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whether you like it or not our lives revolve around work whether you’re working or you’ve got a business you’re trading a literal giant chunk of your life in exchange for money and then we use that money to buy food and live which is why you have to view every set the government takes from you in taxes as them literally murdering a portion of you a 1% tax in exchange for some safety running water roads and firefighters that’s a worthwhile trade a 4% tax still a decent trade but taking 25% of my paycheck that means the government is literally taking away 19 years of your life but at a 50% tax rate the average American lists is 77 that means at 50% they’re robbing you of nearly four Decades of your life but Jake I’m not rich I’m not getting tax 25% 50% I only make $37,000 a year I only pay like 7% federal income tax and a little bit more for state income tax well I hate to break it to you but when you add in all the other ways the government gets their grubby little hands on your money sales tax property tax estate tax capital gains tax payroll tax when you account for all those the medium person in America is already paying around 23% in taxes that’s 17 years of your life spent literally slaving away for the government if you work 8 hours a day at McDonald’s or at an office or whatever every day you spend two of those hours working for no money and if you manage to move up in life and make more money well they’re just going to punish you more for doing better if you manage to start making $200 to $300,000 a year well they’re going to rob you of 20 to 30 years of your life if you manage to start making $300 to $500,000 a year in a high tax date well they’re going to steal around 34 years of your life and if you get a half a mill or a million a year well then the government is murdering half of you 50% of your lifeblood of your efforts of the good you could have done with that money is poof gone now it would be one thing if the US government was like the Swiss government where the Swiss do get tax a lot like 25 to 35% from the medi in person but you know their society actually looks like the closest thing to a Utopia I’ve ever seen where almost everything is pristine and safe if our taxes were being spent like that I could potentially be down for that ah but the US is just not like that is it here the average American gets taxed almost the same amount 23% and for what running out of water to put out the fires in California tents for the homeless that cost $30,000 a year not helping the victims of the Hurricanes of the toxic railro disaster so we can keep sending more money to Ukraine and Israel while they scare us with fake UFO cities with money that we gave them while 107,000 people die a year from fentanyl which is the equivalent of 35 911s really that’s what we’re paying for because we’re definitely not paying for good road Safe Streets and well funded firefighters like people say taxes are for no you’re paying $25,000 for a drag show seminar for Venezuelan migrants in Ecuador you’re paying 2.3 million to study whether cats prefer Zoom calls over FaceTime or 6.9 million for studying smart toilets that recognize your anal prints or 1.8 million for a study on the psychological effects of losing at rock paper scissors and many many many many more obsurd examples are now coming out now what if I told you that we could achieve a Switzerland s Utopia in America or at least get close to it without even needing an income tax what if we’re already collecting way more than enough tax stars to afford the best roads to afford the safest streets well funded firefighters what if we’re already collecting enough to keep having the strongest military in the world to maybe even get close to Switzerland levels of quality of life or at least maintain our current quality of life while not having to rout the average Jo of 17 years of his life what if we’re already collecting enough taxes to do all of this but instead we’re spending that money on injecting puppies with cocaine in a $2.5 million study the single greatest threat to our freedom is not China it’s not war in Europe it’s not whatever other fear marging they’re promoting on the news this week now the single greatest threat to our freedom is the taxman because the taxman with the point of his gun determines how many of your years are spent in servitude to the suits in Washington and right now it’s many years but it’s not just the spineless bureaucrats and politicians that are to blame here think about it all these insane spending examples that we just went over all those billions all those trillions had to go to someone’s Pockets what is being exposed right now could be the biggest Collective fraud in human history every dollar wasted is a dollar that could have gone to making your life safer and better that could have gone to making the lives of the less fortunate safer and better and we’re going to expose it all in this documentary but to do that we’re going to have to go all the way back to when this Rod first took form stay dangerous and let’s get into [Music] it American Revolution was a war fought over Texas but not just any taxes taxes that average out to around only 1 to 2% and these 1 to 2% taxes by the British were not on your income or payroll no these were just taxes on super small things like tea and legal documents and yet these early Americans were willing to lay down their lives all to free themselves from 1 to 2% in taxes oh how we straight Far