Be Prepared!

Be prepared for an economic collapse, global disaster or pandemic means having on hand essential items you'll need to get you through until things begin to normalize. This is similar to preparing for a hurricane but on a larger scale. The value or price of something is always determined by the supply vs. demand. In an economic collapse, the supply of many items will be greatly reduced which in turn will increase the price. ... So the demand for those items will increase as they become harder to get during a collapse. You should be prepared by stockpiling necessities. Build some bug out bags and items for getting to a safer location away from others without preparedness. Be able to grow your own food. Be able to create your own electricity. Keep cash or metals for abrtering on hand. Stock up on items you can barter. Get Out of Debt.

Louisiana, Law, and Lies: Is Displaying the Ten Commandments in Classrooms Constitutional?

duckycards/iStock/Getty Images Plus “The fundamental basis of this Nation’s law was given to Moses on the Mount,” said a famed American figure. “The fundamental basis of our Bill of Rights comes from the teachings which we get from Exodus and St. Matthew, from Isaiah and St. Paul.”Which evangelist said the above? Billy Graham? Pat Robertson? Jerry Falwell?Actually, it was Democratic...

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New Survey on Post-jab Blood Clots

iLexx/iStock/Getty Images Plus A new survey seeks to identify those in the general public who have experienced blood clotting issues in the past four years.Retired Air Force Major Tom Haviland has been researching Covid jab-related adverse effects since losing his job in 2021 as a military contractor for refusing Biden’s mandates.He discusses the results of initial studies in his article...

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Nuclear War: The Risk Has Perhaps NEVER Been Greater, Harvard Expert Says

RomoloTavani/iStock/Getty Images Plus As a child of the ’70s and ’80s, I, along with my age mates, remember Cold War nuclear annihilation fears well. Oh, I was born after “duck and cover” days, but we did, for example, have the post-apocalyptic 1983 film The Day After, which portrayed a nuclear war’s consequences. Watched by 100 million-plus Americans — more than...

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Hawaiian Youth Secure Settlement in Climate-change Case

DOUGBERRY/iStock/Getty Images Plus Climate activists, hiding behind 13 Hawaiian schoolchildren, have secured at least $40 million in promises from the government of Hawaii. Under the terms of the settlement, Hawaii must establish a greenhouse-gas reduction plan that will supposedly lead to net-zero emissions by 2045, and the Aloha State will be forced to invest at least $40 million toward an...

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Federal Judge Calls Limited Stop to Biden Rule Forcing Employers to Grant Abortion Leave

12963734/iStock/Getty Images Plus A federal judge on Monday issued a preliminary injunction against a Biden administration rule forcing employers to provide “reasonable accommodations” for employees to obtain abortions even if doing so conflicts with state law or an employer’s religious beliefs.“This is a textbook case of a federal administrative agency exceeding its statutory authority in a way that both usurps...

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State Dept. Official Confirms Goal of Biden “Migrant” Invasion: Demographic Replacement

LPETTET/iStock/Getty Images Plus A State Department official has confirmed that President Joe Biden’s “migrant” invasion is replacement migration meant to overwhelm the country demographically.A reporter from Project Veritas (PV) secretly recorded interviews with officials, one of whom confirmed that what conservatives call “The Great Replacement” is all too real. And Biden is knowingly importing criminals, the officials said.The ultimate goal,...

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Microaggressions: Will Oregon Revoke Doctors’ Licenses for Telling Non-whites to Lose Weight?

Antonio_Diaz/iStock/Getty Images Plus “A person’s healthcare is not the government’s business!” we hear. “That’s between him and his doctor!” Funny thing, though:Unless the issue is abortion, this philosophy goes right out the medical office window.It’s not just the Covid shots, either. In fact, the latest example is that the Oregon Medical Board (OMB), reports hold, is poised to make physicians’...

