ffikretow/iStock/Getty Images Plus The United States and Russia have reached an agreement to exchange detainees in a 24-person prisoner swap. President Joe Biden announced the Americans that were being held in Russia had begun their travel back to the United States, stating on X: After enduring unimaginable suffering and uncertainty, the Americans detained in Russia are safe, free, and have...
Read moreDetailsBill Hahn As President Biden mentioned in his campaign-quit speech, he wasted no time calling for Supreme Court reform after the court repeatedly stepped in during his term to reverse longstanding constitutional abuses, many that were advantageous to the political left. We’ll look at some historical parallels to previous court attacks and what entity can actually bring about the right...
Read moreDetailsAP Images Following the Israeli strike that killed Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Iran’s capital, Tehran, yesterday, Iranian officials are meeting with allies representing Palestine’s Hamas, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Yemen’s Houthis, and Iraqi groups today. The strike that killed Haniyeh yesterday follows an Israeli airstrike that killed three of Haniyeh’s sons and three of his grandchildren in Gaza on April 10.Reuters...
Read moreDetailsSolidMaks/iStock/Getty Images Plus On the surface, New Jersey District Judge Peter Sheridan (appointed to the bench in 2006 by then-President George W. Bush and who assumed “senior status” five years ago at age 68), got it right: New Jersey’s ban on the AR-15 semi-automatic firearm is unconstitutional.But he didn’t like doing so: It is hard to accept the Supreme Court’s...
Read moreDetailsAP Images Merrick Garland The Biden Justice Department has weaponized the law to attack pro-lifers who demonstrated outside abortion clinics. And it’s using an obscure law meant to protect the rights of newly enfranchised former American slaves to lengthen prison sentences.One weapon is the pro-abortion Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, a Clinton-era law that punishes pro-lifers for supposedly...
Read moreDetailsWEST PALM BEACH, FLA. — Former President Donald Trump spoke to a large group of Christians at Turning Point USA’s Believers’ Summit Friday evening at the West Palm Beach Convention Center. The president’s speech has been misquoted and mangled by mainstream media and social media alike, falsely claiming that Trump stated, “I’m not a Christian,” while drumming up a comment...
Read moreDetailsAP Images Vice President Kamala Harris is polling better against President Donald Trump in general election polls than former candidate and President Joe Biden, but she is still forecast to lose on November 5.Election prognosticator Nate Silver gives Harris a better chance of winning the popular vote than Trump. But like Hillary Clinton in 2016, she might well lose the...
Read moreDetailsJoin Alex Newman in this episode of The Sentinel Report as we cover the news of the horrendous mockery of Christianity on display at the 2024 Olympics, the misinformation surrounding Donald Trump’s speech at Turning Point USA’s Believers’ Summit, and much more. Additionally, Sheriff Richard Mack joins the program to emphasize the necessity of voting for a sheriff in your...
Read moreDetailsgrandriver/iStock/Getty Images Plus El Paso/Juarez border If you believe that, as a writer puts it today, “failure is the plan,” a new report won’t surprise you. It warns that the type of violence witnessed in South Africa and Mexico — and that has reached our shores — is poised to get far worse. After all, our federal and many state...
Read moreDetailsOf the 47 employees whom Kamala Harris hired in 2021, only 4 remain without interruption according to the nonpartisan watchdog group Open The Books. Everyone else left or was fired by Harris, who has been described as a “soul-destroying bully.” New York Times columnist David Brooks observes that “from her time as the San Francisco district attorney straight through her time as vice...
Read moreDetailsAP Images When hearing about a powerful person who wouldn’t let underlings look him in the eye, you might think of Egyptian pharaohs, Chinese emperors, or any ancient potentate claiming god status. You probably wouldn’t associate such imperiousness with a 2024 presidential candidate, but, says a lifelong Democrat and ex-office holder, this is precisely what Kamala Harris demanded of her...
Read moreDetailsWere Deep State figures involved in the attempt to assassinate Donald Trump? It may be too early to tell right now, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. But as Newman points out, top Deep State leaders in intelligence and the secretive world of power politics have repeatedly made statements that are...
Read moreDetailszimmytws/iStcok/Getty Images Plus While all the public attention is on a tumultuous presidential campaign and on war in the Middle East, another story — one that has received scant media attention in recent months — registered another major development on Monday. Yesterday the official national debt surpassed $35 trillion for the first time, very much on schedule. At its current...
Read moreDetailsSpeakers at the Republican National Convention not only shared their support for former President Donald Trump and J.D. Vance but gave a special charge to Generation Z: Revive the nation’s glory. “Our message to Gen Z is this: You’re going to be the generation that saves this country.” Vivek Ramaswamy, a former presidential candidate, said. “You want to be a...
Read moreDetailsThe incredibly powerful Rockefeller dynasty has been instrumental in building up National Socialism (Nazism), eugenics, globalism, and countless other evils, explains Swedish academic Dr. Jacob Nordangård in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman. Nordangård, who wrote the hit book Rockefeller: Controlling the Game, highlights the apparent absurdity of an oil dynasty funding the “climate” and...
Read moreDetailspcess609/iStock/Getty Images Plus A newly formed climate-alarmist group is looking to name and shame individuals who they claim are most responsible for the alleged climate crisis the world is supposedly facing. The Climate Criminals Project is an offshoot of the Climate Accountability Research Project (CARP). CARP was formed with assistance from several climate-alarm groups, including 350.org, Climate Clock, Global Center...
Read moreDetailsIn this significant episode of The Liberty Report, host Alex Newman speaks with Tara Rodas and Dr. Peter Breggin to uncover the horrifying truths about government-sponsored child trafficking and the sinister global agenda behind it. Tara Rodas, a whistleblower from the Department of Health and Human Services, reveals how migrant children are being handed over to traffickers. Dr. Peter Breggin...
Read moreDetailsADragan/iStock/Getty Images Plus The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) declared that puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and sex-change surgeries are “medically necessary” in an effort to spur U.S. insurance companies to cover them, recently unsealed court documents reveal.According to the Washington Free Beacon: WPATH’s standards of care, which guide clinical practice in the United States, were updated in 2022...
Read moreDetailsIn this episode of The Sentinel Report, Alex Newman takes the biggest news stories head-on from a biblical worldview, including Newman’s exclusive interview with political operative Roger Stone, who says the FBI should be nowhere near the Trump assassination attempt investigation. Next up, Newman speaks to Betty Wills and Christian Gribneau, the masterminds behind justapedia.org, a truth-based alternative to Wikipedia. Finally,...
Read moreDetailsskynesher/iStock/Getty Images Plus “Fish and guests start to stink in three days,” goes the old epigram — but not if French Olympic organizers bent on surrendering to summer heat have their way.That is, since they wouldn’t provide the athletes they’re hosting air conditioning, citing greentopian priorities, the competitors may stink after one night’s fitful sleep.Two years ago, athletes complained about...
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