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they charged Epstein but a little bit of like legal trivia I went there for the press conference I read the indictment and the indictment was what you would charge someone if you wanted to create a media narrative that you were Prosecuting them but that under the law would be chicken [ __ ] stuff the lowest thing that you could possibly charge him for but you could say we’re going after him and there’s a reason they did it this way they charged him for paying for massages and his New York apartment through I think the period of 2014 to 2016 somewhere in that timeline massages in his apartment that’s all they charged him for the four corners of the indictment so why did they only charge him for that there’s a reason he had a place in New Mexico he had his Island he had his place in Paris he had another place I think in West Palm Beach and if they had charged him for trafficking the FBI would have had to simultaneously raid every property under a man act the man act makes it a crime to transport a woman state lines yep and international too so he was flying back from Paris and he was flying women models all over the world models you know not to diminish what he’s doing but that’s with his story he was flying underage girls and some of age all around the world well what you would do with the sdny which as we know the sdny they go after you you got problems CU they charge the most aggressive they’re too aggressive in fact in how they charge cases what you would have charged it if you were concerned with being a prosecutor you would have charged him under the man act and under the international version of the main act you would have simultaneously searched and seized every property taking all the evidence instead they arrested him had a little press conference it was over massages and New York property they searched the New York property what was happening in the island we don’t know what happened to the island we don’t know because the FBI said we can’t search it because nothing that he was charged with concerned the because of course the FBI is very concerned now with due process yeah you know yeah they’re really you know we don’t want to go overstep our lawful authorities so we can’t go raid that island so they left all these properties unattended and then that’s when the mop-up operation commenced and they got whatever compromising ceds and DVRs and other information they got that from the the intelligence communia got that from all the properties may I ask you to pause for one second so this is happening in 2017 no by the time it came to fruition yeah now we’re in 1819 okay right so it would have been Bill bar the Republican attorney general his second time as attorney general he would have been aware of all this correct oh the yeah I’m not sure if bar was in at the time we’d have to double check it but whoever was AG would absolutely have been aware of it and I think it was Bill bar because Bill bar is the one who said that he watched footage of Epstein committing suicide and he knows but we can’t watch the footage of f committing suicide Bill bar can but we can’t that’s a little sus right yeah right Bill bar covered up the murder of Epstein well clearly right but I’m I’m just saying like what I like to do which I found helps me be more persuasive is I will meet you with what you claim even when I know it’s a lie so I know that bill bar is lying but I would just for the sake of argument except it is true that bill bar saw the video of epsin killing himself well therefore you would have to explain why you can’t release that video or show it to other people because if the video exists the public would clearly have a right to see it that’s right or or designated trusted intermediaries would I’d like to see a matchup of of of those call it the the top 100 Puppet Masters on the FD Client List do you think there’s some overlap strong overlap strong overlap when are we going to see that list do you think I don’t know it’s is it’s it’s it’s mind-blowing that that it um that they’ve not tried to prosecute even one not even the worst offender on on the F Client List they have not even tried to prosecute even one is that that’s insane well because they have a lot of diabetic grandmothers who were outside the capital on January 6 they they’re kind of occupied yeah I mean they’ve put like whatever five or 600 janary 6 protesters in prison and not one person on the on the F Client List will that ever come out do you think you know I think part of why Kamal is getting so much support is that uh if if Trump wins that FC and Client List is going to become public yes and some of those billionaires behind K are terrified of that outcome yeah do you think Reed Hoffman’s uncomfortable yes yeah and Gates and Gates yeah and I only asked that because you can sort you just look at them and you’re like that that’s a nervous person right there I don’t know I mean I assume you know them yeah yes uh Reed hoffen was my vice president of Business Development at PayPal yeah 24 years ago um he did does he seem nervous to you yeah I mean he’s terrified about Trump Victory because of the disclosure that would follow I think yeah I mean I think he’s certainly ideologically not aligned with Trump anyway but I think he is concerned about the uh the FC situation like something might actually the doj might actually move forward there are a lot of videos apparently those rooms on the island and I think out in New Mexico were wired for video right and where’s the video I mean between ddy and EP uh it’s go there there’s probably several thousand hours of footage here yeah yeah it’s kind of weird that the people on those videos are lecturing the rest of us about our moral failings isn’t it yeah it’s weird what is that um well I mean part of how they deflect attention from themselves is by you know criticizing the morals of others yes so they it’s sort of like a preemptive moral strike do you think your brother killed himself not now no when I first heard he was dead from suicide I had no reason to doubt it so I accepted that but then after the autopsy and after Bill Bob made that asinine statement I said this was not a suicide um but when you first heard the news you were not you thought it was a possibility that he killed himself yeah I accepted it as a fact I heard it on the news the government didn’t notify me as they said I heard it on CNN in the morning of the 10th and you’re his only Survivor you’re the only surviving relatives yes yes he has no children and our parents are gone and there’s no other siblings when did you start to think that he did not kill himself well after the autopsy and the both Pathologists the city pathologist and Dr B came out of the autopsy and they said this this doesn’t look like a suicide it looks more like a homicide so what did you do then well I okay I figured we have to look into this and see what’s going on were you shocked that he might have been killed uh it came as a surprise yeah so as his only surviving relative what did you do to find out what happened to him well I started to inquire about what took place you know the justice department uh was supposedly investigating the initial death certificate uh said pending uh when it said cause of death which means pending further investigation yes so but then a few days later it was declared a suicide by the chief pathologist who who was not at the autopsy and uh the questions became what investigation was done in such a short period of time to make her determin it was a suicide or was she basing it on Bill bar statement when you sleep better you live better you feel better and you live longer sleep is really important but there’s a lot acting against us who are trying to get a good sleep starting with screen time it scrambles