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all right we are here with Kristen Hawkins the president of an organization called students for life Kristen thank you so much for joining us thanks for having me so last night while I was making the rounds here at CPAC I came across your table your organization’s table and you had a one sheet describing these tests you were doing across the country for certain chemical can you tell us sure what even what the chemical is and why you were doing those tests the leading cause of the leading abortion in America is now chemical abortion pills the Biden Harris FDA recklessly allowed in the wake of Rose reversal for these pills to be spread across the country even if you live in a Republican state a state that has moved to end all abortion these pills are flowing into your state but what we’ve started to wonder was how how are they affecting our water because when you think about a chemical abortion so we’re thinking 600,000 children a year in America are being aborted via chemical abortion it’s not like a surgical abortion facility because women are told to go onto their toilet not to look and to flush meaning a dead their dead child is being expelled out of them through severe contractions into our Wastewater blood placental tissue they’re all chemically tainted they’re Trace chemicals from these chemical abortion pills so the chemical abortion pill cocktail is two pills the first is a pill called myth Prestone which has has no uh use other than blocking progesterone in pregnancy causing a child essentially to starve the second pill if pristo induces contractions and causes the woman’s uterus to empty the child and the placenta into wherever she’s at the bathtub or the toilet what we have found is there are three Acom metabolites in that first pill M prone that after they pass through her body remain active when they go into our water mhm and they remain active for a number of days so we started testing drinking water near college campuses Wastewater so water before it got to a wastewater treatment plant and after it went to a wastewater treatment plant and what we have found is shocking in the three cities we um did this the last run of testing in in every single City myth priston an antiprogesterone a metabol that blocks a hormone that when and men and women need is actually present in our drinking water and it’s there because human remains are being flushed down our toilets no one even if your pro-choice wants to be drinking someone else’s abortion yet that is what we’re doing and this chemical is there any other reason for it to be in the water no this drug myth pristo was developed by a French scientist associated with a company called Rell UKF which was actually involved in creating uh some of the toxic gas used in the Holocaust this is a longstanding company this drug was purposely invented to do one thing which is to end block progesterone in early pregnancies to starve a human in embryotic form to kill it that is the only purpose this drug has these metabolites are not found in any other pharmaceutical in our world what were the three cities that you tested can’t tell you that oh you can’t tell us there’s a we’re ‘re going to be publishing a peer-reviewed study uh later this year um with academics who will be publishing the results of the study um but I would just say if you uh live in a city that recycles Wastewater places like Fairfax County Virginia uh desert environments I would be even more concerned because we saw um in one of the Cities it’s a city that recycles the water in the summer months in the dry months the amount of anti progest metabolites dramatically increase when the water is being recycled so it’s the water goes from her toilet bowl this dead child it’s tons more than 44 tons a year into the wastewater treatment plant and the wastewater treatment plant is not scrubbing the water of these anti-progesterone metabolites and so this is why we’ve been reaching out to secretary Kennedy uh reaching out to commissioner zeldon because this is a problem these metabolites that are in our water actually violate the EPA standards on forever chemicals they are violating the standards that we already have set and if we’re talking about making America healthy again at minimum we should be making all of our drinking water free from anti-progesterone metabolites which harm the brain development of men any woman who’s trying to get pregnant or to remain pregnant should be very concerned well what’s the level of these chemicals that you’re refining in the water like in terms of parts per million we’re in parts per trillion so they’re violating the parts per trillion standards that the EPA has set up and are there any studies which show the effect on the human body with kind of like Pro not you know not acute but like prolonged exposure to this chemical at Parts P trillion and yes and these these drugs actually have half lights half lights so when they come in they’re actually remaining active in your body because of the halflife that keeps going on um and so this it’s a major concern I think the next round of testing that has to be done and what I think should be very simple the government needs to be doing this testing of how is this affecting endangered species how is this affecting humans oh so they don’t know they have no idea this is this is the real shenanigan that’s went on so in 2000 the Clinton Administration used an AIDS protocol to rapidly approve access to chemical abortion pills ru486 on the US market they were legally required as they are with all Pharmaceuticals to do testing environmental impact testing they have to actually literally on the application check the box to make sure the pharmaceutical doesn’t violate the Clean Water Act Endangered Species Act none of that was ever done the boxes actually were unchecked and every single time the multiple time since 2000 that the FDA has gone back and amended its Rems its risk evaluation mitigation strategies on these dangerous pills because these pills are deadly for women and we already know that they never did the required Environmental Testing there has been zero governmental testing of these pills and the effect in our