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there’s been a lot of false information what the left calls misinformation disinformation about what’s going on in these first first 30 days is hasn’t even been 30 days it’s it’s reminiscent of FDR’s first 100 days and they call it the Maga Revolution it’s not a revolution it is a counterrevolution there’s a big difference I want to talk about the Trump counterrevolution not the revolution this is a restoration let’s use the word Trump restoration we don’t know really we don’t really appreciate what we’ve been through with eight years of the Obama Revolution and the 4-year more radical third term of Obama using our employing the waxing Effigy Of Joe Biden a revolution uh that we’ve experienced was a cultural economic political social Evolution it was very similar to the French Revolution under the Roes Pierre Brothers we should remember what they tried to do they changed the days of the week they renamed things they tore down statues they went after the church does this sound familiar this revolution that we’ve experienced everything was up for sale everything was negotiable we invented a third gender and rammed it down people’s throats we tore down statutes we said 1776 was no longer the foundational day it was 1619 we changed the very mechanism that we vote we went from 70% of the electorate voting on Election Day to 70% of the electorate not doing that either through mailin or early voting that was a radical change that had no discussion it was done by theat it was incredible we looked at girl Sports and we destroyed it we said that transgendered biological males that were now transgendered females could compete they won over 600 medals they took away from hardworking female athletes we had drag shows among young children it was an effort to change the entire Constitution we forget that they were trying to bring in Puerto Rico as State and Washington DC to get four inant Senators they they were proud they said that they were going to pack the Supreme Court hadn’t been done hadn’t been tried since 1937 and it was a object of disgrace ever since but they were proud to try it again they talked about making States the Senate look like the house they wanted and a lot of them were advocating it was not fair that one senator in Wyoming to take one example was worth 250,000 votes but a senator California represented to 20 million they wanted to change the makeup of the Senate they wanted to get rid of the Senate filibuster remember that they wanted to bring back neoc Confederate nullification 600 jurisdictions and the manner of South Carolina In 1832 or on the edge of the Civil War in 1860 when Confederate Neo Confederate Southern stat said that Federal government’s law does not apply to us tariffs Yankee tariffs no no we were going to override them Andrew Jackson almost invaded uh the Carolinas over that South Carolina and so these jurisdictions said we federal law doesn’t apply here we’re we’re exempt we have our own laws you cannot Federal immigration law does not apply here it applies everywhere else to you you you but not to us so this was a revolutionary movement movies were different sports were different take a knee and Donald Trump came in and it was not sufficient to say we’re going to stop the madness of $37 billion we’re going to stop the madness of being short 40 or 50,000 military recruits because of this di coupled with the uation and and Kabul we’re going to stop the appeasement of China but that wasn’t all he said the government is broke we’re going to go through all of these agencies and finally for the first time in the history of this country when somebody says they’re going to cut federal spending and drain the swamp or cut the administr we’re going to do it and there’s going to be no changing names except to go back to traditional name and we’re not going to topple statutes and if you break the law and you’re on campus and you’re on a student visa you’re going to go back home so we’re in the midst of a counterrevolution it’s not revolutionary you know what it is it’s a return to normality it’s a return to Common Sense it only looks revolutionary to revolutionaries but to the rest of the people it is a counter res Revolution to Res restore normality and bring the country from the farle fringes back home again I think the worst president in a 100 years who has destroyed deterrents and what do I mean I mean from when Biden came in office blinkin and sullan were utterly humiliated and Anchorage in that Summit with the Chinese they just dressed them down I mean they send a Chinese spy balloon and we’re learning more about it with impunity over the United States I’m talking about the humiliation in Kabul the 50 they say 8 billion but when you look at all the vehicles military and nonv and all the infrastructure the billion Embassy $300 million retrofitted Bay all even the gender studies program at the University of Kabul when you look at all of that money it’s probably $50 billion humiliation so all I was saying this for magga to be realist and to deter its enemies so it does not have to go to war you’re going to have to increase the defense budget make sure you got more recruits and you’re going to have to use military force cuz somebody is going to be stupid enough to challenge you and if you don’t then you’re going to end up like Biden if you say you’re going to drain the swamp and this is before his appointee so I didn’t know exactly who he’s going to appoint when I wrote it but if you’re going to say I’m going to drain the swamp you can’t have a swamp creature in there so I’m not going to judge this first term appointments but Rex tiller and Jim Mattis John Bolton Bill bar and go down the line they were people of the establishment and they were not Maga people but they were they knew their the environment they were fish that swam in that type of water so you’re saying that type of water is going to be drained and the fish with it okay so then you’re going to have to get non-traditional people who’s who are Maga people and you’re going to have a problem because when you nominate Pete hex and cash Patel and Pam Bondi and telsey gber and RFK they’re going to go nuts so you’re going to have to stick by them no matter what because they will try to destroy these people because they know what they’re going to do when they get in they are not going to act like a normal Republican appointe I’m sober and judicious and there’s pros and there’s cons and I’m open for dialogue in a bipartisan fashion I know that we are a little bit excessive and maybe you are and we’re going to split the differ no no no no no you’re going to have to go in there and say the top level of this warp politicized it’s got to go so these people are going to have to come from a non-traditional gra background you know like cash not that he didn’t qualify he was more than qualified but he was a Critic and so what Donald Trump squared that circle is and he did this after I wrote it he didn’t read it it was in editorial he just said you know what I got to get a non-traditional person that’s kind of driving crazy I don’t know if they going to get it confirmed or not I I get people who are victims of the agency in which they’re going to run telsey gabard now she’s intelligence Director of National Intelligence uh cash Patel now he run the FBI Pete hex say wrote a book