your brain makes it hard to sleep so we’re thinking a lot about sleep not getting as much as we should so a new partner we want to tell you about can help you it’s 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Epstein didn’t kill himself no I mean how many how many Jeffrey Epstein type people are out there well that’s right that’s the real question you mean people who’ve been killed who’ve been killed or people who are using sex as a blackmail tool that Y and then who’s pulling the strings on that any guesses but galain Maxwell has a lot of ties to the Mad yep that would make sense I mean Jeffrey didn’t seem to get some of the appointments he was given in the the prominence based on Merit somebody was putting him in the right spots um but I don’t think he’s the only one I think there’s I think there’s a a problem a weird bizarre problem really that has a weird sex component to it um with some of the elites and there’s a pedophile component to it as well which is which is really sick and there’s you know some prominent figures uh you know who are in the spotlight as a as of late um I just I would like that to be to be exposed but Jeffrey Epstein had the goods on everybody so there were a lot of people that didn’t want him to be alive and then the whole you know wild story around you know multiple people being sleep and you know him not being watched at the time is real convenient and I just don’t believe in that many coincidences no no no he was he was murdered in in Federal Detention in Manhattan I don’t think there’s any question about that and people lied about it including the the then Attorney General of the United States I I think there’s some weird uh correlations between the and and anomalies that you know the Johnny Depp trial had eyes on it crazy coverage and the glain Maxwell trial had next to no coverage no TV coverage no common no nightly commentary about it no traffic to nobody I mean they literally got she is indicted for trafficking kids and nobody who she was trafficking kids to got indicted or named yeah so what’s interesting is that the Attorney General of the United States at the time attorney general bar uh said publicly and then wrote in his Memoir that he had concluded conclusively that this was a suicide based on two pieces of evidence one the medical examiner the the person who performed the autopsy declared it a suicide which is a lie that didn’t happen and two because he had viewed the vide tape at the entrance to the tier to the cell block where your brother was being held what do you make of that explanation well when when I heard boss statement that he said he personally saw the videotape and he concluded it was a suicide because nobody would in her out I that’s when it hit me that he’s covering this up because there’s two sort of fallacies in that one I thought why why is the Attorney General of the United States who I imagine to be a busy guy why is he personally watching the videotape couldn’t he have two people in his office watch the videotape and say hey Bill nobody went in or out you know wouldn’t that suffice and two to assume that somebody could get to that door go inside you know kill somebody get out completely undetected is just ridiculous because I believe there are six levels of security right before you get to that door so to assume that somebody could do it that way is crazy and any third grade investigator will tell you that you know there was anywhere from 7 to 14 people on the other side of that door on the tier that could have killed somebody right and I had been told from another source I’ve been getting a lot of information from all sources that cell doors were left unlocked that night I don’t know how many cell doors or whose cell doors but if if Cell doors were left unlocked then somebody could have went into Jeff’s cell killed them went back into their cell undetected now in the Justice Department uh report it says that from three cells you could see Jeff cell door but if you look at the photographs of the tier there’s tiny windows in the cell doors so in order to see Jeff’s cell door from another cell you’d have to be standing at that window inside the other cells in the middle of the night looking towards Jeff cell and if somebody crept low beneath the height of that window you wouldn’t see them so the fact that you know to say that he could be seen from three other cells and they didn’t see anything well chances are the other prisoners were sleeping in those cells if they had nothing to do with it so again it it it’s just like a cover up line right so in other words the Attorney General said that nobody moved on to the cell block according to the videotape but that is irrelevant because if your brother was murdered he was almost certainly murdered by someone who was already on the cell block exactly right so um given that and it’s obvious and logical when you think about it for about 10 seconds the identities of the other inmates on that cell block are critical your brother was alone in his cell right um so any one of those inmates could have killed your brother do we know who they were no again find out who they were it’s uh there was anywhere there were seven other cells each with one or two people in them yes which means it’s either anywhere from seven to 14 people other than my brother on the tier that night I don’t know who they are or I I know one that guy tag Leone who was Jeff’s soulmate for a while uh he was there and he was there for a long time so uh if if Jeff was killed it’s a possibility that somebody was planted in there cell doors were left unlocked and then from what I understand a number of prisons were transferred off of that tier after the death so if somebody was planted he killed Jeff and a day or two later he’s transferred out and he disappears into the eth I don’t know who the prisoners were I’d like to find out who they are and where are they now as we’ve kind of learned like a bit from the Jeffrey abstein uh thing and you know I guess we’re you know so we find out that there’s this um this uh child pedophile blackmail ring that uh was pretty clearly involved a foreign country um and it’s going around compromising uh political leaders and and influential people and I guess we’re supposed to pretend like that must have been the only won and it’s over now I mean we never got to the bottom of it and sure all of the cameras malfunctioned and the guy you know committed suicide and we never get The Client List and we never get any of this inform the sitting Attorney General of the United States bar covered it up lied to cover it up which he did yep that’s right and uh I’ve said that a bunch of times and every time he tells someone I know that you know that’s outrageous he complains and I hope he’ll sue me over that because it’s true let’s go to Discovery 100% bar lied about it right and so okay why what was that right well that’s the big question and then like what is what is still going on I mean obviously there were people above Jeffrey Epstein involved in it and obviously there if you were doing something like that you wouldn’t only have one you know what I mean like there and so you do it does at least make you wonder like oh is it is it possible that people who obviously people who can be blackmailed are very easy to control and so oh why would it be that there there are so many people people in in powerful positions who have these secret weird personal lives and I think plausibly part of that explanation is because like well okay then they’re very easy to Blackmail you can control them thanks for watching our YouTube channel we hope you’ll subscribe to it and by the way you can hit the little Bell on there and get notifications every time we produce a video we hope you’ll do that also
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