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so the Trump Administration is trying to get illegal immigrant criminals out of the country as soon as possible fulfilling a very important if not the most important campaign promise of the 2024 campaign some activist judges are trying to block him from doing so White House Deputy Chief of Staff Steven Miller and Homeland Security secretary Christine gnome orchestrated a fascinating plan over this past weekend to sidestep a legal battle they knew would ensue this plan almost did not work especially after it was partially leaked on Saturday night this past weekend so I’ll break everything down and tell you what’s coming next but first El Salvadorian president naib bukele published this video around 5 a.m Pacific with the Tweet saying today the first 238 members of the Venezuelan criminal organization TR aragua arrived in our country they were immediately transferred to seesaw the terrorism confinement Center for a period of one year potentially renewable saying the United States will pay a very low fee for them but a high one for us over time these actions combined with the production already being generated by more than 40,000 inmates engaged in various workshops and labor under the zero idleness program will help make our prison system self- sustainable as of today it cost roughly $200 million per year he also added that the US sent El Salvador 23 MS13 members wanted by Salvador and Justice including two ring leaders one of them is apparently a member of the criminal organization’s highest structure so why would a US judge oppose this what happened will break everything down it’s actually a fascinating story and it’s going to the Supreme Court Mak no mistake so axios reported on the story around Monday afternoon they were the first to break it they’re of course not sympathetic to the Trump Administration so they cast it as the Trump Administration openly Define the courts we’ll get into why that’s not exactly the case but there’s a kernel of truth to it so Trump’s advisors contend that US District Judge James boasberg overstepped his authority by issuing an order that blocked president from deporting about 250 Trend araga gang members under the alien enemies Act of 1789 this wartime law gives the executive extreme immense power to deport non-citizens without a Judicial hearing but has been little used particularly in peace time that’s all from axios it’s actually been used I think it’s only been invoked three times in our nation’s history a White House official added that it is quote The Showdown that was always going to happen between the two branches of government and it seemed that this was pretty clean you have Venezuelan gang members these are bad guys as the president would say end quote and here they are some of them being taken into seesaw it’s this massive terrorism Center in El Salvador and like bukel said El Salvador worked out a deal with the US to admit these prisoners to this massive prison because they essentially provide a form of cheap labor which pays for the prison itself while also getting these criminals off the streets of not just the US El Salvador Colombia Venezuela Mexico Etc so this past weekend Steven Miller and Christy gome hatched this plan knowing that a judge would try to block their actions very few people outside their two teams knew what was happening they tried to make it Le leak proof they did not set out to defy a court order one official said we wanted them on the ground first before a judge could get case but this is how it worked out president Trump actually signed the executive order invoking the alien enemies act on Friday night but intentionally did not advertise it on Saturday morning word of the order leaked officials said prompting a mad scramble to get planes in the air so at 2:30 p.m. Saturday an immigration activist who tracks deportation flights posted on X that quote two highly unusual ice flights were departing from Texas to El Salvador which had agreed to accept Venezuelan gang members deported from the US hours later during a court hearing filed by the ACLU boasberg judge boasberg that’s a district court judge ordered a halt to the deportations and said any flight should be turned around midair boasberg said this is something that you need to make sure it’s complied with immediately he told the justice department according to the Washington Post so around 651 p.m. both flights were off the Yucatan Peninsula according to flight passs posted on X inside the White House officials discuss whether to order the planes to turn around on on advice from a team of administration lawyers the administration pressed ahead one senior official said there was a discussion about how far the judge’s ruling can go under the circumstances and over International water and on advice of council we proceeded with deporting these thugs a second senior Administration official told axios quote they were already outside of us airspace we believe the order is not applicable after this story was already posted Caroline levit the press secretary for for the Trump Administration issued the statement the administration did not refuse to comply with the court order the order which had no lawful basis was issued after terrorist TDA aliens had already been removed from US Territory she added that the written order and the administration’s actions do not inflict moreover as the Supreme Court has repeatedly made clear federal courts generally have no jurisdiction over the president’s conduct of Foreign Affairs his authorities under the alien enemies act and his core Article 2 powers to remove foreign alien terrorists from us soil and repel a declared Invasion a single judge in a single City cannot direct the movements of an aircraft carrier full of foreign alien terrorists who were physically expelled from us soil end quote so president of El Salvador na B posted this tweet along with this video which went viral has almost 14 million views as of this afternoon and when the story finally broke he ended up reposting a snippet from the New York Post carrying the headline about the judge clashing with the White House writing oopsie too late with a laugh Emoji Secretary of State Marco Rubio then retweeted na B’s tweet saying thank you for your assistance and friendship president bkl so there’s obvious coordination there JD Vance also said there were violent criminals and rapists in our country Democrats fought to keep them here president Trump reported them retweeting the axios article because of course it’s a fascinating turn of events that the court system would try to block the deportation of very violent perhaps the most violent illegal aliens in the country