critical the Pentagon that drove him crazy now he’s going to direct the Pentagon RFK they hated him HHS for years now he’ll won hhf Jay vachara that he tried to destroy him now he’s going to be running and iing that was the attitude so I was trying to say that if you’re really going to Stage a counterrevolution you’ve got to deal with these contradictions of tax cut but balance the budget or uh we’re not getting involved a real not getting involved in war that are up then you’re going to have to use Force to make sure that happened and then if you’re going to drain the swamp you’re going to have to get very controversial people to do it they’re going to have to be by Nature contro you do not want a non-controversial person because they’re going to have to go in there with a mission if you look at the last five presidencies uh Joe Biden pardoned more than all five combined and with the 2,000 from Bill Clinton which was until then the high in the modern period they pardoned over 10,000 people Clinton and then and then Biden and even with Donald Trump as I said he and George Bush had about 2,000 so there was a great asymmetry and it seems to be more of a democratic phenomenon at least in the modern period And I I think they’re going to have to check I I think I don’t know what the constitutionality of you you know better that as a legal mind but uh it seems to me that it’s been abused abused abused it’s got to stop it it it is a phenomenon that when Barack Obama came in he fired vast numbers of people and I can say from personal experiences I was a non-political appointee on of all commissions the American Battlefield Monument oh that’s the best commission it is and my job was to be a custodian of our dead overseas 50% of which of all uh dead and our Wars are buried there and I never build it I would go on a tour I’d go on a trip and I would always go visit these and talk with the custodians there I never even build the government and yet when Barack Obama came in I got a letter saying you will surrender your diplomatic passport your uh commission immediately within 10 days and then he he left it open for almost a year until he appointed Max Cleland my point is that Donald Trump is bringing us back to normality but because we have been accustomed to what the left has done it seems like suddenly they feel well you’re supposed to play by the Marcus of Queensbury rules and we can do whatever you want you’re not supposed to do what we do And yet when you try to correct what they do you you consider a radical because they were so off the scale same thing with a border uh they’re talking about the co cost of deporting people but what was the cost of letting 12 million people in and their Havoc they wreck so a lot of this is all connected and I think people have to take a deep breath and say you know what it’s going to be costly to undo the damage and the Precedence that they uh inspired and established I think a lot of it is anger that they really realize now that they did certain things uh with the executive orders uh with the border that they never thought would be used by a president to enact policies that had public support they abused the system because they didn’t have public support but Donald Trump was saying well since you established his president I’m going to use it to do things that people want and now they’re going crazy and they feel that they empowered Trump in a way they they never thought possible they thought he was going to be like George Bush or Romney or McCain or Bob Dole and they didn’t understand that he’s a different sort of person I wrote a book called The Dy citizen I had a chapter called the unelected they are judge jury and executioner on these and many of these buos especially the EPA people they interpret and use and ex uh exercise the law in a way that the F the framers of that law never intended that’s what’s really disturbing they they become evolutionaries they take a law and then they think well all the elected officials are trans atory and we know the law better than they do and they’re going to come and go we’re here permanently and we’re going to go after somebody and they’ll have enormous legal expenses even if we’re in the wrong they’re not accountable so I I feel that part of that’s because of the size and the arrogance compensation so anything that can reduce the size and the nature of the government permanent government I think is salutory I I kind of like the idea of amateur amateurism because I think a lot of these people Master the the Arcane nature of their off officers and then they just have contempt for elected officials who are their overseers because they think they don’t know as and they don’t know as much because they have taken their legislation expanded to such a great degree that the lawmakers never even knew what they were basically what would be the result of their passing this wall the only hope that I have is the Hispanic population which is largely Mexican American flip five counties clearly my own Fresno County and they are starting to see that they cannot afford as an aspiring middle class population it’s coming into its own they cannot afford the gas they cannot afford the electricity prices they cannot afford the crime the poor infrastructure and the poor schools and they’re starting to rebel and I don’t know how long or how big that Rebellion but that will help and then this is the fire was the real first time that a whole constituency suffered the consequences of their ideology usually they’re exempt because of their zip code or their money or their influence not this time and they are still angry at Gavin usum so maybe we’ve got to Peak W Peak Green New Deal Peak all of this craziness and California will become a two part two-party system I mean we have super majorities of Democrats we only have I think it’s nine congressional seats of 52 not one state officer 14 out of 15 on the city council were Democrats so it was it was a democratic project is what I’m trying to say I think Trump thinks that there’s a lot of people there that are classical liberal Farmers or whatever and they’re good citizens and he doesn’t care what color they are I’m sure if there’s a Zulu farmer who has 100 acres and he’s on the wrong tribe and they confiscate his I’m sure they’ll do that in some cases he’s welcome to the United States too I just don’t believe though that Trump will be able to get get away with saying that we’re not going to discriminate on the basis of country of origins or race and let in a law body South africaner with all these skills C you know what I mean would be a very productive citizen but apparently he says he will once we’re over the trauma I think we’re going to learn that there were protocols and there were problems in a systematic failure of the FAA and the people who set the policy for Blackhawks and some of the decisions that were made were not based on Merit and we know that’s true of Los Angeles in case of the water and power director of the mayor the assistant mayor Etc and once you substitute tribalism for merit we know historically where you end up and I always relate that weird thing that happened to me when I was in a little Russian taxi on the way back the way into to Tripoli from the airport and I’m not they were like sink holes the the you know the holes in the cement in the asphalt and I said to the driver who spoke