American History

The history of the United States is vast and complex, but can be broken down into moments and time periods that divided, unified, and changed the United States into the country it is today. The foundation of the American government, its purpose, form, and structure, are in the Constitution of the United States. The Constitutional Convention adopted the Constitution on September 17, 1787. The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. It guarantees greater constitutional protection for individual liberties and lists specific prohibitions on government power. There are 27 Constitutional Amendments in all. The 27th Amendment, which was originally proposed in 1789, was not ratified until 1992.

Watchlisted: You’re Probably Already on a Government Extremism List

John Whitehead In a closed society where everybody’s guilty, the only crime is getting caught.—Hunter S. Thompson According to the FBI, you may be an anti-government extremist if you’ve: a) purchased a Bible or other religious materials, b) used terms like “MAGA” and “Trump,” c) shopped at Dick’s Sporting Goods, Cabela’s, or Bass Pro Shops, d) purchased tickets to travel...

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Major SCOTUS Case Could Force Congress to Do Its Job, and Restore Power to the People

LUNAMARINA/iStock/Getty Images Plus Are we truly a nation of, by, and for the people, as Lincoln put it, if our elected representatives aren’t the ones actually making the decisions affecting our lives? For a long time they haven’t been making many of those decisions, too, having essentially “outsourced” them to judges and bureaucrats. But two cases currently before the Supreme...

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Javier Milei at the WEF — Attacking Socialism, Defending Monopolists?

AP Images Javier Milei Argentine self interest or fundamental principles? Having taken the time to research and cover (in this substack essay) the CV and anarcho-capitalist logic of Argentine President (and economist) Javier Milei, I was familiar with most of the points made during his speech at the WEF earlier this week. However, his comments supporting monopolies were new to me,...

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Mike Johnson, Joe Biden, and Romans 13

AP Images Mike Johnson House Speaker Mike Johnson, confronted with a “gotcha” question, remained calm, cool, and collected. A reporter asked him on Thursday if he believed that “Joe Biden’s presidency is God’s will?” The reporter was referring to Johnson’s forthright claim to be a believer in the Holy Scriptures during his inaugural address in November: I believe that Scripture...

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“Collectivist Experiments Are Never the Solution”: Javier Milei’s Full Davos Speech

AP Images Javier Milei The following is a transcript of Argentinian President Javier Milei’s January 17 speech at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Good afternoon. Thank you very much. I am here today to tell you that the West is in peril. It’s in peril because those who supposedly ought to defend Western values are being...

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Will Illegal Aliens Choose the 2024 Republican Nominee in Arizona?

If you think our elections are safe from non-citizens voting, think again. An unprecedented move by Arizona’s Democratic Secretary of State Adrian Fontes just opened the way for non-citizens—legal or otherwise—to register for and cast a ballot in the 2024 election. That includes Arizona’s Republican primary in March, meaning the same illegal aliens flooding across our open border could vote...

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Biden and the Houthis: Just a 21st-century Jefferson and the Barbary Pirates?

Official Navy Page/Wikimedia Commons U.S. Navy ships in Mediterraean Thomas Jefferson, the Barbary Pirates, and the Constitution “Yemen’s Houthis Become Today’s Red Sea Version of the ‘Barbary Pirates‘” “The US Must Uphold Freedom of Navigation” Those headlines and dozens like them introduce stories from both conservative and liberal media outlets praising Joe Biden for ordering airstrikes against Houthi interests in...

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NPS Withdraws Plan to Remove William Penn Statue From Philly Park

Twitter/X The National Park Service has scrapped its plan to remove a statue of William Penn from Welcome Park in Philadelphia. NPS’s release suggest that it never really had a such plan, and that whoever posted the news that the statue of Pennsylvania’s founder was coming down, to be replaced with “Native American” hokum, did so “prematurely.” That’s bureaucratese for...

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Deprogram the Credentialed – Liberty Sentinel

By Richard W Hawkins, Lt Col, USAF (ret) “Biblical methodology with Biblical content results in a Christian worldview and Dialectic methodology, even with Biblical content, leads to good little socialists.”          — Dr Marlene McMillan, Discussions ensue regarding whether conservatives or Christians should run for local school boards with the belief that government-controlled K-12 schooling can be reformed at...

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German “Elites” Aim to Ban New Most Popular Party — in “Democracy’s” Name

AP Images Soviet-born comedian Yakov Smirnoff used to tell a joke about choice in the USSR. “In Soviet Union, there are two television stations,” he said (I’m paraphrasing). “Channel One is government propaganda.” Channel Two is a man wagging his finger and sternly saying, “Turn back to Channel One!” With respect to elections, Western pseudo-elites today do aim to offer...

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Abortion Wins Offer More Proof States Should Scrap Ballot Initiatives

Mariusz Kielbowicz/iStock/Getty Images Plus Are ballot initiatives another characteristic of modern American politics that sounds good on paper but in reality has a disastrous effect on the Republic? Over the last few years, Florida has earned a reputation as one of the most conservative states in the Union. For decades, the Republican Party has dominated the Legislature and the governorship,...

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