American History

The history of the United States is vast and complex, but can be broken down into moments and time periods that divided, unified, and changed the United States into the country it is today. The foundation of the American government, its purpose, form, and structure, are in the Constitution of the United States. The Constitutional Convention adopted the Constitution on September 17, 1787. The Bill of Rights is the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. It guarantees greater constitutional protection for individual liberties and lists specific prohibitions on government power. There are 27 Constitutional Amendments in all. The 27th Amendment, which was originally proposed in 1789, was not ratified until 1992.

This Week at the Convention of 1787: Congress Would Be Filled With Men of Virtue, of Valor, of Integrity, and Above Suspicion

DonkeyHotey/flickr The controversial topics seemed never-ending at the Constitutional Convention of 1787. We’ve covered treason, state sovereignty, taxes, and now the powers of Congress and the trust the American people could put in them. The draft of the Constitution that the delegates were debating included five restrictions on Congress: No export taxes No tax or prohibition on migration or importation...

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Tenn. Governor Pushes for Stricter Gun Control, Greater Federal Oversight

AP Images Bill Lee Although scheduled to wrap up yesterday (August 24), the Tennessee state Legislature’s “special session” for dealing with gun violence and public safety has been prolonged and will continue debate on these issues Monday, August 28. Tennessee’s Governor Bill Lee, a Republican, called for the special session of the Legislature after six people were murdered at Covenant...

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Efforts to Protect US Intensify Amid Global Shift From Dollar

Calls from Congress and state houses to the private sector for out-of-the-box thinking, such as repegging the currency to gold or declaring precious metals to be legal tender, are growing. With inflation plaguing the economy as the U.S. dollar is increasingly being sidelined in international trade, potentially even at risk of losing its status as the global reserve currency, lawmakers...

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SUMMER OF THE HAWKS | Covert Geopolitics

Wishful thinking is still the rule among Biden’s foreign policy team, as the slaughter in Ukraine continues. It’s been weeks since we looked into the adventures of the Biden administration’s foreign policy cluster, led by Tony Blinken, Jake Sullivan, and Victoria Nuland. How has the trio of war hawks spent the summer? Sullivan, the national security adviser, recently brought an...

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California Calling for Con-Con to Redefine Second Amendment

AP Images Gavin Newsom Governor Gavin Newsom’s quest to replace the U.S. Constitution continues, as California’s chief executive is sponsoring legislation calling for a federal constitutional convention to rewrite the Second Amendment. Senate Joint Resolution 7 seeks “to call a constitutional convention under Article V of the Constitution of the United States for the purpose of proposing a constitutional amendment...

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Niger is Far from a Typical Coup

Rather than send troops in response to the coup, France and the U.S. seem to favor a “Rwanda” type solution applied in Mozambique earlier this year, writes Vijay Prashad. Only this time ECOWAS would apply force.     On July 26, Niger’s presidential guard moved against the sitting president — Mohamed Bazoum — and conducted a coup d’état. A brief contest among the...

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Pro-gun Groups Urge Court to Make Temporary Injunction Against N.J. “Sensitive Places” Law Permanent

Marco Verch/flickr The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) and the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) filed a friend of the court brief on Wednesday urging the Third Circuit Court of Appeals to make permanent its temporary injunction imposed against New Jersey in May. Rather like a child being told “no,” New Jersey anti-gun politicians enacted...

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Convention of States: Trust Us to Keep the Second Amendment Safe; JBS Warnings “Debunked”

Alpha Stock Images “A vast majority of Convention of States supporters are also firm supporters of the Second Amendment,” a recent Convention of States (COS) blog post declares. Really? A vast majority? So, not all, then, right? If I’m reading their own article correctly, they are saying that not all of those who support COS are “firm supporters” of the...

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Convention of States: States Must Use Article V or Lose the Constitution

Koele/iStock/Getty Images Plus A recent blog post published by the Convention of States (COS) reports that “only 10 percent of Americans think our democracy is working.” After reassuring his readers that he knows “we’re not a democracy,” the author goes on to insist that “the message is still valid.”  The fact that 10 percent of Americans don’t think our democracy...

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Germany Considers Banning a Political Party for the Sake of “Democracy”

AP Images AfD leaders at a party meeting in Germany Unhappy with its growing popularity among German citizens, some German politicians and media outlets are calling on the right-leaning Alternative for Germany (AfD, Alternative für Deutschland) Party to be banned. AfD is currently leading in polls, with the nation’s next general election scheduled for June of next year. Founded in...

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House GOP Chairmen Complain About Conservative Demands for Spending Cuts

AP Images Steve Womack Multiple Republican chairmen of the 12 House Appropriations subcommittees are voicing frustration about conservatives’ demands to reduce federal spending in the pending fiscal 2024 appropriations bills. Congress is currently working to draft and pass its fiscal 2024 appropriations bills, which must be passed before September 30 to avoid a partial government shutdown. On the House side, one appropriations...

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Iraq Rebrands Homosexuality as “Sexual Deviance,” World Bank Penalizes Uganda’s Anti-homosexuality Stance

nito100/iStock/Getty Images Plus On August 8, Iraq’s official media regulator instructed all media and social-media companies operating within its territories to cease using the term “homosexuality” and substitute it with “sexual deviance,” according to a document from the regulator. With U.S. influence in Iraq waning, this latest piece of news illustrates how traditional Islamic values are staging a comeback in...

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Illinois Supreme Court Upholds Assault Weapons Ban

Michael B./flickr The Illinois Supreme Court on Friday narrowly upheld the “Protect Illinois Communities Act,” which was signed into law by Governor J.B. Pritzker earlier this year and bans the sale or possession of new assault weapons, including some semiautomatic firearms, along with high-capacity magazines and rapid-firing devices. The weapons-ban legislation was driven by state Democrats shortly after a gunman killed seven...

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