water and our effect on endangered species wow well I mean even if there aren’t any studies I kind of don’t like the idea of of drinking someone else’s abortion yeah and and the well especially like chemically induced abortion right um so I guess you’re saying that the Hope here is that your initial study might be followed up by other studies showing that it’s it’s naal yeah and and then subsequent studies will show if there’s a negative effect and then you can have the H possibly which a sub agency would it be it would be the Department of Health and Human Services so secretary Kennedy oversees the FDA the FDA is under so would be the FDA not the not the EPA well the EPA could also make a ruling as well and the EPA should start the testing immediately that’s why we’re trying to get meetings with both commissioner zeldon and secretary Kennedy um but we already know from secretary Kennedy confirmation hearings that he explicitly said president Trump had asked him to study myth prone that first pill that is polluting our water so I think that is a very reasonable thing for the government to say wait a minute let’s back up I mean all right just to pause here for a super quick moment let me introduce today’s sponsor if you happen to own a house or if your family owns a house there’s a new scam you should know about it’s a scam that the FBI calls house stealing basically the scammers they transfer your home’s title out of your name into their name using a one-page document that they file with the couny the document itself is fake but it doesn’t matter on paper they did transfer the title to themselves and then the scammers can take out loans against your home they can dip into the equity they can even sell your home behind your back and the worst part is 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description box below I mean even thinking about I’ve been talking with cattle ranchers every week goes by there’s an article about the skyrocketing rate of still burst and infertility in our nation’s cattle our cattle are drinking the water they’re eating the grass watered by this water um this is a problem that will likely be far-reaching just beyond humans we’re talking endangered species we’re talking our livestock because these anti-progesterone metabolites affect cattle the same way they affect us they interrupt the pregnancy they stop that hormone from continuing the pregnancy that’s insane it is absolutely is insane it is the antithesis of Maha yeah you’re right I mean because any pregnant woman who’s just drinking well I think most pregnant women don’t they probably drink bottled water but even that the question is where where is the water being bottled at right you know I live in Idaho I live at the top of the Watershed I feel like my water’s probably the cleanest it’s going to get um but I don’t I live in a rural climate and I’m getting drinking water coming off the mountains right but I’m at the top of the wed but we talking about an urban population a population that’s recycling toilet water like in California in fairx County they’re recycling toilet water for drinking water everyone one should be concerned about that in general um but and there’s so much in our water like we tried to test this I will tell you we tried to test the wire in New York City and the testing uh laboratory came back to us and said we cannot in good faith test this water because there’s so many pollutants in the water there’s no way we’ll get an academic study of the water that was the result though that’s how bad the water is in New York City they couldn’t even isolate the met I mean that that’s that’s do not drink tap that’s painfully hilarious it’s painfully hilarious like it could explain some behaviors that we’re seeing in New York City I live in New York City stop drinking the tap water my friends I already have stopped a long time ago but the the fact that they they they told you they couldn’t test for a certain pollutant because the water is so polluted that the the test wouldn’t be able to detect which pollutant it is absolutely get out of here what is that and the thing is even getting the water tested took about a year and a half to get the water tested because when I tried to hire water testing companies in the United States and they found out what I was testing for because these metabolites are only found in this abortion drug no testing company would do it why why well think about the hierarchy of leftist values environmental you know so many of the environmentalists are also pro-abortion and abortion always outrange you know when you’re dealing with a leftist and you’re talking about you know a multitude of issues abortion is the top of of their issue do they know that you’re uh like a student organization or do they just think you’re a scientist conducting this they did until they did not know who who was hiring them we had to actually get legally uh smart and hide who we were to actually get the water tested and we actually ended up having to hire a company that was licensed to do water test in the United States but actually does not reside here in the United States of America okay that’s how I mean that’s the level of cover up that you’re talking about is that the left doesn’t even want to know they don’t even want to have this discussion and that is why secretary Kennedy and commissioner zeldon have got to add this on to their list of of what they’re studying when it comes to chemical abortion drugs wow if somebody’s watching this and they want to know more about your either your organization but specifically this research that everyone should be concerned where can they find more uh you can get more information about our water research and the information that I can release publicly at thisis chemical abortion.com and we kind of go through how these pollutants are entering our water uh you could also go students forlife.org and get in touch with us that way and follow all of our work on the 1500 college and high school campuses that we you know I’m not every single day almost changing Minds about abortion and serving Women in Need great Kristen thank you so much thanks for having me sure
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