also the atlas that has been put together which is there have been the Biden Administration has been very very focused on collecting data so you can go all the way back to the first Farm survey in the Biden Administration so every farmer that is involved in any of the federal programs has to fill out a survey um basically saying how they utilize that um money and kind of what they produce on their land and it just in the past it’s been a very short survey not invasive just good intelligence for the government to have uh on Crop Production primarily well since the Biden Administration uh took over they have been requiring very in-depth Farm surveys actually asking for a lot of sensitive financial information and you know the the one that went out the farmers were going wait a minute why do you need all this information so they’ve been in the in the process of data collection uh for the last three and a half years uh they also did the atlas the which is to basically they’ve basically to come up with uh what lands need to be protected in America under the 30×30 agenda however there’s already a program that does that which is the US Gap analysis which has been going on for over 30 years and so but this just has allowed them to go deeper and collect more data and so this is where they’re collecting data on things like pollination coming off of the land photosynthesis so they’ve been collecting data to to have the ability to now monetize those natural processes so you’re seeing that on a lot of fronts um there’s a lot of different vehicles that they’re using to do that so so would it be something like let’s say I own let’s say 150 acres somewhere in Upstate New York and there’s a certain you know level of bpopulation you know naturally occurring in in in on my acreage so I guess you can say I have a certain pollination uh number associated with me so because I own that land would it be like Naturally Mine and I can sell sell that separately and then somebody else owns it or once it’s established what that value is is that just automatically not owned by me like do you know how that would work so that’s that gets really tricky and um under under the natural asset compan companies the whoever claimed ownership of those enrolled them in the natural asset companies those investors would own that even if the land is mine yeah yeah and and we’re watching something else and it might be that that is actually the tandem issue with this that kind of explains it a little bit better and that’s the natural capital accounts and so at the same time that the private side was creating the natural asset C companies to privately profit and gain control of the assets at the same time the White House had issued a strategy a national strategy to create a new line item on the federal balance sheet called natural capital accounts and this account would contain the value of all these natural processes so and when that first came out we we were trying to get our arms around why are they doing this well it’s actually pretty simple to understand they need more collateral with our skyrocketing debt so it’s like making up assets claiming them as us wealth in the executive summary of this National strategy they come out and say when the government protects things like coral reefs or um in the farming Community there’s a lot of federal conservation programs that help land owners with soil conservation and range improvements and different things that help them to make better use of their land which in the past has always been for the purpose of Agriculture production but under the Biden Harris Administration that’s all been moving towards mitigating climate change and controlling agriculture which gets back to no Farmers no food where they’ve been using those as um that vehicle in order to control agriculture production and consolidate it so the natural capital accounts what they’re saying in this document is that when the federal government invests in things like these conservation programs on private property that the benefit of those ecosystem service is coming off are currently not accounted for on the federal balance sheet so they’re taken the position because the federal dollar has helped to create those therefore the value of those the pollination coming from your bees needs to go on the federal balance sheet so and again if the federal government is claiming that they own these rights on private property it’s another way to control the private property in the use right you know it’s funny as you’re describing it I’m sort of thinking like like in a certain sense I I sort of agree with them because if you view let let’s say the US is a corporation and you look at the you know well it’s it’s a corporation $35 trillion in debt and increasing you know by $1 trillion dollar every hundred days so it’s it’s not that great financially at the moment but you look at the balance sheet and it’s like yeah we have gold we have uh you know x amount of uh GD GDP production and but then it’s true you do reinvest in a certain you know to keep the environment going in a healthy in a healthy way so I guess like I I can sort of almost see that like see that aspect of it it’s like okay well you know that money is being circulated and it is being in use and it is sort of an investment for the future and I guess to put a dollar amount on it isn’t the craziest thing but what I don’t understand is if it’s being sort of sold as collateral but what what does that exactly mean because I can imagine if you have a gold as a line item and it’s like well you know if you’re in all this debt then you can use that gold as collateral but how do you use land and and all these all these things like pollination and photosynthesis how do you use that as collateral so well let’s back up first because is the property that you’re talking about like land and gold that’s real property so those are things that can consumers create the value of we have to remember these natural processes are politically generated so the value of them is arbitrary so it’s not you can’t equate them to other assets additionally if there’s a lot of bees and pollination on a piece of property when that property is sold that’s taken into account M these um items like pollination photosynthesis have always been considered exter ities in the marketplace in other words they’re considered they just don’t have their own separate value because they’re not consumer-driven so that it it it U manipulates the marketplace so there there’s a couple reasons why we don’t want to see them cross that line because of how it can really distort our economy we’re in a place right now in history where we have historic debt that is having to be refinanced and if you watch what’s happening people are not buying America’s debt right now and so like any debt I