and yet imposed virtually no barriers to completely unchecked immigration which saw terrorists and criminals pouring across the border one Trump critic Mark Zed self heroded after tweeting court order defied first of many as I’ve been warning in start of a true constitutional crisis ultimately will lead to Trump impeachment proceedings wow haven’t heard that before impeachment of trump the Democrats threatening to impeach Trump Shocker the White House said that they welcomed this fight this legal battle a senior White House official told axios that this is headed to the Supreme Court and we’re going to win so they sound very confident far from defying the courts they plan to follow the highest court in the land which is not guaranteed to rule in Trump’s favor but the Trump Administration sounds very confident that they will it’s difficult to imagine that there are a lot of Americans out there who strongly support keeping violent illegal immigrants in the country the polls certainly indicate the opposite and you could also check the last election results if you don’t believe the poll Stephen A Smith is someone who’s supported the Democrat Party for a very long time yet sounds very skeptical of the democrat’s current position on illegal immigration which is I guess to impose zero restrictions no human is illegal is emblazoned on protest signs around the country by Democrat Party base voters so here’s Stephen A Smith saying I probably shouldn’t say this on camera talking about immigration I shouldn’t say this it’s actually bad for me to say this on camera but I haven’t minded you at all you know going at elected officials and law enforcement officials and letting them know that they were going to be accountable if they didn’t follow the law didn’t bother me at all to see that from you so Stephen A Smith is saying I shouldn’t say this on camera but but it doesn’t bother me at all that you’re going after public officials you’re going after people for being Hypocrites for not actually following the law on this issue basically implying that he supports being tough on illegal immigration which is evidently put him at odds with the Democrats Democrats actually used to sound very different in the past I’ll show you that in a second but this is what Tom homman had said prompted that statement from Stephen A Smith you may have heard about family separations during the first Trump term it was all a big lie it was all actually about ending catch and release at the border anytime any adult is imprisoned even a citizen they don’t bring their kids to jail with them so that’s by definition family separations I suppose to imprison an adult for a crime that doesn’t mean that you just legalize crime the Democrats admitted brilliant spin during Trump’s first Administration on family separations made it sound like Trump was doing something far more Draconian than previous administrations when the only change that Trump enacted was ending Catch and Release Obama actually deported more people than any of these pres Obama was actually dubbed the deporter and chief he deported even more people than Trump but that’s because Trump was trying to limit deportations by just stopping people at the border so you didn’t have to deport them only massive corporations that want to keep wages low and increase the Giant pool of labor at low wage jobs would encourage an open border so ultimately tugging on people’s heartstrings about children and families and family separations actually was just serving the interests of these Mega corporations to not pay workers enough so here’s Tom homman setting the record straight one of the masterminds of the first Trump administration’s Infamous Zero Tolerance policy which led to the separation of thousands of Migrant children from their parents in the eyes of many at the at the very least the idea led to the separation of more than I think 4,000 children from their parents and some were lamenting that some of them were put in cages how do you answer these questions for those that c just built bi Obama they’re called family deportation facilities don’t know how do you answer questions like that like I just posed to you in terms of 4,000 children being separated from their parents absolutely so where do zero T come from zero t came from this 31% of women the make their Journey get by the criminal cartels children were dying on that border every day dying either drawn in a river dying making that Journey children were the children were dying in the desert you know they they made that journey and a lot of women and children not only died many so we said look how can we save lives how can we stop the children so we said look let’s prosecute them because it’s it’s it’s a crime D this country legally so if we prosecute him and and put them in jail maybe the numbers go down maybe less will come and it worked zero talance that the numbers of of families put themselves in har way put themselves in hands of criminal cartels dropped significantly however the sad part about it the unfortunate part about it is that when you prosecute a parent and put them in jail the child won’t go with him and I’ll say this I started as a police officer in New York police agencies across this country separate families a thousand times a day across this country because the child doesn’t go to jail with a parent and I’ve said during my testimony one time I was testim Hill when I was a cop in New York when I went to domestic vience car and I arrested a father I separated that family child can’t go to jail with him when I arrested a DUI and he had a child in the car I separated that family it’s an unfortunate and sad sad as part of law enforcement families get separated when the parents gets arrested so we do let the families a thousand times a day in this country with Americans but they want a different set of rules for illegal aliens but the whole intent of doing this was to save lives with less some women and children that was that was whole purpose for it but they keep harping on that Trump’s family separation policy but in you right about 4 but they don’t talk about the 500,000 a half a million separations that this Administration responsible for because they send a message to the whole world if you’re a child to cross this country illegally you’re not going to be deported we we’ll deliver you to the very same people who paid a criminal cartel to smug you into this country so you know we did what we did was try to save lives and decrease sexual assault what they did was send a message the whole world do across the border will get him to the final destination at government expense and reward the people who PID the criminal cartel bring and that’s why