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all right ladies and gentlemen history is being rewritten before our very eyes The US government just dropped 80,000 pages of classified documents on the assassination of President John F Kennedy Now Donald Trump said this last night that he was going to drop this today I’ve been anxiously waiting all day to look at this review this and get you as much information as I can as quick as I can So um but before you get too excited let’s be real Did they actually tell us the truth Nah not a chance They still won’t release all the files for national security they say Now 60 years later and we’re still being fed crumbs while they keep the whole damn loaf locked up But what we do have in these newly released documents and it’s it’s enough to make you question everything Uh you talking CIA covered up cover-ups Second shooter theories mafia involvement and this isn’t some long gumman nonsense like they want you to believe So let’s break it all down expose the deep states lies and figure out just how far this rabbit hole really goes Now the CIA let’s talk about them first up because according to the files they already had eyes all over Lee Harvey Oswald well before they already had him in in in their in their grasp man But for some reason all that juicy intel got lost when it mattered the most Okay the newly released documents confirm what many of us have already suspected that the CIA was tracking Oswald’s movements They knew exactly that that he was making sketchy visits to the Soviet and Cuban embassies in Mexico City They had reports of him meeting with KGB operatives And what did they do with that information Nothing Natada They just filed it away like it was some grocery list instead of a giant red flag Now this is something a lot of us already knew but what we didn’t know is that they knew this information and they did not feed it to any other agencies which was obviously a big key to this Now if you believe the official story Oswald was just some lone unhinged gunman right No but it th the this sounds more like a guy who was either working for somebody or budget just being set up to take a fall Okay if if you look at these files that’s what it it seems to be He was just a pawn But guess what The for Warren Commission the official investigation into JFK’s murder didn’t get these details I wonder why that is probably because he was a pawn Right now second shooter theory Okay we’ve talked about the grass and all I try to get a picture of the grass and all but whatever You’ve seen it 100 times The official story tells us that Oswald fired three shots from the Texas School Book Depository but these new files they just made the second shooter theory a whole lot stronger Eyewitness testimonies buried in the files report shots coming from the grassy null And we’re talking about multiple witnesses who said the sound and angle didn’t match Oswald’s supposed location Some even reported seeing suspicious figures lurking near the fence You know the kind of details that that could have blown the whole long long gum theory to pieces But conveniently they ignored them Even the House Select Committee on Assassinations back in 1979 admitted that scientific acoust evidence suggested a high probability of multiple gunmen So why are we still pretending this was a one-man job Because it definitely was not Now number three the mafia was involved Obviously you probably got an inkling of this from Jack Ruby but this is my favorite part because it wouldn’t be a proper American conspiracy without the mob For decades we’ve heard whispers about mafia involvement in JFK’s assassination And thanks to these new documents those whispers just turn into screaming sirens The files confirm that mobsters like Carlos Marcelo and Santo Trafocante Jr had just had not just motive but connections to people within the government who wanted Kennedy dead Also the there’s wire taps transcripts that show actual discussions among high ranking crime bosses about taking Kennedy out Think about it JFK’s brother Bobby Kennedy was cracking down hard on organized crime The mafia had every reason to want both of them dead And what happens JFK gets assassinated and then Bobby meets the same fate a few years later Coincidence Nah Nah we don’t do coincidences here right We all have our 10fold hats Now number four Oswald and his Cuban ties Now Oswald’s connections to Cuba because the the files go deep into his attempts to defect and his inter interactions with pro-Castro groups We already knew Oswald try tried to get a Cuban visa by visiting their embassy in Mexico City But what we didn’t know how deep those connections ran These files confirm that he was actively engaging with pro- Castro organizations even handing out pro- Cuba flyers in New Orleans But here’s the kicker guys Really pro-communist sympathizer or was he just playing that role Because if you wanted a perfect py to pin the crime on a crazy communist defector would be just the kind of guy you would want to set up Okay Number five the FBI knew Oswald would be killed Yeah they sure did This is something that’s the most truly creepy of it all is the FBI received a tip before Oswald was murdered saying that Jack Ruby was going to take him out That’s right Someone actually called in and said Oswald would not make it to trial And yet the FBI did absolutely nothing to stop it Sounds familiar right It’s It’s almost like the the same way they say that Epstein mysteriously disappeared It’s wild how these things keep happening Now number six is the government is still hiding files This is the biggest slap in the face After after this and after damn near 60 years the government is still holding back files The National Archives straight up admitted that some of the records are still being withheld under court seal for grand jury secrecy 60 years later or because of tax laws Tax laws Are you freaking kidding me What did Oswald write off His bullets his business expenses Give me a freaking break They’re using tax laws and to to withhold information And just like that we’re still left with more questions than answers Now while we’re talking about withheld documents where the hell are the Epstein files We can get 80,000 pages of JFK’s assassination 60 years later but the biggest child child trafficking ring in modern history Nope that’s locked up airtight Even Pam Bondi said on Fox News "I have all the files on my desk and they’re truly disturbing We’re going to release them the end of the week." And they released a phase one BS file They released it with the influencers Remember where they had the binders and it was just a basically a telephone book of information that was released uh four years ago And but it was so disturbing Nothing’s been disturbing And then she says that "Oh well the DOJ has them Cash Patel is supposed to get them to me by 3 weeks ago Friday and never received them." And then she comes out and says "You know for national security we’re not going to release some of the stuff Who exactly are they protecting?" Now I’m glad to see Donald Trump release that message last night I’ve been patiently waiting all day for the JFK files to release And honestly I’m losing a little faith guys I I’m I’m becoming blackpilled And I wanted to do another video today about uh us uh basically about to go to war And it seems like everyone’s not America first or Israel first right now Truthfully if you look at all I mean e even Trump I mean all of it I’m getting black peeled man I’m losing faith So please give me some comments to help uh cheer me back up because I’m I’m I’m really um starting to get upset uh as the way these things are going We’re focusing on things that are not really important They’re important but they’re not really priority for one Americans And and number two man if we want to take out the deep state we need the Epstein files Who are they protecting Because it sure the hell ain’t us It ain’t us Now I want to talk a bit just about how this whole mess is playing out like a real life Thomas Crooks novel right You’ve got shadowy figures government government cover-ups mafia ties and a pacy who happens to just get silenced right before he can talk Except this ain’t fiction This is real life And the same deep state tactics they used back then they’re still using today guys Now what does all this mean It means the story we’ve been told for the past six years was never the full truth And it means there were powerful forces at play that were only now beginning to understand And most of all it means that if they can do this to a sitting US president imagine what they can do to the rest of us And imagine what they’re still doing This deep state has been alive and well forever It’s almost like hell hydra in in the Marvel series man This has been going on forever and I don’t know that it’ll get dismantled Again I feel I’m feeling I’m feeling black peeled guys I really am I don’t think it’s going to get dismantled I think we’ve only got a little bit of a a break You know we’ve had some executive orders written about uh men not playing in women’s sports which I I agree it shouldn’t have but when are we going to nail this deep state When are we going to start funding other words Matter of fact Ukraine funding just got turned back on today by the way I don’t know if you saw that It just got turned back on Now so let me know in the comments Do you believe Oswald acted alone or was this one of the biggest cover-ups in history aside from Thomas Crooks And if you want more breakdowns like this make sure you subscribe hit that like button that bell icon and we’re just getting started guys We’re just getting started Stay vigilant Always question guys everything Always question the narrative Always question what you’re being told because I promise you most of what us as Americans have been told throughout our lives throughout our lives has been a lie Anyway guys I’ll see you in the next one Remember to stay frosty stay strapped and always stay dangerous my friends Take [Music] [Music] Down here down
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