MichaelSvoboda/iStock/Getty Images Plus NXXT Golf, a women’s professional golf organization, took the occasion of International Women’s Day to protect female golfers from unfair competition by banning transgender “women” from its ranks.“Effective immediately, competitors must be a biological female at birth to participate,” NXXT announced Friday. “This decision underscores the organization’s commitment to maintaining the integrity of women’s professional golf and...
Read moreDetailsAP Images Katie Britt As Donald Trump is now the presumptive nominee for president by the Republican Party, more focus is being placed on who will be — and who should be — his running mate.One of those who has been mentioned as a possibility is Senator Katie Britt of Alabama, a former congressional staffer who delivered the official Republican...
Read moreDetailsMatrix is everywhere it is all around us even now in this very room you can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television you can feel it when you go to work when you go to church when you pay your taxes it is the World that has been pulled over your...
Read moreDetailsExamine the success of any titan of industry, whether it be Carnegie and his mountains of steel, or Rockefeller and his sea of oil, and you will find a coveted green commodity fueling their industry ... Money. And in the late 1800s, one man controlled more of it than any other; John Pierpont Morgan. To understand the vast scope of...
Read moreDetailsAmid the Netanyahu government’s assault on Gaza and intensifying repression in the West Bank, AIPAC is showing zero tolerance for even the mildest criticism of Israel during the 2024 U.S. elections. Amidst global outcry over the ongoing assault on Gaza and the related humanitarian crisis it has wrought, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s super PAC is set to spend a staggering...
Read moreDetailsFelton Davis/Flickr Thwaites Glacier An absurd geoengineering project involving placing a 62-mile curtain in front of an Antarctic glacier to stop warm-water currents from melting it is being proposed by scientists. The scientists are looking for $50 billion from the 29 nations who are signatories to the Antarctic Treaty, signed in 1959. The United States is an original signatory to...
Read moreDetailsDouglas Rissing/iStock/Getty Images Plus The U.S. Senate voted 63-35 to advance $460 billion in spending bills to avoid a government shutdown before a midnight deadline. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) was one of 14 Republicans who voted in support of the measure.Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) also supported the bills, stating, “It would be irresponsible for us not to clear...
Read moreDetailsMarcus Lindstrom/iStock/Getty Images Plus More than 10 years ago already, former plug-in advocate and car designer Ozzie Zehner wrote his essay “Unclean at Any Speed,” in which he warned that electric vehicles (EVs) pollute more than gasoline-powered ones (those with internal combustion engines, or ICE). Now, with a resurfaced study backing up this assertion, a question is raised: Is the...
Read moreDetailsmariokeeneye/iStock/Getty Images Plus School district documents released by the parents’ rights group Parents Defending Education (PDE) show the district unconcerned about the rights of parents when dealing with so-called transgender children. While it’s not surprising that a school district would have such a policy, the location of the Weber School District — in red-state Utah on the eastern shore of...
Read moreDetailsAP Images Lara Trump The Republican National Committee (RNC) elected Michael Whatley as their new chair, and former President Donald Trump’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump as co-chair. The nominations were approved after unanimous votes for both Whatley and Trump. The new leadership comes less than two weeks after former chair Ronna McDaniel announced her resignation.The GOP congratulated Whatley and Trump, stating...
Read moreDetailsThank you this may be the most important speech i've ever made i want to provide an update on our ongoing efforts to expose the tremendous voter fraud and irregularities which took place during the ridiculously long november third elections we used to have what was called election day Now we have election days weeks and months and lots of...
Read moreDetailsHello america i'm mark levine and this is life liberty and levin and i'm glad you're with us fraud in an election what is fraud there's criminal fraud there's civil fraud what happens when a state abandons completely its constitution and the supreme court of that state conducts itself lawlessly is that fraud I want to talk to you about...
Read moreDetailsAP Images If a majority of Americans agree with some of the reactions to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, and stick to those opinions come November, he will be a one-term president. Come this time next year, he’ll be scaring ice cream back in Delaware.The leftist mainstream news media — Biden’s Information Ministry — thought it was...
Read moreDetailschoochart choochaikupt/iStock/Getty Images Plus Yet another “transgender woman” has been arrested for possessing child porn.This time, the suspect is one Krystel Lauzon, 39, of Quebec, Canada, and it’s his second arrest for the crime, Reduxx reported.Cops collared Lauzon, whose social media contains the grooming material typical of his kind, in January.In the United States in July, a former New Hampshire...
Read moreDetailsWorld business leaders are talking about a “great reset”. What is it? And what impact could it have on all of us? Welcome to America Uncovered. I’m Chris Chappell. Before we hit the great reset button, please hit the like and subscribe buttons. If you click the like button, it convinces YouTube to show this
Read moreDetailsOn July 25, 1943, Benito Mussolini, after being voted out of power by his own Grand Council, was called to a conference with King Vittorio Emanuele On July 25, 1943, Benito Mussolini, after being voted out of power by his own Grand Council, was called to a conference with King Vittorio Emanuele in the Villa Ada park at the special bunker known...
Read moreDetailsThe strength of a nation's currency is based on the strength of that nation's economy and the american economy is by far the strongest in the world accordingly i have directed the secretary of the treasury to take the action necessary to defend the dollar against the speculators i have directed secretary connelly to Suspend temporarily the convertibility of the...
Read moreDetailsAP Images Gaza According to Reuters, a senior Biden administration official stated President Joe Biden will announce plans for the U.S. military to build a temporary port in Gaza for the delivery of humanitarian aid. An Israeli official who spoke with Reuters stated Israel “fully supports the deployment of a temporary dock.”More than 300,000 Palestinians are on the brink of...
Read moreDetailsPanlrob Samsuwan/iStock/Getty Images Plus In the run-up to and during the Rwandan genocide in 1994, Hutu extremists on radio would call the targeted group, the Tutsis, “cockroaches.” This makes it even more notable that, it has emerged, a Biden administration media official posted derogatory remarks about whites on the internet — this included calling them “snow roaches.”Per Fox News: X...
Read moreDetailsRapidEye/iStock/Getty Images Plus In the latest installment of Your Tax Dollars at Work, Americans have learned that they coughed up more than $200,000 to help “trans women” — men who either pretend to be or falsely believe they are women — learn to speak with a feminine voice.The National Institutes for Health delivered the grant to the University of Cincinnati...
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