From the Path and once the Revolution was won and America finally became independent guess what the new government was just as quick to start charging people taxes without taxes how would they build hospitals or schools how would they defend America from the British in the future yeah we’ve been using the same Arguments for taxes for over 240 years now but here’s the thing back in freshly independent America taxes were very different there were no income taxes instead they had tffs taxes on imported goods and they also had excess taxes taxes on non-essential products like alcohol and tobacco it was simple straightforward there was no one deducting money from your salary before you even see it no IRS breathing down your neck but then came 1861 and suddenly everything changed civil war broke out in America and suddenly people weren’t buying imported tea or fancy Fabrics anymore and with Terrace and excise taxes going down the drain the government was in serious trouble and to make matters worse fighting a massive scale War turned out to be really expensive it cost the government 5.2 billion or more than100 billion today and if the government couldn’t pay his bills to keep the soldiers fighting it would lose so in 1861 America rode out’s first ever income tax if you earn more than $800 a year you had to pay a 3% income tax to Uncle Sam just a year later they dropped that minimum number to $600 and it worked but here’s where things get interesting because because according to the government these new income taxes were only temporary and as soon as the war ended and the economy recovered this new income tax would disappear and surprisingly they actually kept their word 10 years after it was created the income tax was gone but you know what that did it made people comfortable with an income tax they thought oh an income tax during war time is a thing now no big deal and on top of that like a drug addict the government was hooked for 10 years the government was getting a cut of almost every single working class American salary and suddenly all of that dried up something had to be done think about it as a politician the easiest way to stay in power is to give people free stuff the more free stuff you give them the more likely they’ll vote for you again but to be able to give away free stuff you need money and that trusty old income tax gave that to you so in 1894 Congress thought well everyone was fine with the income tax during the Civil War maybe we can just reinstate a tiny little income tax now nothing major just like 2% on anyone earning more than $4,000 I mean they were okay with a lot more during the war so what is 2% of them now boy did they have a surprise waiting for Lim see back then income taxes weren’t actually a part of the Constitution they were just an emergency measure that people accepted when there was a really good reason for it like a civil war but there was no war going on in 1894 so as soon as the government actually tried collecting on that 2% income tax they ran into serious issues in the end even the Supreme Court ruled that the tax was unconstitutional which left the government right back to where it started with no income tax money to use for the spending but the government wasn’t just going to sit back and accept it they needed that money so they went back to the drawing board and that’s when it hit them if the only reason they couldn’t collect income tax was because it was part of the Constitution why not just change the Constitution itself and that’s exactly what they did in 1913 the 16th Amendment was ratified allowing congress to collect taxes on income and you want to know what the best part was just one year after income taxes were made permanent World War I broke out and it was the perfect excuse as to why the government needed more money so even though this new income tax wasn’t just some emergency measure like it was during the Civil War for the first few years it definitely felt like that and even though income taxes were now permanent people were too distracted by the war to care they just assumed they were paying it to help America come out on top and even better with World War I in full swing the government didn’t have to stop at a 1% 2% or even 7% tax now they raised a top income tax rate to 15% within a few years because if we don’t tax you evil will win so do your patriotic Duty it was a foolproof argument and it worked so well that by 1917 the income tax went up to anain 67% but hey at least you were funding Justice in democracy rights Pandora’s Box had just been opened and as long as the public has some big dramatic event tied to their income tax they wouldn’t put up a fight against random tax increases and conveniently the next 60 years were full of chaos and conflict the Great Depression we need taxes to save the economy even better we need taxes for Social Security it’s for your own good by 1936 the top tax rate hit 70 9% but why stopped there just a few years after the Great Depression there was World War II and this time the government got really proactive they started raising taxes before America even joined the war and they kept them as high as possible for as long as possible between 1940 and 1963 the top tax rate hit 91% a couple of times while more and more people were being classified as eligible to pay taxes but by then income taxes were so widespread no one even bed an eye when the government took it one step further we arguably the worst taxes history payroll taxes with payroll taxes now your boss