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we just elected a guy who has a lot of ties to these zionists in fact he doesn’t become who he is without these ironists what is the role of money printing or Central Banking more specifically in the growth of these intelligence agencies it’s the guillotine for our freedom I got news for you seed oils are important but they’re like fourth or fifth or sixth on the list the light that you live under is by far the single most important part of the story the RS and family basically used the Jews as a human shield that’s the real story who did I tell you these people are loyal to globalists they are the perpetrators of the economic Dark Ages in which we live I actually think they need Bitcoin to get them to the cbdc CU the money is that bad in business they say if the product is free you’re the product I didn’t need to know anything about it scientifically I was like that [ __ ] is not going anywhere near me or my family some somebody needs to pay so this never ever happens again ever I told your buddy this morning that it’s a very interesting time that you come to talk to me because from September 30th to about December 15th I take everything that I fundamentally believe write it down and one by one go through the list do I still believe this do I still believe that do I still believe that every year every year been doing it for 25 years and the reason why is the truth is only an approximation of what we believe so the question is how often do you check your own dun and Krueger moment yeah and I just it just stunned me when I saw that moment and it was funny because the people that sent it to me um they’re like bro you got to listen to this because that was I think one of the things that happened in the Danny Jones podcast that he wasn’t ready for either like I don’t think he knew how to handle it he already for no he’s not a bitcoiner clearly well he owns Bitcoin but he doesn’t have right he doesn’t have the the mindset he hasn’t taking the orang trol right yeah and um I think the the bigger question is where he didn’t want to go which was the Fiat aspect of this he like I’m worried about YouTube already to get pots you know let’s not talk about the Mad let’s not talk about Israel I’m like well that’s where we need to go yeah because that’s where the data takes us right see that’s not going there to me that is the real conspiracy got it so getting people to like self-censor and be scared to talk about these things is the way you keep them all going isn’t now what AI is AI is an ability to self-censor that’s how all this will be whitewashed I actually told the guys today that you may not look at what you do the way I do but but this is the Futures history book Ai No podcast what you’re doing right now yeah you’re putting stuff in the can what I saw in the can that he said yeah I don’t want my kids to see in the future I want my kids to know exactly everything they need to know to make the correct decisions like anything that alters their perception of sovereignty and freedom yeah or what you believe to be the truth remember I’ve already told you that I check my truth I already know that my biggest fallacy is my undone and Krueger moment but when you see somebody else do it on a podcast and I know what the purpose of the podcast is you know down the road since we have the Bitcoin ethos we know where the future is headed we don’t know the timing but we know that it’s going to happen Luke is on the on the same boat as well talking about Luke growman most recently on the stre yeah so what I’m saying to you the comment he was making on the show that provoked this conversation was I don’t want to go there well there’s a big incentive for the government to wipe out a whole lot of people and pick up all that estate tax but bring the Ponzi didn’t want to connect that to the pandemic right and the thing is that to me is um not congruent it’s not it’s it’s actually having one foot in the decentralized world and one foot in the Fiat world and I just don’t think that’s what needs to be on a podcast I think the future generations going to watch this your kids his kids his kids even my kids and maybe grandkids that are coming we need to see the truth for what it was when it unfolded and this is one of the things I’m concerned about ai ai is going to whitewash all of this it’s already started through Co so you’re saying that the these in-person conversations that will be uploaded to the internet will serve as an actual human to human Library that’s separate from whatever AI correct you’re actually you are actually going to be the ruler that the story is measured by and the thing is the reason I wanted to tell you this is because when I watch that I want you to realize that as the guy who’s the interviewer yeah I’m not going to let people do that anymore like I’m going to make them uncomfortable because let me explain to you how it works in medicine yeah so if I go in brain surgery it’s clunch of the mouth you get feed correct when I when I go in brain surgery how did this start like say we make a mistake and somebody has an a bad outcome or we kill them we go in front of a room of doctors not only residents but our mentors and other P people in the department usually neurology and neurosurgery you’re at the front of the room and dude you get peppered like with questions why did you do this why did you do that and you may think that it’s kind of like a drill sergeant where they’re kicking your ass and giving you the punch in the mouth but but actually there’s a greater role what’s the greater role you’re learning to think from first principles but you’re also learning to critically think and you have to do it on your feet right and you think about all the the podcasts that you’ve done with people you thinking on your feet and counterpunching to what’s coming you don’t want that to be centralized you want it to be very decentralized you want it to flow natural dialogue exactly because that’s important like when somebody says okay let’s talk about this aspect of History what’s your take what’s the history book take what’s my take you know how should we attack that specific issue yeah you know and I think the problem is especially your generation and this is what I told the gentleman before we started this is I actually feel bad for you guys because I grew up in a world I used this sliding scale of ignorance and fraud okay and I said where’s the line drawn for you where is it drawn for him and when I told him my answer was I told him 1941 specifically because I’m American and I said that’s when the industrial military complex was pure then they got poisoned by the politicians and then we get the industrial military complex and where does the fraudulent part start 1963 November 22nd when they killed JFK yeah and that’s what ruc the term conspiracy the correct and the interesting thing is I told him as um as a a UK guy an Australian guy his fraud and ignorance timeline is probably different than mind I think it’s 1812 when the Roch house took control of the royal family but the interesting thing is you and I are both Americans we are entangled to him yeah to this in other words what happened in 41 is entangled to that time in 1812 you know implicitly is a bitcoiner but I’m going to tell you that it actually ties to the current events and it ties to the last four years it ties to what he said to Luke on those two orange chairs in that hotel room and I think it’s going to be really important for down the road when kids that are one or two years old when we’re filming this right now watch this 10 15 20 30 years from now why I told him specifically that don’t you think it’s kind of interesting that my sliding scale happened before I was even born so another words what am I saying to you as a bitcoiner my whole life has been a fraud it’s been lived in a time of fraud yeah so when you have that mindset as a bitcoiner you need to realize that that truth that Library of Alexandria is incredibly important yeah because you need something to measure so this is Library of Alexandria metaphor here for decentralized truth Discovery process you’re not ingesting a narrative that’s been fed to you from an institution but you’re discovering it for yourself in the Wilds of the internet something like that well remember the victors write the history books you know we we’re taught to believe what happened in 182 was this we’re taught to believe what happened with the atomic laws were this yeah we’re taught to believe what happened with USS Liberty is this so what’s it sorry what’s the takeaway then for how Luke and iow were having a conversation basically the state has a big incentives to take all these people out but we didn’t really want to go into the pandemic being the execution of that incentives I don’t think that that’s how I took it I thought you were open to it he wasn’t and I wanted you to treat him like the baby cely was why because it’s important for you to realize that the bitcoiners that are right now one and two years old yeah they’re going to watch that right so you wanted me to call out the centralized state in that moment and push that conversation that I mean because guess what you know how we’re gonna get you know maximum ad option yeah is for the people in the Fiat side to truly understand their that their fair is right these are the worst people in the world and the thing is if we give them an area where everybody gets a hall pass they’ll go there you got it I mean that’s the path the least resistant and that’s what I think non-critical thinkers go for in other words you know it’s like the welfare state yeah you know what I’m saying uh can you draw that connection actually so 1812 you said the Roth Childs took possession of the bank of England interesting story there I know there’s deception involved without the outcome of the war some information Arbitrage and then you said 1941 which is drawing us into the war so can you connect those dots what what how 1812 connects to 1941 and what is it about 1941 that we went from Pure military industrial complex to corrupted I think you said in L well what happens in 18 12 I think everybody knows about the Battle of watero this is when uh Nathan rochon uses his gold Smugglers on the Silk Road gets the information that Britain actually won he does not um let anybody else know in the London Stock Exchange goes in there with a sad face sells all the kings bonds and everybody sees that and then they magically induce Panic selling and then right about an hour before the close the rilds come in and buy everything for pennies on the dollar and according to what history tells us if you can believe it $600 million is the hall which back then is you know billions and billions maybe even trillions of dollars today so that makes the king extremely happy so what happens at that point that’s when the Roth Charles and the King truly become one right okay and what happens fast forward you have to know a little bit of history about World War one to get get to 1941 1911 um when we get the Federal Reserve Act we get woodro Wilson this is when we have corrupt politicians in the United States working with the Senate to give banking families control over our money very similar to what happened in 1812 uh that’s the creature Jackal I don’t think anybody who’ll watch this podcast will ever have to have that story you know reviewed for them you can read the book if you’re a bit corer you know it they talked about it a lot right so the the big issue happens from them is that the Treaty of Rai has um how shall we say poison pills built into it to guarantee that we get to a second world war who doesn’t know that is the industrial military complex who are the people that crafted that those are the people that are in the pilgrim Society those are the people Council of Foreign Relations that’s the Rockefellers the rilds the harmans all the people that we know are involved with the formation of the FED turns out that the Royal Family actually manufactures the Nazi regime shares that information with the King of Spain shares that information with other people one of those people happens to be Allan Turing and that information gets sent through the Enigma machine you and I both learned when we were young men that Allan Turing was a hero but you know how Alan Turing was taken out right uh it was poisoned I think yeah by an apple yeah and with C that’s actually how Steve Jobs got the name of of this company right here now the Apple that killed aleni you got it but it turns out don’t you think that’s a little bit of a an interesting story that you would go and kill a guy why because he was found sodomizing you know someone who is okay with it because he was gay you would kill a guy that solved the German codes no it was exactly the same story as aaty with Lee Harvey Oswalt so the whole key to understand this story is recapturing a loyal title from the United States in Russia why because in World War I you lose a Loy deal title because of the Roman offs a loyal title being that ancient ideal in inviolate private property right so there’s nobody Superior right but I would tell you I I wouldn’t characterize it as you just said I would say Bitcoin right now is a loyal title for the common man yes today that’s yeah I call it inviolet private property from the Magna Carta correct same thing right it’s like you own it free and clear no no Superior claims no liabilities built into it it’s just yours absolutely so the United States was lost in 1776 and Russia was lost in 1918 the whole goal of the period from I say lost sorry who who is that who’s losing the ordal title in those instances the royal family the royal family remember the romanovs were cousins remember you have to understand a little bit about history I don’t know a lot about this history right so have hand hold me through it World War I you basically have fights between the cousins that’s willhelm in Germany King George in England and then Nicholas in Russia uh Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901 tried to Stave off this war this by intermarrying the royal family everywhere in Europe what did she create hemophilia and a lot of the the royal family that’s what the Roman o had but she was unsuccessful in stopping the War World War I effectively was a squabble between the royal families in Europe okay okay so as this ends in the middle of World War I we have the bulvik revolution this actually occurs in 1917 World War II doesn’t end to 1918 who set this whole process up again it’s the rals working with King George and they go to the three leaders of the USSR which is trosky Stalin and um and and say look because of these problems going on in Russia we would just like you to take our cousin lock him up in Siberia and we’ll figure all this out at the end of the war because the war was coming to a close Stalin and Lenin held true to that guess who didn’t trosy trosy being a Russian Jew who knew that the Rocha were doing some nefarious things he also came from a very wealthy family he made the decision unilat to kill all the romanovs so when that happens Russia goes from control of the family of sax Coburn gotha yeah which is the royal family prior to Windsor and then becomes the USSR under Stalin and lennet okay so and they wiped out that entire family right everybody including the children okay uh and it it’s known to history why does this play a huge role in World War too because the meetings that the big three have first in 42 at Tran Iran then at Yalta and then a pots to you probably remember learning a little bit about these stories but what happened in those stories that’s when actually Stalin tells FDR that uh how you view your history is not how I view the history he goes I understand that you think I’m the bad guy but I will tell you in 1940 remember this is before our 1941 story because I sent my guys from Russia the KGB to kill trosy in Mexico City and he goes I did it because I was trying to avoid this huge problem in World War II so this is how these two things come together sure but Robert if you go to any place in Miami right now where you live you will never find this story in an American history book in other words it’s like AI it’s been magically wiped free of the books and to this very day the one thing that I think you and I both can agree on that since that time the United States military and politicians have always used Russia to replace the bad guy who is the who is the scops bad guy Hitler so Russia has become the bad guy and if you know the history of how the UN was begun how it started you will actually see how this gets to my next point is the two most important speeches that a president has ever given in the United States is Eisenhower’s farewell speech which stunned everybody in America you may not have had the stun that I did because I was alive at the time but that speech basically said our biggest enemy isn’t anybody else but our own industrial mod very complex name that yeah well everybody in coin the term was coin basically correct and when you actually hear that as an American that should make you stand up and go that’s not what I’ve been told yeah but yet that that’s still on YouTube to this very day yeah and then the second big one happens in 1960 when Kennedy is running for president um he gives a speech at American University and thanks the Russians for beating the Germans in World War II and everybody knows that JFK you know was a he was a huge war hero so he gets out there and of course the military does not like the truth actually coming out and you have to know what happens back you know looking backwards in Bitcoin we often dream about the idea of forming citadels which are independent self- Sovereign communities that have their own energy food and water resources today that dream is becoming a reality at the farm at Oki phoi the farm is a 705 acre 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Rockefeller what is the pilgrim Society I’ve not heard of this Pilgrim Society was formed uh by the same guys that come up with Road Scholars these were people that were assigned after I think it was 1900 right when Queen Victoria dies to build relations between Britain and and the United States turns out these are Americans that are still loyal to the crown gota so anybody who has CFR at the end of their name most famous one that I’ve been going after on social media lately is Cali means and his dad they’re all linked to the Rockell why is this important to me and you as a Bitcoin because I don’t think I’m going to get an argument from you the Rockefeller family is part of the Federal Reserve no question about it and when you scale It Forward the Rocka Foundation plays a huge role in my profession has ever since the flexing report again 1911 uh and then it plays a huge role in the formation in the FED uh it ties energy ties money and then eventually where does it go to banking why because that’s where Chase comes from to bring it more to probably your time frame his time frame that’s when you have JP Morgan Chase come together in other words where’s Jamie Diamond come from why is Jamie Diamond really hate Bitcoin because you need to know this story that I’m telling you because Jamie Diamond was formed from Sandy wheel Sandy wheel is from City Group City group is linked to the Council of foreign relations to roaar to all the brothers that were John D rockefeller’s Sons these guys were all captains of industry robber barons whatever you want to call them but they were politicians that mely played all the politics from 1911 I would say until probably 1990 all the formation of your young young life but the majority of my life yeah so when you think about when you say where is ignorance end and what does fraud begin obviously your point of Relativity becomes important he him as a a commonwealth guy he has a different idea than I do you’re an American like me but I would be willing to say that I bet you that our comment TI isn’t cuz there’s a generational gap between us but everything that I’ve told you up until this point is prior to my own life right so you have to ask yourself the question as the bitcoiner why Jack spend this much time going back to parts of his life because it blew up things in my young life that I was taught to be true that I examined that no no longer wor so you started at the surface of centralized medicine basically followed the rabbit ho which is probably largely following the money sounds like corre story correct and it takes you through these layers of history and this sequence of cause and effect local events what so then at12 Rothchilds take over the bank of England and then 1913 we get the Federal Reserve in the United States something happens in between there that’s important yeah three F attempts but that that is the Roth Charles establishing at least Roth Charles and Co there’s obviously other owners of the F that’s them establishing a towle in the United States in 193 well I’m going to tell you the tow hold that’s important probably for your history like how do we link now the Danny Jones part that he didn’t want to step into which is the mad this is very important 1843 this is remember Queen Victoria comes in in 37 there’s a bunch of Jewish Martens in a place called sax Coburn Goa they’re not looked too favorably there’s some anti-Semitism there they wound up leaving Germany and where do they come they come to the United States the 1840s what do you know about the 1840s and 1850s United States pre- Civil War so who are they loyal to were they loyal to the Americans or were they loyal to the royal family they were still loyal even though they were treated badly and they wanted to make good with Queen Victoria and coming over so they became all the captains of industry in the 20 states that are the 13 colonies however you want to characterize it and from 1843 all the way up into our civil war they were involved in guess what scops Lincoln’s assassination so realize that these are the family members they are a part in call what we call beny Birth what did beny birth eventually morph into ADL APAC so when you begin to understand that the families that all form the Federal Reserve are all linked to this same group you start to go now it begins to make sense what happened in the 20th century down the road because these people truly were still loyal to the British crown and they never went back they were always trying to capture a Loy deal title you’ll find out some of the people that you and I were taught were I would say Heroes for the United States specifically FDR FDR is one of my top five worst Presidents woodro Wilson by far is the worst uh woodro Wilson gave the monetary system to these guys to the guys that came over in the privil war time right that’s where you actually merge the raws and the Rockefellers that’s all you need to ultimately take a loial title back right as control of the monetary system because you can just inflate the currency and violate property rights transfer them to your answer away from it’s amazing to me though that bitcoiners though don’t understand this history why because to me I I said to the guys before we started bitcoiners are really good about let’s go back and talk about 187 I mean 197 you guys are cuz you’re young I’m like sitting there and I’m going bro hold my beard there’s a long story that’s tied to this because you need to realize like let’s bring it to current events why is Elizabeth Warren and Shard Brown like our moral enemies well you need to know that they all tie back to this story each one of them if you go back in this uh tentacle you’ll find out they’re all tied to the Rock PHS they’re all tied to the bankers who are tied to this story and when you really understand Elizabeth Warren’s part she actually is tied to the health side and the banking side because most of the companies that get broken up in standard oil are now based either in New Jersey or in MA Massachusetts and where was all the covid Jabs really designed in Massachusetts so guess where all her money comes from like the first question we should always ask about Elizabeth Warren because she’s in my top 10 Trader list right now in the United States she makes $300,000 a year Robert she’s got $400 million in the bank yeah you remember what they used to do in ancient Greece cuz I know you like history a little bit they’d look at how much money you had and after the next year theyd look at how much you have in the bank and if you had too much it didn’t make sense they killed you they didn’t put you on trial they just killed you yeah and and you want to know something that’s part of when I saw the little trailer that one of my members sent me about you and Luke I was like what took us away from that mindset then and then I’ll ask you another question because we’re right now today is December what 11th 12th all right so you like this one right because I know you learned this history on Christmas Eve 1776 do you know that Washington crossed a river to kill the government for what 3% tax on tea yeah and and we’re sitting here right now and we’re we’re saying no we shouldn’t talk about the $3.3 trillion that you and Luke talk about I’m like bro what part of the theory relativity don’t you get all right so you’re saying we need to be channeling the spirit of the founding followers it George Washington was it what 6’6 redheaded guy with wooden teeth he badass he’s the ultimate he’s the ultimate he’s the ultimate Bitcoin badass why because what is he what is he really doing when he’s Crossing that River Robert he’s protecting a loyal title of the United States we took our sovereignty right back and I’m just going to tell you that I don’t believe we should give an inch on this story I think we need to hold the [ __ ] criminals in Washington DC to these kind of things you know he was before he came I we got into a pretty fiery discussion about why I’m so fired up about this I don’t believe bitcoiners really know enough about history to know what we’re really fighting for now no we don’t we definitely don’t we shouldn’t give him an inch well the other thing I would just like to say because it’s come up recently but the fact that George Washington won the American war led us to the victory in in the American Revolutionary War and then they wanted to name him King and crown him and he had the fortitude and I would say the the Christ Consciousness to say no that’s not what we fought for yeah I will be a two-term president and a constitutional republic I will not be your king he put Human family values above his own personal lineage and that was a very very powerful example but that’s but that’s exactly what we needed from politicians like we had that in the first two terms up to like 1789 but now we think about for example FDR getting four terms yeah like uh or I like to scale this to buelli because I tell people buelli is like George Washington on steroids why because it’s the hell of the CL but he’s doing things that are very very similar like he and I had a very interesting discussion about atoms on the periodic table and I said carbon reacts certain ways in different planets and different environments but the same thing is true at our leaders so if you understand what you just said about George Washington and you understand where we came from it makes sense to you now I want you to think about buelli for he’s gone through two Civil Wars one we induced meaning the United States the second one Clinton induced by sending the MS13 guys back down here not telling them so the country is the most dangerous place in the world so what does buelli do first thing he does everybody forgets this him and Jack MERS make Bitcoin you know legal tender then 3 months later the exception regime comes in then he goes after his shadow government how does he do it first thing he does he starts rounding up the bad ombres but he goes in and and actually arrests all the criminal politicians and gets rid of the criminal judges that allow these guys to go in and then he gets the moniker that he is a dictator so is he really a dictator or did he do what needed to be done because now we can look through the retrospective scope you and I were sitting in that country right now did you guys face any dictatorial powers when you came in you just paid your $12 at the airport and they smiled and said welcome yeah you don’t face any of the things that you know the state department of the United States is going to scare you into coming down here why now let’s even fast forward it further Malay I had a central Banker in my wine room literally 6 months ago uh his son actually works for tether he’s a 35-year veteran of Wall Street we had a very interesting discussion he said look Malay is not going to do the same things that buelli did but our problem is that our um exception