Cotton thank you mr chairman i want to add my voice to the objections raised by senator corn and senator lee about scheduling a panel with five witnesses one of which is a lifetime judicial appointment the other four which are very important appointments to the executive branch senator would you allow me to respond And not at the expense...
Read moreDetailsAl qaeda osama bin laden the taliban the people who wanted to do harm to our nation and to our way of life in our democracy they got nothing on what this republican party is doing 70 percent of the victims of terrorism in this country in the last 10 years Have been victims of radical right-wing terrorism that's a...
Read moreDetailsGood evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight one sunday afternoon last september a 16 year old boy called aaron pryor was shot to death in a driveway near his home in oakland california even by the standards of midday drive-by shootings it was an awful crime surveillance footage showed the killer Firing more than a dozen rounds before fleeing...
Read moreDetailsI'm lauren bobert and i travel down to mcallen texas to the rio grande valley sector to see what's up at our southern border so here's what's up at the border illegal aliens crossing the border that's up sex offenders crossing the border that's up drug trafficking gun smuggling human smuggling That's up unaccompanied children being sent on this journey...
Read moreDetailsA federal judge reverses California’s assault weapons ban What happens next? And how will this affect gun laws nationwide? Welcome to America Uncovered, I’m Chris Chappell. Last week, federal Judge Roger T. Benitez , overturned California’s assault weapons ban. That ban has been in place for the last 32 years. Although if you ask that California ban how old it...
Read moreDetailsBoston Massacre by Alonzo Chappel, 1868 You can still see the spot. If you take the Freedom Trail tour in Boston, a uniformed park ranger will let you stand right on the spot where five Americans were killed by British soldiers on the night of March 5, 1770. This bloody encounter came to be known as “The Boston Massacre.” That...
Read moreDetailsGood evening over in arizona as the audit of the 2020 election is about to be wrapped up lawmakers from over a dozen different states went over to maricopa county to tour the venue and see what is happening firsthand many of them are now looking to launch similar audits in their home states Meanwhile over in nevada two counties...
Read moreDetailsDo So I always forget to turn on my mind hey welcome back everyone so some big stories it just happened that the governor of texas has come out and declared that texas is going to start asserting its 10th its 10th amendment right which basically makes it so that under the constitution technically States are sovereign of all powers...
Read moreDetailsGood afternoon everybody thank you for coming want to thank our witnesses as well uh this is something we've been wanting to do for a long time and that is have a hearing on the origins of covet 19. and so both the select subcommittee on coronavirus republicans As well as our ranking member on the oversight committee mr comer...
Read moreDetailsI don't know how this officer is able to run this fast carrying those big brass cajones Hi everybody welcome to today's bonus badge cam lesson here at active self protection i'm your host john korea today's audio let's listen yo yo got the gun it was munich yo got the gun as we see it on the surveillance
Read moreDetailsU.S. Government It was a letter that changed the course of world history. Now it is the basis for a lawsuit that may again be world-changing. On October 19, 2020, just two weeks before the November 3, 2020 presidential election, 51 former high-level intelligence operatives of the CIA, National Security Agency (NSA), and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), signed a letter...
Read moreDetailsGood evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight happy Friday so much happens in the final weeks of a presidential campaign that it's easy to lose track of it whatever happened to this or that development in the news you can't remember a lot Falls between the cracks there's overload politicians know This obviously and they take advantage of it...
Read moreDetailsYes ma'am please get a venti soy vegan nonfat 14 pops caramel sugar-free macchiato please thank you What's going on guys black scout survival and today i'm going to answer the question that millions of americans want to know and who is the murderer of ashley babbitt ashley babbitt attended the uh january 6 security breach and she was fatally...
Read moreDetailsGood evening five days ago over in california a group of parents have filed a lawsuit against the state because a new curriculum in the public school system was having their children openly pray to five aztec gods meanwhile over in new york a conservative county in the Western part of the state it just passed this resolution right here...
Read moreDetailsHow bad is the dividedness of america are these differences that can somehow be bridged or reconciled or is it time finally for the elephants and the donkeys to amicably go our own way nikki haley calls for america to get rid of quote self-loathing but is that really our problem we loathe Ourselves i'll tell you what i think...
Read moreDetailsYou remember the trump days before the mainstream media went on a four-year vacation they worked non-stop like deranged bullies obsessed with destroying donald trump one of the rare instances of the media waking up during the biden years is their obsession with january 6 the insurrection and i say that in quotes Because they have pushed that word like...
Read moreDetailsHello america wow it's been a heck of a week for the mainstream media hasn't it let me just start oh i think maybe with the moab bomb that the durham investigation dropped on the steel dossier just a couple of days ago okay not only was it revealed that christopher steele's primary source was Fabricating and even outright lying...
Read moreDetailsAm I here all right we want to thank everyone for coming out today we're going to provide you with something that you all aren't used to with respect to Congressional investigations and that's evidence committee Republicans have spoken with multiple whistleblowers from numerous schemes involving the Biden family reviewed Hunter Biden's laptop and Received documents of previously what we've...
Read moreDetailsHey kids how you boys doing you read the Bible yes well there's this passage I got memorized so to fix this occasion Ezekiel 2517 the path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the Tyran of evil evil men blessed is he who in the name of Charity and Good...
Read moreDetailsForeign In the past year the IRS has hired 87 000 agents has acquired 5 million rounds of ammunition thousands of pistols thousands of shotguns thousands of automatic rifles as well as a variety of military weapons now this came out last summer but it has actually happened now in the meantime But the White House has declared that this...
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