Be Prepared!

Be prepared for an economic collapse, global disaster or pandemic means having on hand essential items you'll need to get you through until things begin to normalize. This is similar to preparing for a hurricane but on a larger scale. The value or price of something is always determined by the supply vs. demand. In an economic collapse, the supply of many items will be greatly reduced which in turn will increase the price. ... So the demand for those items will increase as they become harder to get during a collapse. You should be prepared by stockpiling necessities. Build some bug out bags and items for getting to a safer location away from others without preparedness. Be able to grow your own food. Be able to create your own electricity. Keep cash or metals for abrtering on hand. Stock up on items you can barter. Get Out of Debt.

Harvard Reins Wokeness and “Diversity” & “Equity” Statements for Faculty – Liberty Sentinel

The totalitarian ideology underpinning “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) is becoming more and more toxic as even far-left Harvard University begins reining in the extremism that is scaring away donors and normal people. The school also said it would no longer issue official statements on issues not directly related to its mission. In an email sent out last week, Harvard...

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AG Garland Responds to House Contempt Vote

AP Images Merrick Garland Today House Republicans passed H. Res. 1292 — “Recommending that the House of Representatives find United States Attorney General Merrick B. Garland in Contempt of Congress for Refusal to Comply with a Subpoena Duly Issued by the Committee on the Judiciary” — by a vote of 216 to 207 at 4:43 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, just...

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Latest Pew Research Study Reveals More Support for Gun Ownership

SKapl/iStock/Getty Images Plus Nuggets mined from the massive 80-page report from the Pew Research Center, “Cultural Issues and the 2024 Election,” released last week reveal that, despite the continuing onslaught of attacks on private gun ownership and the Second Amendment by the left-wing media and the Biden administration, Americans remain steadfast in their support of them.More than half of those...

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Trump’s Surge Transforms the Electoral Map – Liberty Sentinel

Trump’s remarkable surge in Nevada is transforming the electoral map for this election. An overflow crowd turned out for Trump at an open-air rally in Las Vegas, despite the sweltering 105-degree heat. The crowd roared in approval as Trump described what he would accomplish in his second term in office, undeterred by the failure of his teleprompter. When Trump dramatically promised to end...

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Hunter Biden Convicted; Faces Up To 25 Years in Prison

AP Images Hunter Biden Hunter Biden has been convicted on all three counts in the federal gun trial resulting from his October 2018 purchase of a Colt Cobra .38 Special revolver. Prosecutors argued Hunter Biden was addicted to alcohol and narcotics, and presented evidence he regularly smoked crack cocaine at the time he purchased the firearm.Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict is...

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FBI Suspends Employee’s Security Clearance After Investigating Trump Support and Covid-19 Views

AP Images The FBI has come under intense scrutiny following allegations that it revoked the security clearance of an employee due to his political views and stance on the Covid-19 vaccine. A complaint filed with the Justice Department’s internal watchdog, based on internal FBI files, highlights apparent politicization within the Bureau, raising significant concerns about freedom of expression and political...

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GOP Calls for Further Biden Investigations

AP Images James Comer Following the verdict in Hunter Biden’s criminal trial earlier today, the House Oversight Committee announced it would continue to hold President Joe Biden and his family accountable, alleging the family has received over $18 million in payments from foreign sources, stating on X: 🚨Since Joe Biden was Vice President, his family and their shell companies have...

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Leftist Humiliates Herself on TV With Inability to Explain Trump’s “Crimes”

YouTube “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool,” the old saying goes, “than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” People should perhaps be mindful of this before publicly defending the indefensible — such as New York’s kangaroo-court conviction of President Trump.One person who might’ve learned this the hard way is “journalist” and stand-up comedienne...

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Montana’s Democrat Senator Jon Tester Supported by Brady PAC

AP Images Jon Tester Three-term Senator Jon Tester (D-Mont.) just tipped his hand, revealing to all Montanans his anti-gun agenda. The revelation could end his 18-year run as Montana’s only elected Democrat in the state.In 2016, Tester voted against a Democrat-sponsored proposal that would have required background checks for gun purchases at gun snows and online.He revealed his true colors...

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UN WHO Power Grab Partly Delayed, but Not Defeated

Despite early indications that the World Health Organization’s breath-taking power grab was facing set backs, the global outfit made major progress on usurping unprecedented powers even while vowing to redouble its efforts to finish the job, warns The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman on this episode of Behind The Deep State. First, many of the key amendments to the International Health...

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Jordan Peterson Tackles Trump Derangement Syndrome

AP Images It’s a fascinating phenomenon, people hating a man so thoroughly, so intensely, so irrationally. The wrath showered upon the 45th president is so anomalous and extreme, in fact, that it even has a name: Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). And it’s so befuddling that one of our time’s greatest psychologists has now weighed in on it.In a recent interview...

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Greens Suffer Major Losses in EU Elections

Dutchy/iStock/Getty Images Plus In what is being considered a condemnation of draconian EU climate policies, Green Parties across Europe suffered major defeats in the bloc of nations’ recent elections, which took place over the weekend. With results still trickling in, the far-left Greens/European Free Alliance are on track to win only 52 seats in the European Parliament, a loss of...

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Colorado Governor Signs Bill to Censor “Factually Inaccurate Data”

AP Images Jared Polis Colorado’s Democratic Governor Jared Polis signed a bill into law last week — SB 24-084 — that requires the Colorado attorney general to coordinate with the Colorado Department of Education to censor “factually inaccurate data,” as well as collaborate with organizations and community leaders to “facilitate productive and honest conversations.”Senate Bill 24-084 states: CONCERNING A REQUIREMENT...

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“International Court of Criminals” (ICC) Threatens Humanity, Warns Expert

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is a dangerous fraud that recognizes none of the protections for rights and due process that Western peoples fought to secure over many centuries, and is in fact a criminal operation, warns investigative journalist and author of books on the UN William Jasper in this interview with The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman....

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Anti-Liberty Conservatives Want More Theft

Ron Paul American Compass, a think tank promoting a conservatism lacking even a rhetorical commitment to free markets, recently called for Republicans to support tax increases. The organization claims a GOP embrace of higher taxes will enable the uniparty’s left (Democratic) and right (Republican) wings to create a deficit reduction plan balancing tax increase with spending cuts.American Compass is correct...

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Defending Gaza (Part I): Natural-law Principles vs. National-interest Statism

Ilana Mercer The individual’s natural right to life antedates the state apparatus.… Let us not commit the Sin of Abstraction — the sin of escaping into theory, and in so doing, avoiding reality — the reality of Israel’s real sins, real crimes, the crime of all crimes. When Americans reflect on history’s tragedies and travesties, they habitually extol the virtue...

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Former FBI Acting Director Says Agents Might Flee U.S. If Trump Wins

In this episode of Alex Newman’s The Sentinel Report, Newman is back in the saddle, breaking down huge news, including an update on the health front with the World Health Organization passing amendments to the International Health Regulations just in time for the bird flu “pandemic” to take place before the 2024 election. Also, Newman speaks with three interesting guests....

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Biden’s Housing Policies May Be Setting the Stage for Another Crash

G0d4ather/iStock/Getty Images Plus In the first several years of the 21st century, federal policies encouraging banks to grant mortgages to borrowers who couldn’t repay them, government purchases of mortgage-backed securities, and other housing-market interventions led to skyrocketing housing prices and record consumer debt, precipitating the 2008 crash.Yet the Biden administration, having learned nothing from this fiasco, has enacted similar policies...

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