regime our shadow government is a 100 Years of Peron communism so what we have to do is we have to take a chainsaw to the government so you know as a bit Corner you’ve interviewed plenty of people you hear all the time well there’s no way that we can fix the United States it’s too big it’s a behemoth isn’t it amazing that you’re now in a country that literally in five years went from the most unsafe place to be to the most safe place to be sure now in six months Malay just balanced the budget after not being able to do that for 123 years and it’s a G8 country we’re not talking about South Carolina right so I’m sick of dealing with politics I’m sick of dealing with industrial military types to tell me that we can’t fix the current problems we have in medicine this is a parasite cleanse basically right oh you can look you can look at it like that I would look at it that it’s well isn’t that what Malay did you cleanse a lot of the parasites out they’re siphoning off of GDP or or I’d say you cut them deficit SP yeah you cut them out elimin this was more this was more surgical brood Force okay like this is hitting him upside the head with a baseball bat and this is parasit asde CR I think the parasite analogy in my opinion is not a good one to use for the future people that watch this why because the parasite cleanse that we need to have in the United States right now is to talk about what happened in covid okay they used a madeup planemic used the bioweapon to try to take a lot of us out and not only do they do a really bad job they wound up killing the wrong people like guys that look like you know with big muscles you’re the one dying it’s not me the fatties didn’t get taken out all right but isn’t that by Design see I mean not I I don’t I don’t have any evidence to support this but it would seem reasonable that you would want to take out high testosterone men that are capable of performing a rebellion of some kind wouldn’t you want if you wanted a more docile manageable Society wouldn’t you want to take out those idual first I think I think that’s a good point but I would tell you how how much of your generation is tied to that $3.3 trillion see I’m going to take you back to what you and Luke said what is that that 3.3 trillion all it’s all the incentives tied to Medicare and and ironically where did we get Medicare from the guy who kills JFK LBJ you know the the the greatest Generation that that’s the the ultimate [ __ ] job in history the guy that’s Saddles us that bankrupts us is LBJ and we get you know his new New Deal all the boomers are sucking at the tit of this and that’s where the entitlement spend has to go away this is where Luke does a beautiful job you know making the diagnosis that we need to do something about this like he wants to focus in on okay let’s make the hard Cuts you’re not cutting any of those people I mean if they’re alive and they’re talking and they’re a voting block I mean let’s be real that’s part of the reason why when I saw this podcast with you two I wanted to reach in there and and you know strangle him and I’m like no you need to understand really what was happening what was happening is they weren’t ready for covid covid was not something they were going to do it’s something they had to do that’s the reason why they had to get rid of trump like when you look at this from a totally different situ ation the whole story about the cbdc yeah the path that you need to get there is a crisis well you need to make sure that the fourth amendment is taken care of because without the fourth amendment being taken care of you ain’t getting a cbdc fourth amendment is property and privacy property and price so guess what Trump puts two people that are experts on the fourth amendment on the Supreme Court yeah that did not sit well with the industrial military players because guess what that means the bankers don’t get what they want the bankers don’t get the CD DC soon yeah so what do you do that’s when you get rid of trump and then you then start to take out the people that you need to take out that was the original plan who was going to execute that plan fouchy okay cuz he already did it once with HIV yeah a and gay people he was very successful killing him before there the So when you say that the pandemic had to happen they had to perpetrate it you’re saying it it’s because they needed to taper this Ponzi scheme that is just out of control at this point they couldn’t get to the cbdc fast enough see the goal everywhere else in the world they can get to the cbdc that’s not going to be problem can’t get to it here because of the flo under there you got it and and the real problem with the impediment now is that you have two supreme court justices right that are experts in that so what did that just do for the Federal Reserve and for the treasury Department yeah okay programmable money is going to be further down the road so I said to your your guy before you came I said don’t you find it a little bit funny that in 2016 to 2020 Trump was completely anti- Bitcoin and now he’s like oh I want Bitcoin and this and that yeah do you understand why now well they raised $100 million for him didn’t they oh you may think that that’s the case I’m going to tell you that now I think it’s a feature not a bug of Bitcoin by the way I actually think they need Bitcoin to get them to the CBD DC because the money is that bad so in other words now the game plan has adapted and what they thought was going to happen during Biden and Kamala that they would take out a lot of my generation and older clear the deck turned out the bioweapon wasn’t fully tunable oh and guess what happened we took out the wrong demographic they took you out they didn’t take not me I didn’t get that share but yeah I guess but you understand where I’m going and how how do I want you to think about this before covid begins in 2019 we get this guy from Harvard University arrested at the airport caught with 21 vials of nanat Technology his name is Charles Liber everybody heard about the United States but nobody ever actually thought about what was going on two guys from China who worked in Wuhan gets arrested with them they take the 21 vials away he’s the expert in wideband technology this is all the stuff that you hear about with the big Tech Guys in Silicon Valley yeah I want to get in right so what happens once this guy gets arrested um they realize that China wants to steal this technology right that was what they were going to use to tune the bioweapon to to take us out they had to redeploy and put that stuff in Ukraine oh because they had to protect China from stealing this technology so guess what what happens now how how can I tell you cuz this does sound like conspiracy theory I I’ll give you that 100% how do we know that something there’s some data point that everybody’s missing you know that every single vaccine maker except one fizer was ready to deploy the co jab operation warp speed comes out Trump gets told about it who wasn’t ready fizer so what does fizer decide to do they go downstairs three floors to their genetic department and they find sv40 they use sv40 to design their job cuz they’re late to the game mhm and what do they then do they tell their scientists to use a molecular tool to take the evidence of sv40 out and then they present a clean version to the FDA and they get approved now an sv40 is the thing that causes that crazy epithelioma turbo cancer no well 40 is what we got in the cutter event okay during FDR’s term in polio the guy that injected his grandchild that’s Asher that’s later but this is the story that goes from FDR yeah all the way up to this point of time so I want you to think critically now from first principles tell me how a monkey virus that shows up in 1951 through 1959 now shows up in covid vaccines that are supposed to be new and improved 70 5 years later and fizer tries to take it out so you don’t see it that’s why there’s two legal definitions for bio entech and for the fizer JB I don’t know how you extract malice from that I mean I mean it’s it’s pure malice what’s the official story I don’t what is the the official story is they wanted to kill people well that’s not what they’re saying in mainstream media right so what you don’t have to worry about the saying part that’s the I’m just I’m just curious like what what I hear what you’re saying but the story break the story breaks yeah so in 2021 I’m in clubhouse a Bitcoin room yeah and I tell everybody said look I just did a um a documentary with Robert Malone who’s an inventor co-inventor of the M technology and Robert McCulla who’s been famous for all the stuff he’s done they’ve both been on here yeah and guess what I do I don’t talk about the science at all I talk about one thing you can go back and watch this there’s two patents for fizer I said this there’s something nefarious going on here and I don’t tell anybody why I’m making this a big deal in this documentary because you heard all the things that I learned in my life in the Danny Jones podcast about sv40 and all that I had a sneaking suspicion in 2020 that because there was two legal definitions that sv40 was going to be used in somebody’s job and the most likely candidate was fizer yeah so what did I tell everybody in Bitcoin Clubhouse don’t take the jab and especially don’t take the fiser jab interesting Bitcoin custody is evolving both self- custody and single thirdparty custody come with significant risk and trade-offs onramp is pioneering a new standard multi-institution custody which eliminates single points of failure adding fault tolerance and redundancy to your setup on-ramp secures your bit coin in a segregated Cold Storage multi-key Vault guarded by three independent institutional grade custodians none of which have unilateral control over your keys your funds are fully auditable on chain cannot be rehypothecation and can only move or be withdrawn at your explicit 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two different legal definitions for this word correct implying that there would be one way to apply the law to one group of people and a different way to apply that law to other people and that is literally where the word corruption are it’s related to the word rupture there’s a rupture between uh the two rule sets but do you understand now why what started our little discussion here you and Luke have this discussion I’m sitting here and like I don’t want to tell you my blood was boiling right but my blood pressure went up and I I want everybody to understand just how nefarious the forces are behind our corrupt money so the the fact that you are a a neurosurgeon you’ve got a deep history in medical science you’re I guess you maybe describe yourself as a Quantum biologist but you didn’t need any of that to know to not take the jab you just need to know hey there’s two different legal definitions for this thing and I knew the history and you know the history it’s funny because M that’s the reason why I told you your podcast is going to be important for the future because guess what there’s going to be something that happens in this podcast yeah that a baby that’s one years old right now is going to use to go after these people that are so Empower well leave into that um it’s interesting that that heuristic was all you needed you didn’t need all of your knowledge all of your experience in the biomedical domain you just needed this heuristic and it’s funny because that is it’s not the same heris my heris was in business they say if the product is free you’re the product when I saw them pushing this thing so hard and then giving away the Happy Meals and the donuts advertising to kids and you don’t have to pay for for it I didn’t need to know anything about it scientifically I was like that [ __ ] is not going anywhere near me or my family right period I don’t know what it is I don’t know what’s in it you know my brother’s a biomolecular chemical biologist is’s serving me up all this research I’m like I don’t need to see it all I need is acuris and so again it’s a money story in a way right it’s like it’s actually even worse than that cuz it’s a money trading for time story when you actually get down to it and that’s that’s the part I want to take back all the onion layers and get really to the heart of the matter they’re that nefarious they did it in 1950s so why wouldn’t they do it again they didn’t get caught in the they what in the 1950s the polio they sent out 300 million so let’s the story about that because I know I’ve heard you tell it but I don’t know if my audience has and uh that was a complete reframing of the entire narrative that I had my uncle actually had Polio he he I think he missed the vaccine so he he had it he lived with it most of his life he died in his his late 50s um so it’s kind of a personal connection but the story you shared about the colio vaccine and what was actually in it and the the C the consequences of that could you go into that a little bit but people that don’t know yeah the the way it starts is you have to remember FDR were told in our history books that he had Polio the real truth to the story he probably didn’t he probably had Gillian Bray syndrome but Gillian br can look just like polio his lawyer sets up the marchad dimes this is where they get nickels dimes and quarters to save all that money is saved up and given to Jonas Suk this happens in 1930s 1940s then we get to 1951 the vaccines are ready for prime time they give this to all the big farmer companies the one big farmer company that you need to know in this case is called cutter Pharmaceuticals they’re based in California the guy who’s down at Asner Alton Ashner owns the possible where I did my residency is one of the major owners of the stock of this company they want to convince people to take the jab in 1951 what’s the problem that they have scientifically during this process the vaccine that Saul comes up with is very difficult to grow and it’s very difficult to reproduce at scale so he finds out that the only way they could do it is to use African green monkeys on their kidneys to throw the secret sauce to make the stalk vaccine they do this and in pre-clinical testing before anything’s ready for Prime Time a doctor named Bernice Edie who’s really the first doctor cancelled in centralized medicine tells her people in the FDA this would be the equivalent of Tony fouchy today that not only does the vaccine not work the monkeys are still getting polio but now some of the monkeys are getting some weird diseases and we don’t know what the cause of this is so we should probably slow down and go you’re telling a president you know in his fourth term who’s dying of this condition there was no impetus for us to stop so what happens Asner because he’s a major shareholder in Cutter Pharmaceuticals he’s convinced uh because he’s incentivized to believe that this vaccine is good we used to have these big you know medical Don in the old medical schools he brought everybody into Ashner Foundation entire medical staff brings his two grandchildren in injects both of them with the cutter vaccine his uh grandson dies in 5 days his granddaughter gets polio in her left leg so just so you know everybody in New Orleans who’s been a doctor there especially if you’ve trained anytime in aser you hear about this story I don’t know if you if it’s true now but when I trained I heard about this Story how I heard about it was even more interesting probably not important for this podcast but anyway when I heard that story I was kind of as a first year resident I was like incredulous I’m like there’s no freaking way that something like this happened so what did I decide to do at this point Alton Asher is already dead but I’m spending two years in my neurosurgery training at Asher Medical Foundation and it turns out the head of cardiovascular surgery is Dr asner’s son Johan Ashner he was a little bit of a cowboy he was kind of Chatty and we used to do certain kinds of cases where called bar aneurysms this would be uh on the basor arri geographic center of your head back in these days that technique we’d have to split your chest open stop your heart do the brain surgery to clip the aneurysm big deal but this was the time that cardiovascular surgeons and brain surgeons would come together so we had a bower tip aneurism coming up and I told my neurosurgery me there Dr vor’s I said I’m going to talk to o about this issue and he looked at me he goes are you crazy he goes everybody around here knows not to bring this topic up and it turned out this case you know takes 8 to 10 12 hours depending on how long it takes the cardiovascular guys to do their part and we just start talking and he and he was actually fairly nice about it it was not what I was taught to fear and he said yeah he goes if you go down to our Medical School library in the hospital he goes it’s on microfish you can find it and he directed me where to go he told me to the librarian to actually find this information out and there it was right in times pyun 1951 that this happened and I asked him follow questions about this that’s when I asked him about his dad he goes yeah my dad started off as a FBI informant worked with a guy named Roger Banister in New Orleans right on Magazine Street I’m like really and then he said yeah and then eventually he got involved with the CIA later on and then he started doing some the some some stuff in the basement uh of a hospital off site and he goes you know that uh that linac accelerated downstairs he goes my dad got that for the hospital he goes the CIA was important and bringing that in so that opened the door for me there because I already knew about the linac because we’re the one specialty in medicine neurosurgery that uses a linear accelerator that’s what a lenac is and at this time we’re talking late late 80s early 90s of it’s a nice hospital but it doesn’t have the kind of money to buy aund million piece of equipment I was having trouble getting instruments for spine surgery never mind aund million piece of equipment so he told me actually how they got it that was a hill Burton grant that hail bogs who is actually one of the people involved in the warrant commission who was eventually taken out in the airplane crash in Alaska yeah see how the bodies start to pile up and one thing leads to another and he gives me a ton of information so I decide at that time to go back to Children’s Hospital which is right across the street from where this Linx supposedly was building was already decommissioned so I talk to the janitors because across the street is a modern hospital where I’m doing pediatric neurosurgery this place is a hospital from the 50s and 60s that was called at the time the US Public Health Hospital and there was this little building that faced in the corner the whole complex was surrounded by a 12-ft brick wall with huge steel doors to get in it looked like military base and I asked the janitor I said look can I go in to some of these buildings and walk around and he goes well yeah he goes but what are you looking for I said I’m looking for a building that could house a machine and I explained to him me I said it looks like a nuclear weapon it’s a long skinny tube he goes oh you’re talking about building two he goes That’s this one he goes you see that building right there and I look at it and I’m going that’s a pretty small building he goes yeah it goes down three stories I said really so he lets me into the building and there I see what you probably remember seeing as a little kid 1973 Planet of the Apes when you see the nuclear bomb standing up yeah there’s a turret right there where the Linux stood and then there’s concrete stanions six of them right that is pointing out at different angles and I realize where I’m standing then I look over to the wall over here and I see you see like my wine room right there that size plate you guys would say what is that probably 12T by 20 a steel plate with a wire this big robber coming out I realized right away it’s a grounding plate for a linac oh so I’m like this is the building where it was now this is 19 I probably say 92 93 the linear acceler linear accelerator what does this thing do well back then and this is why it’s important to some of the the history of this story what do cancer doctors even today in Miami offer people besides chemotherapy to deal with cancer have no idea radiation therapies right you know that yeah I’ve heard of it was linear accelerator creates all frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum from gamma rays all the way down to RF okay it has knobs on it that you can tune to what you want got it so why did Asher procure this the idea back in 1951 52 53 cuz I got to remind you about something about biology when did we discover DNA 53 wats and cric you got it so when this [ __ ] happened with the cutter incident this is in the preocular biology age this is the reason why the the vaccine got poisoned or transfected is the so this is a story of unring consequences correct in other words they weren’t in Affairs remember I told you my sliding scale is ignorance and fraud right right right I once you know it becomes fraud you got it and the reason why this is important is Ashner realizes that this sv40 he’s got to hired the two best in the world so what does he do when this happened he hires Dr Mary Stewart and and Mary Sherman their classmates who graduated from 1936 from the University of Chicago Sarah Stewart is the craziest one why because she’s like Satoshi Nakamoto of her day for viruses she believes that viruses cause cancer okay she writes this huge thesis up everybody knows about her opinion but everybody thinks she’s crazy yeah Mary Sherman is an orthopedic surgeon who’s the world expert in Osio saroma which is cancer of the bone he hires both of these ladies when he gets the linac we’re going to use the linac to use x-rays to get sv40 out of the animal that got infected why because they now know that they injected 300 million people all over the world yeah and here’s the ultimate screw job do you know what Ashner is known for before all this stuff I’m telling you he’s the anti-cancer doctor he’s the guy that led the Crusade to stop smoking in the United States he’s the first uh director of the National Cancer Institute and you think he’s going to go down in history as the guy that Unleashed sv40 and caused huge amounts of cancer everywhere in the world see this is Legacy Management now you’re beginning to see the magnitude of the problem yeah so what do they find they start doing testing in the first bioweapons lab on Magazine Street the linac is at the US public health hospital the the doctors are staff doctors at Asher where they’re working during the day but at nighttime they have this lab on Magazine Street we know the location what you don’t know is who’s running the lab David Ferry Lee Harvey Oswald and a young girl named Judith veryy Baker and it turns out David Ferry is a disgraced Eastern Airlines pilot who used to run missions back and forth from Florida to Cuba for the military clandestine CIA that’s what his claim to fame was he had alopecia Arata so he was very remarkable around the streets in New Orleans everybody knew who he was Lee Harvey Oswald grew up in New Orleans he was he was a poor kid who made good became military Affiliated first was a soldier and then became a CIA operative which everybody knows but very few people know that he actually worked in this lab by Design Judith very Baker at the time is 18 years old she wins a high school uh science project because she starts to talk about viruses causing cancer so of course Asher sees this and says she’s the perfect one to do all our techniques with labrats and mice where we’re going to infect them with sv40 and then we’re going to radiate them and then we’re going to spin them down in a V miix and then find out what’s growing so what did they find from this whole so so they’re trying to implant cancer and then eradicate the the animals as soon as you inject a mice or or a rat or a human any mammal besides a green monkey if you put sv40 in him it gives you cancer right like one to one yeah it was known as the most oncogenic virus even back then right but that’s what bonice Edie was trying to tell the people in the FDA until the government who controlled this process you’re going to be very interested Richard Nixon as the vice president of Eisenhower start to see how now you’re starting to understand where 1971 comes in the war on cancer right right right got it so so the injection of the S40 in the lab animals to give them cancer and then what do they do them after that any mamal any mammal outside of the African green monkey right you get cancer but why are they doing this I guess I’m sh cuz they’re trying to get a solution for the 300 million people they just infected with it okay so they’re trying to cover their tracks or undo the damage something does it sound very familiar to what happened with the fiser jab huh starting to see the parallels remember you asked me this when we started this let’s go to 1812 to to 1940 I’m doing the same thing for you right now so what I want you to understand is they start to radiate these animals and what do they find not only can’t they get rid of the sv40 turns out that radiation makes the sv40 more cancerous it becomes more virent right so guess what the animal soon as they get zapped the first time they go from Zer no cancer after the injection to stage four cancer like that that s familiar to anything that’s going on in your life right now wow got it is this the turbo cancer term you got it and guess what we’ve known about this my friend since that time but do you know why guys like Kevin mckernan guys like Philip buckhold these are all the molecular biologist that you’re probably as a bitcoiner just learning about now why don’t they know about it because this is a clantin lab this material is never published in the data right got it yeah but how do we know about it sv40 to this very day is is a tool that’s used in every molecular biology lab when you Ed this term earlier you said how the bioweapon is tuned you’re saying it’s the radiation that does the tuning see you’re a good listener I like that what is the question what is then the connection between our existing EMF environment and the developed world and these uh biomedical interventions well that goes to uh current events like I likeed what we’re doing here because we’re going back and forth time travel so I just did another podcast with uh with Danny Jones and CI means and you know that they’ve become famous because they came out of nowhere and they start talking about all this food thing they don’t ever want to talk about the vaccine and they always tell you the story about their mom their mom magically got cancer right after covid starts they live in California she gets diagnosed 13 days and she’s dead over stage four cancer so to ask your question Cali was very fast to push out in the podcast but my mom didn’t take the jab and I said to him pretty classically I said what’s your mom’s birthday he didn’t even know his mom’s birthday but I did turns out she lived in California so your question is Jack how does sv40 work with non-native EMF yeah are you more likely to get a stage four cancer like that the answer is yes and does the data support that there’s a guy that if you don’t follow on Twitter hopefully after this podcast you will his name is the ethical skeptic he’s a former Naval intelligence officer okay this guy has been trending all this data from 2019 all the way now we now know that not only did covid get out of a lab in Wuhan it got out earlier than you think how do we know that because all the equatorial Africans that I talked to your boy out they were already had immunity based on this virus in 2018 and 2019 wow so this had already gone out and why didn’t they get sick because where did they live equatorial Africa where what’s strong wow the sunlight H so guess who was going to get popped with this just the same thing like the reason why you’re a good person for me to talk to about this because you live through this you live in Miami and I’m from New York everybody assumed that everybody in Florida was going to get taken to the Woodshed by Co right who who did worse Cuomo or DeSantis yeah Cuomo didn’t why because there’s no sun there Florida had son even though we have way more old people than New York yeah do you understand you saw they were trying to get people indoors too and they were running people off beaches well who did that that was fouchy why cuz he understood how the bioweapon work he just didn’t want you to understand it do you understand why now I I I just want to take you back to why Uncle Jack was so chapped ass about your conversation with Luke Roman now see the fact that you’re laughing makes