the numbers exploded because there’s no consequence we had a consequence they didn’t that’s an incredible incredibly compelling answer that you just gave I can’t refute it no one should as far as I’m concerned sir so Obama was the deporter and- chief because we were going through a massive recession American workers were already hit hard enough there are already very few jobs to go around now under Biden we had the pandemic we had a massive labor shortage because the lockdowns led to a lot of people a lot of poor people getting addicted to drugs or far are worse uh becoming alcoholics whatever leaving the labor market for various reasons most of those reasons are not positive reasons and so places like Amazon Etc needed a massive influx of very cheap labor that’s ultimately the reason why the Border was left open now Trump’s strategy is obviously a little different it’s well can we shut down the Border but also have an economic boom where we have not just enough jobs to go around but we have enough good paying jobs to go around for American citizens of all nationalities of all Races Etc although side note genetically there’s only one race it’s a pet peeve of mind when people say they’re a different races there’s just the one human race guys what do you think all the anti-trump protesters waving Mexican flags even though a lot of these illegal immigrants who are criminals being deported are not from Mexico none of them are Mexican they’re Venezuelan Etc what do you think all those protesters waving the Mexican flags and uh saying that no human is illegal and we should just have a completely open border what do you think they would say about Barack Obama’s speech back in the day this is not going to be a free ride it’s not going to be something instant amnesty what’s going to happen is you are going to pay a significant fine you are going to learn English you are going to you are going to go to the back of the line so that you don’t get ahead of somebody who was in Mexico City applying legally but after you’ve done these things over a certain period of time you can earn your citizenship so that it’s not it’s not something that is guaranteed or automatic you’ve got to earn it but over time you give people an opportunity Now it only works though if you do all the pieces I I think the American people they appreciate and believe in Immigration but they can’t have a situation where you just have half a million people pouring over the Border without any kind of mechanism to control it did you hear a woman in the crowd go thank you so we’ve got to deal with that at the same time as we deal in a Humane fashion with folks who have put down Roots here have become our neighbors have become our friends they may have children who are US citizens that’s the kind of comprehensive approach that we have to take so Democrat Party base voters used to actually support being tough on immigration you heard the extra Applause for immigrants have to learn English the Democrat Party and establishment Republican party whatever’s left of it their main point against Trump their main argument against Trump is that Trump’s racist because Trump is tough on illegal immigration Clips like these are an insult to our intelligence because Obama clearly wasn’t making a racist argument it’s an economic argument the Democrats are cynical and they’ve ultimately hoisted themselves by their own patard if Trump is a racist for being tough on illegal immigration then what’s Hillary in this so I think we got to have tough conditions tell people to come out of the Shadows if they’ve committed a crime Deport them no questions asked they’re gone if they if they’ve been working and are law abiding we should say here are the conditions for you staying you have to pay a stiff fine because you came here illegally you have to pay back taxes and you have to try to learn English and you have to wait in line big Applause again from the Democrat Party Bas they love that English line Bill Clinton also pedal the strategy of calling Trump a racist for being a hardliner on immigration this this is him in 2016 I’ll call you want to about how wonderful it’ll be when we put a wall up across the Rio Grant what exists of the wall between the US and Mexico fun fact was mostly built under Clinton’s Administration you can put that wall up physically possible then why don’t we put up a wall with a Canadian border there’s a lot of foreigners over there too then we can put up a seaw wall in the Atlantic and seaw wall in the Pacific then you can send the United States Navy to the Gulf of Mexico and keep people out of send the Air Force up and stop every plane from flying in America so Clinton was mocking Trump in 2016 let’s hear what he said in 1995 during his State of the Union Address about immigration that’s why our Administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more by hiring a record number of new border guards by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before by cracking down on illegal hiring by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens in the budget I will present to you we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crime to better identify illegal aliens in the workface as recommended by the commission headed by former congresswoman Barbara Jordan we are a nation of immigrants but we are also a nation of laws it is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years and we must do more to stop it sounds pretty reasonable it’s really incredible that they tried to call Trump a racist for his position on immigration when Melania Trump as first lady is actually the first immigrant first lady since John Quincy Adams in the 1820s Trump himself grew up in Queens New York New York especially Queens is obviously a burrow of New York City which is home to literally millions of immigrants from around the world pretending that Trump has some sort of bigoted attitude towards immigration has always been a bizarre and deeply cynical argument from the Democrat Party who themselves actually let’s be real gave Trump his talking points decades ago Trump interestingly only split from Bill Clinton and the Democrat Party in the mid 90s over NAFTA because he thought that Free Trade Agreement actually was hurting American workers as they were offshoring manufacturing jobs Trump has been actually deeply consistent for decades and decades and the idea that Trump is a Beyond The Pale Draconian sort of racist anti-immigrant whatever is a self-serving cynical lie on the part of the Democrat Party plenty of people have seen through it at this point so I don’t want to beat a dead horse or maybe beat a dead donkey
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