Be Prepared!

Be prepared for an economic collapse, global disaster or pandemic means having on hand essential items you'll need to get you through until things begin to normalize. This is similar to preparing for a hurricane but on a larger scale. The value or price of something is always determined by the supply vs. demand. In an economic collapse, the supply of many items will be greatly reduced which in turn will increase the price. ... So the demand for those items will increase as they become harder to get during a collapse. You should be prepared by stockpiling necessities. Build some bug out bags and items for getting to a safer location away from others without preparedness. Be able to grow your own food. Be able to create your own electricity. Keep cash or metals for abrtering on hand. Stock up on items you can barter. Get Out of Debt.

States Bringing Bible and God’s Law Back Into Schools – Liberty Sentinel

In a growing sign of pushback against anti-Christian indoctrination of children funded by coercive taxation imposed on Christians, multiple states are moving to restore biblical truth and the Ten Commandments to their once-central role in education. The godless, the pagans, and even some Christians, however, are up in arms. For centuries, the Bible was the primary textbook for Americans. Education...

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Study: WHO Data Show Surge in Covid-shot-related Heart Deaths

Matt Hunt/iStock/Getty Images Plus It’s “as serious as a heart attack.”In fact, it is a heart attack — or, at least, something related to it. Unfortunately, too many people haven’t taken seriously the issue of Covid-shot-related heart problems, even though evidence of their existence has been mounting for some time. South Korean StudyAnd now yet another among many studies, this...

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Biden Refuses to Quit Race After NYT Reveals Parkinson’s Doc Visited White House Eight Times

AP Images President Joe Biden told Democrats today that he isn’t dropping out of the race for president.So stop asking and speculating, he wrote. It won’t happen. Joe Biden, he averred, is the best candidate to beat former President Donald Trump. He said the same thing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe yesterday.But as Biden tenaciously defended his candidacy, the New York...

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Nikki Haley Releases Primary Delegates, Will Not Attend RNC

AP Images Nikki Haley Nikki Haley has released the 97 delegates she received during the Republican Party presidential primaries before the Republican National Convention (RNC). Politico reports Haley’s spokesperson Chaney Denton stated Haley was not invited to the RNC in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, next week, and that “she’s fine with that. Trump deserves the convention he wants. She’s made it clear...

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Leftist News Org Urges Biden Campaign to Use AI to Fool Public About Joe’s Senility

Userba011d64_201/iStock/Getty Images Plus “Fool me once, shame on you,” the saying goes; “fool me twice, it’s AI.”Okay, that’s not really the saying, but it might be the reality with Joe Biden if his campaign acts on a leftist news organization’s advice:Use artificial intelligence (AI) to trick the public into thinking Biden is not exhibiting decrepitude and dementia. This strategy would...

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Expert: Biden Has Parkinson’s Disease. It’s Obvious.

AP Images A top Parkinson’s Disease expert told NBC that Joe Biden has the disorder, contradicting the letter from the White House physician that was released last night.Tom Pitts, a board-certified neurologist, delivered the bad news for Biden and his party during an interview with the network’s Tom Llamas on Top Story.Pitts said that Biden has myriad Parkison’s symptoms. That...

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Democrats Divided on Biden Staying in Race

AP Images Chuck Schumer Democrats are still divided and debating whether President Joe Biden can remain in the race for president.Concerns about Biden’s being the party’s candidate surfaced after his calamitous debate with former President Donald Trump, and significantly worsened with reports that Biden has Parkinson’s Disease and is degenerating neurologically.Top Senate Democrats still support him. But a number of...

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In Pennsylvania Comeback Tour, Biden Says Dark Brandon Is Back

Salena Zito HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania — Pretty much every elected Democrat in Pennsylvania was out in force on Sunday standing shoulder-to-shoulder with President Joe Biden at different venues as he made his way from Philadelphia to the state capital, starting what his supporters here called his comeback moment.Speaking to campaign volunteers and supporters at a Biden-Harris campaign office in Philadelphia, one...

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Biden Campaign Provided Questions for Interview to Radio Host

mixetto/iStock/Getty Images Plus In yet another sign that President Joe Biden is too old, feeble, and mentally impaired to do his job, a radio host has confessed that she became a mouthpiece for the Biden campaign. It provided the questions she asked the octogenarian president.After “resigning” from WURD in Philadelphia, Andrea Lawful-Sanders confessed the truth about her interview with Biden...

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Vatican Excommunicates Archbishop Viganò – The New American

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano (AP Images) The Vatican’s doctrinal office announced Friday that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò was found guilty of schism and excommunicated. Viganò, who was previously the Vatican’s ambassador to the United States, is an outspoken critic of Pope Francis, accusing him of heresy and schism, and liberal reforms made by the Second Vatican Council. Viganò also accused...

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‘Death to America’ Chants Amid Independence Day Celebrations

Supporters of Hamas were seen chanting “Free Palestine” and “Death to America” through the streets of New York City on Independence Day. Protestors crowded 28th St and 11th Avenue to disrupt the fireworks show viewing party.    BREAKING: Hamas supporters march through New York, chanting genocidal slogans towards Jews. Moments before, they burned the American flag while chanting “Death to...

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Best Enemies Money Can Buy, With Pat Wood – Liberty Sentinel

Tyrannical forces have long been manufacturing enemies to usher in global technocracy, explained author and expert Patrick Wood in this interview on Conversations That Matter with The New American magazine’s Alex Newman. Wood worked closely with the world’s leading expert on this subject, Standford historian Antony Sutton, and says Sutton’s research exposed U.S. support for Nazism and Communism, among other...

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DA Bragg Supports ATF’s “Ghost Gun” Rules

AP Images Alvin Bragg In a brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday, New York City’s infamous and corrupt Soros-backed District Attorney Alvin Bragg urged the high court to approve the ATF’s egregious and unconstitutional expansion of its powers.The ATF, taking its cues from the Biden administration’s anti-gun agenda, ruled that guns built at home from kits and...

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Jobs Report Confirms Slowing Economy

zimmytws/iStock/Getty Images Plus Friday’s jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) confirms the two reports released on Wednesday: The U.S. economy continues to slow, while workers’ wages remain way behind inflation.The top line number of new jobs created — 206,000 — is phony. The BLS reported that downward revisions of previously reported new jobs in April and May...

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Don’t Let Calm Seas in Uncharted Fiscal Waters Fool You

Veronique de Rugy The United States is full steam ahead into uncharted fiscal waters, with rapidly growing federal debt promising a choppy economic future. Candidates Joe Biden and Donald Trump have added trillions to the national debt during their recent presidential administrations, leaving America at a critical juncture that demands urgent, bipartisan action.If you read this column, you know the...

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Kansas Judge Issues Injunction Halting Title IX Changes

AP Images John Broomes On Tuesday, a federal judge in Topeka, Kansas, blocked new Biden administration rules on Title IX which would have greatly expanded transgender ideology in schools. U.S. District Judge John Broomes cited the recent Supreme Court decision of Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo, which overturned the decades-old precedent known as Chevron.For decades, the administrative state has used...

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