me feel happy because I believe that this is the story that we need to tell people because guess what if we don’t it’s going to get whitewashed no yeah but it’s going to happen again Robert yeah right like I’m already telling you that how can I tell you it’s going to happen again this messenger and art platform is now being put into flu shots and RSV yeah are you going to let your kids take that [ __ ] after this [ __ ] there’s no way yeah I mean you got to be absolutely psychotic that would be like you saying you I’m a bit cor but you know what I want to go back and own a and salana now yeah yeah yeah makes no sense at all yeah before starting the what is money show I spent most of my career as a CFO overseeing internal technology implementations and business acquisitions over the next 10 years it is projected that over 12 million businesses in the US will be sold if you are an operator running a business generating between 5 and $200 million of Revenue and you’re considering selling your business within the next decade then there is a significant opportunity for you to deploy technology to streamline business processes reduce operating cost and enhance the multiple your business ultimately sells for to this end I am partnering with the team at emerge Dynamics a firm with Decades of experience in maximizing the value of privately held small and Middle Market businesses go to emerge dynamics.com Breedlove to learn how you can build an attractive High multiple company that maximizes your return When you fully exit again that’s emerged dynamics.com Breedlove so I mean are you this framing ultimately leads us to the inevitable conclusion that the centralized State seems to be actual pure evil there I I got new to you they make Satan look like a nice guy that takes it to the next level I’ve said statism is like Satanism but yeah that takes it to the well that’s why I said what I said to you because I want you to understand that I don’t think right that we get back to where we need to be as a country right until you understand how bad they were and that’s the reason why I want you I want you to relive December 25th 1776 when George Washington was willing to go kill people from the crown over 3% tax well let me ask you a question all the Savages out in the audience that’s a 3% violation of the illal title oh guess what how about $3.3 trillion and they killed pro low end which I talked about in the last podcast I did with Danny 550 550 million people highend by a guy named Dennis surounding court is around 17 million people so I’m sorry 550 million to 17 million people oh I’m sorry so high ends 550 million low end 17 million yeah what what I meant we’re talking about United States up talking about the globe right seven seven uh I shouldn’t say 17 uh is this people murder by the centralized State correct yeah I saw that number they call it democide estimated like 170 million in the 20th century which is half the population well I said to cie in the podcast I said how many people were killed in World War II he didn’t know the answer it’s about 465,000 people mhm now think about what we just did in the last four years and then tell me do you understand now why I feel the way I felt when we started the podcast you remember what my day job is I am a doct Do no harm you understand why this rubs me I want I want to get you in the right framework when we start this I know you’re tired I know you’re worn down but Robert I’m [ __ ] tired and worn down too I’m pretty [ __ ] pissed off about this like more mad than you can ever imagine why because I know I’m a smart guy I’ve known about this and nobody has wanted to listen to me and the one thing I will say to you as a brother from another mother because we’re both bitcoiners the most valuable asset on this planet isn’t Bitcoin it’s time yeah and these people have stolen time yeah from us they’ve stolen it from a lot of people that did understand audial title and maybe a lot that didn’t but the point I’m trying to make to you is if we don’t write this wrong this isn’t about white call a crime we need heads on a platter we need to go back and read the Constitution about what treason and Traders get so pardon me for listening to CI me and say well I just want transparency that’s what he actually said I said no I want [ __ ] heads on the plate I want exactly what George Washington did when he crossed the goddamn River why because somebody needs to pay so so this never ever happens again ever isn’t that what has been happening throughout human history though is that we have these bloody revolutions and we get the heads on a plate or The Guillotines come out and then those who were formerly not in power come into power and then over time they become as corrupt as those that they replace think about what you just said so you know you know that the bitcoiners are going to come in power so guess what why am I doing this podcast with you why we start here why we start where you wanted to start because guess what I need all the bitcoiners to know this history I want you to be Savages you’re already Financial Savages I want you to know that medical tyranny is not protected in our Constitution and we need it and Bobby Kennedy told me when I did the Rick rubben podcast Jack there’s no chance that we’re going to get this through well guess what who Kelly is going to put it through yeah Malay has asked me to come down there and give it to him so why did I bring those two guys up in this discussion right because they’re for Freedom bro yeah our country not so much right we talk a good game but we’re not playing we don’t have our skin in the game and I want you to know that as a young man you’ll be here after I’m [ __ ] dead I want to make sure that I’m the virus that infects you so that you go out and when someone says to you no no no no we’re not going to go there we’re we got to tell the truth yeah history matters because when you’re a good historian it doesn’t matter what the government says it doesn’t matter what the victors writing the book because we know the truth and as Martin Luther King said the truth will set you free you just got to make sure that you check on it every year right right right well your delivery is certainly very virent um I think the the virus is infecting and pushing people forward but what when you say heads on a plate I mean that is Bay that’s quite the line right no it’s not put him on a plane I’ll put the IVs in straight to guano Bay that’s what I mean I I want to be very clearers shouldn’t we be advocating for a bloodless Revolution if at all possible that would be blood l i mean the IV can take care of them no problem remember I will tell you right now all these guys Clapper all the CIA guys yeah you just take them all General Millie call him back up to duty he’s back in the military military job jce dudee we’re ready so you’re you want rule of law applied the way it should be which is Justice being I live in Florida United States I’m going to share this with you I wrote eight letters to Matt getts Matt getts is my congressman district one in Destin okay to come down here and talk to buelli Matt getts now is big into plan buelli you saw that he got announced as the AG all the rhinos got Matt to run away I’m telling you that we need somebody that’s more pedal to the metal than Matt gets good like Robert I’m not holding back this is the anti- Luke groman part Jack Jack wants wants an eye for an eye they killed a lot of Americans what about an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind like it is there an over correction on the savagery here there is there absolutely is that perpetuate itself into the future areen we sitting here in the same some other situation 200 300 years from now where tyranny has been squashed and it has come has flourished again because we handled it with violence rather than something nonviolent all right so this is this is a good inflection point now I’m going to challenge you what did we learn from the nurur trials well I was going to ask you that too because like we’ve already learned this lesson we already had did we informed consent cuz most of the people the threshold of bodily autonomy most of the people that did the Holocaust they got away you realize that the Mad had to catch some of those guys in the 60s so did we really learn see again you falling prey it’s been whitew I don’t know how we did like we did learn or we did no you learned what was in your history book but you didn’t learn that the guys history books actually I learned it through podcasts funny enough yeah but what I’m telling you is that but most people don’t know we did not get all the guys at the nurg tri we got the the real guys The Architects behind it they’re still alive in fact the real architect is the bankers and the royal family isn’t it the I just like you’re trying to spread a counter virus in the the mindscape of men mhm isn’t the real problem that original virulent anti-human mind virus and can you can you extinguish that by extinguishing individuals no you can’t get rid of the humanity I mean this is a a a fault of us being humans the line turn good and evil the coats down the heart of every mayor right and this is what I would say you still need punishment for some of the perpetrators and they have to be the key Architects I’m not saying we have to get all of them yeah but the key Architects these are going to be the guys in the CIA the FBI the dod but the big one is fouchy and do I know that fouchy was just taking marching orders from the Department of Defense most people even don’t even know the basics of the pandemic what’s the basics big farmer wasn’t the fault who is the distributor of the JB the Department of Defense so what did Big Pharma act as they were the drug dealers on the corners so if you really want to get to the truth of the matter most of the intelligence agencies need to be on the plane but who gave them their marching orders that started with 9911 that started with the Patriot Act the guys who are the Traders yeah forgot that in the Patriot Act that the Bush Administration got through that if you had any bioweapons labs and they were in the United States you could be put to death by treason so when Rumsfeld realized this and Cheney realized it that’s why they started to pay fouchi more than the president of the United States because he had to take what was in Fort Dietrich and move it to Wuhan so guess who really should be on the plane with fouchi Cheney and Bush okay now one of the bushes is dead but the other one’s not and his brother used to be our governor he’s complicit in this too yeah so when I tell you the tentacles on this are big my issue is the planners yeah they are the ones who need to be punished if you tell me that you don’t want to put in the death I’d be okay with that but you know what we’d have to do to make me feel better we put them in jail we put them in Guantanamo Bay but we make the Bush family take all the money they stole from the United States people from Prescott Bush right for hiding the Nazis money to right now to pay for them to have their food I don’t want any taxpayer money going to keep those [ __ ] alive that’s how serious I am Robert yeah cuz I believe that we don’t get the United States back until we put the people in jail that not only caused the polio problem not only killed JFK but all the collateral effects like all the the crazy things that have happened from World War I on the things that really are Sops is that you don’t realize are scops no one’s ever been punished for in fact those are the people that rule us the the the funny thing is those are the people you and I fight about for Bitcoin versus Fiat they have they have the the thermodynamic fuel that you talked about with sailor you know way back when bat fuel was Fiat money the fact that they could reh hypothecate sure that if you take that away from them they can do right right that’s that’s what I’m want to ask you is like what is the role of money printing or Central Banking more specifically in the growth of these intelligence agencies it’s it’s the guillotine uh for our freedom it it actually killed our freedom we haven’t been free in the United States we have the illusion of Freedom since the Inception of the fud 1911 woodro Wilson worst president in the United States history what okay and he even admitted it at the end of his life in 1924 yeah he said I gave the keys to the kingdom away to the and we haven’t fixed it yet the only guy that come out you know recently is you know Massie when Massie said let’s make a bill and abolish the FED because the truth is don’t you find it also interesting he’s the only guy that doesn’t have a apack representative in Congress I didn’t know that well guess what hopefully now you do know this and you go now I understand how these things fit together now I understand where Jack’s coming from because guess what for you to be a true Savage it’s not just about you going in the gym and eating a carnivore diet I need you to be a Savage about this story yeah I need you to understand why we need to hold their feet to the fire yeah so the the takeaway for the Youth would be do not seed any intellectual territory on this narrative right don’t let up zero soft wallet sugarcoated Etc it’s the it’s the lead Z song No Quarter give them no quarter yeah um no this all makes a lot of sense and then it it’s weird that you you see this broader pattern of human history and then we’re just caught up in another one of those kind of situations and it a lot of the propaganda that or a lot of the narrative that you’re brought up with you start to see it as propaganda and you see what the actual deeper power starches it’s serving now is well think about propaganda for a minute where does that start in this story 1921 Edward Rene who’s his uncle Sigman Freud again tied to the trosky dude the story okay the tentacles who Ro a book on propaganda you got it 1921 and who used that the Nazis goal said hey yeah this is how we get the German people to believe the things we believe yeah and they were successful in doing and then what happened in the United States the same guys the reason why this story I’m going to bring it straight to current events the reason I sat down with CI means CI means worked for Daniel J Edelman Holdings you know who that is those are the guys that convince American women using Bern’s propaganda to smoke cigarettes they were the guys that were behind Madison Avenue that got soldiers to smoke Lucky Strikes they’re the guys behind the seed oil story what dude they are this is like the Mad Men kind of dude right and but you have to realize he worked for them yeah now he wants to tell you now I’m a good guy but I’m like well how come you worked for three or four sequential bad guys and you still list the council forign relations on your LinkedIn profile yeah and I know who they are and you’re expecting me to believe you I mean what part of [ __ ] dumbass on my forehead do you want me to accept so this quote that I find myself repeating in every episode now I’ll app is going to stay forever but Carl yum who said until we make the unconscious conscious it will continue to per our lives and we’ll call it fate propaganda seems to be attempting to make conscious things unconscious for people correct uh the one saying that the purpose of propaganda is to make one group of people forget that another group of people are human basically to apply these dehumanizing labels to them which then uh allows you to justify you know inhumane treatment up up to an including atrocity against them so what what is the solution I mean because you’re all the people in power are always going to try to propagandize I think people not in power I mean maybe maybe propagandise is too strong of a war no I think it’s I think it’s a good word to Plato where he says you know those who tell stories rule Society so whoever’s in power is going to tell a story and fund the telling of a story that justifies their position in the hierarchy right so how do we this but this is what I would tell you and this is important I promise I’m GNA land this punch marketing and lobbying are legalized lying so where do we start we make those illegal so let me explain to you wait marketing yeah let me explain to you how this works like telling someone he got something for sell is lying yeah it is so I’m going to explain to you how it was used against you and you don’t even realize so now Obama re regime they changed the law that big Pharma can Market on TV so they started to sell all their drugs on TV what did that mean Tucker Carlson um all the people on Fox all the people on MSB MBC were paid by big Pharma so that meant that anybody was a big farmer drug they would never talk bad about it because their salaries re tied to it remember that Upton St Clair quote Yeah it’s so difficult nothing’s more difficult than getting a man to believe something when a salary depends on him not believing it so guess what marketing propaganda through Obama’s simple change of the law was actually able to circumvent our First Amendment right now based on how you were coming after Uncle Jack now my mouth is open with my teeth showed do you think I’m wrong about it because guess what you know how we had to get that back while the laws haven’t been changed Elon Musk I mean an industrial military player the utopian side side the good side we’re getting he actually probably did more to get Trump reelected than anybody else but what did he do he bought the Town Square to allowed people to say the things that you couldn’t hear on mainstream media do you want to know the reason why these criminals were so successful because they controlled the narrative they controlled the media and all the people that were Mocking Bird media yeah did everything they said but the thing is you’re not a brain surgeon like I am I’m a diagnostician I’m putting this together for you so you can see how the Architects that are below Satan really think right and I need you to understand that you can’t give them an inch and the first thing I would do is I would make it illegal to Market any drugs so that no industry and I would flip this around to you because I know you’re going to ask me this as a freedom maximalist aentr thing right how do you but we just can’t allow probably more than 5 or 10% of any industry on a news media site in other words that’s part of the balance of powers thing okay is that something that the founding fathers would have ever thought about no why because they didn’t have TV they didn’t have radio they didn’t have social media isn’t a functional legal system where the risk of class action lawsuit is an actual liability to these companies and not you know they have no liability right a total discharge of Li for vaccines that serve as an adequate um counter incentive to engaging it but that means do you have the political Capital to do it and I already told you if you don’t know this story about me when I wrote the Constitutional Amendment for buelli I famously shared it with Bobby Kennedy Bobby Kennedy calls me back up told me he said can’t even not even Dan sanis could pass this bill yeah so the point is I gave them a Benjamin Rush style Medical law that would prevent all this but the laws that we need to change in the United States the first one I told you cuz you asked me Jack what’s the solution second one is The Bu Dole act The Bu Dole Act was passed in 1980 that allowed guys like fouchi to profit from their scientific discoveries okay so in in 2020 2021 you would have said to me Jack it’s crazy to think how was that a bad thing well fouchy got paid $440 million for his role so how was doing what his role in creating the bioweapon and killing people corre so that’s what I would go back to and he got incentivized with that money as a Libertarian though a functional legal system there’ now be a class action lawsuit to the tune of however many millions of people he killed whatever dollar value we assigned to that that he would be subject to a lawsuit but he’s protected by that act that’s what I’m saying it’s this is the corruption of the law all right it’s the corruption of the money that leads to the corruption of the law correct so are the ACT to the Bitcoin D like we got to fix the money before we’re going to fix the law well that’s what I said to your guy when before you came I said I really believe fixing the money fixes everything but here’s the problem uh we already talked about this and I want you to think about this before you respond it took melli five years to go from the most dangerous place in the world to the safest it’s taking Malay 6 months to get rid of 123 years of of perone communism if we have Trump back in and he’s not going to go after the vaccines which it sounds like he’s not there’s going to be limits on what Bobby can do if he gives us Bitcoin that means that we have 25 to 50 years to fix the rest of the stuff now Robert that’s good for you right but is it good for me is it good for my generation is it good for the generation above me cuz remember what I told you the messenger RNA is going in RSV and the flu vaccine and you know even though you’re not taking it but you know that there’s a lot of people that are older than you that are going to be subject to that do you understand what I’m saying now so I’m asking you as a decentralized guy in your heart and I know you’re not a doctor I know that you didn’t take an oath to do no harm I want you to understand my perspective where I’m coming from and why I’m vehement that we need to do something yeah I un well I don’t want say understand I appreciate the vehs and I try to have my own version of it I you know have this spiritual Mission Against State it’s like when you open the history book you’re like oh wait the state did that the state did that State’s always done this mhm and so Bitcoin but in the long run humanity is is is triumphing against the state if you you know do do you really do you feral God Kings to 8 billion people on the planet we’re talking between 550,000 and 17 million people I’m not saying straight line but I saying the zooming all the way out it does seem like human freedom is triumphing in the longest run and so sure there’s been fits and starts and all of those things but even something like Bitcoin this like incredible technology for accelerating human Freedom could not have existed right absent property rights and absent rule of law to the extent that we had it up until this point enough to get infrastructure internet Etc so anyways I maybe put a little drop of optimism in there which piggybacks on the optimism you said earlier right where we can change these things oh I know we can change them but the problem is we have to I shouldn’t say we have to there’s people right now in Washington DC and around Washington DC that have to expend political Capital like remember what I said to you I don’t want you to forget this buelli came in armed and took out bad politicians he removed bad judges that’s political Capital he knew what he was going to face in criticism in the rest of the world now the nice thing is you and I can sit in his country right now and look back on that and go he was restrained in what he did he didn’t go fullon hoch he didn’t go fullon dictator you can look around you know what people are doing now Freedom’s here um I would tell you the same thing I think is going on in Malay I mean I’m not happy that Malay hasn’t gone full on bitcoin but remember his problem wasn’t totally just a monetary problem it is but it was huge government government that was so swall even things go hand in hand well no question but the thing is how they’ve chosen to go after it so I think what I’m willing to do with Trump I was not a trump supporter Bobby and Nicole asked me to vote for Trump and I said I’ll do that if you guys tell me that you think that he’s the way to go and I did as long as I get one thing I I have zero hope that Bobby or Trump and I said this publicly a couple places this will probably be the biggest podcast that I say it on I don’t have the optimism that I had two or 3 months ago for Trump for for Trump and doing the right things in terms of HHS fixing our health okay but if backpedaling on the back and I think if he gives us Bitcoin I’m G to tell you I think your problem his problem and his problem you guys are going to live in a good world my kids same way but what I worry about is everybody who’s probably 50 years and older for the next 20 25 years you’re getting pushed into soft grinder uh and it ain’t going to be pretty okay so for those people they need to exit the centralized health system and droves so leave the US I mean no you don’t have to leave the US what you need to do is you need doctors to hear this call and say look you need to remove the Oracle problem between you and your doctor you know when you go in you’re a young guy you go in right now and see a pediatrician with a young baby they’re going to start pushing Jabs on you right away why because they know unless you have the hospital with your baby without be jab right so the Oracle problem is you got somebody between you and your doctor what older people are going to have to realize that the doctor there can be nobody between us and this is where it is actually where health and wealth is fundamentally linked it is a Bitcoin story but I don’t think people think about it like that taking responsibility for your health just like you do with your wealth correct yeah right and it’s you know that was the the story that I brought to to bitcoin Prague like I I I try to tell people I said let’s take the hardware guy Steve Jobs let’s take the software guy Paul Allen let’s take the Bitcoin guy how finny I said what good is it to be a billionaire and be dead time right I’m already older than all those guys and the thing is I told you before the most valuable thing that we all have is time wouldn’t it be nice to actually sit at a table like this and talk to halny you know the bitcoiners that are out there listen to you that are all physically fit in this that we saw the pictures of him running in marathons yeah he’s [ __ ] dead yeah so and tell us why this is the excessive exposure to non-native EMF more than addiction well remember where he was based California yeah KY Tek and you see how he gets taken out we know that ALS is tied to this story the problem is is anybody in the NIH spending money to study this right now no cuz ALS is a pimple on the elephant’s ass we’re more interested in other things but that’s why I think what we’ve talked about the first two hours is so incredibly important because if we don’t get this story right we’re never going to get to how’s diagnosis we’re never going to get to solving that and guess what that’s something that Robert breed love could deal with that’s something that your guys on your team here could deal with and what I’m trying to say to you is the messenger RNA technology is going to be in RS it’s going to be in a flu job that’s very similar to the story that I’m painting for you with how if we don’t solve these fundamental Cornerstone issues we’re going to have to continue to fight this battle so I ask you as a young guy what’s your line between ignorance and fraud when you going to jump in I mean like it’s just like the Top Gun story bro when you going to re-engage and and what I say this to you not not to put you on the spot but you understand why apprciate I want you to think about this because you know what this is the uncomfortable discussion that you and Luke didn’t have but it’s the one that I want the world to see me and you have why because I think you and I and we don’t know each other before today we are probably more aligned on more things than you could ever imagine yeah but there’s still some things like man I I never thought about this of course this is the purpose of the dialogical process right so we can see the eyes through one another what when you say solve this you brought up the Fourth Amendment earlier I would say that one I mean obviously more fundamentally is supported by the first and second Amendment which fundamentally right now second we have but it’s been watered down in a lot of states which you know the first amendment is f as far as I’m concerned is functionally gone okay because of this healthcare issue that I talked about that’s the reason why the propaganda and how the things have been taken out so let’s say I’m on the side of the line where I am on board with and conscious of everything that you’re saying I want to be in what do you say between ignorance and fraud right where you go dra I would like to be this sounds weird you’re on the side of fraud but you’re choosing not to engage in the fraud you want to have the knowledge but you want to deal with it honestly it’s just like a 12 stop program right you can’t