English why you’re you’re the fifth larger largest exporter of oil why do you have not enough asphalt he said we’re a tribalist country we hire our first cousin and sometimes a first cousin and uh remember another thing that happened the word colonialist is only and there’s only authenticity in One Direction so in other words even though a lot of the bors in English were there more than as long as or in some cases longer than tribes that migrated from other parts of Africa they are still because of they’re white they’re considered settlers however if you’re a black South South African and you were to immigrate to Western Society or but you’re not a settler so you if you are somebody from the Middle East for example uh or from turkey and you migrate to Germany and I can show you what the German people were like in uh 60 AD or 80 ad or 100 AD if I read tacus Germania still that’s not considered that you’re an interloper no no no no no even if you’re if you say to a Turkish immigrant in Germany you’re from an imperialist tradition the Ottomans were probably the biggest imperialist the cruestv there were a lot of Dei people who helped write it but ultimately there were probably a lot of white liberal people who endorsed that and then went to their you know faculty lounge and said oh I I did this I did this I’m going to apply to be the you know the head of the medical school at Harvard because at Dartmouth I had a mandatory Dei criteria that was more important than anything else all the people make these Dei decisions will find coner doctors that were based on Merit they may be Indian they may be Chinese they may be black but they based on Merit it non-merit is for other people and the problem with these white professional uh by Coast to leftwing people who gave us Dei is that sometimes they can’t escape the consequences of their own ideology it’s very I don’t want to stereotype the people in Pacific Palisades that a number of them were very left-wing yeah and voted for these people and there’s a number of people uh that fly and they vote for this and they are going to be subject that’s very we’re in a very dangerous position right now as far as I I I get very tired when I know sha duy I like him a lot and but he has to say that flying statistically is very safe it is but that hides the fact that if you look at uh go arounds for example for various causes we had almost a record year I think in 2023 we’ve had near misses New York Times wrotes extensively about about it they were very worried about it so everybody knows the problems that have existed they we’ve had long investigative reports that the FFA the FAA was spending a huge amounts of money on Dei but was not updating its computers I was on a flight uh to Fresno of all places by a I won’t name the airline a pilot sat next to and he told me well he wasn’t happy that he had to go to Fresno for a variety of reasons about the airport but he said and I said well at least it’s American he said what do you mean at least it’s American and I said well you know we have the very sophisticated air traffic no we don’t I said what do you mean we don’t he goes Europe is much more advanced than we are as far as their avionics and computers and tracking and radar he said where and I said why is that he said well we spend things on different things then he went into a tie raade about and he wasn’t a United pilot about United Pilots had announced he said the year before and I looked it up it was true that 50% of all their uh trainees in Pilot training by Statute their own statute had to be minorities regardless of their background so they were turning away military Pilots everybody so that’s just a fact and that means maybe an 80% of it won’t matter they’ll be trained fine but you might be in a plane where a person wouldn’t have been qualifying if he didn’t fit a Dei category and there might have been a milit military pilot that would have and that might in that particular distance Donald Trump is the only President in my lifetime that tried to stop it the only one the B neither Bush did no when you’re making inefficient power for non economic reasons nonrational reasons but you’re doing it for an ideology of global warming when the Chinese it won’t matter anyway the Chinese are polluting the hell out of the planet excuse me but when you’re doing that and then you you’re you’re making inefficient sources of power you don’t you still have to buy expensive power and people know that so California or New York they they know that so if you’re going to import power at night it’s going to be expensive because you have no choice and then if one quarter of your customers are not paying that and you identify them as a protected species of indigenous victims or then somebody’s going to have to pay for it and you’re going to pay for it in one of two mechanisms you’re either not going to invest in the grid and then in California you often get wild flyers from faulty Sparky lines or uh you’re going to have to raise rates for the idiots that pay their bill on time and that’s what I think you talk about I heard that word maybe five times in the last 10 years why did you move out of California I go to Florida Nevada I say I live in California and I said why did you move out because I’m not an idiot at Victor and that means I don’t like to pay the highest income taxes the high second or third highest sales the highest gas taxes and get the worst schools the worst infrastructure the highest crime and somewhere between the Alpha and the Omega to use that metaphor again there’s the reality and the reality is we have large numbers of very poor people that we’ve imported or invited into the state and we have two sets of rules to accommodate them and one set means they are exempt from consequences of their plight and the other group has to be non-exempt to pay for it to subsidize it and so that’s just the way it is and if you one if you have a large community that’s being paid daily in cash and doesn’t obey sanitation in terms of disposing of garbage or refrigerators or doesn’t want to spend $30 at the county don’t then they’re not going to be prosecuted they just not going to happen I called maybe in my lifetime of 50 years 10 times the county or the state EPA when there’s really big things like 600 Ft worth of broken glass and barrels of oil I’m talking about a whole Vine roll where they had oil and lubricants and paint where somebody just took a big flatbed got all of his neighbors apparently all their crap and then went down a Vine roll hidden at night and threw it off so it was a blanket there must have been 500 fluorescent light tubes in that there must have been 300 uh gallons of paint there must have been 650 barrel uh lubricant old oil drum there must have been I don’t know a thousand pieces of 2x4s with Nails in them and sheetrock scrap it was just like that and I called and called and I was told number one not only are we not going to take it out of here and number two you’ll never find their names they’re not going to leave their trash there and number three how do we know you didn’t do it and so what do you mean well this all has to be taken the lubricants have contaminated the site it all has to be taken to a toxic waste dump which was about you know 80 Mi away and you’re going to have to do it or you’re going to have to call an authorized licensed removal service or we’re