Starts right now and welcome to the factor on centered since I can remember I've been obsessed with the end of the world happens when you come from a family or parents who believe in those final days its apocalypse for so that's why this topic in treat me so much a report on Fox News in before you throw...
Read moreDetailsAs you see how our government has changed um and changed dramatically and the way things are moving in um oh well all over the world um it is important now more than ever that you get the truth um there is a fight for the truth and i'll go into this a Little bit later on the program uh...
Read moreDetailsThe only constant... is change. That's true about life. And it's true about the climate. The climate has been constantly changing since the earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago. For example, in just the past 2000 years, we have seen the Roman Warm Period, When it was warmer than today...Then came the cooler Dark Ages... Followed by the Medieval...
Read moreDetailsI’m an atmospheric physicist. I’ve published more than 200 scientific papers. For 30 years I taught at MIT, during which time the climate has changed remarkably little. But the cry of “global warming” has grown ever more shrill. In fact, it seems that the less the Climate changes, the louder the voices of the climate alarmists get. So, let’s clear...
Read moreDetails“97 percent of climate scientists agree that climate change is real.” How many times have you heard that statement? Probably hundreds. It may seem like a compelling and scientific argument against fossil fuels, but it’s one of the most illogical, unscientific arguments you can make. To see how, let’s use this form of argument For another controversial product, vaccines. An...
Read moreDetailsToday's guest is the podfather the original podcaster um his podcast the daily source code aired in 2004 and as you will hear changed the world as we know it the tagline for the first ever podcast where was where developers and users party together shortly after he was name dropped by Steve Jobs then in 2007 shortly after the...
Read moreDetailsYou've heard the news 97% of scientists agree climate change is getting worse carbon could cost us the planet just look out the window look out the window cuz it's a hot day and her tiny piece of the world how shallow is that and what does it mean when we hear debate is settled 97% 97% 97% of scientists...
Read moreDetailsHave you heard? Certain politicians don’t believe in science! Republicans are showing themselves to be anti-science. Once again, the Republican party looks like it's the anti-science party. The media say there’s a conservative war on science. But is that true? The real war on science is the one from the left. For 25 years, John Tierney has written about science...
Read moreDetailsDespite official efforts in the Sunshine State to rein in the woke extremism that has infected American academia, the “student government” at the University of Florida just approved a sweeping set of “Green New Deal” measures to save the planet. If approved, the war against prosperity and freedom under the guise of stopping the gas of life would further consume...
Read moreDetailsForeign of a sex crime or violence which I think most people don't really understand yeah and they can look it up yeah I mean but you're not actually accused of rape correct selling anyone correct pimping correct okay um that right there raises a lot of questions yeah and and this is the thing That's so interesting because I'm...
Read moreDetailsAt its height, the Roman Empire was home to about 30% of the world’s population, and in many ways it was the pinnacle of human advancement. Its citizens enjoyed the benefits of central heating, concrete, double glazing, banking, international trade, and upward social mobility. Rome became the first city in History with one million inhabitants and was a center of...
Read moreDetailsForeign ladies and gentlemen my name is David Thoreau and I had the privilege of being the president of the independent Institute I'm delighted to welcome you to our program this evening as many of you may know the independent Institute holds programs like this debates lectures and other presentations which We call the independent policy forum and tonight we're...
Read moreDetails‘Climate activism has become the new religion of the 21st century—heretics are not welcome and not allowed to ask questions,’ said astrophysicist Willie Soon. Temperature records used by climate scientists and governments to build models that then forecast dangerous manmade global warming repercussions have serious problems and even corruption in the data, multiple scientists who have published recent studies on...
Read moreDetailsAP Images New York Appeals Court Judge Anil Singh ruled today that former President Donald Trump must pay the full bond amount for the $454 million judgment imposed by New York Judge Arthur Engoron. Singh’s ruling today forces Trump to post the full bond amount in order to prevent seizure of his assets while he appeals the judgment against him....
Read moreDetailsDon’t let the alarmist sound of this column’s title put you off. It is not a “conspiracy theory.” This column is a factual report as you will see if you read on. Everyone needs to understand that the ruling elite in the US are implementing a decision to redefine democracy in a way that eliminates democracy, makes Congress superfluous, voting pointless,...
Read moreDetailsMicroStockHub/iStock/Getty Images Plus The EU has agreed to its 13th package of sanctions against Russia, the EU’s Belgian presidency announced on February 21 on X (formerly Twitter). The package will be formally approved in time for the second anniversary of the start of the Russian military operation in Ukraine on February 24. Brussels has imposed 12 rounds of restrictions on...
Read moreDetailspiola666/iStock/Getty Images Plus Scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Massachusetts are planning an experiment in which they will dump approximately 6,000 gallons of sodium hydroxide — a common ingredient in soaps, cleansers, and chemical pipe cleaners — into the waters off of Martha’s Vineyard. The experiment is a part of WHOI’s LOC-NESS project, which seeks to ascertain...
Read moreDetailsNational Archives Cased U.S. Constitution at the National Archives On Wednesday, two protesters, apparently upset with U.S. climate policy, dumped pink powder on the case at the Rotunda for the Charters of Freedom that contains an original copy of the United States Constitution. The two men were allowed to give a brief statement regarding their action to the gallery prior...
Read moreDetailsselensergen/iStock/Getty Images Plus A Washington, D.C., jury has awarded $1 million to the plaintiff in a defamation case that has rocked the climate-change world. Controversial climate scientist Michael Mann sued two conservative writers 12 years ago. They had drawn parallels between his claims of catastrophic global warming and a convicted child molester. At the time, Mann was professor of atmospheric...
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