fix the problem until you all right so what I mean which aside from Bitcoin which we’ll definitely get into but like what shouldn’t be doing aside from promoting Bitcoin uh I think uh how do we make I think American hle Jun Seth Robert bov Peter McCormack uh Preston prish why aren’t they running for office because guess what because being a politician but guess what me is like my worst nightmare no but guess what you’re not going to be a fraud ENT politician like I want you to look at Massie I want you to look at Bobby Kennedy Bobby Kennedy buried a hatchet to go with a guy who completely is against him and I would actually give Trump some credit here too Trump is also bearing a hatchet in a sense politically with Bobby for the greater good so the point that I’m trying to make to you we can sit behind our computers we can sit behind our Bitcoin stack but if not you who right that’s the question I want you to think about political leadership would be one Avenue for people to go there but let’s say someone’s really averse to that like me not have any [ __ ] interest ever in going into that world uh other avenues entrepreneurship presumably yeah I would say the number one thing is we need Robert bre love to get with a whole bunch of people that have you have influence on and we need to get rid of Senator Warren like to me that’s still you being a politician right right right in other words what you’re doing now but what you’re doing now this is now you’re becoming a brain surgeon except without scalp because you’re taking out the tumor yeah you see what I’m saying like I I hate to almost bring these guys up because I view them as my moral enemy but a16z I have to give them some credit they spent money and we got rid of sherro brown he’s not going to be um shro Brown he’s the guy that’s the um the Senate finance committee chairman that ran operation show cold 1.0 and 2.0 he worked in concert with Elizabeth waren oh this is the guy that Nick Carr has done a lot of talk about Caitlyn long has done a lot of talk about so removing a guy like that I would say in this election we meaning bitcoiners we’ve been partially successful so I would say to you I would like for you to continue your sphere of influence as I become an old man and and I can’t [ __ ] scream at people like I do on podcasts I want you guys right to say this is my little Jack Cruz Splinter and my foot every time I step on it I remind myself Elizabeth Warren is still an active Senator and we need to get rid of her so you’re P You’re handing us the torch uh I’m not handing you the torch yet what I’m doing is you’re hanging around my fire yeah and I’m giving you hot chocolate and marshmallows and telling you Robert it’s the mark in an educated mind to take something you fundamentally do not believe examine it without accepting either and then say is Uncle Jack really crazy or maybe is there some magic yeah to what he’s saying because guess what the safine have a role here I do safine has got his own issues his ideology but his ideology right now is very valuable at this time because he knows what’s happened to Palestine he knows about the Bal for declaration he knows about all these things but guess what I need him more focused and not with the hatred in his gut well how could you not have hatred when you’re living through that genocide bro I just had I just told you I between 550,000 and 17 million people I’m here talking to you right now advocating on now is happening right now every day in your own backyard I can see why guess what it happened it happened multiple times in history that’s why the USS Liberty got taken out right before the seven days War I mean I just think about it through if someone was you know I grew up in Tennessee someone was invading Tennessee right now and murdering children and you know women and like for years I would be [ __ ] irates I can’t I I think Alex safet and is totally in the right that he’s calling this genocide what it is and as an American by the way I had to swallow that bitter pill that I had all this latent programming like Oh I thought it was some interminable religious conflict that we couldn’t do anything about and some reason we’re over there fighting for oil but the reality is it’s a Bitcoin story it’s a Bitcoin story it is a Bitcoin story and it starts with those guys in the r house that’s what the Bal for declaration is all about right and it’s about World War I that was the document that promised the roths Char Their Own no Nation it was written on November 2nd 1917 where the Rothchilds got UK from the King yeah because in World War I Treaty of Versailles again Palestine was because the Ottoman Empire failed Palestine was given to the Brits so what did the Rawles do let’s fulfill what’s in the talmud and and make Israel but what you need to know is on November 2nd 1917 98% of Palestine was Christian and Muslim 3% were Jewish right and what was the idea the rild like where did World War II come from where did Hitler come from this is the part of History that’s not in the books yet but I can tell you there’s a guy coming next year who’s going to validate what I’m going to tell you now because this is really going to turn your stomach um one of the biggest criminals of the 20th century is is is the royal family specifically with Churchill they come up with an agreement called the transfer agreement this is why they prop Hitler up Hitler wasn’t designed to kill the Jews he was designed to take all their money put it in a raw child Bank h flid seized the bank and they would send the Jews to Palestine that’s what the real final solution was not what you were told in your history books where is that well I’m going to tell you I’m going to tell you where the information comes from comes from me doing deep Dives in archives of chemical companies uh finding out what’s in the walls of the gas Chambers and actually the sheer mathematics of what people have you believe now what I just said to you probably is going to get you in trouble wherever you put this on but here’s the funny part this is all for entertainment purposes in the guy that’s now beginning to study this is a guy that’s on Twitter named martyr Ma I think his name is Dylan Cooper He’s he is an academic who’s now decided to study this this is his next big project and he famously said I think it was to Tucker Carlson he goes yeah Tucker ask him who who’s the one guy in history that you think has been totally mischaracterized as a good guy is a bad is really a bad guy and he said Churchill when he said that Uncle Jack’s ears perked up and then he said why and I said oh he knows about the transfer agreement he knows about the mad concordant and how did the papacy get rugged into this whole thing 1933 when the royal family in the Roch house prop Hitler up popas the 11 has this ACC with Hitler and just so you know remember I told you it’s not conspiracy theory when there’s a patent well what did a patent look like in 1933 there’s a coin that you can find today that’s got a swastika on one side and a Jewish star David on the other wow and this m same year that outlawed Gold by the way just to put that in there too but excuse me and in this Monda concordant the pope makes a deal with Hitler that everything Hitler does is by Church rule the church gives their blessing to Hitler now why doesn’t Robert Breedlove or Jack Cruz know about this until 2020 in fact Robert breed love is finding out about it right now well do you know Pope Pas the 11th and 12th they want to uh they want to do uh make this guy a saint so during covid what do you think the Pope the the papacy has to do they open the papal archives when we’re all locked down and I find this out and I’m go okay I’m going to jump down this rabbit hole and what do we find we find all this data buried in the papal archives and what else do we find out that the Rocha are the bankers for the poops as well who so there’s the link and then I started know I knew about the galvi story who’s the banker that is found from the bridge in Britain hanging I’m going bro this all fits so the point I don’t know that who’s the this guy G is is the the the um the papacy Banker that everybody knows he is found Hung okay after a huge corruption scheme because their ties to the zionists that run the bank of England yeah can I ask a question so I just I jump in I on this thre sure was there some causal relationship between Hitler defying the wat child bank or some point that led to them realizing he was betraying their interests and that’s what led to the war actually it was the other way around what the interesting part of the story is you know the story that that um the history books tell us that all these people 4 million to 6 million whoever’s account you believe is killed well if you actually look at the time that alwis is open and running the math doesn’t fit and then we’re told about the chemicals they Ed well as a young man I always knew that chemicals especially these chemicals these are forever chemicals they stick around people have actually gone in and scraped the insides of the chambers the the chemicals that we were told weren’t in the walls so this is when you start to get remember I told you about what I do at the end of every year mhm this happened to me about 25 years ago when I started to question what I believed about that you writing down all your beliefs and asking yourself if you still I have a a notebook where I put all this stuff and I write them down this was one one from I think it was 199 7 or 98 this is a long time ago and I went down that rabbit hole and I always knew that there was a link between the Roman Catholic church and the nefariousness that went on why did I know that there’s pictures that you can find today on YouTube of Pope Pas the 11 and 12th with Hitler the other big story that happens at the same time 1936 which is tied to you uh Edward thei abdicates his throne the story that you and I are told this Co of Wallace Simpson turns out he’s a Nazi and he is very into Hitler his family his dad before his dad dies in I think it was 30 36 sets up the Hitler regime with all the industrialists in Europe but also the industrialists in the United States so Henry Ford is tied to this General Motors JP Morgan all the people that are tied to the FED they’re feeding both sides of this impending War that’s coming with Hitler well because Edward VII is everybody knows that he is they think that this plan that they prpt up Hitler is going to get exposed so he Advocates the throne that’s how we wind up with his brother and eventually with Queen Elizabeth neither one of them were ever supposed to be on the throne and they get thrown into this because they didn’t have the bad issues so I have a picture that at some point when we take a break break I will show you of the queen at 7 years old it’s been on my computer for literally 30 years given the H Hitler wow at this time I have a picture of her sister Margaret doing the same thing I have pictures of Edward with Hitler at this time not only that it’s not just before Hitler he continues to visit Hitler all the way up to 1939 what what did I tell you was my Line in the Sand 41 you understand now why I told you what I told you is because I did this deep dive in the history and I said it makes no sense to me what happened and then I found some key information out why did a lot of the people die there it’s no question that the Jews were persecuted it’s no question that they had experiments run on I there’s an there’s a story in medicine that I learned about yeah why did I go down this path because you didn’t ask me that question but I’m going to tell you the best Atlas that’s ever been made for anatomy in medicine is called percos Atlas the reason why it got poo pooed right in the late uh 1990s when I started questioning all this turns out that many of the atlases were done on Jews that were killed so it’s unethical and there was guys from New York neurologists NYU in Columbia that brought this to light and I used per cost outlas when I was in medical school I used it in neurosurgery it’s spectacular to find that Atlas now takes act of Congress not only that they cost a fortune and you can’t tell anybody that you’ve got it because if you do of course you know you’re an anti-semite and everything else but what I found when I went down this Rabbit Hole was that um that the Jews that were in close quarters in all these camps they had huge amounts of infectious disease many of the deaths that happened would actually be caused typhoid fever and the reason why to answer your question why it was the other way around Hitler was overwhelmed with this problem in Germany when he was fighting a two-front war he was fighting with the Americans in France and then fighting the Russians on the East and he’s got this problem going on here and his resources are limited and he’s telling the rchs you got to help me well guess what this is the secret plan of the raw Charles and the moral family you can’t get a do over in the middle of a World War that you created so guess what happens the raws and Royal Family basically use the Jews as a human shield that’s the real story and when this guy Dylan Cooper does his homework I am very confident in telling both of you that this story you will see that Jack comes out as accurate I know this is going to be UNP pal for people to hear now but remember what I told you about history the only way we get on the right side of things and get to the truth is we have to know what the real truth is and I think this is why when this story comes out safety is going to lose a lot of the Venom in his heart because he doesn’t think that there’s people really on his side me going and finding the Gaza genocide right now or doing things on Twitter that’s not going to help what I just told you right now that’s really going to help in other words people are going to realize who the real bad guys really were safe is try to use his whole life to use the Bitcoin story to tell this story but I got news for you there’s a better story that’s a story that hasn’t been told yet but guess what I know it I know it to be true because I’ve done the due diligence and now we have an academic historian who’s publicly come out on a podcast in front of Tucker Carlson said this is my next project and I know it’s not going to be popular and I know what’s going to challenge convention but Robert this is how we change the world what if I don’t what is that project what is I don’t know what he’s going to call it oh but he just called it his next project is to go in to all the story between oh okay the royal family raild Hitler and expose it let me ask you this so the atlas you were describing what is the justification for censoring that even if it’s created out I heard I heard about this from my wife actually because she studied biomedical science but um I’ll tell you what it is the decentralized side it there’s no good defense of it but remember this is where the story that Danny didn’t want to go down the Massad Story the Israel Story the Zionist story these people the benai birth those are the people I told you about pre- Civil War these people want to keep those people as clean as they possibly can through history you need to find these people those people yeah those are the guys that came over from Soxs cobber and girth they’re the ones that started benai birth in the United States and Ben birth is beny birth is the 4Runner that’s what the name was for the anti-deformation league good and what’s become APAC which is what JFK wanted to ban it’s the foreign Lobby okay of Israel okay and the sacred cow right correct is it’s it’s right now it’s right now get Untouchable at every aspect it has to be Untouchable for the Zionist and this is where you know I think a lot of people are I know Danny was very uncomfortable with this Jews and zionists aren’t the same there’s a couple of guys on bitcoin Clubhouse every time I say this it makes their skin turn why right but I have to tell you I grew up in New York city so I know a lot of Jews who actually feel the way I do sure I don’t think you probably know the story because you probably haven’t listened to all the podcasts that I’ve done but how did I learn all this stuff about Ben I Earth you know who taught me about fractional Reserve banking Theodore silbert he was the CEO of Sterling National Bank on 57th and Madison Avenue I worked for him for two years when I was 15 to 16 years old okay and he was a card carrying mamama of Bernard birth when this was going on this is when Trump took over waldenberg Park and built a park you could actually see the new skate rank being built from Mr silber’s Penthouse and I would and dig their their uh Rolls-Royce out of the the snow when I had snow days and his wife would see me down there and she said look let’s bring him up um cuz my dad was a doorman of their building at um on on Fifth Avenue and I went up to their place and they were very nice to me and we built a relationship and that’s when um Mr sober said he goes well your dad tells me that you’re a really good athlete and you’re really smart so he started to give me how shall we say history lessons about things that I didn’t know about and one of the questions he said well you’re allowed to ask me any question he said um what do you really want to know and I said Mr silbert tell me why my family’s born while your family is not I said your wife told me that you’re getting ready to give your grandson who’s 13 years old he’s making his b mitar you’re getting ready to give him a million dollar I said how can I do that someday for my son and guess what he did he sat me down and he told me of the story about how benai birth came over to the United States started telling me how he got into banking he said Jack he goes there’s an axom with my people he goes if you control the money you control everything and he goes the crazy part is you don’t even have to control that much money he goes my bank is a very small Bank in Manhattan he goes but the people who bank at my bank are very important mhm he goes there’s other bigger Banks other different people he goes but from my little Bank you’re in my penthouse that’s three levels he goes so don’t let anybody tell you that it’s not possible so this was a poor young kid growing up in New York to get the story from the old dog of actually how it works and he’s the one that taught me how fractional Reserve banking really worked and the coolest part of that story is when I was sitting at his his house he um he told me he goes I want you to come to my office on Monday when you’re done with school and he goes we’re going to have a talk and this this the day he decided to hire me so I don’t have like any nice clothes at this time so I’m wearing actually my dad’s one of his old suits and my dad’s penny loafers and I’m sitting there like I’m sitting with you right now and he sees on the bottom of the penny loafers that the leather has got a hole in it and he sees the the suit that doesn’t fit me and he goes Jack I like you he goes the first order business he goes go see this guy at um Rockefeller Center across the street he goes give him my card he goes and then come back when you’re done I go down there to Barney’s and I get put in Armani suit and shoes and the Taylor sends me back and the first lesson he gives me he goes if you’re going to work for me you have to look the part he goes you’re going to get ready to walk into Chase man Manhattan Bank you’re going to walk into American Express he goes I can’t have you looking the way you’re looking because the facade is a big part of what we do and let me just tell you something I never I can tell you as I’m telling you the story I’m thinking about that day as an unfolded what I said to the Taylor and the Taylor said to me he goes do you know who you’re dealing with and I said no I said he’s one of the most powerful guys in all of Manhattan and that is the guy that taught me about what is money how does money really operate in a real world how does it operate on Manhattan Island I even found a lot of the information you got to unpack that one for me that is the sake of the show so I what if you had to Define money and unpack the lesson that this man conveyed to you how would you do that um money is relative power and relative power is controlled by the environment you’re in it turns out for Mr silbert the island of Manhattan gave him great power in other words the magnetism on that island was huge he had personal impacts on all the real estate dealings the Kushner family the Trump family this is before Trump was who Trump became right silbert was part of elevating his game and he told me he goes money allows you to control people and he goes they don’t even know they’re being controlled and he goes you don’t even need that much money to control them because those that don’t have think that when you give them some bit of money any and he said to me he goes think about how you feel right now with a $1,000 suit on and and $500 shoes he said are you empowered he goes when you go home and show your father that he said to me he goes I’ve never given your father a tip like I gave you today he goes I may have put $100 or $200 in an envelope for him at Christmas he goes but you showed me something by digging the snow out of my car he goes my own grandson who got a million dollar was wouldn’t even do what you did okay and I gave him a million dollars he goes but all I had to do is give you a chance he goes and now I’m going to teach you how to become rich he said if that’s what you want he goes I’ll show you truly how it works and I remember walking around the city with barab bonds millions of dollars in an envelope and him telling me because money begins with you have to trust who you’re in business with and this is a time where no Subways bicycles or we walked to where we went very very interesting time you know in the 70s and 80s in New York City can you um we started out down this path with the difference between Zionism and Judaism what is that difference I know so I I don’t know a lot about this Judaism is a Rel is the religion J is somewhere in here an ideology that views one group of people as human and other groups of humans as not human basically yeah I wouldn’t characterize that the talmood I think and that seems to me to be fundamental pathological human cognitive soft but that’s actually what is in their founding documents that would be like the talet is kind of like judaism’s uh founding documents but just like the founding documents today are not followed to the layer the law right the Jews that are what I would call secular Jews that go where the yamakas you know and follow even the very religious sexs um they’re not zionists they’re separate the zionists are the people who wanted to make the prophecy in the talud happen in Israel okay so to simp to try to simplify there’s a group of Jewish people who don’t think they are superior to other humans correct there’s a group of up the I would tell you I think that right I think it makes up the largest amount of Jews the problem is the Jews that have most of the power in Europe and in the United States they are zionists okay and zionists fundamentally believe they are isra superior to other humans right and not only that they are superior in what way this is Gen no I would tell you this this is the craziest part of the story the things that you heard about Hitler and the Aryan race that’s actually what the zionists believe about themselves ah it’s projection okay so and that’s the reason why Dylan Cooper modern M the guy from Twitter this is going to be really cool because you this podcast you are you are Jumping the Shark on this because you’re hearing this from me and I’m not an academician but I can tell you I’m a brain surgeon I’m a very good diagnostician what makes me a good diagnostician I do do Dillan like no one else you’ve ever met I actually look under every stone and I’ve never prior to 18 months ago ever talked publicly or even privately with my own family if you actually interviewed some of my family why because I did not think that this would ever come right to medicine and it did Co is what brought all this to the surface for example safe’s Gaza genocide is my co that’s how I want you to think about my mindset well they’re both the same thing they are both but but they are but here’s the interesting part same end it’s also the same players that’s the interesting part it’s the industrial military complex and the politicians but what are they fundamentally doing and what did we just do we just elected a guy who how shall we say has a lot of ties to these zionists in fact he doesn’t become who he is without these zionists I mean his best friend just so you know talking about Trump yeah I’m talking about uh the family of Estee Lauder but you have okay continue but you I thought you were sort of prot trump but now maybe no I was never prot Trump okay oh you said that’s right you said was Bobby and Nicole are the ones that said look now do I like Trump as a New York yes I thought Trump was great for New York yeah because where Trump came on the scene in New York his New York was a train wreck under John Lindsay was bankrupt are you concerned that he’s another controlled opposition like every was yeah I think he’s a useful idiot I’ve said that on the podcast and I have no problem saying that now I mean I can tell you some of the people that uh I talk to and high government positions they don’t want me to say what I tell you but if you know me Uncle Jack mous not a bakery I’m going to tell you what I really think and it doesn’t mean like I could think um or you could think bad things about me there may be things about me say Jack I don’t like this about you there may be things about Robert breed love in his history that I don’t like but that doesn’t mean that we can’t stop find some common ground you know that whole story about throwing the baby out with the bath water like I will tell you there’s things about Trump that I actually really like but the thing I don’t like is that he’s been propped up up to Power by the people that have done some of the worst things in the world that rhymes of the entire Hitler narrative you just shared well not only not only that but the co narrative it’s actually tied to the polio vaccine it’s tied to we don’t have a problem using humans and Americans as human Shields why because it turns out the people that are populating Israel the people that are the Zionist they’re better than us somehow that’s where safe and I we align but you have to realize something I think the way that we fight that power yeah is a little bit different so okay if that cognitive pathology because again when I say that I mean specifically that all humans are the same species right biologically if you have an ideology unless you took the JB now you’re a GMO human okay well before we get on that path preab we’re all actually one species if you adopt an IDE ology that says no we are superhuman you are subhuman then your ideology does not map onto biological reality that’s what I would call pathological basically I I think it’s what you and Luke talked about it’s sociopathy okay sociopathy they’re sociopaths yeah and you have to realize sociopaths tend to be very successful they tend to go very high in the corporate world okay and they become invisible okay and that’s how they run their Wizard of Oz behind the screen what can we do about that if it’s if it’s rooted in it sounds like show show me your right on again good coin about that’s the answer that is the answer and guess what that’s why I’m trying to tell that the same key listen to me the same key opens the door to heaven and hell like we know the bad things I’m opening the can of worms for you about Trump that’s the bad things remember he’s the dude with Bobby that’s like let’s make Bitcoin a reserve asset now why are we happy about that well we have Bitcoin they’re going to pump our bags we know that it’s going to lead to Freedom what’s the bad thing if you’re a true bitcoiner Cypher Punk style like Glen sasi Peter Todd David sham no they they don’t want this this this idea that’s percolating right now is Michael sailor’s creation that we want you mean nation state ad option yeah no that we want the government somehow involved in I I would tell you to be honest inevitable though how could you ever feat the government from getting involved I think they’re going to get into it values the government inserts itself in but I think Bitcoin can remain the power base of the people the all loyal title of man I don’t think it can be corrupted I agree with that they’re trying all they can lotnik thinkink all the guys are around Trump that are jockeying for position I’m even going to tell you saor the guy that I know that you like you’ve done a podcast