going to assume you did it or you can just leave it there the guy said off the record you can leave it there and I said you can’t even diss the road what do you do that gets people really angry all that and well we should say white people I don’t think anybody understands why Hispanic communities On the Border are against illegal immigration because once you have that incident in your life or once your son is accosted by an gang member at school or once you were a parent in a Hispanic Community you worked really hard for for a that you have a competitive High School advanced placement and suddenly the classroom is swarmed with about 50 people who don’t speak English and you’ve got to go back to English as a second language you get angry about that you really do or the rents go up or your grandmother has got to go to the Heart Clinic and and it’s a medical system and she always had an appointment suddenly you show up and there’s 50 people in line that have never been to a doctor yeah and then the people who are promoting all this are weal the white people on the coast who say I feel really good I have open borders and people in southern Mexico are getting all this great care I just don’t want to see them cuz I I I don’t want to and I have my own coner doctor and I get so it’s w it’s really bad it is very bad and well I don’t it’s Donald Trump is the only President in my lifetime that tried to stop it the only one the B Nether Bush did no if you know everybody’s noticed the hysteria that happened the last five or six days that Donald Trump is going to haphazardly in shotgun fashion level asymmetrical tariffs or blanket tariffs the stock market panic but my question to all of us is were they tariffs at all traditionally a tariff remember is a policy that a government uses to pop up an anemic industry at least an industry that can’t compete globally or versus VV a a trading partner and traditional economists say this is terrible because what happens is that if you don’t have free Glo global trade then the consumer is paying more uh for a product that is inefficient because it’s shielded from competition but is Donald Trump really doing that is he saying or tobacco industry or shoe industry is weak and I have to prop it up he not really these are not what I’m getting at is they’re not really tariffs so what are they well to answer that question let’s look at the countries he’s targeted Panama Colombia Venezuela China the EU Canada and Mexico in all of those cases is he trying to protect a particular industry I don’t think he is so if you take Venezuela and Colombia he’s saying that you people deliberately empty your jails and you sent them to the unit United States sent them being felons violent felons and you’re not going to do that anymore and they said we’re not taking them back he said you’re going to take them back or I’m going to put a tariff so it was a lever of diplomacy and it worked they backed down completely then he said to Panama we had a treaty with you signed during the last year of the Carter Administration which you were going to give us in response to our historic role in Crea in the Panama Canal at Great cost which we gave to you certain conditions of which you violated you VI you invited in our Archen enemy and conducted this silk and roll agreement with him and suddenly they have concessions at the at both ends of the canal and you knew what you were doing and yet you took advantage of us so you’re going to have a teror and of course it worked now there’s negotiations and China may be out of the picture somewhat same thing happened with Canada and Mexico that we said to the Canadians you’re supposed to pay 2% of your NATO of your GDP for military defense that was your NATO promise you broke it you pay 1.37 in defense Canada used to have the fourth fifth greatest Navy in the world what are you doing well I can tell you what you’re doing you’re relying on the United States nuclear shield to protect your North American territories and to keep the American Navy keeping the atlan I and the Pacific and the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf all free of pirates and hostile belligerent and terrorists and we do that we subsidize you and we pay 16% of NATO’s budget we’re just one just one of you know 30 Nations and you’re running up a $50 billion Surplus 50 billion and you look at your tariffs versus ours and they’re far more punitive and they’re far greater and you won’t control the Border you think it’s funny Mr toau that people are coming across this once free and open border to take advantage of our derel immigration policy and we said the same thing to Mexico what are you doing Mexico under the NAFTA agreements That was supposed to smooth out trade you’ve W gone from $2 billion Surplus to 167 billion and you are a Dumping Ground for Chinese to get around trade policies by assembling ch Chinese products and other countries and then coming under uh the free trade agreements that we’ve made with you to our disadvantage that would be that’s not the end of it that would be enough but you’re sending you’re receiving $63 billion from exp Patriots that send remittances and they’re being subsidized by state and local and federal government taxpayers and health education and that’s not the end of it you’re getting 20 or30 billion dollar by your cartels that in fungible terms help your economy you’re getting over $200 billion dollar and what are we getting out we’re getting 75,000 dead Americans we’re getting 12 million illegal aliens in the last four years and we are getting cheap Chinese assembled products dumped in our country and we’re not going to do it anymore so he threatened them with the terror as far as China and the European union he said the Chinese you’re running2 to $300 billion uh trade surpluses and we know what you’ve been doing in addition you serly steal steal American Technology you conduct cyber attacks on some of our corporations and companies and you dump product here at below the cost of production to create market share or you target strategic industries of ours to put them out of business and you want us to Offshore and Outsource and you’ve hollowed out the United States industrial belt so all we ask is reciprocal reciprocity whatever you do we will do but he’s not protecting an individual industry and he’s saying the same thing to the EU how was it Europe that you are now half a trillion dollar running a half a trillion dollar Trade Surplus with the United States and yet we contribute an inordinate amount to your defense we have an ocean between you and us you’re right on the border with some very dangerous people in Ukraine and yet we are paying an inordinate amount and we’ve been doing this for nearly 80 years and you don’t listen to it let me just finish by saying this was not the first effort to rectify asymmetrical and unfair policies that involve illegal immigration dumping product huge trade surpluses uh not paying your military responsibility uh in terms of military Investments and defense expenditures this was the last desperate move we have tried through conferences bilateral talks threats and all of these people have said basically if I can excuse the vernacular heck with you screw you and so Donald Trump finally in desperation said I have a tool called a ter but in conclusion I’m not sure it was a tariff at all it was just a diplomatic tool