mean you have to have collateral that backs that up and so you can really kind of watch the increase of America’s national debt along with the increase of federal land ownership so in other words when the first uh land withdrawals were made in the in the West in the late 1800s um we started accumulating debt we started uh incorporating more Progressive policies and um and the government just started gaining more and more power the more land they had and so but we’re now at a place where we’re adding a trillion dollars every hundred days something has to back that and so that’s where um why one of the reasons for 30×30 is get more protected land so that there was collateral uh to support that so that whomever is buying America’s debt has that assurance that if for some reason the America defaults our economy collapses or or whatever the case may be they still can go uh extract the mines in that protected area extract the minerals and you know retain their value for investing and buying America’s debt so I mean it’s not that complex it’s like our our daily lives you buy a home you have a mortgage on that home your home is a collateral and it’s the same concept so uh collateral is one is one reason for it uh another reason is it also gives them another way to control the private property if they own those environmental services so you’ve you’ve probably been hearing about biodiversity credit credits you know just like carbon credits um we all in their Grand Vision would have a biodiversity credit and if I use too much pollination my account goes down if you you don’t use enough maybe yours is going to go up um but ultimately what’s so dangerous about that is that that is all manipulated by a social agenda not by what consumers want to buy and so it creates incredible instability and just a tool um to really manipulate our economy and our government let me ask you this so it it it feels to me just you know looking at this from a my limited very limited perspective which is that because the US is in such debt and the purchase of bonds is slowing that to to increase the sort of uh the collateral value would sort of incentivize more investors to feel good about investing in America right like you know you have you have we have we have this these assets this assets and by the way suddenly we have this giant asset here that we’ve never had before but you know it’s worth however much uh I I mean some of the numbers are floating around it’s it’s hearts of value I guess like Trill in the trillions of dollars of new assets that the US had but but if there’s a default situation which you know I I hope never happens but if there is I can’t imagine that the US would allow anyone like a like especially from outside like a foreign investor to come in and take anything like any any of these rights so I’m wondering is it like is it sort of a dual stream where on the one hand it increases the amount of collateral that the US has for just for the front-end investing purposes but they would never hand that collateral over so the actual purpose is to then control the land and lock it up for America’s use to to achieve their goal of the America’s beautiful initiative like is is it is it that sort sort of a track where it’s like it creates collateral but it’s never going to be handed over instead it’s actually just going to be used to lock up America’s land and and do whatever the federal government wants with it is is that the case well I would I would disagree that they would never hand it over I think we’ve already seen um moments in our history where where that has actually happened you know where um foreign countries have been able to come in in mine areas or they get the they get the uh permit approval to mine something so it’s actually not that hard to to foresee that happening um but how would you hand over like pollination rights because I can imagine like you hand over a plot of land that you can mine but how do you just hand over like some right like that well again that’s a madeup right so it’s um it’s all arbitrary the value on that um I I think it just makes everything very instable unstable in the whole the whole scheme but back to what you were saying about is this just to get control of the land and really implement the 30×30 agenda and that is part of part of the purpose of this National strategy when you read the backup documents the underlying documents that support it they talk about how this is to track our progress implementing the UN sustainability goals so all those targets that they’re trying to reach so the Biden Harris Administration is all in on that agenda and so it is I mean all this data Gathering is to track our progress in in that but think about it in terms like this if um the value of ecosystem Services now becomes a part of us wealth and you or I are doing things on our land that is decreasing the value of those ecosystem services well then that’s decreasing the value of the US wealth and so you can see things like taxation coming into play um different tools that they can use in order to limit the way that we use our property because now it’s directly tied to the um to our economy because it’s on the fedal balance sheet so there’s just a million different ways that this could go wrong for the American people it will be very good for the Elite Class um that is pushing this agenda because of course they’re the ones that are going to be able to utilize all these assets and uh benefit from all this new created wealth so it’s it’s like socialism I mean socialism doesn’t benefit the common man like you and I it it benefits those who are in power and this is the same agenda wow so so basically if this concept becomes popularized and people sort of understand like oh yes you know this is a value assigned to the land let’s say you’re a small farm owner you’re using a certain type of uh pesticide that was fine before but then the government says actually that the use of that pesticide decreases the value of America’s assets then they’re going to tax you or say that that that is the reason that you can’t use it and that’s how they’re going to slowly begin to control the small farmers wow does it seem like this would I guess you you said it would have the effect of like pushing out small farmers off off of their farms and and benefit the large scale uh producers that could like absorb like an extra you know 10% tax right exactly consolidation we are seeing that consolidation not only of the food but of the land as well consolidation of monopolies monopolies um that’s what that’s what it is generating that’s what it’s all leading to it seems like how it always works like the big the big companies always you know it’s like from a lowlevel resolution you think about it like how come these big giant companies always support government intervention