with I’ve said to one of your guys before there’s no sacred cows with me brother I had dinner with the guy you know chat them rules so I can’t tell you what went on but there was two big Corners in the room had a huge discussion with Mr sailor I could look I’ve talked and we’re not we’re I’m just going to tell you I can imagine that the Sparks were flying is all I got to say cuz I know how he feels about talking about some of these things publicly and I know how you feel about talking about some of these things probably but that’s what I’m trying to tell you we can still be in the same family but we can fight with each other for what it’s worth actually lean a little more your direction because I mean I think he’s playing a different game he is right he’s a different level different game exactly he’s he’s he’s way above our pay grade that’s fine you play that game he’s playing it [ __ ] brilliantly however that doesn’t mean there’s not other games to be played play well you know one of my friends that kept me on Twitter Jack dorsy yeah he’s playing he’s got way more Bitcoin than [ __ ] sailor yeah and he’s playing a totally different game so what am I trying to tell you I’ve surrounded myself with people that have different ideology what I’m telling you the ideology isn’t a big issue yeah what I’m saying to you that I want to sit down with my enemies at the table I want to understand your argument and then I want to parsa do my due diligence and I’m going to take away from you the things I need to take away right but then via negativa on the things that I find superflu okay let me ask you then so you said Bitcoin was solution to a pathological ideology let’s assume Bitcoin fully monetized fully at its Pinnacle of success in the world and these uh ideologies still persisted you’re saying that they just wouldn’t be able to wreak as much damage even though because it would still like this would still introduce some at least unethical Behavior right if you assume that if I even my heart aparts that I’m a superhuman and you’re a subhuman well I mean I eat cows right they’re not human I eat them so doesn’t that implicitly justify some pretty atrocious acts from me against you in that world even if Bitcoin is monetized the way you framed that discussion I’m going to agree with you but the way I want you to think about it or not you to think about it but the way I want you to understand Uncle Jack I want you to think about what happened 65 million years ago in the yukatan peninsula where small little rodents took over the world from T-Rex’s it’s more like that that gradually over time that the T-Rexes are now flying around in the trees around us right now and are they doing the same thing to the mammals that they were doing then the answer is no and remember what I said to you before in your sailor series you guys did a really good job of parsing out the case that the thermodynamic energy really is the Fiat money to fuel the industrial military complex what is safe’s real problem what is your problem what is my problem with the Zionist it’s actually the War Machine and I think you know Jason Lowry’s done a good job in his book I think you’ve done a good job in many of the podcasts you are so I guess how I’m answering your question is that in due time it will be taken out I think the problem is is that safine wants it solved tomorrow you think incentives then reshape ideologies over time no question okay I mean just think about how we got got all the gay people that we got in the world today without screen technology it never happens right like if we stayed you know with black and white TV I don’t think we get the freak show that we get in many of the Cities we have all right so you’re starting to get into the light story a little bit which I do want to get into you just so you know this is all a light story because Bitcoin runs on electricity of course and the way the way the mammals uh survived is that well we generate our own light right where the reptiles were very dependent on the sun which blotted out for X number of years after the strike on the UK mammals were forced to be under the ground because it was not safe to be yes outside and then when the environment changed right and all the big predators were gone right we had indog inous light well no we came up and our melanin was in our fur and our outside and when the light hit it we absorbed more and that allowed us to suck the melanin inside and then become who you and I are that’s the and this is also the melanin intelligence this is the whole 10-hour uberman podcast with Rickman I definitely want to get into that but I think maybe since we did history of conspiracy theories day one will stay on this track I have to ask you given that Bitcoin is this meta solution to so many problems you have a very interesting take that I’ve heard you unpack on the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto that this was actually a competitive response to centralized money that um I want to I just want to hear you tell this story if you don’t mind Uncle Jack who is Satoshi nagamoto uh I’m not going to give you the answer before the story unfolds correct um so when I did the Danny Jones podcast we never got to this point because he didn’t want to go down the Zionist Jewish mad angle so I have to give you some background because we haven’t talked about the main player so the main player is a guy that comes over in 1911 his name is meer Lansky comes over with another guy named the same guy that’s in I think Boardwalk infire right yeah and mo Dallas and another guy that they made a movie about you probably heard of Bugsy seagull and what happens is these guys start out in the Jewish mob that was mostly in the midwest like Detroit Cleveland that area and remember woodro Wilson uh passes not only the Federal Reserve Act around this time but also the income tax law so what’s the first thing that these new guys immigrants that are coming over they have to figure out how to launder money so where does laundering money the term come from Mod Dallas Bugsy seagull and Myer Lansky use laundr mats in this part of the United States to circumvent the uh income tax then they do something even crazier they know that prohibition is coming they connect with the bronin you know the bronin to this very day also Jewish immigrants live in Canada but they were also base the United States Lansky becomes their front what is lans’s claim to fame he’s an idiot Sant when it comes to money like you give him the Rules of Engagement he’ll figure out how to get around the system so he then is the major salesman both in New York in the Midwest and event to the rest of the world through all of prohibition um he makes the bronin fabulously wealthy um this is obviously when he gets on the radar of all the people you know uh in the FBI remember the FBI forms in 1908 this is right around the same time um Lansky realizes he has to stay one up on the lawmen so what’s one of the things that he’s famous for all the things that you hear about uh Mr Epstein is the architect of this whole plan he’s the one that set ups pedo Rings sex Rings all kinds of traps and he ens snares the early FBI director J Edgar Hoover oh was a blackmail thing correct and that’s how he got him he got caught up in Lansky’s blackmail thing but as I told your compatriot earlier Lansky was smart nansy never had assets tied to him he controlled people and what did he do by keeping Jed gaho clean like none of the stuff all the stuff what we know about Jed Grover today comes out way after Jay evur is out of power Lansky uses this to control him his whole entire life all the way into the 70s okay so Lansky becomes extremely popular uh grows up while he’s a young IM immigrant and meets lucky luchano that’s the Italian mom the Italian mom is the shoo up guys the Jewish mob are the guys that are the bankers they’re the they become the accountants for Murder Inc they form a criminal Enterprise this would be like a RICO a conspiracy uh and luy luchano really took a liking to Lansky and then when they found out how talented Lansky was that he could figure out financing for any deal that they want to do Lansky business Acumen is is brought into the Italian families and he’s elevated he’s so elevated that the story that you know about later when Bugsy seagull is killed by the Italian mob you don’t know that he was there was three attempts on his life Myer Lansky stopped the first two because lucky luchano knew what was the first two attempts about is modalot and and seagull setting up Vegas in the desert which was the craziest idea ever but why did they seek the desert this is how the Jewish immigrants thought like why do we want to stay in New York or in Detroit or Cleveland let’s go where there’s nobody at Nevada in a desert there’s nobody here it’s the wild west no law there’s no law that’s actually their original mindset and when they sold that to the Italian mob they’re like okay this makes sense wasn’t their big play their big play was down in Cuba then magically what happened the deal in Vegas continues to lose money but then the the revolution with Castro happens and the money maker goes bye-bye so that’s when the the Italian mob turns around and says look we’re spending millions of dollars here we’re not getting a return on investment we’re going to kill seagull L Lansky [ __ ] blocks it twice finally the last time he couldn’t [ __ ] block it the mob takes out uh seagull in uh the Beverly Hills hotel I think it’s like 1940 43 somewhere around there um what happens within 2 hours of the hit mod dallot Cohen uh and Dallas I should say uh and my Lansky walk in to the Flamingo Hotel everything is turned over to these two guys within the first 60 days is they remove the clocks they paint the glass and they bring the one-arm bandits in why does this all happen this all happens because Mo Dallas not my Lansky asks a question of the guys gambling we notice that our takes all go down right around 5 or 6 o’ and they’re like yeah the reason it goes down is because you guys don’t have any food here for us to eat there’s no drinks so the first thing he does he sets up buffets so the big buffets that you know were stapled when I grew up in Vegas not when you guys grew up no they’re still there actually I lived there five years there’s an echo of there yes well this became a feature of Las Vegas from the mid1 1940s all the way in through this stuff happens in Cuba then they paint the Windows like if you know the downtown I think it’s Fremont Street yeah that um that casino was the first one that has its Windows painted right on the street Golden Nugget uh no it wasn’t a golden nugget it’s the one that’s on that street I can’t remember the name of it but I think it’s it’s called the Fremont Casino Fremont Street yeah there a Fremont Casino yeah I think that’s the one that I’m talking about that’s where they do the test case before they do the flamingo yeah and then the clocks are gone and what what do they know within two months the Italian Mom starts seeing the prices go up so this is not any science at all this is just Jewish Mobsters being crafty and paying attention to their customers and what Dallas finds is that he doesn’t have to hold people up he actually can feed them give them alcohol put girls in scampy costumes and next thing you know they’re staying all night so the coffers go up so guess what happens not as profitable as the other casinos that they have in Cuba but then when Castro happens there’s a huge void right it’s only Vegas so then Dallas really ramps it up and Meer Lansky at this time this is all going on if you remember the story that I told in other podcast and we tangentially tied to it how does Lansky become the rockar of the industrial military complex so remember we talked briefly about the Manhattan Project why does it have the name Manhattan well when it started it was on the 67th floor of the Empire State Building okay that’s where it started 1942 this is after Einstein’s letter to FDR in 39 warning that the Nazis are are going to be building a bomb um they take the the threat is credible what do they do then uh General Grow replaces uh Albert Compton Compton is a scientist you may not know this but Compton scattering from x-rays that’s what it’s named after this guy he’s very accomplished scientist Gro replaces him what’s gr claim to fame West Point MIT train he’s a engineer and a military man he’s going to lead the biggest engineering project in the history of the world so he turns around to the two guys that FDR hooks him up with which are the two Pilgrim guys that’s John Foster Douglas and Allen dullas and he sends them to Europe to procure the scientist that Einstein tells grow you need to get as part of this program um Dulles goes over there and that gets the name Operation Paperclip many people who listen to your podcast who’s listen to Danny’s think that operation paper clip started after the war it’s not true it started before the war that’s actually how we got the guys gross makes uh a big decision this is where Oak Tennessee is made this is also where Handover washing is made they’re going to be doing the uranium and the plutonium and then the key point is going to be University of Chicago which we’ve talked about already yeah this is where fery is and this is where the two doctors that came into the story later trained at so in 1942 the war is on if you know anything about the war the United States not only got their ass kicked at Pearl Harbor but they also get their ass kicked in Midway we win the Battle of Midway but we lost a lot of our Pacific Force so the United States is effectively already fighting a two-front war Eisenhower Patton MacArthur are fighting the Nazis in Europe so uh FDR gets reports that there’s ubot scientists and ubot spies coming into New York Harbor to find out why General GS hired all these Jewish scientists and brought them to the United States in 1939 1940 1941 and 1942 so General gross tells FDR we got a problem we we can’t defend uh New York Harbor we’re just too spread thin he says but I have an idea he goes the guys that control the dock so the long shoremen they’re all tied to the Mob let’s bring the mob in and ask them for help I mean cuz this this their jobs as well even though they’re crios right so FDR looks at him and thinks he’s crazy and he says okay and they bring Lansky in so FDR says to Lansky uh we want your help to patrol the docks on the Brooklyn Navy yards if you find any OTS any Nazis and you know Lans is believing the story that you believe prior to our discussion about Hitler’s a bad guy and they killed the Jews and all that so Lancey goes yeah I’d be more than happy to be a patriot and help you out I’ve made a good living in this country but he goes you have to do something for me he goes you got to get L Lucky luchano out of the Maximum Security Prison so that we can run our business together wow so why do I tell you this part of the story because I want you to fact check what I just told you cuz you can you’ll actually see he’s moved right at this time the next part of the story you’re not going to know too much about you’ll know a little bit but not everything literally within the first month of the mob patrolling the docks they find 19 spies they kill 18 of them but they keep one guy you know why they keep the guy he’s got a very interesting story um he started off as an SS surgeon he’s a doctor his name is Kurt plotner plotner tells Lansky he goes that they’re doing some very interesting things in in the concentration camps they’re making people doile to make them easy to control they’re using fluoride to do that he goes and then they’re using other chemicals the specific one is musculin pyote and he goes well why are they doing it because they’re doing all kinds of experiments to try to control people and do this because they’re moving them to different parts of the globe and plaer never knows where they’re moving them but this ties into the story I told you before this is the transer agreement that Hitler makes with the royal family to get people to Palestine um and Lansky finds this story very interesting he also finds out that the Jews aren’t being killed by the Nazis from this guy he goes no that’s not the plan our job is to take their money put it in a raw child Bank Hitler took the bank but the Roch house would get the money back as soon as he hears that he goes wait a minute he goes you’re going to tell me that they’re taking these people’s money putting in a bank and the Roch house are getting that money and they’re going to repatriate them when they get to Israel Lansky knows right away this is a total [ __ ] story he begins to realize that the royal family and the Roch house set this whole story up so what does Lansky do Lansky goes and tells FD and the people in the military this is before the military’s corrupted what this plan is this shocks the people in the US military but it makes Lansky a rockar why because he in fact finds the problem in New York Harbor when no one else could do it but ly goes and tells the people who will become the mad this the Israeli Defense Forces remember because Israel is not a country it doesn’t become a country till 48 he tells them the same information he tells the uh Americans so everything goes hunky door the Germans can’t get into the States you know that we’re successful so what happens after the war you know the blow up with Castro and the mob Castro nationalized the casinos the mob loses money Lansky walks into um um a casino in Havana the day before the uh Revolution and takes $3 million out the FBI and the CIA knows that that money is never found ever again um we think that money was used for them to build up Vegas no one knows that for sure the the data trail that I found goes back to a a Jewish lawyer that’s still alive today in Florida close to where you live his name’s Ira malnick yeah yeah and malnick is the opposite of Lansky Lansky lived his whole life like you know he’s a Bitcoin bum you can’t find out any money he’s got you know he lived like a popper but this guy mck he lives in a $60 million House in South Florida keep SC right yeah and it’s it to this very day he’s a really really powerful guy and does a lot of work with both the Italian and Jewish mob and Lansky goes back makes Vegas with Mod dallot extremely successful anybody who doesn’t know the story of moall you can literally get on the internet right now and look it up and you can see what he did both of these guys two Jewish guys never get in any trouble I’m talking about trouble like the Italian mob gets in ever in their whole life but what does JED gaho do Jed gaho knows that Lansky caught him in this homosexual trist and he’s got pictures Lansky’s the one that caught JFK he’s the one that caught Bobby Kennedy Senor he’s the one that caught Marilyn Monroe he’s the one that actually even set up all the stuff that the CIA was doing you know with jolly West if in case you don’t know who Jolly West was Danny got involved with this in his podcast he just saying he he was blackmailing all these people oh yeah but he was also the banker for General Gro General Gro gets thrown out of the military why because Eisenhower Patton and MacArthur thought that Gro was going to T try to take credit for the winning the war by dropping the two bonds and he goes wait a minute we’re out here fighting the war and you have a bunch of Jewish scientists making a bomb and you think you’re going to get credit and this infuriated Eisenhower so what happens Eisenhower basically makes it miserable uh for grow grow gets excommunicated from the military in 47 but the way out the door he’s the guy that set up the first military coup remember I told you that the military is pure but it went bad what is the line in the no the Line in the Sand for the military when they go fraudulent was the fourth election for FDR the vice president for FDR for those three times is a guy named Henry Wallace best way for me to describe him to you today it’s like seeing Bernie Sanders Henry Wallace gives a speech in 1942 that after the war he sees the future of America as a common man well you can only imagine gruz is doing the Manhattan Project building his bonds and is like that’s not my vision for what the future is my vision for the future is the military is going to be strong and da and in the fourth Tong the polio Gillian Beret is getting so bad Gro knows that FDR is going to die so he goes to the most powerful guy in the US Senate is a guy named Jimmy burns from South Carolina Jimmy Burns holds this distinction he’s the only person in US history that’s been secretary State Senate and a house of represent Representatives no one’s ever held all three positions oh so Jimmy Burns um gets the DNC to deinstall Wallace and put up a non-name manuring candidate who is that Harry Turman he’s a senator from Missouri so literally the DNC in December of 44 get stopped by Jimmy Burns magically in those 9 minutes they close all the voting Henry Wallace led the first three ballots next day he comes in everything gets completely flipped they make all kinds of back door deals in Chicago Truman’s in why because Gro knows that he can control Truman what was the the control card that he used when he got thrown out of the military he had Henry Truman put in the National Security Act that got the CIA in CIA is all of his friends George Kennan Wild Bill dunan the dullas brothers got it and when he goes outside remember I want you to the CIA was in charge of the country at this point correct they weren’t in charge truly of the country still I would tell you the Joint Chiefs the the Eisenhower the MacArthur they were powerful the president still had a lot of power but because Truman is in Truman Truman didn’t even know the bomb existed the first two months that he was President you know who told him not gr Jimmy Burns and because he tells him Truman makes Jimmy burns the secretary of state turns out why is that become important in this whole historical story remember I told you about Tran um walta and potam potam is when when um Churchill Stalin and Tran meet everything that was promised by FDR at the other two meetings to Russia gets flipped on dime because Burns tells Truman you tell him he’s now the enemy we’re not rebuilding Russia we’re just going to rebuild Europe just so you know the Marshall general Marshall he’s also a pilgrim guy and also a council of Foreign Relations guy just so you know who we’re dealing with so what I’m telling you is everything goes Ary when they push General grov outside what happens Eisenhower thinks he’s okay with this who’s Eisenhower’s vice president Nixon Nixon thinks he’s okay General Gro needs to have money because you know he’s a military guy he doesn’t have any cash he goes out and becomes CEO of Remington ran Remington ran is the number one weapon supplier of the US military General Gro is a position know that because he had the highest security clearance he becomes a a messenger and then he finds another company very crazily called Burrows burrow sells calculators Min computers flashlights but they’re big Electronics he merges the two together you know what those two companies become Sperry what does sper get renamed gets renamed unisus what does sper do in this whole time outside the military they make univac computers univac computers that they wind up selling back to the US military do you know why because in 1957 the Russians put Sputnik up in space and this caught Nixon and Eisenhower completely by surprise but guess who didn’t catch by surprise grow because grow knew what was going on because of his time in the Manhattan Project that’s when Eisenhower has to bring grows and his industrial military complex back into the federal government what what was that called in 1958 robbert DARPA first name was arpa what what was the first project that arpa did first thing Gro did he linked Stanford John’s Hopkins all the little colleges that yeah you learned about in Co together with a computer network yeah got it something else happens Eisenhower changes the name in 58 to DARPA and then I already told you about Eisenhower’s little farewell speech and that the biggest risk why because heat didn’t trust grows at any level this proves to you that I’m right but what’s happening outside the scenes how does grow get the money he starts working with Myer Lansky Myer l is bringing Groves money left and right hand over fist who introduces Groves to Howard use Meer Lansky so guess why Howard use is linked to this whole story because he now becomes the benefactor he’s like the Rockefeller that wasn’t tied to the banking institution he was the bank for Myer Lansky and General Grow that fueled the growth of the industrial military complex outside the military so when General Gro retires he’s officially done in ‘ 61 remember all his people now are brought back in for three years into Eisenhower’s White House we have the election Kennedy comes in you know the story there Myer Lansky now J Edgar Hoover is on his ass about that 3 million I told you you found we have the best forensic accountants in the world in the IRS and they can’t find out a goddamn place where this money went like it’s like You’ vanish from the face of the Earth jayed goo is beside himself because he knows that he has to get Lansky on some kind of deal like they got Capone like tax evasion to get him and Sidetrack him from being a problem for him so what effectively happens is they can’t catch and anybody in Vegas for almost 13 years and then we have a change with LBJ coming in into Nixon and iron malnick finds out iron malnick just so you know how did he become tight with the military he worked in US Army intelligence 53 through 57 so that’s why he’s connected the story how did I find all this out I found this out when I met with Becker at our famous 2007 meeting cuz he’s the one that figured out who canceled him it was all the guys in the industrial military complex so when I started to learn about all these things that Lansky was doing I thought it was interesting Becker told me something that I’ll will never forget and I thought it was a minor part of the story he said Jack have you ever looked at the Munitions act that was created after World War II and I said no he goes you’re going to find something very interesting cryptography is part of the Munitions act right and do you know why that was the case he’s the one that clued me in he goes because Turing didn’t do what everybody thinks he did he was sending messages from the royal family in the Raj house to the Nazis that was the only way they had communication the second way is what I told you the king of Spain had a cousin that was a runner between the papacy and there that’s how they kept the connection going and the reason why they made it part of the Munitions Act is because it was so successful that nobody ever found out the real story what Turing was really up to right this came up decades later with a bit torrant case where they’re trying to I’m sorry pgp HED right pretty good privacy software yeah they were trying to classify the Munitions to prevent its exploitation correct yeah so that’s what brings us to the next part of the story so in the 60s jedar Hoover is going [ __ ] crazy to figure out what happens and they iron malnick founds out that jedar Hoover has got a a subpoena out in 68 this is at the end of lbj’s Reign and Nixon’s coming in so they know there’s going to be a change of AGS between Ramsey hunt and and Nixon’s guy who’s going to be John Mitchell and um Ira tells Lansky look the the Israel guys set up a program that they had for Lee Harvey Oswald when they tried to kill Castro with the sv40 lad in cigar that’s why he was able to go to Soviet and come back in so that Castor would think he was aami and so Israel came up with the idea that any Jew no matter what’s in your history you can come back to Israel and they’ll give you protection and give you a passport so he tells Lansky to avoid this subpoena you may want to go and do this so Lans is really pissed off he’s like look I helped these [ __ ] I set them up in the military this guy in the FBI because remember the FBI at this time in the CIA there are like two separate wings of intelligence one is international one is Homebound and Lansky is really linked to the CIA side and to the guys that are running the military so he’s Furious because he feels like he’s been [ __ ] because he’s been a patriot this whole time so he goes okay to Ira he goes hold my beer he goes to Israel in 1969 avoids The subpoena finally uh the new Attorney General John Mitchell gets Israel to allow them to talk to Lansky and then Lansky before he has the famous meeting calls in the mad calls in uh the guys that are the Prime Minister I think it was gold in my ear at the time and he said I’m going to