and I think the Wall Street Journal and a lot of ourc need to calm down because he’s not trying to we go back to the 1930s which may have caused the Great Depression with reciprocal blanket tariff he’s trying to restore fairness and symmetry to the world in every aspect of that word well there has been a maast storm of controversy about JD Vance last week he spoke at the Munich security conference but he chose not to speak just necessarily about security issues I.E NATO contributions but rather the larger problem with Europe itself and that controversy still continues today basically what JD van said was we have to get along Europe and the United States we are twins of the western tradition but my God it’s getting hard for you you take American tech companies and try to censor them even when they conduct interviews in the United States when Elon Musk talked to Donald Trump on X you wanted to you being the ctive of Europeans you wanted to censor it when an when a election didn’t go the way that the left wanted in Romania they wanted to stop it in fact others have said within Germany that the alternative for deut if they were to be a majority party in the next election they might cancel it so he he said this is not behooving of us I heard his speech and he talked about uh freedom of speech and and I think it’s true in Europe it’s losing they losing their wonderful right of freedom of speech I see it I mean I I thought he made a very good speech actually very brilliant speech yeah Europe has to be careful they went crazy they oh my gosh the defense secretary of the minister of Germany got right up this is unsustainable this is unacceptable but nobody said it was untrue it was it was absolutely true that the so-called libertine free loving open Society of Europe is very Clos it’s a one- party system in the sense that they only allow left-wing views it’s to the left of the radical American Democratic party Germany should be very careful and also should Europe because the subtext of that speech wasn’t explicitly uh voiced but it was there and his critic said oh he’s just talking to the mega people at home he wasn’t he wasn’t talking to the French ministers he wasn’t talking to the magga people at home or the American people in general he was talking to the people of Europe and they support him because we are going to see possible radical changes in the German government some Eastern European governments but especially the French government and maybe the British government the next time and they were going to be National populists and he was telling them you have a right to stand out and do what his criticism was multifaceted close your borders legal only immigration up your defense budget allow for free speech we’ve gone through the Biden nightmare at home we know what it was like to go hard left don’t go that way deregulate cut taxes free up the economy and they got very angry about that it was almost as if they knew that was true but they could not admit it but here’s the subtext I’m talking about Germany and Europe better better be very careful Germany’s fertility rate is 1.45 Europe’s in aggregate is only about 1.5 we’re at least 1.6 we said years ago in 2014 NATO paid 2% of GDP and hold your own and pull your own weight and now it’s it’s 10 years 11 years later and we still have nine NATO countries that will not do it especially Germany they only spend 1.5 % their energy is four times ours and BMW and Audi and Mercedes cannot compete why because they’ve gone full green new deals so to speak and shut down coal nuclear natural gas plants they have 16% of the population was not born in Germany France is almost as bad and they they do not assimilate andary and integrate like we do they are looking at this you Russian Ukrainian war in their borders where maybe 1.5 million people have been are wounded or missing and they’re critical of the United States that pays the greatest proportion of the NATO budget and who puts Europe under its nuclear shield and they are damning us they run a $240 billion Surplus with tradeit and how do they do it because we’re lazy and unproductive no we are more productive and and we have cheaper power rates and a more open economy than they do but they have asymmetrical tariffs add it all up add it all up and Germany is in a very dependent place so is Europe JD Vance was trying to speak truth to power so to speak and they didn’t want to hear it and what’s going to happen in the next year people in Europe are going to rise up these populist movements and I think what he’s telling all of them this could be another start of a wonderful relationship ship because these fossilized aifi governments do not reflect the people of Europe there’s been a lot of false information what the left calls misinformation disinformation about what’s going on in these first first 30 days it hasn’t even been 30 days it’s uh it’s reminiscent of FDR’s first 100 days and they call it the Maga Revolution it’s not a revolution it is a counterrevolution there’s a big difference this is a restoration let’s use the word Trump restoration we don’t know really we don’t really appreciate what we’ve been through with eight years of the Obama Revolution and the four-year more radical third term of Obama using or employing the wax and Effigy Of Joe Biden a revolution uh that we’ve experienced was a cultural economic political social Evolution it was very similar to the French Revolution under the Roes Pierre Brothers we should remember what they tried to do they changed the days of the week they rename things they tore down statues they went after the church does this sound familiar this revolution that we’ve experienced everything was up for sale everything was negotiable we tore down statutes we said 1776 was no longer the foundational day it was 1619 we changed the very mechanism that we vote we went from 70% % of the electorate voting on Election Day to 70% of the electorate not doing that either through mailin or early voting that was a radical change that had no discussion it was done by theat it was incredible they wanted to bring back neoc Confederate nullification 600 jurisdictions in the manner of South Carolina In 1832 or on the edge of the Civil War in 1860 when confeder Neo Confederate Southern States said the federal government’s law does not apply to us tariffs Yankee tariffs no no we were going to override them Andrew Jackson almost invaded uh the Carolinas over that South Carolina and so these jurisdictions said we federal law doesn’t apply here we’re we’re exempt we have our own laws you cannot Federal immigration law does not apply here it applies everywhere else to you you you but not to us so this was a revolutionary movement movies were different sports were different take a knee and Donald Trump came in and it was not sufficient to say we’re going to stop the madness of 37 billion dollar we’re going to stop the madness of being short 40 or 50,000 military recruits because of this di coupled with the imation and and Kabul we’re going to stop the appeasement of China but that wasn’t all all he said the government is broke we’re going to go through all of these agencies and finally for the first time in the history of this country when somebody says they’re going to cut federal spending and drain the swamp or cut the administr we’re going to do it and there’s going to be no changing names