wasn’t just the guy paying you but he was also the government’s most trusted little tax collector too before you even touch your money your boss will be forced by law to take out your payroll taxes first and then hand you the rest afterwards this gives you no chance to even try to save on taxes but that wasn’t the worst part because the only reason why anyone would accept a tax rate of 91% the only reason why people would accept payroll taxes in the first place was because they assumed it would be temporary well it’s been 80 years and apparently America still hasn’t recovered enough from World War II because these taxes are still around see the government had cracked the code he fighing new excuses to tax people and income tax would never have to go away again first it was the Korean War Cold War Vietnam and by the time the war and Terror finally rolled around no one even remembered a time when income taxes weren’t a thing anymore it had become the norm and fast forward to the day and taxes and spending have gone so out of hand that if all we did was just clean up spending we would would it even need the income tax anymore in 2023 the American government collected $4.5 trillion over half of that money 54% came from the individual income tax 30% of it came from payroll tax another 11% came from corporate income and excise tax and just 1.8% came from tariffs and how much did the government spend in that same period $6.2 trillion that’s almost a $2 trillion Gap but according to politicians It’s never enough we need more money to give away more free stuff we got to raise taxes even more but is this really true Did It Really cost $6.2 trillion to run America in 2023 do they really need that much money did they really need to get almost all of those tax dollars from your income and your payroll absolutely not ask anyone who’s used a public service in the past year and they’ll tell you there’s no way that $6.2 trillion went towards things that actually matter so let’s do the math the government insists that raising income taxes is the only way to increase federal revenue is the only way to increase how many tax dollars the government gets but what about tariffs see back in the 1800s tariffs which are taxes on Goods coming into America made up almost 100% of the tax money the government collected this basically means that if other countries want to make money off of our people they would have to pay a fee for it but by 2019 tariffs were close to 0% of how much money the government took in before Trump took office the average tariff for America was around 2% and in 2023 we imported 3 .8 trillion worth of goods that means at a 2% tariff that’s only around $80 billion in tariffs in total but let’s say all Trump did was increase tarff to 25% well boom that’s an extra a trillion dollars in Revenue right then there that’s a trillion dollars less than the government needs to get from you from your paycheck but won’t hire tariffs make everything more expensive and yet at the start for a while imported goods are going to cost more but you also be paying 0% income tax so if you didn’t want to pay for expensive imported goods for your extra cash you could choose not to and simply save your money instead of being forced to give up your money at gun points this is why Trump has raised tariffs on China Canada and Mexico and that’s only tariffs what about actually reducing spending how much money could the government really save by tightening these belts I mean it’s not like they’re just out there wasting money on literally nothing are they well they actually are except they call it improper payments in 2023 the government lost over $236 billion to improper payments that’s billions of dollars that just disappeared in the th era because the government is incompetent fix that and now we’re at $1.2 trillion in savings but that’s not where it ends every year we spend around $1.6 trillion on public health insurance well as it turns out around 25% of that ends up being wasted or lost along the way as well that’s another $400 billion in waste so now we’re at $1.6 trillion in savings then there’s the Pentagon which has a budget of $840 billion and yet it’s failed its seventh audit in a row but don’t worry about it plus because they’re making progress quote momentum is on our side and throughout the department there is a strong commitment and belief in our ability to achieve an unmodified audit opinion end quote ah yes because that’s what matters that the Pentagon believes they’ll eventually pass an audit how much waste is Elon mus and Doge going to find at the Pentagon let’s say we find $200 billion in waste well now we’re up to $1.8 trillion in savings almost at our goal of solving the2 trillion deficits and that’s just starts Elon mus recently posted that Doge has discovered that there are nearly $4.7 trillion doll in federal payments that are completely untraceable how much of that is fraud how much of that is used to spend that could be cut out on top of that all the wasteful spending Elon mus has already found all the useless federal employees that he’s firing and we’re easily at that $2 trillion in savings or much more and with those savings we could easily lower income taxes for everyone will Trump lower income taxes to zero he has hinted at it before but I wouldn’t hold my breath on it and on top of that even if he does lower income taxes which he probably will again the genie is out of the bottle and once he leaves office they’re definitely going to keep raising taxes again