do something unusual it’s going to make all of you feel uncomfortable he goes I’m going to tell them the truth and they look at him like what do you mean you’re going to tell him the truth and this is just like the Top Gun story I’m going to let him come closer none of them have any clue about what he’s about to do so he was working with two people uh a guy named Bill Hamilton and his wife they came up with some weird software right at this time it’s called The Promise software p r o m i s this was used in attorney general’s offices okay that they could keep up their case log it turns out that it had a back door on it it actually gave Lansky access to the IRS computer and he knew everything the Federal Reserve was doing before they did it for a long period of time and he was having his computer people update this information and what else was he doing he used the promise software to infect just about every single big government around why he wasn’t interesting he wasn’t interested in doing the things the CIA does he was interested in staying in front of the raws because he was [ __ ] furious at them for using Jews as a pawn because remember he’s a Russian Jew that made good he’s a Jew he’s not a [ __ ] Zionist right he he’s okay with Israel but he’s like you can’t use people as a human shield and if there’s one thing that you’ll learn about lansi when you do the Deep dive on him he’s a it just almost sounds like an oxymoron say he’s an ethical criminal he’s like if you can’t beat them at their own game you shouldn’t play dirty so he goes in and meets the people in Israel and tells the [ __ ] IRS and the US fed I’ve been [ __ ] watching you guys for 20 years I know everything you’re going to do before you do it and he shows them how the money is corrupted the [ __ ] government is stunted so now you as a bitcoiner probably are beginning to understand so this is why 1971 really happens what happens in 1970 my friend we get the bank secrecy Act what do you and I call that the AML kyc laws right because the guys in the FED realize that the system is really corrupted in other words they don’t have the control turns out this guy who’s the accountant for Murder Inc right is been playing them for literally 30 years yeah running General gr’s Shadow government this is a centralization problem too you got it brother so you probably are thinking why would he bring them closer cuz he wanted the [ __ ] raild and rock Fellers to know who they were [ __ ] with he goes I helped you guys during the War I helped you doing this and you’re going to come after me for $3 million from a casino in Cuba I’m going to make this hurt so 71 we get the Nixon shock why because now the guys who are in the Federal Reserve realize that Fiat money is corruptible and it has to be blown up because they can’t use it anymore because Lansky’s track everybody all over the world he knows exactly what’s going on then he goes the craziest step ever he says if you want to fix your problem you need to computerize your money he said you know all those computers that I had General gr build the univac ones and they sold them to Eisenhower and Nixon he goes that’s what you need to do now just remember who’s the president now Nixon he’s no longer the vice president he’s the president that’s where the Nixon shock comes from it’s not the story that the bitcoiner and they have their their little websites when to tell you so so so Nixon shock is a response to guys realizing they’re getting back doored oh yeah what is it about going off a gold standard that solved that problem at all for them well because they knew that Lansky knew everything it was about them in other words Lansky could rug pull them anytime okay like he could out them to the whole world then their shell game is over okay so he tells him you need to come up oh so he was probably B just like he did with Jer Hoover keep them under your thumb and control them right make them useful idiots but the blackmailing probably in this case would have been the fractural reserve banking that they’re running correct why so what does he do and this is why when we went off the gold standard the estimate was there’s $6 to1 liabilities to gold in reserve so that was probably the fraud that was get to exposed correct or could have been exposed could have been exposed and it could have blown up the entire system that’s where the Federal Reserve Act goes but remember what I told you about Lans lans’s not interested in Revenge Lansky has always been interested in control so he wanted the guys that have Roth Roth child Drive in Tel Aviv to know I got you by the balls and he wanted the guys in the FED in all 12 cities to know I got you by the balls too and he wanted to let them know that the CIA was there partner in other words that’s when everybody’s now playing naked at the card table well got it yeah so what does Lansky do this is the most amazing part of the story when you dive deep and do your due diligence you would think that they’d [ __ ] suicide this guy or kill him they were so afraid of him because guess what of all his friends in the mob they knew what they were capable of doing they killed the [ __ ] president so they knew the deal um but when the the new AG comes in for Mitchell realize that this is the time watergate’s going on uh what’s his name eel Hunt is in there this is when all the JFK starting to go this guy hunt exposes to the Watergate people G Gordon L’s in there uh this is Cia guys Nixon has an AG that’s only present I believe for eight or months he goes from like February to December that’s the guy his name’s Robinson he wants to nail lansi to the wall and Nixon goes we’re not going to do that Nixon then changes the AG to a Zionist his name is Levi Levi is in cahoots he’s a dual passport guy in the United States and Israel he understands the game that’s going on guess what happens to Lans in 1973-74 he walks out with an AC quiddle that says well he’s going to die soon so we’re not going to go after him want to hear the funniest part of the story go look at Myer Lansky’s charge sheet and then go look at Russ alick’s charge sheet you know what you’re going to see almost exactly the same run he was running a Marketplace you should look at it sometime these are discoverable documents my friend what I’m going to tell you is Ross got his p pouncy because they were punishing Meer Lansky so now cuz they never got him before so what’s the real story remember what Silk Road was it was a drug for Bitcoin kind of [ __ ] right yeah it’s Open Marketplace people sold a lot of drugs on their what did Lansky do same [ __ ] thing except he did it using Fiat money without a computer token so it brings us to the story that most bitcoiners want to hear it’s why you asked me the question 45 minutes ago before we went through this random walk so Lansky walks out of jail in 73 tells iron melck go find me the smartest it guys in the world because we need to build another system that can stay ahead of the system that I just sold these guys with the univac computers from unisus so what does he do he finds this young little Jewish guy named David sham David sham you should know as a bitcoiner show me an e yes all right but what’s the key thing that you need to know about David Shaman that’s very unusual you know anything about his family have you ever done a deep dive on his family robbery comes from no money absolutely no money at all like we’re talking poor people but do you know what’s really unusual about David Chong you need to look into it soon as he finishes at at Cal he opens four International companies in the Netherlands is that is that cheap you know how much it cost to open up a company in 1981 82 in the Netherlands and here’s the interesting thing go look at the four companies opens up one of them is on cryptography one of them is on on a peer-to-peer system but you know what the other one’s on it’s the Forerunner of dominion voting machines you think they may be trying to gain the system even further to their advantage so what does sham do this is the part where I can skip through because I think most of the bitcoiners know it sham works from 1981 all the way through I’d say 98 that’s when the his company digicash goes bankrupt but what’s his claim to fame in that whole time ly knows to set up another system he’s trying to set up a peer-to-peer system that’s for Murder Inc the CIA and the industrial military complex how did I get tuned into all this I went back and read the Warren Commission and I found the CIA and in the Warren Commission and Lansky have the same personal banker his name is uh M Pinsky and I saw it in there and I started to do the Deep dive through that that name Pinsky came up in a lot of iron melanic shell companies in Florida so I started to realize what happened Lansky made sure that Mal calledo money all of that money went to David sham sham is the one that set up all of this stuff and he was told at the time if you go back and look at what Sha’s additional paperwork’s all about it’s about things that would be related to the bank secrecy act that no one else would know like there was no impetus in this time of the United States to come up with these ideas it’s almost like they came out of the Mist it’s almost like the C and Cassie means people like they just show up and want to talk about Froot Loops and why they’re so bad and don’t worry about the Jabs well sham continues on and goes on then some very very interesting things happen he comes up with blind signatures and he comes up with Shuffle and mixed networks those become the key to the work that he’s doing in digicash how impressive does it get it gets so impressive that he gets 5,000 customers who’s one of the customers Deutsche Bank Central Bank of Germany and he guesses how that happened through our friends they’re trying to keep tabs on what the hell is going on who else Mark Twain Bank in the United States is the other big customer guess who owns that bank not anybody associated with the Federal Reserve so this is a bank that’s controlled by the mob and what are they trying to do they are trying to take the idea of Lansky the ideation get to the execution Sha’s the executor yeah to make it come fruition what magically happens Lans dies in 83 so The Mastermind is gone sham has got the idea all the guys that you know about in the Jewish mob they’re still around but they’re not as powerful as Lansky this is when the Italian mod starts falling apart this is the times of John Gotti this is the times of money laundering this is when they take out Paul Castellano and you have Mina Arkansas you have Vil Clinton are they using the legal system to take down the Italian mafia at that time uh no actually what lansi was doing is trying to build his own private peer peer Network so he could move money all around with nobody knowing about it not even the IRS computer so sham is the guy that’s in control of all this but what happens sham uh open sources it you know right around I think it was 87 88 89 what is that who does lets the door in then that’s where the cipher punks Comm in so it goes open source right that’s when Murder Inc and the Jewish mob lose control of the project this turns out to be the best thing ever for Robert breed and Uncle Jack so show them save the day I wouldn’t say save the day it’s kind of like um well it would have never happened that he not open sorcer right oh yeah well but he had open sorcer because he didn’t have the the power that he needed okay from all the different people that were putting their two sons in the most interesting part of the story is how digicash goes by the wayside it’s sold on the courthouse steps in 1998 you know who buys it guy named naine Jan you know anything about naine jam cuz we’re getting ready to tie the General Grow bow in a a knot here so you can see where it comes um naen Jan is part of a company named emphasis emphasis was Google before Google was Google right okay and they also are tied into search surveillance and algorithms they’re also tied to General gross friends in Silicon Valley um he knows that this is ultimately tied to what my Lansky plan is do you know why you know where naine Jan comes from India and when he comes over guess who’s the first company he works for buros remember who burrow was that merged with Remington Rand yeah so he knew that the keys to General gr’s plan about setting up a private bank with peer-to-peer cash flows was buried in what sham was working in but since it was being sold at the courthouse steps he bought it all but he had no idea how to deal with it so who did J Jan wind up working for later Microsoft Believe It or Not Bill Gates almost try in 1994 to buy digicash because he also knew who else was involved with all this Peter Theo and the PayPal Mafia Elon Musk they knew about this as well to this very day but Jan takes it goes through the wind and then magically this young kid shows up who’s a PhD candidate of David shones in the no one you know what his name is Len sasan Len sass is Satoshi Nakamoto because what does he do he realizes immediately what sham didn’t what Adam back didn’t realize everybody in Bitcoin gives Adam back deference like he’s the pope Uncle Jack’s the only guy that does it because Adam back’s part is this big turns out when sasman looks at it do you know what his claim to f was at 18 years old he gets tied into building the TCP IP network for tour and the dark web okay yeah this is ultimately where Ross is going to cut his teeth he does all the basic work for this and he realizes through those shuffling networks and how they work that timestamping is the single most important part yeah of this mechanism and what does he do three parts in the white paper what did I say from Bitcoin Prague the thing that struck me when Jack dorsy handed me the white paper the first time I said this is just like circadian biology it’s timestamping and it turns out it doesn’t work with Quantum uh time not time relativity it’s actually Newtonian time it rejects seconds hours and minutes for 10 minutes 10 minute blocks and the reason why he had to do that is cuz what he learned in tour is that in order to make it work you had a Tim stamp to make things connect that’s exactly what happens you got it so he’s the one that puts the entire system together and then magically what happens what where does this tie in so he was in marrying Adam back’s proof of work to digicash correct and the flying time part of proof of work though right uh it is but not the way sasan does it okay and the key is the most important part of Bitcoin isn’t the proof of work mechanism it’s the time stat right because guess what out if time is relative you can’t have an immutable Ledger the fact that you can’t have an immutable Ledger without the expenditure of energy correct they’re both necessary but remember that’s entropy and entropy everything that uh deals with a clock all clocks are is flow meters of entropy that’s the Brilliance of lens sass he figures that out comes up with the white paper and has a solution the reason why it’s a universal flow meter for in you got it that’s exactly what it is and see it made sense to me because here I am as the mitochondriac which is the time machine in US Bitcoin is the time machine in money and the craziest part of the story is if it doesn’t go OB source and sasman isn’t the PHD candidate of Sham in Amsterdam or in Belgium yeah dude this Confluence never happens and here’s where it crashes back on me how does Sassaman get taken out why does it it make sense why he fell off the face of the Earth at 18 years old since he’s a tech abuser like dorsy was he gets horrible depression the depression goes into other mental illness he develops a functional neurologic deficit that functional neurologic deficit is why he kills himself so in other words non-native EMF the stuff that you asked me about earlier this story is tied to bitcoin so now when you asked me the story of how finny do you understand why I went to bitcoin Prague and I said the things I said why because my understanding of Bitcoin is radically different than Sailors radically different than yours radically different than everybody else why because it’s the timing that’s the key and if you know anything about physics which I know sailor does but here’s the thing that you and saor never talked about in your big time controls the flow of energy Over Matter yeah Bitcoin is all about time well it’s then it’s power right per unit time right so yeah which money is power correct so now that’s [ __ ] fantastic so how do you get the evidence to support that conclusion I mean obviously you’ve painted a very brilliant narrative but like where did you find that did you figure that out all the homework that I did chasing down Lansky story why because this whole thing was tied yeah again because we didn’t get into this so far on the podcast all of this was tied to my belief as a young man young resident that the United States doesn’t get back on its feet until we put the people who killed JFK in jail right and it turns out that Lansky and the Bitcoin story right crash into this this way and it’s my work on Lansky that brought me to Sham like when you learned about sham like when my friends in Bitcoin learned about sham they knew about sham a different way I didn’t know anything about sham right on the cryptography side so is it fair to say then that Meer lans’s uh attempt to outsmart centralized money powers and stay one step ahead of them is the Legacy that gave rise to the ideas that were precursor to bitcoin and ultimately became Bitcoin because Bitcoin is this long sequence of ideas and trial and error right and then eventually all the pieces are put together properly I’m going to I’m going to phrase it for you without the word salad you just gave Myer Lansky is thei but I’m going to say my Lansky is the idiot Sant of Bitcoin okay and the reason why is remember what I told you his claim to fame was he was an accountant and he knew about math and money he wasn’t a cryptographer but he knew yeah where the answer lied and he controlled people to actually get the answer and the craziest part of the story is lans’s able to do this from the grave and actually Satoshi Len sassman I believe also lights that from the grave and the reason why I think this story is important is because this is where I got my piece I’ve always believed because you heard what I said about Co that the people that kill JFK I need their heads on a platter before I’d be okay with this and it turns out when I figured all this stuff out about Lansky sassin and Bitcoin I realized that we had their heads I realized that that the people that needed to be penalized are now going to be penalized and now when I see the current events that are unfolding right now you can imagine how I see these things compared to how most other bitcoiners see them and why I’m kind of okay yeah with the narrative that’s there why because I I may not get to see it Robert in my life but the one nice thing about sharing this story with you as a young bitcoiner you’re going to be alive and you’re going to remember this day when you heard the story the first time and you’re going to check things off this got fixed this got fixed this got fixed all the things because the greatest idea got open sourced and we got immutable money we got money that you can’t [ __ ] with this is what Myer Lansky basically in my head yeah I can Envision him saying to the intelligence agencies when they had him on the subpoena what he said to Jay edar Hoover what he said to Nixon’s AG like you think you’re going to put me in jail after I helped you find Kurt plotner and figure out who your enemies really were that it wasn’t Germany it was really the [ __ ] that were running the bank I mean dude I got to be honest with you I don’t know of a more satisfying ending that’s a [ __ ] then what do you say about the difference between truth and fiction is that fiction has to make sense corre and then this is I told that to Bobby at our podcast because I think that one of the things that people don’t understand that’s where the conspiracy thing comes up yeah people think that the truth has to make sense and it doesn’t it turns out that that would be an amazing movie everything you just laid out would be a [ __ ] would be Rick blogbuster moment well Rick Rubin has said that he wants to do a project about this but to be honest with you the last 18 months all the podcasts that I’ve done I’ve not laid out the whole story like even in what we’ve talked about so far today we didn’t get deep into the JFK part we didn’t get deep into you know those parts we’re not done should we take a break and yeah that’s fine up with JFK it’s [ __ ] great man so that was a long interesting explanation of f is Satoshi um I guess the other big theme that keeps coming out in this conversation it comes out in the Bitcoin Rabbit Hole In general controlling money is the power to control everything more or less and Bitcoin is the first digital money that nobody can actually control or like at least the network right the rules can’t be changed back to the word corruption there’s not going to be two different there might be a million different legal definitions for Bitcoin but at the end of the day bitcoin’s like above the law and that it has its own law I like I really like audial title because I thinkal title it really hammers that the Perfection of a loyal title right inviolate private property one unified Universal rule set evenly applied to everyone all people are equal in the eyes of Bitcoin it’s like that you know equality in the eyes of the law that old principle so it gets that monkey off our back then that there’s not the threat or risk of monopolization and centralization in of of the money supply at least in a Bitcoin World obviously Bitcoin has a ways to go until it fulfills that promise but it’s the fastest growing asset in human history and we we’ve come a long way so it’s a control story right you’re saying my Lansky is all about control end of the day well think about the uh the root of the word government if you go back to the Latin roote what does it mean mind control yeah so it’s kind of uh a very interesting thing to contemplate when you talk about money and you think about government and then you think about the MK Ultra story and how the MK Ultra story actually explodes from the general Gro and Lansky story you don’t expect the fruits of the Harvest to come you know from the same Sprout but in this case um the truth is Stranger Than Fiction because it does happen and when mod dallot takes over you know they kill one of his best friends the Italian mob the first thing he does is he does what any good businessman would do he goes and talks to the customers that he’s harvesting money from from propaganda and marketing kind of like what we talked about before and uh that’s when he finds out there’s an issue tied to food they also noticed that they weren’t making as much money at night y so what do they do they provide the food but the craziest part of the story is they change the lights in the casino and the way in which that comes up for Dallas I think is kind of an interesting story because he thought removing the clocks from the walls so that people couldn’t tell time right would do the trick do the trick and it turned out son that was setting the exactly time right yeah and that’s that’s when he was paying attention like you know the mark of u a good scientist is always do You observe and dallat and I would say even Lancy they were very acute observers of their environment and how they made money and uh when they painted the windows and everybody thought they were crazy and then the coffers went up they also know knew that the food consumption went up the alcohol consumption went up back then they didn’t have an idea that these things were actually all causely related yeah you know or probably a more accurate term is to make it probability related yeah um but it turns out it was so what did they do just like any Gambler would do they doubl down they said what else can we do to bring you know fake light in they found every time they brought fake light in their their profits went up great so so so they were having lower takes at night because people were just attuned to the Natural Rhythm they would just go to get tired to go to bed correct and so they needed to hack that keeping the lights on keeping the lights on and feeding them and then giving them booze they were like sequential steps wow it’s like pavlovian style you know nobody likes to think about it like this but you know as a neurosurgeon there’s something uh that’s uh from an evolutionary standpoint I would call it the Paleo cortex you know the older part of our brain uh is there I mean the two new parts are funnel looms um that’s actually where these reward tracks really are based yeah but they were very successful in employing this I mean literally uh if you read a lot of Dallas’s stuff from like the lock Vegas um God what’s the name examiner or something there’s so many books out there about Dallas and in this time of his life Lansky takes a a step back in the Vegas part of the story because you know he’s behind the scenes but Dallas is the front guy and uh Dallas becomes a very successful businessman but it all starts because of his unique perspective about light and how it hijacked you know people’s behavior and it came together and then when Lansky found plotner they immediately started to see hey these things are actually related and then the guys that linked all of the story is the CIA they said why don’t we start studying this so the CIA goes is there anything to this is this just you know BS or not and you you know the thing I think that most people know about with MK ultra um is it did start with drugs but it quickly morphed into other things so originally was back to that Latin route trying to figure out how to control the human mind or manipulate the human mind correct that’s what Mk stood for mind control and they used de Kay for control and they got that idea actually from the Spy that they caught on the New York dots and that’s when you know they they actually took it serious it’s kind of amazing to me to see something like this like fuus fall into your lap and like they didn’t like they didn’t blow it off they actually thought this was a big idea because they said well if the Nazis are doing it right there must be something to it because of you know the engineering and the people in the in the states that actually were working with GRS they knew that the people that were back in Europe yeah they were the best engineers in the world I mean these guys were spectacular and um you just don’t expect two Jewish Mobsters to be the guys that are more observant than you know centralized doctors that we have during covid you know and they decide to do this but that’s that’s actually how science begins it usually starts with a an interesting question and then you try to falsify you know the hypothesis and that’s actually what they did and um it’s amazing that their their laboratory is a casino floor and you know the outcome of the experiment is Cash yeah right that’s that’s the really ironic part of the story a good metaphor for the way the world works right well kind of in a way I mean we don’t think about it like that but when you actually talk about this story I think it’s I like it because this is actually where I get into talking a little bit of science it’sing brain surgery without a scalpel like my day job everybody that’s known me my whole life they always associate brain surgeons with you know doing intricate uh detailed surgery and when I told them 20 years ago that I began to do brain surgery without a scalpel and that was by far more impressive than what we can do with a scalpel always in the back of my mind before I ever talked about it I always thought about Dallas and Lansky yeah because ultimately they’re the ones that really figured this out and then you know the I think the the other fortuitous thing that happened to me cuz I don’t know how much of this story you really know we all find out as Americans about MK Ultra in the church commission Church commission Frank church is a senator from Kentucky and um that’s when we find out about the heart attack gun you know where they bring it out uh we believe that Roger Bannister who was a Handler for Asher and also a Handler for for Lee Harvey oswal he was taken out by that gun um and um we think David Ferry may have been taken out by that as well there’s some points of contention there I’ve got some new data from uh a connection in the coroner’s office that I still have in New Orleans that there may be something else that went on with David Ferry but Ferry’s death played a role in my homework for the JFK story why because when I did the the uh Rick