except to go back to traditional names and we’re not going to topple statues and if you break the law and you’re on campus and you’re on a student visa you’re going to go back home so we’re in the midst of a counter Revolution it’s not Revolution you know what it is it’s a return to normality it’s a return to Common Sense it only looks revolutionary to revolutionaries but to the rest of the people it is a counter Revolution to re restore normality and bring the country from the farle fringes back home again I want to talk today about the controversy over diversity Equity inclusion but in a little different strain I want to compare it with affirmative action affirmative action was created during the Civil Rights era 1964 and 65 and then now it has been with us almost 60 years but remember what it was originally designed for to address the historic racism and oppression of black Americans through slavery and Jim Crow de facto segregation in some of the northern states but deuri segregation in the South and it said that that because of that African-Americans had not been given equality of opportunity and then something happened to this Paradigm when the Obama Administration came in they saw that that constituency was not big enough for the type of woke agenda that they were envisioning so they recreated it they used a word diversity and diversity then would morph in during the Obama years to diversity equity and inclusion and they added the equity and inclusion so you didn’t obsess on Race which was the obsession but they didn’t want you to think about that so then all of a sudden anybody was diverse on one qualification they were not white that posed millions of problems because who is white in a multi-racial society everybody has different heritages as at one quarter 116 should we use the one drop rule of the old Confederacy how do we stop fakers like Senator Elizabeth Warren Etc but all that aside you can see what Obama was trying to do he was trying to see say that the number of people who had been victimized was no longer 12% it was 30% and it was based on the idea of systemic racism if you could not find overt racism in the 21st century then you had to put adjectives in it it was systemic it was in institutional it was Insidious it was like air you can’t see air but you know it’s there so you had to have air detectors like uh de detectors and they would tell us there’s you have to have trigger warnings or safe spaces or microaggressions this was all an effort to build a victimized class and what happened was in the old days there was an economic element to affirmative action it was clear that African-Americans income was not comparable to non-african-americans but under Dei you could be an immigrant from the Punjab you could come in from Argentina you could come in from Taiwan you could come in from almost any area and there were actually 16 different ethnic groups with higher incomes than whites so what happened people began to say two things this person who we are hiring because we want to be diverse actually has more money than the people who are being excluded and has more opportunity number one and number two they have no history of systemic exclusion how does somebody who comes across the border from Waka on the first day claim that he’s been a victim of Insidious American racism how does somebody who comes from Taiwan make the argument that he has been a victim of systemic racism in the here and now so you had all of these immigrants coming in and remember Dei was by intent to coincide with a record number of immigrants 55 million 16% of the population so what did we do we created a new group and the result of it was for a while 8 years we got if we got record numbers of uh Democrat vote ERS among Asians who had been traditionally conservative under Hispanics blacks Native Americans and then it blew up and Donald Trump blew that up because he exposed the Ridiculousness of it these people are trying to divide us into a Marxist binary between victimizers and victims but the PE people in East Palestine were victims the people in North Carolina were victims and there some of the victimizers are not white and so it’s so convoluted now and it makes no sense in terms of economic advantage or historic racism or bias or who is what let’s just get rid of it and start to treat people as people and make identity politics incidental and not essential to who we are I think what the whole magga thing I the idea of trump was that people use very sophisticated vocabulary and rums to do really awful things so you scream and yell and that tears off the veneer and then you’re left with a reality and you can judge it one or the other there is something wrong with the academic world and the B Coastal we it is really wrong and the irony is it makes them very vulnerable to fads and Trends because they’re not connected with earthy real things they don’t know where their water comes from their sewage goes how the electricity works on their home how to from it uh they don’t know people who work with their hands they don’t for I’m generalizing but they don’t and that people on the other side they maybe they’re not intellectuals maybe they’re not well read maybe they don’t understand the laws of the universe but they’re they’re tied to the to the real things and they’re very they’re full of Common Sense Trump was saying these people with all these sobern judicious they’re politicized they’re weaponized they’re incompetent and um they’re dangerous so I’m going to get people who are loyal we’re not going to have the mess of the first one just like Obama did he fired almost everybody I can tell you I was on the American Battlefield monuments commission an a political as soon as Obama came in he fired me and he fired every Republican on that commission and that’s what Obama did and I don’t blame him that was what he wanted people on the same team but Trump didn’t so he’s going to do what most people do get a team in there and he’s going to get people who don’t fit that background of Mary Garland Lloyd Austin blinken Sullivan Andrew mayorcas he destroyed the Border he he was the Secretary of Homeland insecurity and then the third thing and this is point it gets back to the point about irony about the Panama Canal so there was going to be irony so he said to make sure that these people understand what I’m dealing with I’m going to pick people who have been targeted by these people I watched the confirmations I was really I mean it was there was two things going on it was it wasn’t there wasn’t one question uh Mr hexa is the Triad still valuable it was all you were drunk are you this or this but then that brought up the question who polices the police what I’m getting at is there’s a lot of very competent people that make the country country run and I don’t think people appreciate it they don’t and there’s a lot of incompetent people who have mastered certain requirements to succeed I and I’m not a revolutionary say this is unfair that’s just the way it is but don’t tell me because that’s the way it is that it represents reality or it’s legitimate and that’s what this counter Revolution is about Joe Biden said they were not a rival he said that literally they are rival the the key with China is if we did to China what they’re doing to us they would go to war with us so if we sent 300,000 Americans over there and they were