and uh you know and um like more Taxation and more roadblocks in their own industry was like obvious because it it limits their competition right the competitors are the ones who are who are stopped and you’re right in that they can afford you know the extra the extra tax on that yeah especially if they’re very Diversified they can just put all the resources in another part of their company well they deal with the problem over here do you know one thing getting back to you know would we ever see when a time when our our resources are used by another country I just finished the autobiography of Margaret Thatcher and it was really revealing to me because she came into power when socialism was very entrenched in England and so she had to undo a lot of those policies and one of the things I didn’t realize is that there are major companies that have been nationalized were owned by the British government that um began with price controls and and then into you know just little by level the government having to get get more involved and put more money into a business to keep it afloat because it was so important to the economy that they eventually just had control of it so things like Rolls-Royce British Airways British steel those were all nationalized companies in Britain that she helped unravel and get back into private hands and get the government out of it and so you know I think about um it’s not too hard for me to see with how our the direction our government is is moving right now that we could be in the same position not too long from now and I think the White House strategy that they have sitting there it’s just a plan but uh they’ve actually released results of their pilot test accounts which are very scary and um but right now it’s just a plan and I think that it very easily could be implemented by executive order and then this is how it’s going to happen and all of these assets are going to go on the the federal balance sheet which means the federal government is claiming ownership of these assets where are we right now in terms of uh the government strategy I know they released a report uh report as 102 page report titled National strategy to develop statistics for environmental economic decisions uh and according to that report natural capital accounts will be used to quantify the Nature’s value and recommends a 15-year phased approach to the program’s rollout so I mean we’re already I guess in the second year of that what is that actually looking like so in April of this year so 18 months after they released that report they released a press release and they explained that they had put together four pilot test accounts that would help them to figure out how to monetize and value these things to put them on the balance sheet so the four pilot test accounts were land water air and environmental services so the Environmental Services category is pretty much what we’ve been talking about monetizing these natural processes um the land pilot test account is the one that really surprised me because you know you would think okay well our federal lands our federal lands that the federal government owns like our national parks those are going to go on the balance sheet if they’re not already right but what they said in this press release they didn’t talk about the federal lands the only value they gave was the value of private property in America and they said it is worth $32 trillion currently today all private property in all of America yeah so what’s owned by the citizens not owned by the government but owned by the citizens is worth 32 trillion and that is the equivalent of 30% of the US net wealth that is tracked currently on the federal balance sheet and so they’re looking at the private property would increase us wealth if it was added to the federal balance sheet by another 30% which then of course would support a skyrocketing debt now you know it’s interesting because that press release doesn’t talk anything about federal land value only gives the private land value and then the link document actually at the conclusion of it says that private property needs to be included on the federal balance sheet MH so they are lit they literally have a plan if this goes forward uh to put your house my house all private property on the federal balance sheet as collateral for the for the US debt what would that mean in practice if they did that well I mean it’s it’s the equivalent to saying that they own it you know I mean they’re claiming that they own that value for federal debt purposes so I mean that is that that is just a step that I think is way too far for our government to go uh we have private property rights protections constittution Ally protective for a reason have to remember America was founded different than other nations in other nations the king owns a land and you can own the private property but it’s really a use right of it for 99 years or whatever that is but but you’re not sovereign on that land the king is Sovereign on that land America was founded differently where the people were Sovereign the government was not to own the land and that was how we had the ability to maintain control over our govern government and be a nation of self-rule and so it’s different we’re not like other countries where the king actually really does own the land we just have that use right um that’s why our property rights are always considered uh stronger than any other Nation so this is a this is something that they are doing in other nations so the European nations are are doing things like putting these natural processes on their Federal balance sheet but it’s a little different because of land ownership but private property in America is not something that the federal government has the right to claim any portion of it as theirs to be on a federal balance sheet so I think it is going to raise a lot of constitutional questions if if they take the step one question I had were are there any positive or negative examples from the EU examples you gave uh who are engaged in this program for the last couple of years but I guess you said they’re not comparable or I mean is there anything that we can take away from them well what you can see from like the I believe it is England that has been releasing kind of an accounting of the value of things like open air you know people the health benefits from being in the open air so they have this annual report that they’re doing right now there’s really nothing substantive in that um we’re seeing it really impact the market yet because it doesn’t have that the roots aren’t really there yet but all the nations are starting to kind of move in this direction the European nations are and so what we’re seeing is we’re seeing reports we’re seeing them trying to figure out how to establish a value of these