Rubin Tetra gramon thing with Bobby I needed to make sure Bobby knew that I knew something that I would have no way of knowing so that I would capture his attention based on what I was going to tell him next and when Ferry gets killed Jim Garrison who’s the attorney for New Orleans is uh is there and Bobby Kennedy uh he calls Bobby Kennedy senior and Bobby Kennedy Senor obviously wants to know was there anything nefarious that went on and it turns out Garrison talks to Bobby Kennedy Jr no one would have any way of knowing that but I did and because I knew Garrison’s uh daughter of Virginia who was my ER nurse at Charity Hospital um and also we knew about it uh through the carers office through a connection a named Nick cheda Bobby looked at me and was kind of a funny moment in the podcast when he’s like he signing a message on the Bitcoin Network exactly you know it’s kind of like that and um when he heard that my goal there was to talk to him about and by the way sv40 just showed up 75 years it’s almost like it time traveled from the 1950s to now but the real the real story that you know Rick and I developed with uberman because Rick wanted me to teach him about the blue light stuff yeah and you know him being a a Stanford researcher and I warned Rick when Rick called me to talk to uberman Shantel is the one that actually set it up and uh I didn’t respond to Rick for six weeks because I knew that if I went down this Rabbit Hole it was going to be a pretty big rabbit hole kind of like what we’re talking about now because you can’t imagine how many things in the history of the United States in the last 120 years is linked to the story and Rick didn’t know about SRI Stanford Research Institute he didn’t know that MK Ultra became studied in Sri many of the the the psychiatrists that were involved with MK Ultra also became interpolated into the SRI program right and then in 2013 they graduate to what I would call MK Ultra 3.0 which is the brain health initiative which is Obama Started in 2013 and that brings current events to guys like you the guys that are here filming for you um then you find out the real reason why they got rid of incandescent bulbs and why they went the LED route yeah so it’s the hacking the Circadian rhythm wasn’t enough I guess that was the clue right is they figured I would tell you that’s the early clue but the real reason that they went that way is they knew that when they had an LED bold not only could they hack you through frequencies but they actually could make the bulbs tunable believe it or not there’s actually a way they can make them do what tunable meaning tun a bol that’s it meaning they can actually listen to you in a room uhuh they can actually send other electromagnetic waves into the room while that bulb is there you can’t do that with an incandescent and see that’s the other parts of the story that is tied to Google it’s tied to the 23 and me people in other words making your DNA tunable electrically and magnetically just by using light and remember the story that you know I released after that church commission is we have a guy named Jose Delgato that gets hired he does all the bull stuff the bull stuff you can still find on YouTube first he uses wires and then he goes Wireless and then he goes the next big step can we do this wirelessly and they find out they can do it wirelessly well who’s famously doing Wireless stuff right now Delgato does this wirelessly and what I was saying the guy that’s doing the wireless stuff now that everybody knows about is Elon Musk so Elon Musk is really taking a step back with nurlink to what Delgato was really doing you know in the two-lane neurology and two-lane neurosurgery area many people who will listen to this podcast don’t know why mentioning Tulane is important I went to LSU tulan and LSU are right next to each other charity hospitals in the middle of them and when I went down this Rabbit Hole of course I was a young man when the church commission comes out some of the stuff that they published there just just kind of blew my mind that you could do that stuff because I didn’t learn about that stuff you know in AP biology and in medical school or residency and then when I get into neurosurgery and my mentor says Hey I want you I want you to do a report on Robert Ocker and his work dude that’s when all of a sudden bells and whistles started to go off and I’m like and I remember specifically reading one thing in his original book about the Moscow Embassy uh issue that’s where Havana syndrome starts and the Russian government and this time it’s the USSR this is not you know Putin’s government this is preb now uh they shoot RF and microwaves at our Embassy in Moscow to PR try to prove to the United States government that non-native EMF is a real problem and if you go back and look at our history because this is again you asked me to make things discoverable we have three straight ambassadors to Russia who all come down with blood cancers during the radiation and then magically somebody gets the brilliant idea in the NIH maybe we should line the inside of the Moscow Embassy with tinfoil which they do that stops a lot of the sickness that’s going on and then when it really becomes discoverable Henry Kissinger has to pay everybody uh Hazard pay which is 30% higher pay and it gets published in the Federal Register so I’m reading this and I’m reading of Becker’s accounts and I’m going this is crazy and then magically one day I get the idea after I’m doing this report on bone Metabolism from my neurosurgery Mentor I’m thinking about all the things I learned in the church commission and I’m looking at the light bulbs I’m like could blue light affect wound healing could blue light be the reason why people are getting osteoporosis so then I go down to the Medical Records Office to Charity Hospital you know Charity Hospital is the oldest Continuous Care Hospital in the United States until 2005 what takes it out Katrina um and we have this amazing Records Office goes all the way back to like 1753 now the place is a train wrecked you know you have to navigate through it so I went down and talked to the ladies in the room and I said look do you have any things that are dated to some of the stuff that was done at two-lane Neurology in the primate lab in the 50s and 60s and um they threw a box at me I went through that box didn’t find really anything there I just found out some of the names and stuff that were associated with this that I had already known from the church commission uh testimony but then the lady told me something very interesting she said you know that there’s a pathway that connects the went to Charity Hospital to two lane there’s a room that goes there that has all of storage boxes in there and she goes there’s names of all departments on there I said can you get me in there she goes well I got to call security so she calls security the guy asked me what I’m doing I said I’m doing research for project on bone metabolism and lo and behold I go in there and all the files that supposedly Richard Helms who is the director of the CIA destroyed in 7 3 cuz that’s what we find out in MK Ultra they’re [ __ ] sitting in like 18 boxes in front of me wow so I get to read like the stuff that went on in the 40s and 50s in two-lane neurology and tun neurosurgery like I found pictures of the monkeys with the the wires in their head I actually showed these to Rick Rubin when we did the podcast and I saw the names that’s how I realized that Delgado actually worked with Tulane he never physically Works in New Orleans but he gets sent down to Mexico which made total sense to me considering all the other stuff that happened with this whole story about Mexico and that’s where he starts doing the studies in MA in the Bulls and then I start reading the stuff about fluoride I start reading the stuff about masculine that’s where I find out they dropped uh LSD on the whole city of St Louis in the 50s tell me okay Sydney God Le flid calcifies the pineal gland no that’s that’s you you got some functional medicine nonsense we got M Star you said was being used syps to mind control then you mentioned bombing an entire city with LSD yeah so the fluoride story is easy to unpack fluoride is the most electron negative atom on the periodic table so what does that mean in English for the non-scientist it steals electrons so anything that steals electrons what does it effectively do it ruins semi conduction right so if you know Becker’s work you realize okay this causes what we call a dialectric collapse it’s like it’s like you pulling the plug out of your you know your razor it’s an energy parasite correct it just removes the power from the system yeah so that’s the reason why it made people docile yeah but it didn’t have much to do with mind control the masculine the studies went on especially with Godly but they also were very unsuccessful plotner even told Lansky that the mesculin wasn’t the big ticket he also told Lansky about blinking light pulse light uh never mentioned the colors uh where I found out about colors was actually in these boxes like they used all different kinds of colors different types of frequencies to look for issues and that’s when I saw some of the links to the one-on bandits like how much they even had a Radiance measurements coming out of boxes that they were studying sorry before you I don’t know if you tying this back into the LSD bombing because I just want to no this I don’t know the story behind that I heard you mention it but I don’t know the story well the LSD story is God Le got the idea we want to find out can can we control people in a whole city so he actually had the US Navy fighter jets go up and drop LSD on the whole city of St Louis in the 50s so everyone’s tripping their ass off and then what is the outcome of that didn’t work what actually happened I mean everyone no one knows because nobody nobody knows actually when they do it we just know that they did it wow and the funny part of that story I never talked to Bobby Kennedy about that Bobby mentions that in the Rick Rubin podcast and I was like it’s funny that he said it because I I read the box that that came out of yeah and see all of that stuff was destroyed by the CIA in 73 yeah because a new church as a new Senator was going to come after yeah and they didn’t want any of that stuff out um because at that time in 77 the program was has already moved you know from the Deep South now it’s at Stanford University yeah and that’s where you know the Joe Rogan podcast the reason I’m not a fan of Rogan maps maps is a you know a mind control thing with the Rockefeller Foundation psychedelic research Asen oh and all that dude and you know right now you know Elon and Rogan are big into talking about psychedelics but they don’t realize where does this stuff come from this is part of the MK Ultra program you know uh Bohemian Grove all that stuff the these are all pieces and parts of this program that you know morph and Branch out it’s like the evolution of MK Ultra becomes a really big thing but the number one thing that becomes the main driver uh at SRI that gets Incorporated through the 70s 80s and 90s is every big tech company that comes out of Silicon Valley everything is blue leit yeah how did that happen oh because of the work that they did through MK Ultra they found out that drugs weren’t the best thing drugs were the thing that they worked on you know if you remember the McKenna days and all that stuff in the 60s and 70s you know same thing with Vietnam if you want to know most of the kids that came back from Vietnam most of those soldiers were all part of the MK Ultra program they were all made drug addicts that’s why they were given the Cannabis drugs they wanted to see it so they’re testing that program on you as soldiers well that’s what I said one of the things about the government that really aggravates me is that they have no problem using us as human Shields like we see that overig sounds like too well we see it over and over again I I would I would submit that that began um I don’t want to say it began in World War II but where it became most noticeable I think was the USS Liberty attack and then I think the big one was 911 um but I think it’s been going on ever since like the stuff the programs that we’ve been doing like we want to blame you know the the interesting part is they find out that the drugs that they’re test don’t really work but one of the drugs that actually does work is the opiates M and that’s where we get down a different path but it’s tied to the blue light story why the stuff that you heard in the Rick podcast with Uber is all about pomy pomy is pro opio melano cordin Well turns out that one of the chemicals that’s cleaved one of the 10 is beta endorphin beta endorphin is the natural opiate so if you hijack that system you effectively can make somebody addicted to opiates on the outside well where does that story go back to Santo traficante and Castro they find out they can make more money laundering drugs than doing casino business so then that [ __ ] to LY going okay let’s get Murder Inc involved in the drug business so if you really want to know why castalano is taken out by Gotti that’s the main reason why like Lansky he is an old school gangster one of the things that castalano is well known for in New York the mob does not get involved in drugs oh Gotti was like he’s one of his underlings and he got involved and he said the amount of money that’s involved in this and how many people can be addicted to this very easily is off the chain hate to tell you that calana was wrong and Gotti was right so the stuff that we blame on the sackers you know that you hear on CNBC yeah they’re bad people too but I got news for you the Mobsters figured out this drug deal was tied to the same story that Mo Dall and Lansky found with the blue light this was about addiction right and then the CIA found out that you can use electric and magnetic fields from certain frequencies of light to actually change neural signaling than what magically shows up in the literature because as you said you Well Jack a lot of people are going to think this is a conspiracy theory it can’t be conspiracy theory when there’s patents and it turns out who’s the patent attorney for Google Nicole Shanahan I think you know who she is and I think you know that she’s been talking to me and she knows you know what Silicon Valley has she’s been involved in Silicon Valley since she’s a young woman and then why is the story get even greater and a bigger deal for the big Tech guys because you always have to look at the story is going on um this young kid whose dad is a psychiatrist he’s a member of mine he has all kinds of mental issues and his dad finds out a psychiatrist the drugs didn’t help him I told his dad your kid needs to work on a a non-blue light computer so he comes up with something called the daylight computer yeah and I had him on the show right yeah and you know angin builds the computer but on the who’s [ __ ] blocking him the whole way through Sergey Bren and all his friends so they don’t want that franchise you know this would be like you going into Vegas and telling mod Dallas we’re not going to run one arm Bandits we’re not going to run blue light we’re going to turn all the casino into a red light parlor yeah something non-addictive correct and that so that does addiction then become the primary means by which this mind all these mind control experiments and it’s the best point of success they found is get people that was the first that was the first part of success they found because they found out people who are compromised can be controlled yeah through health care because when you make somebody addicted they will crave and they will do whatever you want them to do for you to give them the hit that they want um the number one effect there was collateral effects they created a huge amount of diabetes that wasn’t a good thing for the industrial military complex why because it turns out to be sick it’s a good control method but it’s a very expensive in the United States system so that was a downside but then when they put the physics to it when they realize that they can control firing in neurons like on different circuits then that’s where you heard me use the the term the first couple of hours we talked tunable they use electric and magnetic fields to make tunable changes to get you to do things and all they have to do and I’ll try to give you an analogy for you to understand this it’s like Black Rock black rock doesn’t need to own all of Philip Morris to control Philip Morris they only have to own 5% of the stock as long as they’re the dominant shareholder they can get anything through that they want through right that’s how it works well it turns out the same thing is true in neural firing it’s like uh the butterfly uh effect if you are able to control the right neurons in the brain then you can set off a Cascade that leads to our issues you don’t need to control the whole brain you just need to control the right circuits so they became Master manipulators of the Le and Milano couron pathway which is tied to palc and what it I know this is going to be a centerpiece to tomorrow’s conversation we go deep on the science but could you just tell people what that is the Milano Milano pathway let’s just break it down what is leptin leptin is the single most important hormone in your body it’s like an accountant for electrons in your body isn’t it also a name of a molecule isn’t type of lepton no well no that’s lepton lepton is different than lepton right that’s that’s that’s actually part of physics but leptin is I in lepton is o n okay okay and the leptin the hormone is discovered in 1994 at Rockefeller University in New York by a guy named Alan fredman and what’s unique about this molecule unique that it’s found in fat fat subcutaneous fat and it talks to your hypothalamus only at night and this confused people for the longest time because they’re like how can the master hormone in the body be located under the fat well the answer to Guys Like Me was pretty obvious right away it’s like it had to be the Sun and then I looked up the absorption spectra of lepon and I found it was 220 nanometer light and then I looked in my book in physics I’m like NASA says that light doesn’t fall to Earth from the Sun and then I knew right away there was a disconnect and that’s where I started to realize guys like Ray Pete they didn’t know their ass from their elbow because they were asking the wrong questions they were following biochemistry MH but they weren’t following the absorption and Mission Spectra of chemicals in the body so what did I try to do I started to follow this light story because I I was turned onto it by the the blue light story at this time you have to realize well I’m going down this whole Rabbit Hole there’s no blue light detector yet found in humans that magically happens you know later on you know it’s way after my residency and that’s when we discover melanopsin and if you listen carefully to the uberman podcast I think this is one of the most comical parts of the podcast that really outs uberman as being completely clueless about Evolution he said yeah my friend Nicholas Bon came to a meeting and told us that we have amphibian blue light detectors in our retina and we all thought he was crazy and I looked at you when he said I said why I said makes total sense he goes well how can we have frog stuff in our Ren I and I didn’t say it in the podcast but he doesn’t seem to know that Maman Evolution comes from amphibian so it makes total sense that this would happen on that time scale yeah and the mistake that I made at that time remember how I told you I go back every year and I look at what I don’t believe to be true anymore for the first I’d say from probably 90 to about 98 I thought the other part of this light story was going to be a road doson Story another opson in there I didn’t realize there was going to be another one but soon as I found out about the melanops and story in the Rena I was like this is it this is a a blue light detector then when I found out that that blue light detector wires directly to the clock in our eye which is the Su Superior cosmetic nucleus that controls the Circa Rhythm then some of the things that dallot and Lansky found and the CIA study made sense and then when I went back to the neurosurgery literature I also found that this Central retinal pathway had first ordered neurons that not only went to the sem but also went to the habenular nucleus habenular nucleus for you to understand is like Grand Central Station to your frontales okay so this explained every single mental disease that humans get from low dopamine to high dopamine and low dopamine I think you know that story that’s people who are fat people who are depressed they get bipolar disorder you know these are different train stops but the one that’s high dopamine and chaotic those are schizophrenics gotta so the interesting thing is then I was able to understand why Psychiatry you know all the stuff that was linked all the way through was [ __ ] that I learned in medical school and how did I get clued into this when I meet with Becker in ‘ 07 he he probably gives me the biggest bit of information that made me jump down the biggest rabbit hole ever he said look these guys in the industrial military complex you got to be careful with them they cancelled me he goes but you need to pay attention to who they just hired last year and I’m like well who did they hire he said her name’s Nora vulcal she works in NYU and she’s uh a psychiatrist and she’s the granddaughter of trosky and I said what and I said what is she in control of he goes the National Institutes of drug abuse and I’m going boom all of a sudden that’s where MK Ultra Jolly West the links to Anna Freud remember the stuff we talked about when you said Jack propaganda and you turned your nose up and I said bernes Sigman Freud is his uncle Anna Freud in case you don’t know becomes a psychiatrist it’s his daughter do you know she’s the one that actually takes care of mar Marilyn Monroe I like that that’s what I said this story The parallels through all of United States history it almost you can’t make the [ __ ] up right it all links and then when I find out in ‘ 06 she gets named by fouchi and there’s tons of podcasts with those two I’m going so this lady’s an expert on this PMC pathway and he just said to me goes I’m telling you pay attention to what she does and don’t you think this will show you how smart backer was um 2011 she writes a paper at NYU and says non-native EMF from your computer your cell phone everything else raises blood glucose and Insulin yeah and this might be important dude when I read this I’m like are you [ __ ] kidding me yeah I’m going like this is the the biggest story ever why because it then proves my belief like back in the day I used to get chided by the Paleo guys um who were the pre predecessors to the carnivore people that it’s always about food and exercise I’m like dude it’s not there’s nothing in my research that leads me to believe that that light is always more important and it was obvious to me that light was more important because all food is tied to the photosynthetic webs like you don’t have food without photosynthesis now that’s not true now you know that we can create food in a lab in Denver just like we can create weed in a in a a lab in Denver but the point is is every food web on this planet is links to the Sun the crazy part is then she basically linked Becker’s work right to where I was where it actually controls glucose and insulin means you add blue light to the mix dude you can control a lot more circuits than you want to know so hacking the entire metabolism that’s it that’s what light does there’s now papers out Robert that actually say high-intensity light actually controls your metabolism so when somebody tells you you know that oh you need to worry about seed oils and this and that I got news to you seed oils are important but they’re like four fourth or fifth or sixth on the list the light that you live under the light you work out under is by far the single most important part of the story yeah and unfortunately because this science all came up in clandestine fashion from MK Ultra to now guy like you young guy you don’t know this stuff like when I talked to Kevin mckernan about sv40 like when he found it he didn’t know about where it came from in the Poo vaccine he said bro when I heard your talk you my head blew up you know cuz because they didn’t understand it and then when they hear it they go like you know what we say about the Dunning Krueger effect when you find out something and it turns out it’s the most important part of the story like all the collateral effects all the things you believe you have to start going and that’s what I said to Rick and to uberman I said you have no light controls in any study ever done in humans so when he brought up the thing about Eddie Chang the neurosurgeon from UCSF saying it was 50% that’s [ __ ] in a literature you heard what I said to him I’m like how about 100% wow cuz there’s no like contr trolls in anything in fact the only guy that I know of that did light controls and didn’t know that he was doing light controls is Western a price he used to be a dentist and I know about him because I used to be a dentist and I learned about him a long long time ago and even he and his followers have made mistakes because they believe it’s about ancestral foods and things like that but if you open up his book look of Western diseases you’ll notice that every person that he takes a photo of is people that live outside that eat outside they don’t eat under you know light like that [ __ ] up there yeah so we’re in Las Vegas mafia’s controlling the casinos trying to figure out a way to eek out more profit basically right so they figure out we need to hack circadian with them the people which then leads to the extension of that idea into blue light to get people to ENT train people to be addicted to slot machines or whatever it may be and then that entire idea is co-opted by the state the US state when they realize that it it can do that and a whole bunch more right okay and so now we all live in a world with all of our devices are blue light heavy which means we are but you I want to make sure the one thing you forgot here is that at the same time this story is going on that you want to know Becker is doing all his basic research on the electronic control system of growth and regeneration okay which is also electromagnetic okay which is controlled by the semiconductors so one branch of the government knows this the other Branch doesn’t and they share it to the Department of Navy that’s where the story becomes very interesting because then you see how the intelligence agencies and the US Navy begin to share and they begin to study right and that’s when they hire Becker to come in and say look we know about this story about light and remember when we you and I say light we think about light like the light we live under but when I say light I’m talking about the entire electromagnetic spectrum right and you have to realize that goes from RF all the way up to gamma ways right so what does the military in 1969 ask Becker to do remember this is around the Lansky time time they notice that every Navy pilot at Pensacola gets high cholesterol and high triglycerides yet all of them eat a Clean Diet Becker finds out that all the avionics in the plane the non-mf is what causes it and what else does he find their vitamin D levels drop he didn’t know about pomy but we now know yeah pomy drops so that means you have less melanin in your skin you remember in the podcast that you heard Rick say every time he gets on the plane from Costa Rica to malib he loses a tan I noticed that too actually right so guess what that is a function of that so the story that I told you about vocal yeah every time your blood glucose goes up or your insulin goes up guess what it does to melanin destroys it so it makes you more sensitive to electromagnetic radiation interest so is it harvesting the melon then no it’s not harvesting it destroys it because you cannot not is destroy I thought the melanin was like stored energy no it is but you have to make get from the gene it comes from oh okay guess what translates it UV light and what’s the light that the dermatologist and opthalmologists have blocked you from Wow got it okay so this is like the giant holy [ __ ] yeah right this is like the casino game that’s going on in you and they’re playing the house with your biology and you don’t realize it they got you believ in it’s Froot Loops and bananas so what so it’s good because your face now tells me that you’re beginning to understand the magnitude of this problem