systematically 1% of them bringing technology back or we sent a balloon across the Chinese or we started to uh do things uh about their uh Espionage cyber attacks they would go crazy so it’s all predicated on the United States doesn’t do what we do and the world the United States doesn’t do what we do they created so it’s it’s uh it’s very dangerous there’s a window that he can do pretty much they can get an agenda through but then Obama started out that way he won the House and Senate and then then he had the Tea Party two years later and he lost 62 63 seats same thing can happen to any president but we’ll see the the key is whether the the person is the movement or the movement is the person and this time around it’s not just Donald Trump he’s created a movement and it’s ecumenical and it’s diverse but it’s it transcends race and that’s very that’s very I think good and it’s it’s a middle class movement and that and that’s the largest class in the United States so I never thought I’d see Elon Musk on the same page with a Long chman human Union this is a slow motion suicide of the democratic party there screaming and yelling on the confirmation you you’ve you’ve aired probably the the voting at the DNC that crazy I don’t know what you would call it quotas on which candidate was a which s sexual orientation and then that this meltdown over Elon Musk Elon Musk I mean the National Security adviser of the United States doesn’t have to be confirmed he serves at the the wish of the president so Elon Musk doesn’t have he’s the same category and and then if you think about the scientific stuff uh that elon’s trying to do and and bring coding and everything in for efficiency they just turned over the war effort on the war production board these guys weren’t elected they were not confirmed Henry Ford Henry Kaiser William nson they just re booted the entire American economy they were Geniuses at what they did but this is not new to have an adviser what’s new is that he actually has a statuto Authority in this new this new agency of Doge but it I don’t know what whether it’s he’s an apostate and they’re they’re furious at him because Tesla and his wealth was used on their behalf but they’re they’re just committing suicide and they’re they’re down to 31% that’s the lowest in my lifetime they’ve ever been an approval rating and I guess they want to go down to 20 and they will get there if they keep the this hysteria of they don’t understand that most people I I’d say the vast majority of people are so sick of it and they just want to cut the size of government they don’t want to give the BBC 8% of its budget they really don’t want to do that they don’t want to pay for the subscriptions of bureaucrats to Politico another thing they don’t mention is we’re spending a lot of money to go into traditional fundamentalist Societies in the Middle East and Asia and then almost as if we’re 19 Century pith hat British imperialist that if you really want an alienate a traditional Society you don’t bring in and all of these crazy I you know politically correct Sesame on Street on Middle East TV but they they’re really cultural imperialist that’s what’s so ironic about it and they turn off people overseas so when they when Elon says get rid of it it would be better for foreign relations I think he’s right it’s not just a 50 billion we’d save but we wouldn’t be we wouldn’t appear so obnoxious and sermonizing and arrogant to all of these societies that purportedly were helping yeah the problem with this is say here in California we’re no different if you look at polls on if you look at deportation of criminals it’s about 70% for it so on almost every one of these issues they’re on the wrong side and then when they what they’re really frustrated about Megan is they don’t have the white house they don’t have the house they do not have the Senate they do not have the Supreme Court they do not have public support on any of these issues they have no power of subpoena they can no no power to block confirmation they’re completely impotent and that was their own doing and they’re very frustrated because they have given a sample Paradigm blueprint through Joe Biden’s executive orders and his pressing the limits of what a president can do and if it came right into Trump’s hands and he said you know B Biden did all of this stuff then I guess he set a president and they they’ve really shot themselves in the foot and this is not going to go well because uh we have federal laws and this is Confederate nullification we have 600 um sanctuary jurisdictions and technically they’re all they’re all Breaking federal law and state the Constitution is very clear the state law does not surpass a federal law all he and he because he has this power and they have none Trump can just say pick which Federal program you don’t want but you’re breaking federal law so I have no I have no intention of extending Federal money to you until you comply and I think the courts will probably back him up on that here in California we got about a hundred billion Bill minimum to get Los Angels ready for the Olympics and they’re going to need a massive infusion of federal money and you can see Gavin Nome he bent the knee almost immediately when he saw Trump they understand that Trump doesn’t have to make a big deal of it he just has to say if I’m going to give you this Federal money I’m going to send Rick renell out and he’s going to watch over it and he’s got public support there’s such a backlash right now about the Dei and what happened in Los Angeles they’re they’re on the wrong side of every one of these issues and now people are starting to get really angry about it and uh I think what’s also missed here is When Donald Trump came into office they were very confident because they thought that they could infiltrate the administrative State as remember Anonymous said he was going to stop Trump from the inside we had vinman doing it we had Rex chillon calling Trump stupid we had Jim Mattis we had all of these guys and they and Trump got wise and he said you know what I’m not going to have any of them I’m going to have people that are more magga than I am and I’m going to turn them loose and and they can’t handle that they’re looking for some interior person maybe the Secretary of State maybe the Secretary of Defense can sabotage it like we used to do but there’s no one there and so they don’t have any power now and I’ve never seen such asymmetry and they’re just getting angrier because they’re used to being coddled and they losing the media now they don’t know what to do with your podcast Joe Rogan they have no idea how to compete with that they’re losing lawsuits for the first time big lawsuits and it’s like the whole re that whole Revolution is now meeting a counterrevolution cultural social economic political kind of like the reaction against the Jacobin and robes Spear and the French Revolution all of a sudden people said you know what I’m not going to change the date of the French Republic I’m not going to tear down statues I’m not going to behead anybody anymore and the people who did it are going to account for this and the whole Country Rose up within a matter of weeks and this is what it’s kind of like this was all a Mystique a bad dream we’ve been in a coma and now we’re waking up and people said I can’t believe we did that this was a collective Madness