and raise spending again and that is why you can’t rely on Trump or some other politician to save the day because the only long-term solution is to take your fate into your own hands and to do that you got to understand how the tax game works because make no mistake it is a game because at the end of the day the politicians may have been the ones that passed the tax laws but those politicians have to answer to their donors also known as the rich see there’s a reason why Trump famously said that he’s smart for not paying taxes or maybe he doesn’t want the American people all of you watching tonight to know that he’s paid nothing in federal taxes because the only years that anybody’s ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to State authorities when he was trying to get a casino license and they showed he didn’t pay any federal income tax so that makes it’s because although the rich can’t stop every tax on them from going into law they do get to play ah hand in how the tax code is written and they make sure to include every single loophole possible for themselves she complains that Donald Trump took advantage of the code well why didn’t she change it why didn’t you change it when you were a senator the reason you didn’t is that all your friends take the same advantage that I do and I do you have Provisions in the tax code that frankly we could change but you wouldn’t change it because all of these people give you the money so you can take negative ads on Donald Trump heck just look at Trump’s massive tax cost back in 2017 back in 2017 the top 1% of Americans got a juicy $60,000 cut from their taxes on average while the middle class they got a measly $500 in tax cuts this is why although the rich do technically have the highest tax rates the ones that always get hammered the most are the middle class as you saw earlier most of the money the government collects is from the income tax and guess who gets hit hardest by the income tax on the surface it may seem that the rich get hit the hardest since they have the highest income tax rates but here is the reality the rich usually don’t make that much income the rich are usually business owners and investors not employees which means they don’t make most of their money from their salary Elon mus famously has a $0 salary from Tesla Jack dorsy has had a 0 salary for Years Mark Zuckerberg has a $1 salary and Larry paig and Sergey Brin has also had a $1 salary for many years as they were running ghoul why because salaries are hit with the dreaded payroll tax and then you also owe income tax on it as well not exactly conducive to Building Wealth so instead of salaries they get paid in stock options dividends their businesses grow in value their Investments generate cash for them all of which is taxed at a much lower rate and when you have businesses and assets you can even borrow money against your business as a loan and the great thing about this is you get the cash since it’s your business you get to determine the interest rate for it and guess what you don’t have to pay any tax on this cash since it’s a quote unquote loan this is what all of America’s richest Elite do to get billions in cash without paying any tax and without having to sell their stock in their companies and this is why getting paid for your labor is a losing game whether you’re working at McDonald’s or you’re a highly paid professional like a doctor because not only is getting paid by your labor limited by you working but it also guarantees that the tax man is going to bend you over and screw you that’s why as you can see from this graph the Richer the person is the less they make from wages and make no mistake the government knows this they know income taxes and payroll taxes hurt the middle and lower class the most but the reason why they do it is simple number one business owners and investors are their donors so they give them all the loopholes and number two business owners and inv investors are the ones that create the most economic growth they’re the ones that create jobs so the government wants to incentivize them by giving them lower taxes and that’s all the tax code really is it’s a mass incentive system the government needs economic growth economic growth comes mainly from business owners and investors so they incentivize you to be a business owner or investor while they punish you more for being an employee that’s why if you actually want to lower your taxes no matter who you are and no matter who’s in office then the first step is to Simply follow this fundamental incentive you got to stop being just an employee and you got to start a business on the side because quite frankly if you stay as an employee there’s just not much you can do to lower your taxes you’re kind of just screwed with how the tax code is set up but if you start a business or investment not only will that business or investment make you more money if you pick the right one but you’ll also end up paying less tax but that is just step one if you notice from this graph earlier for the top 1% 22% of their income comes from their businesses and we just covered that with step one starting a business on the side but if you notice the other big portion of their income comes from capital gains and dividends this is money that they earn from investing in something like stocks and then selling it for a higher price or it comes from investing in a stock that pays out a dividend now this is really critical because these things are taxed as capital gains tax which