Be Prepared!

Be prepared for an economic collapse, global disaster or pandemic means having on hand essential items you'll need to get you through until things begin to normalize. This is similar to preparing for a hurricane but on a larger scale. The value or price of something is always determined by the supply vs. demand. In an economic collapse, the supply of many items will be greatly reduced which in turn will increase the price. ... So the demand for those items will increase as they become harder to get during a collapse. You should be prepared by stockpiling necessities. Build some bug out bags and items for getting to a safer location away from others without preparedness. Be able to grow your own food. Be able to create your own electricity. Keep cash or metals for abrtering on hand. Stock up on items you can barter. Get Out of Debt.

Empire of Shadows: True Story of the Richest Family in History

Across centuries, the House of Roths.child have wielded unprecedented dominance, blending familial solidarity and relentless profit-seeking. From modest roots, they rise to influence international finance, wars, and politics, and become the most formidable banking dynasty of their age. The Roths.child Banking Dynasty has an unlikely origin, An 18th century ghetto in Frankfurt, Germany. Like many of his time, Mayer Amshill...

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Hitler and the Lords of Evil: The Rise, Betrayal, and Downfall of Hitler’s Inner Circle

When Hitler triumphed in the summer of 1940, Acclaimed by the Germans. His people take him for an infallible genius, Endowed with extraordinary intelligence. Only it's a picture created from scratch. The myth of Hitler who is sold to the Germans, It's the Führer who knows everything, who works day and night, Of which light in the office never turns...

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Top 100 Preps to Buy at THE HOME DEPOT

In this video so without further ado let's start going through the list now let's start off First with building materials i recommend picking up several plywood sheets in a previous solar power bank It'll take less power to keep that one going compared to your larger primary refrigerator now let's go through some various hardware a good prep to...

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Chinese Strategists Admit TikTok Part of Psychological War Against America

atakan/iStock/Getty Images Plus The evidence is more than clear that Beijing is conducting psychological operations against the American people by means of some of the most popular social media apps. China doesn’t even deny it — and Biden is doing nothing about it. Harrowing research conducted by author Peter Schweizer and compiled in his new book, Blood Money: Why the...

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