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Supreme Court Upholds Firearm Restrictions for Domestic Violence Perpetrators

400tmax/iStock/Getty Images Plus The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) ruling in United States v. Rahimi announced earlier today upholds restrictions that prohibit domestic violence perpetrators from possessing firearms. The Court’s 8-1 majority opinion stated regulations that restrict dangerous individuals from possessing firearms are constitutional: When an individual has been found by a court to pose a credible threat to the physical...

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How the Deep State Infiltrated Trump’s Cabinet and How to Stop It in a Second Term – Liberty Sentinel

In 2018, Mark Moyar, a senior political appointee at the US Agency for International Development (USAID) revealed to agency executives that he had found evidence of wrongdoing involving five career bureaucrats. A sophisticated retaliatory conspiracy, masterminded by senior bureaucrats, started when a Special Operations general falsely accused Moyar of disclosing sensitive material and resulted in Moyar’s removal. Moyar, the author of the...

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Fear Erupts Over America – The New American

Lenore Skenazy Sometimes a gal’s gotta rant (again), so here goes.Shootings are devastating. Obviously! But I also wonder about the value of LUMPING shootings together and reporting them as such. My Yahoo newsfeed on Monday screamed, “GUN VIOLENCE ERUPTS OVER FATHER’S DAY WEEKEND.”Then, in a country of 333 million, it told of three shootings in three different states that left...

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Disney Senior VP Alleges Discrimination Inside Company

YouTube James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas, released an undercover video on his X account, and the O’Keefe Media Group’s YouTube channel, allegedly showing Walt Disney Company Senior Vice President Michael Giordano accusing the company of discrimination. Elon Musk responded to the O’Keefe Media Group report, stating on X, “This is messed up”.Giordano described his duties at Disney as senior...

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World War III is on the Horizon as Congress Pushes Women for Draft: Ron Paul 

The military industrial complex is itching to make boatloads of cash off of foreign wars and conflicts and perhaps the beginning of World War III as Congress makes moves to add women to the draft, explained former Texas Congressman Dr. Ron Paul in this episode of Alex Newman’s Conversations That Matter for The New American magazine.  Additionally, Dr. Paul, a...

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Israeli Media: IDF Had Prior Knowledge of October 7 Hamas Attack

AP Images Gaza According to reports published by Israel Public Broadcasting Corporation, Kan, and Israeli newspaper Haaretz, leaked Israel Defense Forces (IDF) intelligence documents allegedly confirm reports that the IDF had prior knowledge of the October 7 Hamas attack.Kan announced the exclusive report on the IDF intelligence documents, stating on X, “Exclusive: The intelligence document that was distributed just two...

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Brutal Violence Against Teachers is at “Crisis” Levels – Liberty Sentinel

Teachers are under attack — literally. Violent and indoctrinated students in government schools across the United States and beyond are increasingly beating not just each other, but even their teachers, according to a flurry of nationwide reports based on a survey of teachers that found startling levels of violence against educators.   According to the survey of over 8,000 teachers in...

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Could a Pennsylvania Lawsuit Upend the 2024 Election?

natasaadzic/iStock/Getty Images Plus A national watchdog organization has joined with several Pennsylvania voters to file a federal lawsuit that could drastically alter administration of the state’s upcoming election in November.United Sovereign Americans (USA) announced in a press release that the case involves “errors in the results of the 2022 general election in Pennsylvania which rendered the results unreliable.” The group...

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Update on Alex Jones’ Persecution & How to Save America Through the Freedom Index – Liberty Sentinel

Lawfare is now, unfortunately, a common term in the vernacular of any patriotic American who has been watching the attacks on journalists and candidates who dare to speak out against the New World Order. Usage of the term spiked after the attempt to smear Donald J. Trump with 34 doctored felony charges. But now another victim of lawfare is in...

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Russia and North Korea Sign Mutual Defense Agreement

AP Images Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-Un Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Pyongyang, North Korea, for the first time since July 2000 and signed a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un that pledges mutual defense. Putin said of the agreement, “The comprehensive partnership agreement signed today provides, among other things, for mutual assistance in the event...

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