and um the value all hinges back to a un uh accounting system which the natural asset companies that we talked about first also relied on to to come up with kind of the statistical method on how they would create the value and so I think right now what you have is you have all the nations trying to figure out how do we quantify these things how do we monetize these things and in America you know it’s going to come down to it’s not the federal government’s property these are the private citizens property and I think we’re going to have to make a really strong stand and oppose this if we were to oppose it it seems to me like it’s such a it’s it’s like a boiling frog situation because if all they’re doing right now is just like well we’re just taking into account we’re just starting to put the numbers together what we you know we have a empty uh spot here in our Ledger we just want to know the the value to put in there it feels like like the steps are so small and incremental it’s almost like how do you stop them from doing that because I mean you know accountants have you know they put the numbers down and it’s like it’s not necessarily illegal for them I can’t even imagine a law that you can put on the books to make it illegal so I mean like what would what would actually stop this process from playing itself out the natural capital accounts could be rescinded by executive order that would be very simple uh Congress can do some things to make sure that things like the natural asset companies are never allowed to uh be created in America um there’s things that can be done to ensure ecosystem services are not considered property things that would um return the lockup of our mineral estate the Biden Harris Administration has been withdrawing our critical mineral reserves which most most people don’t know that they’ve been doing this but they’ve been doing huge mineral withdrawals over the last four years which have taken offline a lot of critical minerals that we need for National Defense and you know withdrawn them for 20 years those could all be undone um so that we can get back to producing the things that we need for our national security um so the 30 x30 program which is the agenda to permanent permanently protect 30% of our lands and oceans that can be all undone and there’s a couple ways that it can be done there’s some things that would be proper for the executive branch to reverse because they were implemented through the executive branch and then there’s other things that Congress can do just by defunding them and uh going through a budget reconciliation process and uh reversing a lot of these things that the Biden Administration has done uh that where they have utilized funds that have been authorized for other programs like we’ve just kind of seen with FEMA right they’ve been authorized for other programs but the Biden Administration has used that money for its own purpose which are these particular programs so so Congress could put some some um barriers on that through the budget reconciliation process to make sure that money isn’t misused for things like that but ironically it seems like the opposite is happening because I know on Earth Day they released uh the Biden Administration released a it was either on Earth there like the next day they released an interactive map showing the this uh the progress of 30×30 and they they touted like 41 million more acres under this Administration was added in I think lands and water combined uh do you know what that 41 million Acres was like uh it’s all over sporadic it’s all over and it’s a combination there’s actually two figures I think one is like 21 million um It’s a combination of federal withdrawals of land and and just lockup of land and also conservation easements and perpetuity on private land so it’s it’s the lockup of federal and private lands and we’re really seeing this play out on where this is going I know that um they have pitched this as being this is just conserving land we’re not going to lock it up right is not about protection but we just saw them release a um new natural resource plan for the Bears ears Monument just a couple weeks ago and it’s 1.3 million acres and they are eliminating most roads to Offroad vehicles in a 1.3 million acre area and to hunting and Recreations and of course to livestock raising so we’re seeing that what they really are aiming for is all this land being set aside for nature um as a as the small land owners are really pushed off the land because they can’t make a living on them anymore so they say they’re not locking it up but uh in practice they are they are so last question uh what would you recommend to small farmers across the country who are facing the financial situ you know the realities of of the modern day um what would you recommend to them as they are in this environment where currently they they have you know maybe they have a proposal for a federal easement if this continues to ramp up maybe they’ll have more and more proposals for easements or for federal money uh it it’s looking very lucrative it’s you know it’s something they they might be considering especially you know when they look at their balance sheets what would you what like concrete recommendation would you give to small farmers I I highly recommend you stay out of the federal conservation programs uh anytime there’s any kind of a federal Nexus on your land it opens this store to things like what we’re now talking about where the federal government can claim ownership of pollination and photosynthesis on your land um so the cleanest way to keep your property is just out of the federal programs and keep it and and certainly not in conservation easements those are uh in perpetuity and they are ultimately enforced by the IRS so if you’re in any of those programs then you are it it’s not really um you don’t have the property rights and control over it like you think you do and the other thing I would say is that we have to look at really what is the commodity of the future what is becoming scarce in America it’s private property without all these incumbrances and that’s what you see the Bill Gates the Jeff Bezos um the big wealthy Elites coming in and buying up property that’s what they’re buying up is private property that doesn’t have all these incumbrances on it so um if you’re the small land owner and I know it is hard to make a living on land today in America especially when you have all these federal dollars coming in increasing prices and outpricing you and um directly competing with you it is very hard to do it but I I highly encourage you to find every way possible to stay out of these Federal programs uh because it ultimately is going to be your strongest position Margaret thank you so much you’re welcome
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