and now we’re waking up and uh I think the only thing I don’t know I don’t know how far uh rightward the counter Revolution is going to go but people it hasn’t gone it hasn’t really fully expressed itself yet two things going on with Trump when he trolls so he looks around the spectrum of foreign policy challenges and he has certain things he thinks needs to be addressed and he knows it’s not eccentric that other people have mentioned it so I’ll give you an example people for a long time have talked about since World War II that Greenland is in North America and it’s very important the United States needs ex extra rights there to base then he looks at Panama and he looks back at the treaty that Carter signed 1979 and it gave premacy for the United States to go through and at a discount rate and it was supposed to be free of foreign and he sees China there so then he looks at Canada and he says they’re under our nuclear umbrella they’re not paying their fair share of the defense the border is open and they’ve got a radical todau Benny looks at Mexico and he says they’ve got 63 billion dollars in remittances that’s coming in their largest source of Foreign Exchange and yet that comes in from anywhere from 12 to 20 illegal aliens many of them who were on public assistance that were subsidizing it’s the largest source of Foreign Exchange and yet they let Caravans come right through from Guatemala so he sees all these problems so then he starts to bring attention to to them by being art of the deal outrageous so instead of saying we’re very worried if he was a sober and judicious politician he’d say I’m very worried about China there are some ambiguities in the treaty and this is a concern and I’m bringing a bipar and commission no he’s going to say China’s taking it over we might have to go in there I won’t Ru out the course then he’ll say why doesn’t Greenland just come join the United States we’ll buy it or he’ll say the golf of Mexico why isn’t it the golf of America or then you’ll say Canada we can make it a 51st state so that’s outrageous and that gets attention and then people start to discuss the real problem because there are real problems there and then there’s another element that it’s trolling because the more you start to talk about it and you dismiss his dismiss Trump as the Europeans do as boisterous divisive eccentric you start to look at other realities and they’re and the realities are irony take the golf of America so Trump Trump says Ah it’s time for time to be golf of America how you like that Mexico but then you look at the coastline the coastline of the golf of America is 1,700 miles on the US side and it’s 1700 mil on the Mexican side it’s been golf of Mexico for 400 years and the left introduced into the popular discourse the idea that there are no names sacran if you have the woodro Wilson Center change it the hollowed boat Hall change it so he’s saying well they change names they do it not me so I’m just going to change the name they’ve had 400 years it will be in Gulf of America we have the same amount it’s fair and that gets people upset and then Mexico gets upset and then suddenly Mexico says we’ll stop that Caravan and let’s negotiate and then pan he says well you think we’re an imperial power you you’re against imperialism and Yankees you brought in the Chinese they’re worse imperialist than we are you’re a colony of China and that gets a further eyeon then he says to the Dan you’re lecturing us me that I’m getting in your Internal Affairs you’re a little tiny country and you are a colonial power you’ve got this big continent and you’re acting like you’re a 19th century col and this is coming from the EU and you look at Greenland the distance from New York to Greenland is shorter than from Greenland to Copenhagen and Greenland’s North North America so it’s 19th century 18th century Europeans coming into North America and colon izing and I want to let the people of greeland decide and the same thing with Canada he’s saying well maybe you should defend yourself because you know you don’t want people we don’t want people to be our colony and we have all this uh one-way trade with you I guess we’re a mertile colonial power where the British learned that colonialism didn’t work so either be part of us or just stop it just go your own way and you know but if you don’t and you want to have a you better close the border and you better have reciprocal trade charges and you better pay up if you want to be a partner but if you want to be a colonial subject then keep doing what you want and we’ll treat you that way so there’s irony on all of these but the the point of all of them is to bring attention in an in an eccentric fashion and get something done quickly this magga movement is now incorporating people across the Spectrum whether it’s RFK Tulsa Gabbert all the way over to Horwitz andrees David Sachs um Elon Moss Ramos Swami so you’ve got so what that means is take taxes for the middle class so if you say you you you float the idea that you’re going to reduce taxes for veterans First Responders waitresses Social Security you’re talking a trillion dollars and then you’ve got BAC and Elon saying they want to cut between 1 and 2 trillion but they can’t touch entitlements or defense so you’re down to 30% of the budget but you’re going to you’re going to cut a trillion so the theory is that by cutting those taxes and the regular tax that you’re going to grow the economy more than 2% GDP maybe get three and then you’re going to get another trillion dollars but again the I nobody’s ever quite done that cut taxes like Reagan did and then say that you’re going to control spending or cut Reagan didn’t do it so he got deficits and so did George W bush but last time he inherited sort of a uneasy world where you had to restore deterrence this time it’s worse so the magga people are going to have to understand that to restore deterrent so you don’t have to even think about getting an opt you’re going to have to use Force sometimes that’s going to be an optional that’s another challenge I think and you saw the one about the H1B visas that’s another one so Mega says we’re not going to bring in foreigners to do the work Americans can do the vi Elon says but we’re going to bring in people that we need in Silicon Valley and between those two poles you’re going to have to find a compromise and I think the compromise is if they’re only coming in with Bas and there’s a lot of Americans can do that if they’re coming in with Masters and phds and they’re unique in their field and of course ring them but these are just three examples and they the the cause of that is that this they had not won the popular vote the Republicans in 20 years since George H since George W bush who barely did it in 2004 and they had lost seven out of the last eight popular votes so to break that uh Legacy baleful they had to expand the party so it was it was really amazing they got record numbers of Youth Trump did for the Republican Party blacks Hispanics and of course disaffected Democrats you brought in the tech money but to do that you’re expanding the people who have a seat at the table so there’s a lot of people who reflect views that were important for him getting elected but they’re going to be in contradiction with the hardcore mag magga bades
Experience Politics
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