we’re living through another one of these giant situations of unforeseen consequences correct but now I mean these devices everyone’s attached to them not everyone but no they made sure they made sure through the MK Ultra program that we all be addicted to them now I will tell you here’s some good news do I still think you can use technology to do the things like we’re doing now doing a podcast having cameras around us yeah I have now a red light filter on my software we can use technology smartly but that’s not popular it’s not out there like you know in the last three four years people are finally starting to wake up to the red light stuff that red light is an anti-e to Blue but it turns out you really need UV and red light offset but this explains chel why Obama put the band in for incandescence because what have incandescant have UV and red so what is the play there they want people that are docile addicted good consumers Fiat guys it’s exactly what they want they want you want want to know what they want they want downtown San Francisco they want people to take shits on on the sidewalks and do whatever Nancy Pelosi tells them to do that entire desire is so deeply ignorant of Economics though because you actually want really competent energized vitalized people time time out we’ve been talking all day who did I tell you these people are loyal to globalists yeah what a globalist all about communism about One World Government Council of Foreign Relations dude this totally fit fits you know what the problem is your Viewpoint about government and what it’s supposed to be isn’t their Viewpoint and that is the my point is they are in or they are the perpetrators of the economic Dark Ages in which we live you are absolutely correct and that’s why I told you before they are worse than Satan they are worse ecomics you would actually want a very healthy vitalized Society that’s engaging in a lot of free trade because that creates a ton of wealth well that’s what happened after the Dark Ages and the Renaissance about it that’s where Michelangelo comes from that’s where you know it’s reflected our lack of blue light our nature is reflected in our artwork is reflecting our statues I’ll give you an example look at my house as a perfect example my house was made by an architect that won a pritzker ward when I bought this house I hated it because the inside had no color it’s all minimalist that is a low dopamine house that’s created so what did I do you walk through my house I put [ __ ] color everywhere why that’s the that’s the rainbows of the Sun back in the house why yeah it’s the same moniker that or analogy I’m trying to teach you now about you can still have some Badness in your life if you add the goodness back so all of that I mean it’s a very high vibrational environment you get a lot of colorful art decorations in December obviously and so is that a form of therapy too then is it not just getting red light and the infrared Sonic I’ll give you I’ll give you another one cuz we’re talking about the science of blue light I don’t know if you you know this cuz I know you live in Miami do you know that if you have a picture of uh Seascape in your house that it can raise your dopamine levels just by looking at the picture oh I have one sitting in my bedroom there you go so you can do it so yes artwork actually can also alter that’s part of the MK Ultra story but this is the reason why like if you go to Prague next time I want you to take a good walk around the city and look right you look at the the the statues that are buil on the side of the buildings and realize this is pre communist but those that says something look at what the Communists have built it’s it’s like this house it’s it’s devoid of life and that’s the reason why when you said before Jack I can’t believe that these people are doing that and I’m like no I want to destroy your illusion that these people are like me and you CU they’re not intergenerational sociopathy yes and not only that you and you said this with Luke right around that time frame Luke was like look we know that sociopaths go high up why they get and Rise the corporate ladder fast and then become invisible they’re the Wizards behind the machine and that’s effectively like one of the Wizards we see now is like Elon Musk he’s not behind soon he’ll be behind that machine when they need him to be behind I’ll give you an example of a guy who is behind the machine right Peter teal right totally behind the she’s totally behind the cany for Senate for JD Vance now the vice president you know we don’t know is it going to be a utopian a utopian situation or is it going to turn to a dystopian situation kind of like you know how I describe how we decided to use nuclear weapons we could have went the thorium route after World War II but no we went the uranium route why because General Gro said we need to make plutonium to make bombs right well if the most energy dense atom on a periodic table is Thorium if if we’re really about energy we should be using thorium Fusion you know liquid molten fluoride those reactors are the size of 20 foot canisters on the front of my house yeah that in fact the lady that I met at adopting Bitcoin her name is Maya she’s running for president she wants to put thorium reactors all over her country to actually mine Bitcoin and that’s what we should be doing we should actually be hooking it up why because that’s the most energy dense atom on the periodic table to make electricity electricity is what powers our system right our decentralized system and the crazy thing is getting back to the sign story what did Becker find what controls our system a DC electric current see the problem is Bitcoin is controlled by an AC electric current so I would tell you the miners in Bitcoin are the people that I worry about like I have a friend on clubhouse well so the solar power would be DC right no the solar power has to have a trans uh what do you call it transducer oh and guess what it does it it emits and it’s it’s a problem you don’t want any solar panels anywhere around you cor they’re nightmare because they make huge amounts of uh magnetic flux that’s you know uh electrolution but I’ll tell you something else you’d be surprised at everybody knows not to put the laptop on your lap when you plug it in do you know that when you plug a light into the power grid that you’re emitting other frequencies of light just from doing that like if you had AER counter for light you would measure RF you would measure different colors if you plug a cathode ray TV in your grandmother was right it emits cathod Rays so when you’re plugging in in and appli it emits you’re you’re close to electrons are getting stolen well it can but remember each part of the electromagnetic spectrum yeah has a different effect on our biology so for example you know that microwaves it makes water molecules vibrate faster that’s why water heat well what happens with UV light it knocks electrons out oh and what does cosmic rays do does the same thing except it blows everything apart okay this one someone told me the other day every time you fly now commercially you get absolutely baked in these cosm braids totally I feel like [ __ ] honestly when I fly now I well you know what I almost hate to tell you this you’re becoming an old man like me now you beginning to realize the older I get and I I’ll I’ll make this simple for you because I know you like eating steak like I do when you take a steak and put it in a microwave oven and you cook it and you don’t wrap it with a paper towel it tastes like Sho leather why because the water has been dehydrated yeah when you get on a plane you’re the steak that’s why you feel like [ __ ] it turns out guess what water is actually how you collect electromagnetic energy it’s not just melan it’s a water story right you know we’ll probably talk about that more tomorrow but what I’m trying to explain to you is the act of flying the act of tech abuse is actually what’s degrading the quantum battery in you and that’s that’s actually what brought Jack dorsy to my doorstep it’s what brought Rick Rubin to my doorstep said dude I feel like I’m dying what do I do I said how about we unplug from this [ __ ] and let’s plug back into nature yeah you know you and I have been sitting you know in the sun all day and no shoes on I’m on a teak deck had this teak came out of the forest in in Nicaragua all this was done by Design everything in my house you can ground yeah there’s no walls in the house you’ve seen it so now also your bulbs or all red all red light got tell me where to get those uh I have a question about flying too I have this silver micro silver inseam clothing is supposed to protect you from probably non-native EMF it a lot of times it doesn’t I’m going to tell you every little bit helps yeah but I wrote a Blog on patreon probably about a year ago you’re going to be surprised when I tell you this do you know wearing gold and yellow is actually more protective when you fly for non8 BMF Believe It or Not Gold and yellow yes like actual gold yes or just the color oh so when you fly those are the colors you should pick the science in that is extremely interesting so I did a whole just a color does be a certain material no just a color how’s Bitcoin orange do uh not great not great but but the yellow really works and this is the reason why all these guys that work in r they always have yellow clothes oh that’s right so they know about this and remember what is the antidote or I should say the compliment color of yellow blue yeah so do you understand why this also plays a role so once you start to see these connections it’s kind of like I can see the connections going on in your head as I’m talking to you you’re like so the yellow absorbing the boom something like that okay so it’s reducing your load so that you can improve your Quantum yield so you can do the things that you want do and that helps you offset it so when you do fly and you feel like [ __ ] I want you to realize that it’s the same effect that you got as a young man when you went out and drank too much wine or you drank too much beer you actually are hung over what is a hangover it’s circadian mismatch right because you’re dehydrated and you know when you drink a lot of beer what happens you go and you piss in the toilet like crazy what are you doing that’s vas oppressing from your posterior pituitary kicking water on you so you’re doing the same thing thing but you don’t see it so this is going to make smoking look like a walk in the park yeah I I tell people if you smoke I’m okay if you smoke as long as you do it in the sun how do you like that now if you smoke inside that’s going to be the best way for you to get lung cancer sure but if you smoke outside you want to hear the crazy part of this story the use of nicotine is one of the antidotes to the bioweapon in Co this is the reason why [ __ ] K I swear to God not vaping nicotine and the reason why is because the way they put the fur and cleavage sites they use the acetylcholine receptor to get in there and it turns out this cross reactivity with nicotine so how did we come up with this first ethical skeptic the guy I told you about be first he started picking up the trend in 19 and 20 when people started getting sick he goes this is the most interesting part nobody who smokes seems to be getting covid and that’s when I did the Deep dive and I actually sent some emails off to a guy you may have heard of Luke Monier who’s now dead and he goes this is a manufactured virus he’s the guy that told me about uh the HIV proteins that he found yeah he said if you do enough PCR you can actually turn out to get a positive HIV test from this VI this virus and I’m like you got to be kidding me so sorry let me this light story so massive so so in 50 years from now we’re going to be talking about you use the term electrolution uhhuh that’s in your view going to become a very uh important part of how we structure Our lives our health how about if I told you that Becker’s the one that coined that term in the 1970s okay and I just stole it so here we are now 50 years later what I was thinking too is that we’re we’re really catching up here with is e equal MC s correct we’re still shaking all shedding the snake skin of the neonian view of the universe that it’s little billiard balls flying around here realizing that it’s energy frequency and vibration correct and but we haven’t fully taken into account the implications of that what so what my question and here’s the thing though the government doesn’t want you to understand this why because if you did state is always interested in stasis it seems like that’s right yeah and I I mean I think the more you get just think about the fud that we we dealt with in Bitcoin about electricity do you understand now why that fud comes because if you get too far down this Rabbit Hole where you are with me right now I’m sitting here smiling because I can see on your face as we talk yeah you’re getting it you’re starting to you’re starting to really wake up it’s getting bigger for me and by the way and I say this is someone that’s already consumed a lot of your work I read a book called vibrational medicine 15 years ago so I was bought into vibrational reality uh in the biological sense but since I’ve been I’ve been adding more sunlight to my routine than ever and it’s helping it’s improving things a lot doing a lot of grounding also cut out the seed oils and all that right but what the question I want to ask is like I say all of this as someone who’s already subscribed people that are just now hearing this and like oh [ __ ] I working a cubicle I commute an hour I live in a lights I’m under florescent lights I’m in in front of a a computer all day yeah I work in it like what are the biggest needle movers they can start to do immediately to like to move their life into a more Quantum biological healthy it’s the simplest thing ever just remember the Sphinx make like the Sphinx see the sunrise every day you you and and Luke Luke mentioned to you the word paros principle yeah 8020 right if you get 80% right yeah don’t miss a sunrise the rest of your life try not to miss a sunset kind of like we got going on back here but the sunrise is uh my non-negotiable you have to see it every day now it doesn’t mean you have to actually look directly at it you just have to be outside allowing your super cosmetic nucleus to know okay it’s 1600 nanometer I should say 1600 Kelvin light therefore it’s now sunrise and the next four hours my body needs to do ABCD tuning your whole metabolism [Music] toadi you got it that is the 80% right and then obviously grounded you don’t have shoes on I don’t you’re in you’re in a te chair you’re on a teak deck this teak deck goes straight down with poles into the ground and it’s right into volcanic land and just so you know volcanic land has more free electrons than your land back in grounding is doing there grounding is giving enriching it with electrons think about the question that you should be asking yourself why do all humans wear socks because we have sweat glands on our feet Robert did you know that our nearest Cousins the gorillas and chimps they don’t have sweat glands on our feet but we do so guess what some of the hair that was on their legs became our apocrine glands on her feet why CU When you sweat you make a better connection electrically how about your palms and your hand when you get nervous you know you’re your palms are sweating that’s what got it yeah that’s the reason why so what did I say make like the Sphinx all grounded in the Sun and you’re going to next question you’re going to ask me how long tell me what your problems are and I’ll tell you how long the longer your list of problems the longer I need you to do it longer the better you got it and then you don’t have to do like if you’re a tech abuser like that person you said in the cubicle yeah then I need you to get it yeah uh but then there’s other things then I got to teach you about the things in your eyes the things in your skin that’s where we jump down the hole that I think you said you want to go down tomorrow but I want people to know that the simple take-home is sunrise like that you cannot [ __ ] that up early to BD early to rise hope R when I started this whole thing and started teaching people decentralized medicine 20 years ago I used to use the acronym make like the Sphinx and eat like a great white shark yeah so that’s protein and fat and then when you fix everything in that left and Milano corn pathway you come to the 13th latitude then you can add carbs in all you want why because UV fascinating okay that is so 13 latitude I want to know what it has to do because I actually double the number of gut issues over the years but most recently it’s intolerance to carbohydrates and it seems like I have to carb cycle basically so I have to put come off for a while not eat them and when I get depleted enough I can eat them and I’m sort of okay I’m going to tell you the reason why is Miami Miami Miami is [ __ ] terrible from non-native EMF all I have to do to prove it to you let go buy a a Trier dude walk around what is it is it is there military radar like what’s everything you not only have I’m on a house out in the rural Miami next to a f i I don’t think you really understand how this works that city is loaded with 5G it’s everywhere all around doesn’t matter where you go so when it’s population dense remember it’s called the inverse Square law yeah so you’ve got all these people from New York moving down you got people from Cuba moving up they all live in a very small area you know when you fly back into Miami you look at it everybody’s in one spot dude it’s one of the worst places for you to live it used to be okay yeah because the sun would offset it but it’s not and when you have if you’re outside the city doesn’t matter I tell people you have to be 75 miles away from from either a military base or or an airport how’s that and if you have remember what I said to you before cuz you asked me let’s go back to lansi and Dallas what did they find the longer you’re in the blue light the non avmf it knocks your melanin down so what we’re talking about your gut is something called the node of interl inter luule yeah that actually forms the greater and lesser spinc nerves in your gut so that means you’re not replacing the melon in there so how do you do that you get it on your exterior and you suck it to the inside you’re not able to do that so you’re always devoid on the inside so so so getting and you texted me about this say getting Sun where the sun don’t shine right is actually good for healing your right but it’s also good for your rectus abdominis muscle right here but I’ll tell you the other thing the other part of the story is nature or God whoever you believe in also built another system in you your mitochondria emits light that’s where you were asking me the question before and I said let’s not go there yet through metabolism alone it emits light the light that emits is also UV that turns on Palm C on the inside you need it so for you embracing cold in that part of your body would be huge cuz of the H stimulated but you need to realize something this is the realization you have to come to if you’re having persistent problems in your gut and they don’t get right uh better and you know that you’re having a carbon tolerance and you live at the 24th latitude the first thing you should do is I need to hire a building biologist because there’s something in my environment that I’m not paying attention to I mean this is something I’ve had predates me living in Miami I’ve been in Miami one year I’ve been dealing with this for nine but and I’ve been making progress I should say but listen to what I’m saying though yeah if it started elsewhere you can’t make enough pomy or melanin in that area right so it’s your weakest slink okay like in other words that’s your ethereum in your body so what we need to do is we need you to understand okay I need to do something so means you don’t have a tolerance for that and this is this is like some of my problems with some of the centralized scientists like they’ll show a paper and say you know the uh the Lux or the intensity of the screen can scre up your circadian rhythm you know there’s papers out there like that but you know what they don’t know they don’t know that the intensity in your eye and your skin goes down when melanin’s gone so is it really can weak light still cause this problem if you have no melon the answer is yes see in other words they think it’s just measuring this but they forget about you right exactly and really when you think about melanin is kind of like your your Star Trek uh Shield okay oh the force build right and you don’t just have it on your exterior because most people they only think about the exterior yeah but it’s your interior okay yeah and I need you to think about that if it’s your interior then you say okay I need to to do something a little bit differently than I’m doing before but I would tell you if you’ve done everything right and you’re still having that issue then I think you got to hire a building biologist and find out is it my car is it my my office is it the podcast material I mean I’ll tell you the craziest story that I found that and because you brought it up and I think it’s an important thing for you to hear I have a member who’s a doctor he’s actually married to a doctor from um Stanford and he came as a farm member to talk to me and he was really uh concerned about his highly sensitive CRP being elevated for a long period of time and he couldn’t get it down he Wasing it’s a a c reactive protein okay it’s a a measure of inflammation too many protons to electrons he was having all kinds of problems and you know since he’s a doctor and he’s a male he’s probably not going to tell me the truth about the next question I had so I wanted to know how hard his dick got so that’s kind of a tough discussion to have with somebody who’s a colleague you can imagine that so I sent Sean Talon to talk to his wife and his wife’s a doctor and I said is he I said ask her is he as hard as he used to be and the answer is no so what did I do I sent him for a specific test called the calcium index score yeah and it turns out I probably saved his life because his calcium index score came back with a 99% occlusion in his left anterior descending artery so you’re probably going wait a minute you’re asking about his erection and his power right and it turns out that when you have this melanopsin damage in your cardiac arteries you know where it came from this is where you’re going to be shocked he didn’t know where it was coming from his solar panel is on the roof of his house OHF so the EMF guy came out and found it it was off the chain and it came right from the converter of where it went from AC to DC so that’s the reason before I mentioned this to you that I don’t want you a young guy like you to have it anywhere close to you yeah because this is not like hyperbole like Uncle Jack has seen this in many patients and I knew about this for this specific physician at the time he’s 50 years old and he had three young boys yeah so we don’t want him dropping outad of a heart attack yeah sure and this is like 10 years ago wow uh okay so Liv even if you’re doing the infrared sauna the cold plunging the saunas are a waste of time if you want know the trth infrared sauna the infrared light on total garbage not enough power wait a the you guys have the panels in your home yeah but not the sauna oh the sauna okay so sa if you do sauna what I want you to do is I want you to build a geothermal pool in your backyard do it the right way well I basically just use it for the infrared I mean the Sona doesn’t well you can just use the light to do that yeah okay so I’m doing the light let’s just say the infrared the cold plunging none of these things are going to be adequate to no I think what you need to do because you said that the gut problem for you has been a a longlasting thing I think every place you move you need to hack the environment properly I would I would actually tell you you know since you travel uh may be Ben I want to stop traveling actually because ear mentioned earlier yeah feel like [ __ ] well I would tell you though what I think you could do is you could actually do the training yourself figure out how to become your own building biologist that way when you go to different places figure it out you know just like when you go to different places when you feel like [ __ ] and then other places you don’t like one of the things I always tell my clients to do is go down to the black sand beach a day after it rains ground down there get your feet in the turf and you’ll feel like a rock star yeah um but not a lot of people have the ability to do that but I would tell you that uh if you have the ability to test your environment you’d be crazy not to do it okay I want to learn more about that and I may take you up on doing that because I do want to warn and I do want to be in my own doctor way okay it’s getting late it’s getting dark sun is down I I want to ask you one last question though shoot how does someone become a jack Cruz patient someone that’s going through whatever issues and they want to learn how well there’s there’s different ways so I’ll tell you the probably the easiest way is uh follow my Twitter feed CU my twter feed has bombs in it just about every day but if you want to do DIY Jack uh that’s my patreon blog where you get all the science but you’re not going to get a ton of handholding for me if you want more handholding then you become a member I have uh silver gold Platinum titanium all different levels basically it’s tied to time with me and what you get from me and then if you want to be a farm client you got to be a member first I don’t take anybody off the street then you can hire me to be your doc I can be your decentralized doctor uh I have several of those clients but I will warn you that I’ve fired 90% of the clients and the reason why is don’t pay me Bitcoin and then don’t take the advice like I can imagine you’ll understand this because you smiled people show you how much they value You by how much they use your information so I’ll give you an example the reason why I think dorsy and Rick will be lifelong friends because dude they they live it every day and they talk about it um can you expand like live it meaning the hour and the sun yeah like Jack and and and Rick like to be honest with if you weren’t here right now doing this I would probably already be getting ready to go to bed yeah no so it’s it’s crazy but people don’t believe it if you go in I don’t have TV and there’s a TV in The Wine Room in there I never put it on I’m like the light needs to go out when it goes out like I love my deck you know you’ve been out here yeah but that light right there is horrible yeah and of course we got the Santa Claus lights on because I guess Shantel wants to show you our uh our our sleigh yeah um but you know I guess December is not the best time to come to Uncle Jack’s house because we do have the Christmas lights but I think it’s pretty looks great though I I will tell you that we’re pretty serious about light and dark and the I think the thing that we haven’t spent a lot of time talking about maybe we’ll do it tomorrow we pick it up we talked a little bit about the light story today the other part the like the other side of the corridor or the Bitcoin pure Darkness at night like yeah you can’t if you do that you [ __ ] up all the signaling in the left in Milano coron pathway so this is where you know you’re old enough now I want Robert breed love to be really boring at night I am definitely close we we’re in bed shortly after sun goes down and it’s pitch black and I try to sleep as long until I wake up basically yeah and see down here we have light stability you probably figured out that the sun rises and sets here we’re at almost the this the lowest part yeah of the year in December 21st but here we only lose like 22 minutes of sunlight gotta so like when you guys have8 or nine o’ back in June yeah year it’s still 6 630 it never changes close to the equator well we have light stability and guess what that is the benefit because our light and dark Cycles are yolked and that’s what life is seeking is access to stable sources of energy cor okay unle Jack thank you so much all right no problem look forward to diving into the the harder science tomorrow awesome thanks for watching if you enjoyed this episode click here to find more just like it and here to find our most recent episode also make sure to like this video to help shine light on the corruption of money and be sure to subscribe to this channel to stay connected
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