is way lower than income tax at 0 to 20% so this is why the rich invest so much not only because of compound interest but because the taxes are also much lower but obviously to be able to invest where even mixing dents you need a lot of cash that’s why the business you start has to have super high profit margins not only is having high profit margins good for many reasons but most importantly it gives you enough cash to not only enjoy life but to have enough left over at the same time to be able to invest in traditional Investments so that is step two to lowering your taxes you got to pick a business that has super high profit margins so you can start growing your income from Investments another thing you have to keep in mind is that not only do employees have to pay payroll taxes but if you hire a full-time employee in the US you also have to pay taxes for their social security Medicare unemployment taxes and so on so that’s why whatever business you start it has to be one that doesn’t have to rely on full-time employees in the US you got to be able to run it with only contractors that are either within or outside of the US to be able to avoid all these employee taxes this will also just make your life easier and your business more profitable all across the board so that’s step three picking a business that doesn’t require full-time us employees and on top of that by hiring contractors not only do you avoid paying their taxes but they also get to do tax write offs just like you to lower their taxes instead of just being forced to pay pay taxes before they even get their paycheck and the final thing you have to have if you want to lower your taxes is that the business you pick has to be location independent this means it shouldn’t be bound to a single location and you should be able to do it from anywhere again not only does this make your lifestyle easier you don’t have to be home all the time it can make money from anywhere but by being location independent if taxes get raised in your state or your country you can pick up and leave if you want and the perfect example of this is PTO Rico Puerto Rico is a US Territory that’s has become America’s tax Haven that’s because as a US citizen you can move there for 6 months out of the year and only pay 4% income tax and 0% capital gains tax I’ve been there it’s beautiful and there’s an entire population of us business owners that live there that I’ve met that only pay 4% tax and nothing else it’s incredible but the only reason any of these business owners were able to move there in the first place is because their businesses can be run from anywhere that is why it’s so important for the business you start to be location Independence because even if you don’t want to move to Puerto Rico maybe you want to move to another state that has lower taxes maybe later on you want to renounce your citizenship altogether to be able to move to a different country with no taxes being location independent gives you this peace of mind and freedom so those are the four fundamental steps to lowering your taxes no matter who’s in office number one you got to follow the incentive of the tax Cod by starting a business on the side number two you got to pick a business that has super high profit margins so you actually have cash left over to invest in income generating Investments that are attacks out a lower rates number three you got to pick a business that doesn’t rely on full-time us employees and number four the business you pick has to be located Independence now this is why I love my business that I’ve been doing for the last 5 plus years it means all the stuff we just talked about is made me multiple millions of dollars and it’s called faces YouTube channels just like the one you’re watching right now where you don’t have to show your face use your voice or even make the videos yourself and it works by these three simple steps that I’ve repeated on multiple channels step number one is you find a channel idea and register a new channel on YouTube this will take 15 minutes to do step two is you find skilled Freelancers on public work marketplaces like upwork or behance these remote contractors will will be the ones who produce the profitable videos for you for a small fee and step three is you simply start posting these viral videos and allow YouTube to run ass to all the people who watch these videos that way at the end of every month YouTube will direct deposit the money you made into your bank account and if you would like to have a shortcut to these three steps so you can hop on this wave of online success and try it out yourself then I’d like to invite you to my 5-day faces income fast starts where I’ll show you how to duplicate my entire system that I’ve been using on all my YouTube channel step by step during these 5 days I’ll show you how to get your faces Channel up and running how to automate the entire video creation process and ultimately how to turn the videos you didn’t even have to touch into profits now there’s a link under this video and if you click on it it will take you to a short page where I explain this entire 5-day fast startart in detail on top of that I wanted to make this fast startart as accessible to everyone as possible so that’s why you’re going to find it’s really affordable we’re talking less than a dinner at a cheap restaurants so scroll down and click the link below right now and hopefully I’ll see you on the inside of the fasts [Music]
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