Read moreDetailsAcross centuries, the House of Roths.child have wielded unprecedented dominance, blending familial solidarity and relentless profit-seeking. From modest roots, they rise to influence international finance, wars, and politics, and become the most formidable banking dynasty of their age. The Roths.child Banking Dynasty has an unlikely origin, An 18th century ghetto in Frankfurt, Germany. Like many of his time, Mayer Amshill...
Read moreDetailsIt's a cold evening out here in the 505 so i'm going to show you a little experiment or a trick that i'm i've seen over the channels and um just how to heat your house very inexpensively with no electricity so this method is very inexpensive and um they use this method in the Tundra there's not a lot...
Read moreDetailsIn the year 1858, the French novelist Gustave Flaubert arrived in North Africa hoping to find inspiration for his latest book. Flaubert was a seasoned traveler, and a decade or so earlier had embarked on a grand tour of Cairo, Constantinople, Greece, and Italy. But the writer, who now departed on this New set of travels, was like a different...
Read moreDetailsWhen Hitler triumphed in the summer of 1940, Acclaimed by the Germans. His people take him for an infallible genius, Endowed with extraordinary intelligence. Only it's a picture created from scratch. The myth of Hitler who is sold to the Germans, It's the Führer who knows everything, who works day and night, Of which light in the office never turns...
Read moreDetailsIn this video so without further ado let's start going through the list now let's start off First with building materials i recommend picking up several plywood sheets in a previous solar power bank It'll take less power to keep that one going compared to your larger primary refrigerator now let's go through some various hardware a good prep to...
Read moreDetailsCentral banks have been buying more gold and silver over the past three years than any time in history. It’s obvious why, but the excuses they’re putting forth are simply smokescreens. They say they want to diversify. They say they want to hedge against the economic downturn that’s being felt across western society. They say they expect markets to crash...
Read moreDetailsHey youtube this is city prepping in this video is we'll go through these 10 c's and the reason we're doing this is because if you're Doing a bug out bag or an edc a get home bag whatever bag you you want to create having these 10 seats as a foundation gives you a good solid layer to build...
Read moreDetailsFor as far as the eye can see there are endless food lines that stretch into the horizon from afar you can be forgiven for thinking this was a large water stream but no this stream is filled with human faces hungry human faces a small talk with him will reveal the Same issues spiraling unemployment out of control inflation...
Read moreDetailsTwo days before his crucifixion Jesus Christ LED his disciples through the streets of Jerusalem toward one of the ancient world's most magnificent buildings the Jewish temple reconstructed by the King Herod the Great Here surrounded by walls of marble and gold 15 stories high the disciples spoke excitedly about the Splendor of Israel's most sacred structure Look teacher what...
Read moreDetailsWelcome back everybody today i'm going to show you an incredibly easy way to make a heater light source out of crisco you guys saw what happened to texas last year during the winter that was crazy i want to show you an incredibly easy way You can just go to walmart you can go to any store pick this...
Read moreDetailsAll right today's the day high of 25 low of 17 and i'm thinking it's time that we do something that you guys have wanted for a long time we're gonna build a teepee in the woods let's get to it all right here we go new year new jacket Now before we get too far down the trail and...
Read moreDetailsThis video was brought to you by brilliant for most of modern history the US dollar has been the world's Reserve currency and as such the dollar makes up the majority of international reserves most international trade is denominated in dollars and everyone just wants dollars in times of crisis However in the last couple of weeks or so there...
Read moreDetailsThe man known to history as Robert Oppenheimer was born on the 22nd of April 1904 as Julius Robert Oppenheimer in New York City. He quickly became known primarily by his middle name and is typically referred to today as Robert Oppenheimer or J. Robert Oppenheimer. Robert was born into an affluent Jewish family in New York City. His father...
Read moreDetailsThis is how the American Empire will collapse I know many of you watching this hats and whatnot and they've got this skull and crossbones with a sign on their sale that even says scary so you know it's legit so anyway they came down through the sea maybe it was the Adriatic I think and they pretty much wiped...
Read moreDetailsHey everybody rob greenfield here and today i'm going to talk to you about the survival garden what i mean by that is a garden where you don't have to go to the grocery stores or other restaurants and you can live off of this it can produce your calories it can produce your Nutrients and at the very least...
Read moreDetailsatakan/iStock/Getty Images Plus The evidence is more than clear that Beijing is conducting psychological operations against the American people by means of some of the most popular social media apps. China doesn’t even deny it — and Biden is doing nothing about it. Harrowing research conducted by author Peter Schweizer and compiled in his new book, Blood Money: Why the...
Read moreDetailsIf you want to know how extreme is the social decline that is spreading all over the United States all you need to do is walk the streets of our bigger cities you don't even have to go to the bad areas to see the absurdities that are eating away our communities and Destroying them from within as we will...
Read moreDetailsHome prices are starting to fall buyers haven't been this pessimistic in a decade the housing recession will probably end up being more severe what's up Graham it's guys here so as much as we joke about how Millennials are patiently waiting for the real estate market to collapse to be Able to buy their first two-bedroom in Phoenix for...
Read moreDetailsYou're okay dude you've got a ricochet in your head where where's your helmet dude you didn't wear it because you've never trained in it you got a headache and you took it off Hummus has come a long way and more and more people are starting to wear them but you know what i see a lot more people...
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